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Questions from ‘Ford 2000’ case study

(a) Describe the changes in structure that Ford expects from the Ford 2000.


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‘Ford 2000’ idea was to move from a multi domestic organization to a global standard

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organization. To aid its worldwide method, Ford is efficaciously transferring from its very
hierarchical functional structure to two forms of structures: a project structure for product

improvement and a matrix structure for the manufacturing, income, supply management.
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(b) How do you explain the continuing problem that employees are having with
adapting to the new structure of Ford 2000?

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Assigning personnel from different capabilities to the project, their know-how may end up dated in
view that they are now not within their useful devices wherein they are much more likely to
preserve abreast of adjustments inside the information that underpins their capabilities.
Many employees may have two bosses whose goals and self-pastimes maybe massively exceptional.
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Below are few questions that arose in minds of the employees:

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Which of those two bosses might the worker fulfill? How fast do the employees select up the T-
competencies that they want to function in those new capacities? What new reward systems inspire
the building of T-competencies which might be now important to fundamental sports? How does

one only measure the overall performance of a worker in a matrix business enterprise who has to

fulfill bosses and make a contribution to each challenge and useful activities?

Such problems were few of the problems that employees faced in ‘Ford 2000’.

(c) Is a matrix structure the proper structure for Ford 2000?


A matrix structure has its advantages and disadvantages:

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Better skill upgradability

Sharing of expertise

Disadvantage: Not knowing who is responsible for performance evaluation. Is he/she

sharing the same value that company’s has?

In a long period can play out in favor of Ford 2000 strategy.

(d) Does frequent changing of Organization Structure impact Organizational

‘Organizations have been described as clockworks, but they often seem like snake pits’.
So, a structured organization is always seemed to be heading towards a successful path.

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For an organization to work as a structured or clockworks, it takes time and effort.
Redoing organization structure frequently is time and effort consuming, and may not

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yield the expected results. Hence it is not good for an organization to undergo frequent
structural changes.

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One case study from HR – SEWA

(a) What are the unique features of SEWA?

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SEWA is an unstructured organization. It works independently as it doesn’t rely much on

external factors. Its members are its own customers. I.e. the organization thrives when
its members/customers are benefitted.
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(b) Discuss the worker oriented development approach of SEWA affecting the


SEWA invests in its employees for it to become successful. By creating and providing
easy platform for knowledge sharing, more people become aware of the processes and
indulge in betterment of the organization. By creating a mesh of interrelated and

independent workforce, the organization has become a better place to work for.

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(C) Can you suggest ways in which private corporate organisations can also be
involved in developing management programmes along with SEWA for the
upliftment of the rural people?


Private corporate organizations can create a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

branch and create programs which create awareness for the working class and for daily

This way they can invest in tomorrow’s workforce and create a win-win situation for
themselves and inadvertently for the uplifting of the rural people.


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1. Describe three level of organization and discuss ethical behavior of formal and

informal organization with examples?

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The three levels of management typically found in an organization are low-level

management, middle-level management, and top-level management.
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 Top-level managers are in charge of controlling and supervising the whole organization.
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 Middle level managers are in charge of executing authoritative plans which agree to the
organization's strategies. These directors demonstration at a go between top-level
administration and low-level administration..

 Low-level managers center on controlling and coordinating. They fill in as good

examples for the workers they regulate.
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Characteristics features of formal organization

Formal organization structure is set somewhere near the top administration to

accomplish authoritative objectives.
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Formal organization endorses the connections among the individuals working in the

The organization structures is intentionally intended to empower the individuals of the


organization to cooperate for achieving the basic destinations of the undertaking


Organization structure focuses on the occupations to be performed and not the people
who are to perform employments.

In a formal organization, people are fitted into occupations and positions and work
according to the administrative choices. In this way, the formal relations in the
organization emerge from the example of duties that are made by the administration.

A formal organization is bound by principles, guidelines and strategies.

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In a formal organization, the position, specialist, duty and responsibility of each level are
obviously characterized.

Organization structure depends on division of work and specialization to accomplish

productivity in tasks.

A formal organization is purposely indifferent. The organization does not contemplate the
suppositions of hierarchical individuals.

The specialist and duty connections made by the organization structure are to be
regarded by everybody.

In a formal organization, coordination continues as per the endorsed example.

Characteristics features of Informal organization

Informal organization isn't built up by any formal specialist. It is impromptu and emerges

Informal organization reflects human connections. It emerges from the individual and

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social relations among the individuals working in the organization.

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Arrangement of Informal organization is a characteristic procedure. It did not depend on
guidelines, guidelines and methodology.

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The between relations among the individuals in a Informal organization can't be
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appeared in an organization diagram.

On account of Informal organization, the individuals cut crosswise over formal channels

of interchanges and convey among themselves.

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The participation of Informal organization is deliberate. It emerges immediately and not

by intentional or cognizant endeavors.

Participation of Informal gatherings can be covering as an individual might be individual

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from various Informal gatherings.

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Informal organization depend on normal taste, issue, language, religion, culture, and so
forth it is impacted by the individual frames of mind, feelings, impulses, different
preferences and so on. of the individuals in the organization.

2. Explain the Process of Communication and its significance in an organization.

Types of Communication

1. Formal Communication
Formal interchanges are the one which moves through the official directs structured in
the hierarchical diagram. It might occur between a predominant and a subordinate, a
subordinate and an unrivaled or among a similar unit representatives or administrators.
These correspondences can be oral or recorded as a hard copy and are commonly
recorded and documented in the workplace.

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Formal correspondence might be additionally named Vertical correspondence and
Horizontal correspondence.

Vertical Communication

Vertical Communications as the name recommends streams vertically upwards or

downwards through formal channels. Upward correspondence alludes to the progression
of correspondence from a subordinate to an unrivaled though descending
correspondence streams from a better than a subordinate.

Application for award of leave, accommodation of an advancement report, demand for

advances and so forth are a portion of the instances of upward correspondence.
Sending notification to representatives to go to a gathering, appointing work to the
subordinates, advising them about the organization strategies, and so forth are a few
instances of descending correspondence.

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Flat Communication

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Flat or horizontal correspondence happens between one division and another. For
instance, a generation director may contact the fund supervisor to examine the

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conveyance of crude material or its buy.
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2. Informal Communication
Any correspondence that happens without following the formal channels of
correspondence is said to be casual correspondence. The Informal correspondence is

regularly alluded to as the 'grapevine' as it spreads all through the association and every
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which way with no respect to the degrees of power.

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The casual correspondence spreads quickly, regularly gets mutilated and it is extremely
hard to distinguish the wellspring of such correspondence. It additionally prompts bits of
gossip which are not valid. Individuals' conduct is frequently influenced by the bits of
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gossip and casual talks which now and then may hamper the workplace.
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Be that as it may, now and again these channels might be useful as they convey data
quickly and, in this way, might be valuable to the administrator on occasion. Casual

channels are additionally utilized by the administrators to transmit data so as to know the
responses of his/her subordinates.

Significance of Communication

1. The Basis of Co-ordination

The director discloses to the representatives the hierarchical objectives, methods of their
accomplishment and furthermore the relational connections among them. This gives
coordination between different workers and furthermore divisions. In this manner,
correspondences go about as a reason for coordination in the association.

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2. Fluent Working
An administrator facilitates the human and physical components of an association to run
it easily and proficiently. This coordination is beyond the realm of imagination without
legitimate correspondence.

3. The Basis of Decision Making

Appropriate correspondence gives data to the supervisor that is valuable for basic
leadership. No choices could be taken without data. In this manner, correspondence is
the reason for taking the correct choices.

4. Increases Managerial Efficiency

The chief passes on the objectives and issues directions and designates occupations to
the subordinates. These angles include correspondence. Subsequently, correspondence
is basic for the brisk and viable exhibition of the supervisors and the whole association.

5. Increases Cooperation and Organizational Peace

The two-way correspondence procedure advances co-activity and shared

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comprehension among the laborers and furthermore among them and the

administration. This prompts less contact and therefore prompts mechanical harmony in

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the processing plant and effective tasks.

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6. Boosts Morale of the Employees
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Great correspondence causes the laborers to acclimate to the physical and social part of
work. It likewise improves great human relations in the business. A proficient
arrangement of correspondence empowers the administration to rouse impact and fulfill

the subordinates which thusly supports their assurance and keeps them propelled.
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3. Identify steps in decision making process in an organization and explain with

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Steps of the Decision Making Process

The following are the seven key steps of the decision making process.

• Identify the decision. The initial phase in settling on the correct choice is perceiving the

issue or opportunity and choosing to address it. Decide why this choice will have any kind of
effect to your clients or individual workers.

• Gather information. Next, it's a great opportunity to accumulate data with the goal that

you can settle on a choice dependent on certainties and information. This requires making a
worth judgment, figuring out what data is significant to the current choice, alongside how you
can get it. Ask yourself what you have to know so as to settle on the correct choice, at that
point effectively search out any individual who should be included.

• Identify alternatives. When you have a reasonable comprehension of the issue, it's a
great opportunity to recognize the different arrangements available to you. All things

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considered, you have various alternatives with regards to settling on your choice, so it is
critical to concoct a scope of choices. This causes you figure out which strategy is the most
ideal approach to accomplish your target.

• Weigh the evidence. In this progression, you'll have to "assess for achievability,
adequacy and attractive quality" to realize which option is ideal, as indicated by the board
specialists Phil Higson and Anthony Sturgess. Administrators should most likely gauge
upsides and downsides, at that point select the choice that has the most astounding odds of
achievement. It might be useful to search out a confided in second feeling to pick up another
viewpoint on the current issue.

• Choose among alternatives. At the point when it's a great opportunity to settle on your
choice, make certain that you comprehend the dangers engaged with your picked course.
You may likewise pick a mix of options since you completely handle all important data and
potential dangers.

• Take action. Next, you'll have to make an arrangement for usage. This includes
distinguishing what assets are required and picking up help from representatives and
partners. Getting others locally available with your choice is a key segment of executing

your arrangement viably, so be set up to address any inquiries or worries that may emerge.

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• Review your decision. A regularly neglected however significant advance in the basic

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leadership procedure is assessing your choice for viability. Ask yourself what you
progressed nicely and what can be improved next time.

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4. Distinguish between Attitude and Aptitude and how will you explain this with
reference to organization?
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An attitude is a segment of a competency to complete a specific sort of work at a specific

level, which can likewise be considered "ability". Aptitudes might be physical or mental.
Fitness isn't information, understanding, learned or obtained capacities (abilities) or attitude.

The intrinsic idea of fitness is rather than accomplishment, which speaks to information or
capacity that is picked up.

While attitude is sure/adverse/detached attitude towards an individual, article, occasion or

thought; fitness is a competency to do particular sort of work. Both attitude and attitude can
be sustained.

While attitude is related with character or ideals; fitness is related with ability.

While attitude supports the character, temperance and virtues; fitness decides whether the
individual would create wanted aptitudes to complete an errand.

While attitude is just mental; fitness is both mental and physical.

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5. Define motivation? Explain motivation with either Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory or
Herzbergs Two Factor Theory?
Motivation is the process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior. It is the process
of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals.
Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation tries to get to the root of motivation in the workplace. You
can leverage this theory to help you get the best performance from your team.

The two factors identified by Herzberg are motivators and hygiene factors.

1. Motivating Factors
The presence of motivators causes employees to work harder. They are found within the
actual job itself.
Motivating factors include:
 Achievement: A job must give an employee a sense of achievement. This will provide a
proud feeling of having done something difficult but worthwhile.
 Recognition: A job must provide an employee with praise and recognition of their
successes. This recognition should come from both their superiors and their peers.

 The work itself: The job itself must be interesting, varied, and provide enough of a

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challenge to keep employees motivated.

 Responsibility: Employees should “own” their work. They should hold themselves

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responsible for this completion and not feel as though they are being micromanaged.
 Advancement: Promotion opportunities should exist for the employee.

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 Growth: The job should give employees the opportunity to learn new skills. This can
happen either on the job or through more formal training.
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2. Hygiene Factors
The absence of hygiene factors will cause employees to work less hard. Hygiene factors are

not present in the actual job itself but surround the job.
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Hygiene factors include:

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 Company policies: These should be fair and clear to every employee. They must also
be equivalent to those of competitors.
 Supervision: Supervision must be fair and appropriate. The employee should be given
as much autonomy as is reasonable.
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 Relationships: There should be no tolerance for bullying or cliques. A healthy, amiable,

and appropriate relationship should exist between peers, superiors, and subordinates.
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 Work conditions: Equipment and the working environment should be safe, fit for
purpose, and hygienic.
 Salary: The pay structure should be fair and reasonable. It should also be competitive

with other organizations in the same industry.

 Status: The organization should maintain the status of all employees within the

organization. Performing meaningful work can provide a sense of status.

 Security: It is important that employees feel that their job is secure and they are not
under the constant threat of being laid-off.

6. Define conflict and negotiation in organization and Explain the nature of conflicts
in organizations?

Conflict and negotiation are aspects of running a business. Business owners face conflict
with partners, managers, employees and the general public. Negotiation is often necessary

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to create an amicable solution for all parties involved in the conflict. Many small or home-
based businesses avoid internal conflict and negotiation because owners are primarily
responsible for completing business functions. However, external conflict and negotiation
occur for most companies in the business environment.

Conflict often occurs when individuals have different ideas, beliefs or theories regarding
business operations. Business owners may also find conflict when bargaining with
individuals or other businesses. Acquiring economic resources or other business assets
often involves bargaining. Negotiation is the process of discussing each individual’s position
about a topic and attempting to reach a solution that benefits both parties. Conflict and
negotiation are usually more prevalent in larger business organizations since more
individuals are involved in the company’s operations.

Summary and Implications for Managers

Conflict can be either constructive or destructive to the functioning of a group.

An optimal level of conflict:
 prevents stagnation
 stimulates creativity

 releases tension

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 and initiates the seeds for change

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Inadequate or excessive levels of conflict can hinder group effectiveness.
 Don’t assume there's one conflict-handling intention that is always best.

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 Use competition when quick, decisive action is vital
 Use collaboration to find an integrative solution
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 Use avoidance when an issue is trivial
 Use accommodation when you find you’re wrong
 Use compromise when goals are important

 Negotiation is an ongoing activity in groups

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Ashish Singhal
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