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One factor contributing to human error is fatigue.

what is fatigue.
 Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or
weakness and can be physical, mental or a
combination of both. A person experiencing
fatigue may lose speed, strength, coordination,
balance, and could affect their decision-making
capabilities. As I have researched, there are
numerous potential causes of fatigue. It includes
lack of sleep, lack of exercise, stress, and working
too much.

State the factor to be considered when assessing


•Available time
•Urgency and Importance
•Perceived difficulty of task

Discuss the potential effects if high and low

 High workloads cause mental and physical stress,
leading to poor performance and decreases
productivity. Employees who work long hours are
more likely to develop joint pain, weight loss, and
tiredness. A heavy workload also affects their
mood and behavior, causing poor mental focus,
decreased motivation, and difficulty concentrating
on the tasks at hand. Low workload has also
disadvantaged especially to the seafarers who are
working onboard. The low workload is close to
having little or nothing to do. When this happens,
boredom will likely strike the crew and make them
feel homesick and lonely. Also, the crew tends to
lose interest in the job.

Identify the actions in order to minimize high



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