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It was the sale   my first car that gave me enough money to go travelling
for the first time.

2. I can't ask for help from anyone in my family. You know what they're  .

3. Available flavours include   only the usual strawberry and chocolate, but
also peach.

4. A collision   two satellites has filled the sky with debris.

5. Jane has so many cats,   only those she has rescued, but ones that friends
have given her.

6. The reason they are called daily requirements is that we need to consume an
amount of them   day.

7. "Tess Of The D'Urbervilles" is probably the novel for   Thomas Hardy is best

8. A hippopotamus can be just   dangerous as a lion.

1. There are several very interesting ingredients we can add to this cake.   of
them is nutmeg and another is vanilla.

2. We discussed who would give money for the gift for about ten minutes
and   the end, Cyril just grabbed the bill and paid.

3.   from yourself, do you know anyone else who'd be willing to volunteer?

4. Brunei, a tiny   very wealthy state, lies in Asia.

5. My mother warned my brother that dinner would be at 6pm and   this, he

was eating doughnuts half an hour before!

6. It looks   though the new employee is going to be late on his first day.

7.   the work you do for the government, what else do you do for a living?
8. We loved the house, but couldn't contact the agent and that's   is the most
frustrating thing.

1. It's something of a mystery how ancient bridge builders succeeded 

spanning this wide river.

2. Are you sure you want to go on holiday to that part of the world, considering all
the problems   are right now?

3. Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system,   from our own.

4. The city of Istanbul in Turkey was known   Constantinople until the early
20th century.

5. In   to a company car and large annual bonuses, we are also offering help
in finding a new house.

6. The difficulty with   he managed to speak showed how upset he was.

7. I love Lebanese food but what's the country itself  ? Tell me about the
weather, for example.

8.   deep is that river? Do you think we'll need a boat to cross it?

1. Job losses at this factory were all   to the fact that the economy did so
badly last year.

2. Football, or soccer   it's generally known in the US, can truly be called a
global sport.

3. These are rubies and these ones are sapphires.   stones as these are very

4. I can't believe the ease with   he convinced her to go!

5. Looking at these figures, it should   obvious that the company isn't doing
6. The high tackle in rugby is a serious offence for   the player is usually

7. She continued dancing on the table, seemingly unaware or uncaring about what
she looked  .

8. Many animals, foxes and wolves   them, hunt at night and therefore have
good vision.

1. The first night's talk will touch on topics   as ornithology and global

2. You're   from perfect, Jon. Only last year, you lost those files, remember?

3. The lack of authority from higher levels in the company is   of the problems
the review will look into.

4. I used to understand how to work this phone but I no   do! Can you help

5. I went to bed very late and slept terribly,   the result that I feel awful

6.   your poor record of turning up on time, we want to extend your contract
because we like your work.

7. An increase in tourism   17% helped the country recover from recession.

8. Jenkins is   more a marketing expert than my grandfather. He's a fraud!

1. What this soldier did was   and beyond his expected duties. He'll be
awarded a medal.

2. We've had   distinguished guests as Roosevelt and Churchill dining here.

3.   of the main reasons we are getting out of the Australian market is due to
tougher government regulations.
4. Despite forty people losing their jobs, the company merger was a success
in   other way.

5. We offer free delivery on all products and, in  , five years of guarantee.

6. "What do you need in   to complete your work in time?"

7. Look at this sequence   numbers and tell me what the next one is.

8. If you succeed   increasing your sales by at least 10% this year, you'll get a

1. In response to the question, Mary said that as   as she knew, the house was

2. I knew there were rabbits in the park, but I've never seen that   of them
here before.

3. I need the name of the person   car is parked right in front of mine. He's
completely blocking me!

4. Go down to the building site quickly. There appears to   been a bad

5. We've now discovered you were the person who broke the door and in
that  , we cannot be held responsible.

6. This is a great book,   only for those that are geology experts, but also for
keen amateurs like myself.

7. I don't like   type of spice, but pepper in particular, I can't stand.

8. I've read   single book you can see in this room. I think I read three books
a week.

1. An argument started in the boardroom when one man was asked what he
objected   about the new plan.
2.   of the reasons for the high absentee rate was an outbreak of flu.

3. The security system works   taking a photo of every employee as they enter
the building.

4. With everything provided here in the hotel,   is no need for any tourists to
even leave and visit the town.

5. I'd love to indulge   a bit of hill walking this summer. Where do you want to

6.   being a high quality restaurant, it's also cheap, which is why we come
back again and again.

7. There are no clean shirts at   in your wardrobe. What are you going to

8. The woman got very angry and shouted at her son that he had to go to
school,   or not he wanted to!

1. Margaret was very upset after the dinner last night and that was all   to
your rudeness.

2. You will get full insurance for this holiday,   you pay now or at the time of

3. It wasn't me who said the director had quit, that was the story   to Mark,
who knows him very well.

4. Carlton's face froze. "It   already be too late," he said and he looked away.

5. The mining industry may   spoiling the beautiful coastal landscape in this

6. Tehran and Baghdad, found in Iran and Iraq respectively, are   the oldest
cities in the world.
7. Laurence Olivier, or Larry   he was affectionately called, is considered one
of the best ever actors.

8. The Prime Minister said he didn't want longer prison sentences but he
objected   prisoners being released too early.

1. I couldn't tell you the exact distance to Manchester, but it's well   ten miles.

2.   time I see you, you've got a big smile on your face and look so happy.

3. My boss is just   likely to get to the office at midday as nine o'clock.

4.   having more trees than Moor Park, Wilson Park is also much larger.

5. The climbers made such an effort to reach the summit,   to find the pub on
the summit was already closed.

6. I don't understand   that bird manages to carry so much food in its mouth.
It's amazing!

7. I didn't understand the physics lecture at  . What am I going to do for the

8. The politician resigned following a series   disasters which led to his

reputation being destroyed.

1.   to your mother, the party has been cancelled because the catering
company went bankrupt.

2. Jenny has   or no aptitude for marketing. We need to move her to another

3. I'm very hungry. On the   hand, I just want to get home.

4. Tell me about your childhood again, Margaret. I want to indulge   some old
fashioned nostalgia!

5. Do   of you in this room know a Mr. Dobson?

6. This tiny little island was discovered,   many were in the 18th century, by
the British navy.

7. The people   I really admire are those that have built something successful
by themselves.

8. I asked in the bookshop about 'Falconry Monthly' magazine and they told me
it's   longer available.

1. As   as seventy workers will be made redundant in a company merger.

2. The cake collapsed because the heat in the oven wasn't consistent. In 
words, someone opened the door!

3.   order to find you on our customer database, you'll have to tell me your full
name and date of birth.

4. I'm always on   lookout for bargain antiques to add to my collection.

5. Why are you eating in here on your  ? Is everyone else working?

6. There are some things I don't like about the new logo, but on the  , it's fine.

7. The security system was shown to be   from foolproof when the boss's nine-
year-old son guessed the password.

8. He hasn't answered one of our questions truthfully so   bother?

1. Martha was involved in a collision   a truck.

2. This house is such a mess?   bother tidying up when it's just the same two
days later?

3. The fridge wasn't working well and when I smelled the milk, it had
obviously   off.

4. Do you know if it's   the law to have your dog off the lead in this park?
5. The new teacher wasn't sure   strict she needed to be with the troublesome

6. Michael Copeland has said he no   wants to be considered for the role of
town mayor.

7. That dog comes and smells my feet   single time I come into the house.

8. Don't speak to anyone else during the test. I want you to do this completely on
your  .

1. The heaters are broken. They produce   or no warmth and the room is

2. The bright petals of the flower attract bees,  , of course is very important
for its life cycle.

3. From what I remember, your uncle Jerry was a good student at college, 
was your father, of course.

4. Even   they'd met twice before, neither of them recognised the other.

5. "Do you realise   harmful all that air freshener spray is?" Miranda asked

6. That dog   be small, but it's a vicious thing!

7. In   to apply for this discount, you will need a printed coupon. Do you have

8. The manager continued recording his employees' conversations, despite knowing

it was   the law.

1. My Aunt Beth is a wonderful person, a person   inspires respect for how she
lives her life.
2. Were you   fault for the accident or was someone else to blame?

3. Moisture in the atmosphere will build up in the afternoon,   the result that
we expect some thunderstorms.

4. The tennis champion,   victory came after four hours of hard work, was
presented with the trophy.

5.   refusing to apologise to the victim, you've shown how little you care about
what you did.

6.   makes me so angry is that he knew he couldn't come and never told us.

7.   only did you ignore me, you also lied about me to your parents.

8. After you arrive at the station and after   bought your tickets, go straight to
platform 7 for the train.

1. All of us miss Jack terribly. He's left   a big hole in our lives.

2. Bill seems to   caught a nasty cold. He's been off work for three days.

3. Prague has seen an increase   the number of tourists since 1993.

4. Despite   no obvious experience for the job, the boss's son was made head
of marketing.

5. Most birds can fly. Some, on the   hand, live their entire lives on the

6. I told you not to write an e-mail to the suppliers,   you did it anyway!

7. As   as I like potatoes, I don't want to eat them every day!

8. Can you give any insight   why half the students are missing today?

1. Sit down, relax and try and bring   your heart rate.
2. I've never   spoken to so rudely in my life!

3. Of   the king's enemies, it was the Duke of Windsor who was most


4. Anybody who has   been in an Airbus 380 will know what travelling in

such a huge plane is like.

5. If you are missing out   any important vitamins, your health will suffer.

6. We sit down for so long every day, but many of   have terribly bad

habits which cause back problems.

7. Your sister's biggest problem   a lack of ambition. She doesn't want to

do or be anything.

8. Dentists warn against too many sugary foods which often   to tooth


1. People who sleep badly need to first look at   beds.

2. Don is a terrible worker. In  , he's the worst employee here!

3. If   has convinced me of his honest, it was his willingness to speak about

what happened.

4. Every time I bring   this subject, she talks about something else.

5. By this time tomorrow, we'll   sitting on a plane to Paris.

6. It's a very luxurious hotel, not really what I'm used  .

7.  sexes are guilty of using blackmail when arguing.

8. Doctors confirm the importance   posture in maintaining a healthy back.

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