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Enable program execution

Task 1- Knowledge Questions

Candidate Instructions

Purpose of this Assessment task

The purpose of this assessment is to test your knowledge in enabling program execution as required by
the unit BSBPMG610Enable program execution. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and
provide you with constructive feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your knowledge to:
 Envision the desired future state
 Shape and sustain the program execution approach
 Shape and sustain the program’s business case
 Shape and sustain program governance

By successfully completing this assessment you will demonstrate that you have comprehensive
knowledge and understanding required to enable program execution.

Structure of this assessment

There are fourquestions in this assessment. They are different in their designs and requirements. Some
can be answered in dot points, some need short answers, while others may require more detail. Your
responses or answers to the questions must be precise and clear. This means you must understand the
questions correctly before you attempt to answer them. You must answer all questions by yourself
unassisted by another person. However, you may refer to the reference material if you need to. Your
trainer/assessor will set a date and time to submit your response to this assessment and you must submit
by that date and time.

Resource to undertake this assessment

Before undertaking this assessment, you should have studied relevant learning resources provided on
Canvas and by your trainer/assessor. You should have a good understanding of the applicable legislations
such as those relating to privacy and confidentiality, antidiscrimination etc. You will also require a pen
and paper and access to a computer with the internet to do this assessment.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?

This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements
e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor
will advise you on these and other legislative requirements.

Reasonable adjustment
If you have any literacy and numeracy issue/s in undertaking this assessment talk to your
trainer/assessor, they should be able to help. Also, please talk to your trainer/assessor if you have any
difficulty in understanding this assessment or if you have any special needs.

How to do this assessment?

1. Read the given questions a couple of times to fully understand what is expected from you
2. Answer all parts of the question completely and correctly
3. Write your answers eligibly in blue or black pen or type your answers
4. Use the provided template to answer
5. Once you complete your answers carefully read them and check for their completeness and accuracy
6. Keep a copy of your completed work to make-up for any unforeseen loss or damage
7. If you use additional paper to answer put your name and student ID on it
8. Note that this assessment requires you to undertake some web research. Your trainer/assessor will
provide you a list of relevant websites and digital materials you must read through.

Getting Started
The assessment may be re-attempted on two (2) further occasions (maximum three (3) attempts in total).
All assessments must be resubmitted within three (3) days of receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You
must clearly have“Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily.
For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment
will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question
areas not achieved in the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. 

Word count
In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers
should not vary substantially (i.e. stay within +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word
includes a word count tool.

To test the required knowledge ofenabling program execution.


Assessment Cover Sheet

Amir Alam
Candidate name:

Candidate ID

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:

Candidate declaration: I declare that:

 I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been borrowed, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.

Candidate signature:
Amir Alam

Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Discuss three methods that program managers can use to develop a future
Question 1 state scenario.(Approx. 100 words)

1: Preparatory Planning
Scenario planning can be used as a tool for being prepared when you know that change is
coming, but you don’t know what the change will be. 

2: Risk Management
In a risk management context, scenario planning can be useful to help us think about what we
might do if our major risks did actually materialize. By putting ourselves into the world where
the risk has materialized, we can look to understand what actions we would recommend or take
in this situation.

3: Generating New Ideas

The aim here is to understand what we are working on in the context of the major trends that
are going on the world and the industry in which we operate. If we lived in a world where a
major trend was extrapolated, how would this affect the benefit profile of our program? Can we
think of new benefits or objectives for our work? Can we think of a better way to plan because
these overarching trends are happening?

Scenario planning is primarily considered a strategic planning tool to help organizations make
flexible long-term plans. In a program management context, scenario planning can also help us
to make more resilient and flexible plans.

Explain the business case development process and in your answer include
Question 2 details about the way this can be documented and presented.
(Approx. 250 words)

The process of developing the business case is important; a well-executed process enables
you to develop a solid business case that increases the benefits and value and reduces the
risks. This also leads to a much greater likelihood of securing support to proceed with the
Here are the five key steps for creating the business case development processes.

Step 1: Confirm the opportunity

Describe the situation and the business opportunity that your proposal will impact. This will
include the background to project, the investment logic and the high-level business

Step 2: Analyse and develop shortlisted options

Identify the alternative approaches and select three or four options to analyse. Gather

information about each alternative, analyse the options and develop the shortlisted options.

Step 3: Evaluate the options

Evaluate how the alternatives will deliver on the business objectives, then select the
preferred option, taking into account the strategic and financial value created and the risks.

Step 4: Implementation strategy

Create the implementation plan for the preferred option, detailing how to achieve the
business objectives, who will be accountable for each milestone, and how to mitigate the
project risks.

Step 5: Recommendation
Confirm the recommended option. Create the business case documents and present the
business case recommendation to the board and management team for approval to proceed.
Discuss the program execution approach and how it can be developed.
Question 3 (Approx. 100 words)

Most of the time, when corporations have a number of projects that they would like to run, they
prefer to consolidate them into something we call a program. The processes used to manage a
program are known as the program management process groups. Well, there are some tried
and true approaches that have been used by program managers to successfully implement
programs, and the execution process is part of this program management approach.

These process groups are:

•The initiating process: This is often the first part, or phase, of program management. It
includes outlining the various activities that need to done within a program. This is also the
point at which all the work to be carried out is clearly defined and described.
•The planning process: This includes all the processes that are required to define the entire
scope of the program. It also includes aligning the program activities to the strategy of the
•The execution process: These are the set of processes that involve the actual management of
the program team and the work they are supposed to do in an effective and efficient manner.
•The control process: This includes closely monitoring the progress made within the program
and comparing it to what had been put forward during the planning phase of the program.
•The closing process: This phase focuses on ensuring that all the activities required to complete
the program have been successfully completed within the required timeline, and that the
program has used the resources allocated in an efficient manner. It also includes documenting
lessons learned and best practices that can be used in future programs.

The execution process is the third process group in program management. Within execution,
you'll finish all the work required to complete the different projects under the program and
meet your planned-for project specifications.
Describe a program governance model which may be adopted by an
Question 4 organisation. (Approx. 50 words)

José begins exploring what will have to be different about governance of this program versus his prior project

It establishes processes and a structure for communication, implementation, monitoring, and ensuring that policies
and best practices are followed. A governance framework needs to be repeatable and able to be used across an
organization and at different points in time. Successful program governance, José learns, will provide a variety of
benefits to his organization. It will:

•Increase efficiency and helps reduce risk.

•Provide a framework for managing issues, opportunities, risks, complexity, and competing priorities.
•Help to focus resources across an organization to meet strategic business goals.


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