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FARM LAWS____________________________________

Before independence in 1947, the farmers are exploited by money lenders.

Then to protect them from such activities of money lenders government of India
introduces various regulations. Similarly in 2003 there was Agriculture Produce
Market Committee (APMC) introduced to provide farmers a platform for selling
their farm produce to traders at government authorized Mandis at various
locations in state.
Agriculture is a state matter, therefore state government is the most benefitted
through these mandis by collecting taxes. By here also middleman (example:
traders) start exploiting farmers by finding loop holes in the system. For example
if a farmer is selling his farm produce at 10rs. per kg to mandi dealers. Traders
then buy them from mandis and then pass to distributers and so on. During this
process due to inflation price increased to 20 to 30rs. per kg for the same farm
produce. And these traders start controlling market rate of various items by
hoarding. Therefore government of India introduced three farm bills which are
filling up all these loop holes of old APMC. Earlier in 2003 when APMC was
introduced, it was good but for current scenario it if not good for farmers.
Second thing is about Minimum support price (MSP) of various crops. There are
only 22 crops which comes under MSP, according to a committee report only 6%
of farmers are benefitted from MSP and 81% of farmers are unaware of MSP. This
shows concern of MSP is not a big issue for farmers. What matters is why MSP is
low for defined crops, it should be increased.
New farm bills are trying to eliminate middle men from the system who are
exploiting the farmers of our country. It allows farmers to increase their area for
selling their crops and to any private company in the market. These farm bills
allow farmers to sign a transparent contract with private company where the
interest of farmers is protected.
So overall these three bill are good to consumers because it prevent the
increment in the price of different crops. But if we talk about farmers, they are
less benefitted from these three bills because then minimum price of the crops is
not going to increase.

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