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MODULE IN GEC 1: Understanding the Self

LESSON 4: The Self in Western and Eastern Thought

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. differentiate the concept of “self” according to Western thoughts against Eastern/Oriental

perspectives; and
2. explain the concept of “self” based on Western and Eastern thoughts


Different cultures and varying environment tend to create different perceptions of the
“self” and one of the most common distinctions between cultures and people is the Eastern-vs-
Western dichotomy wherein Eastern represents Asia and Western represents Europe and

Northern America. It must be understood that this distinction and the countries included was

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politically colored at the time that aforementioned concepts were accepted and used in the

social sciences. Furthermore, it must be reiterated that while countries who are geographically

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closer to each other may share commonalities, there are also a lot of factors that create
differences. In the Philippines alone, each region may have a similar or varying perception

regarding the “self”.
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Stimulating Learning

1. Are cultural differences bad or good for society?


2. How would you feel if you saw someone who dresses differently from you?
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3. A concept from Eastern thought suggests that a person should create a harmonious
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relationship with the people in his/her surrounding, while a concept from Western
thought pushes for a self-sufficient concept of the self that can function without the help
of other people. Which concept of the self would you prefer? Why?
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Inculcating Concepts
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The Concept of “self” in Eastern Thought

In the concept of “self” in general is greatly influenced by religious beliefs and political
philosophies. Eastern concepts of “self” leans more toward the different philosophies, namely:

Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.


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This philosophy originated from the Chinese

philosopher, teacher, and political figure named Kung
Fu Zi, or more popularly known as Confucius. The
concept of “self” under this philosophical thought
focuses on having a harmonious social life through
acting properly and accordingly with other people.
This means that a person’s identity and self-concept
are interwoven with the identity and status of his/her
community or culture.

Confucianism sees self-cultivation as the ultimate

purpose of life but the characteristics of a chun-tzu, or
a man of virtue or noble character, is still embedded in
his social relationships (Ho, 1995). The cultivated self

in Confucianism s what some scholars call a

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“subdued self” wherein personal needs are repressed

(subdued) for the good of many (Ho, 1995).

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The second philosophy is Taoism which is quite difficult


to fully define because Taoists adopt a free-flowing,

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relative, unitary, as well as paradoxical view of almost

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everything. Taoism rejects the strictness brought by

Confucianism and would prefer a simple lifestyle (Ho,
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The teachings of the Tao describe how a simple lifestyle

can be achieved. According to Taoism, the ideal concept
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of the “self” is selflessness but not forgetting about the

self. It is living a balanced life with society and nature,
being open and accepting to change, forgetting about
prejudices and egocentric (self-centered) ideas and

thinking about equality as well as complementarity


among humans and other beings (Ho, 1995). In this way, a person may be able to act
spontaneously because he/she is not restricted by legalistic standards, but because the person
is in harmony with everything.

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The third belief system is Buddhism which is

based on the teachings of Siddhartha
Gautama, the Buddha. This philosophy views
the self as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of
trying to hold and control things, or human-
centered needs; thus, the self is also the
source of all sufferings. The goal, therefore, of
Buddhism is to forget the cravings of the self,
break the attachments a person has with the
world, and to renounce the self which is the
cause of all suffering (Ho, 1995). By doing
these things, the person can then attain

Nirvana (Ho, 1995).

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The Concept of “self” in Western Thought
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In Western thought, the concept of “self” is seen as a social construct characterized in three
ways: the individualistic self, the concept of self-sufficiency, and the self being rational.
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The Individualistic Self

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At a young age, the child is taught to pursue what is best for the self. As an adult, the measure
of success in life is when the self is able to fulfill the life-goals set for and by the self. The
individualistic self is always conceived as the autonomous bounded entity. For one to be
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autonomous, one must be able to show independence. The self should not require the help of
other people in accomplishing the tasks at hand, promoting independence.
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The Concept of Self-sufficiency

The self must be able to provide his/her needs without the help of other people. The self can

gather the needed resources to accomplish his/her goals without aid from other people. Being

self-sufficient implies confidence in one’s capacity to provide what the self needs from one’s
own resources and authority. Therefore, it is important for the self to establish one’s power and
accumulate the needed knowledge and resources so that one will be able to provide one’s

The Self Being Rational

In Western practice, there is no time for the self to be weak and emotional. The self must not
waste resources on meditation and other metaphysical cognitions but to be constantly rational
and reasonable. Under this concept, everything must be explained by logic and reason. Other

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things that are considered illogical are discredited and rejected. The successful self is grounded
on one’s investment on reason and logical thinking.

Table 4.A. Summary of Differences between the Concept of “Self” in Western and Eastern

Eastern Concepts of the “Self” Western Concepts of the “Self”

Confucianism Individualistic Self

The concept of the “self” under this The concept of “self” being individualistic
philosophical thought focuses on acting and puts emphasis on the self being able
behaving in an orderly manner to achieve a accomplish the tasks at hand without the aid
harmonious relationship with the things of other individuals. This concept values the
around the person. independence of a person. Another aspect is

the autonomy of the person wherein the

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Taoism person can operate and create decisions for

him/herself by him/herself without the

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The concept of the “self” under the Taoist influence of any other individual or authority.
philosophical thought emphasizes on being

selfless without disregarding love for the self. Concept of Self-sufficiency
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The “self” must promote a harmonious
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relationship with his/her surrounding in that The “self”, other than being and independent
includes being accepting to the changes that and autonomous unit, is also seen as a being
constantly occur. that is capable of providing his/her needs in

order to function without the help of other

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Buddhism people. The concept explains that the self-

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sufficient person is able to identify the

Buddhism sees the concept of “self” as an necessary resources needed for the person
illusion. The “self” must let go of earthly or to function and at the same time, find the
material desires in order to avoid suffering means to obtain these resources.
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because according to Buddhism, material

desires only lead to disappointment and The Self Being Rational
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suffering. To achieve the true version of the

self, the person must let go of his/her The “self” being rational states that the
desires. person needs to function as a being that

uses reason rather than feelings and

emotions. The practicality of the person is

given premium instead of investing on the

emotional aspect of the person. Logic is
superior and is a good foundation for

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Eastern philosophies are more attuned to the collective dimension of the self as opposed to the
western individualistic ideals of the self. The table below will show a comparison between the
individualistic and the collective self.

Table 4.B. Comparison between Individualistic and Collective Self

Individualism Collectivism
 “I” identity  Each person is encouraged to be an
 Promotes individual goals, initiative, active player in society, to do what is
and achievement best for society as whole rather than
 Individual rights are seen as being the themselves

most important. Rules attempt to  The rights of families, communities,

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ensure self-importance and and the collective supersede those of

individualism the individual

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 Independence is valued; there is  Rules promote unity, brotherhood,
much less of a drive to help other and selflessness

citizens or communities than in Working with others and cooperating
collectivism rs e 
is the norm; everyone supports each
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 Relying or being dependent on others other.
is frequently seen as shameful  As a community, family, or nation
 People are encouraged to do things more than as an individual

on their own; to rely on themselves

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 People strive for their own successes

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Activity: After reading the Western and Eastern concepts of the “self”, what concepts do you
personally like? Why? Write your answer using the table below
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Concepts from Eastern thought that I like Concepts from Western thought that I like

Example: Example:

I like the concept of creating a harmonious I like the concept of self-sufficiency because
relationship with the people around me in life, time will come that we have to do
because having a harmonious relationship tasks without the help of other people, and
with the people around you lessens conflict learning to be self-sufficient will prepare me

and misunderstanding. for those moments when I need to be


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Using /Applying Knowledge:
1. In a situation where COVID-19 is rapidly spreading, which do you think would be more
beneficial, being individualistic by following the “stay at home” policy, or being collective
by helping the community with the distribution of relief goods and SAP subsidies?
Explain your answer.

Evaluating Understanding

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the word that DOES NOT belong to the group and
write the letter your answer on the blank before the number. (5 points)


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A. self-sufficiency B. harmony C. selflessness D. Nirvana

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A. logic rs e B. independent C. rational D. subdued
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A. I B. individualism C. community D. own self

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A. Buddha B. Confucius C. Tao D. logic

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A. reason B. self-sufficiency C. practicality D. selfless

II. ESSAY. Answer the question in not more than twenty (20) sentences.
(5 points)

Do you agree that there should be a single concept of the self instead of having an Eastern and
Western concept? Explain your answer.

Upgrading Competence and Expanding Insights


Write an essay to explain why you prefer to be individualistic or why you prefer to be collective.


 Alata, E., Caslib, B., Serafica, J. & Pawilen, R,A. (2018). Understanding the Self (1st
edition). Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

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 Ho, David. 1995. “Self and Identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinuism:
Contrast with the West.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 25: 2.
Accessed October 14, 2017.
 Villafuerte, S., Quillope, A., Tunac, R., & Borja, E. (2018). Understanding the Self.
Quezon City: Nieme Publishing House Co.

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