Ambe School-Cbse: General Instructions

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Manjalpur, Vadodara -11.

Periodic Test-II Year : 2021-22
Subject : English
Grade: XII Max. Marks: 40
Day & Date: Monday, 20th September’21 Duration: 1 ½ Hours
Name of the Student: ____________________________________________________________ Section: ________ Seat No. ________
General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these
instructions very carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


1. Read the passage given below. (10x1)
1. Earthquakes are one of the largest threats from moving plate tectonics in Indonesia as they
come sudden and can strike in densely populated areas, such as the bigger cities. Earthquakes
with a magnitude of around five or six on the Richter scale happen almost on a daily basis in
Indonesia but usually cause no or little damage. When the magnitude becomes over seven on
the Richter scale however, an earthquake can potentially do a lot of damage. Yearly, two or
three earthquakes with a magnitude of seven or higher occur in Indonesia and cause
casualties and damage the infrastructure or environment.
2. The table shows the location, date, magnitude and number of casualties that have resulted
from recent earthquakes in Indonesia. There is a general trend for Sumatra and Java to be
most heavily affected by earthquakes, at least in terms of lives lost, as suggested by the table.
This is because both cities are located on the coast of Indonesia, meaning they are also
potentially affected by underwater earthquakes that cause tsunamis. Furthermore, Sumatra
has experienced the largest magnitude earthquakes with the 2004 earthquake registering 9.3
on the Richter scale and resulted in a staggering 283,106 casualties.

Location Date Magnitude Casualties

Sumatra 25 October 2010 7.7 435
Sumatra 30 September 2009 7.6 1.117
Java 17 July 2006 7.7 730
Java 26 May 2006 6.3 5780
Sumatra 28 March 2005 8.6 1313
Sumatra 26 December 2004 9.2 283.106

3. An earthquake that occurs underwater, in the oceans, almost always results in mass
displacement of the water surrounding it. The height and destructive power of these waves
depend on the magnitude of the earthquake that generated it. When the force of the waves
created is strong enough, it is specifically identified as a tsunami. On average, it has been
identified that a large tsunami (caused by an earthquake of magnitude 7+) reaches areas of
Indonesia every five years. With most hitting the cities of Sumatra and Java. In general,
evacuations are often made in time in tsunami-prone areas, as many Indonesians living in
coastal cities are able to flee to the hills located further inland to avoid loss of life after being
notified of an offshore earthquake However, the existing infrastructure and agriculture are
unable to be saved, meaning tsunamis often devastate the Indonesian economy.
4. Just over a decade ago, on the 26th of December 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami resulted
from a giant underwater earthquake that occurred off the coast of northern Sumatra, in Banda
Aceh, a city in Indonesia. This underwater earthquake was the result of a thrust fault that
occurred in a subduction zone where the Australian plate was subducting under the European
plate. As a result, the ocean floor broke, releasing its energy in a massive 9.1 magnitude
earthquake, which subsequently caused large scale displacement of water in this region,
ultimately generating massive tsunami waves which hit coastal communities surrounding the
epicentre of the disaster. With the region of Aceh in Indonesia being hit the hardest in
5. Indonesia was both the first and worst hit by this tsunami, which swamped the northern and
western coastal areas of Sumatra, and the smaller outlying islands of Sumatra. However,
nearly all the casualties and damage took place on the province of Aceh, Indonesia, where
three devastating earthquakes struck the western shore in succession within 30 minutes.
Each of these waves ranged from 4 to 39 metres high and due to the relatively flat ground of
the region, extended inland for as far as 250 kilometres, subsequently affecting a large portion
of Indonesia of up to an estimated 300,000 people, while also destroying 250 coastal
communities in Indonesia with its rampant movement.
6. Residential neighborhoods and fishing villages in coastal areas of Indonesia were entirely
devastated, and houses were swept inland or out to sea. While the traditional construction of
the buildings were able to resist the shaking from the underwater earthquake, they could not
resist the continuous forces from the onslaught of tsunamis, meaning most were completely
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any ten questions
from the eleven given below.
a) Mark the FALSE statement.
i) Stagnant tectonic plates trigger earthquakes.
ii) Sumatra and Java are prone to earthquakes.
iii) In Indonesia the hills located further in land are a blessing in disguise.
iv) Underwater earthquakes in oceans result in mass displacement of water.

b) The casualties in Java and Sumatra are high because

i) they are untouched by underwater earthquakes
ii) they are located in the centre of Indonesia
iii) they are located on the coast of Indonesia
iv) they are hit by the largest magnitude earthquakes

c) Indonesia's prosperity suffers because of

i) manmade calamities ii) natural calamities
iii) pollution iv) deforestation

d) The worst hit region of Indonesia by Tsunami 2004 was

i) Sumatra ii) Java
iii) Province of Aceh iv) Southern coastal areas of Sumatra

e) To resist and shield themselves from the earthquakes, Indonesia practises

i) modern construction of buildings ii) multi-storey buildings
iii) traditional construction of buildings iv) building houses on hills

f) The table shows two cities which had the same magnitude of earthquake on Richter scale
different number of casualties. The difference in casualty was
i) 295 ii) 387
iii) 682 iv) 730

(g) According to the data, the most intensive earthquake occurred on

i) 26 May 2006 ii) 25 October 2010
iii) 28 March 2005 iv) 26 December 2004

(h) The table points out to which city that recorded the highest number of casualties
i) Java ii) Sumatra
iii) Province of Aceh iv) both (i) and (ii)i

i) Despite being hit by less than 7 magnitude on the Richter scale many casualties resulted in J
This disaster occurred on
i) 30 September 2009 ii) 26 May 2006
iii) 25 October 2010 iv) 28 March 2005

j) ‘The word 'obliterated' does not mean

i) eradicated ii) wiped out
iii) created iv) demolished
(k) The word 'rampant' is similar to
i) strained ii)guarded
iii) unbridled iv) limited

2. Read the extract given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the
questions that follow: (1x4=4)
(A) It had happened when I was ten or eleven years old. I had decided to learn to swim. There was
the pool at the YMCA in Yakima that offered exactly the opportunity. The Yakima river was
treacherous. Mother continually warned against it and kept fresh in my mind the details of each
drowning in the river. But the YMCA. pool was safe. It was only two or three feet deep at the
shallow end; and while it was nine feet deep at the other, the drop was gradual. I got a pair of
water wings and went to the pool.
(a) Name the narrator of the above extract who is also the author of the lesson.
(i) Selma Legerl of (ii) Stephen spender
(iii) William Douglas (iv) A.R. Barton
(b) The depth of the pool at the other end was
(i) six feet (ii) nine feet
(iii) twelve feet (iv) eight feet
(c) Y.M.C.A stands for
(i) Young Men's Christian Association (ii) Young Men's Care Association
(iii) Young Men's Christian Authority (iv) Youth Mentoring Christian Association
(d) Mother always warned the author against the river Yakima. But he recommended the
Y.M.C.pool. Why?
(i) Because it was shallow. (ii) because it was near his house.
(iii) Because it was shallow and safe. (iv) because he liked the pool
(B) It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
(1) What does it' signify in the first line?
(i) the surroundings (ii) total stillness
(iii) being in the nature's lap (iv) all of the above
(2) The exotic moment, according to the poet, is
(i) exciting activity (ii) total inactivity
(iii) beautiful moments of thoughtful silence (iv) when language barriers are removed
(3) If there is no rush, no sound of engines-what does the poet expect will happen?
(i) less noise (ii) less crowd on the road
(iii) more happy and silent moments (iv) all the above
(4) How will everyone feel at the exotic moment?
(i) a blissful oneness (ii) sorrowful
(iii) repentant (iv) happy

3. Attempt ANY SIX questions from the eight given below. (1x6=6)
(i) The third level provides a clear example of
(a) time travel (b) time and space
(c) a medium of escape (d) adventure
(ii) The statement “Those Islands yonder, they are the stepping stones to the future for Japan’
(a) that the Islands were central to Japan’s foreign policy.
(b) Japan would begin its journey to supremacy and power from here
(c) these Island will be the new scientific bases.
(d) the islands were vital for Japan’s military authorities.
(iii) ‘It is as if they had the key to their prison’. It indicate that the language
(a) is very valuable for all people
(b) helps people reach out to French speaking people
(c) gives them an identity
(d) is the lingua Franca between different people
(iv) ‘Garbage is gold.’ The figure of speech used here is
(a) metaphor (b) antithesis
(c) paradox (d) irony
(v) ‘My legs froze’ implies that Douglas was almost
(a) paralysed in water (b) deprived of joy of swimming
(c) deprived of fishing trips (d) finished
(vi) ‘All I did was smile and smile and smile’ implies that
(a) Kamala Das was at a loss of words
(b) the poet smiled to cover up her pain
(c) She had ache in her heart
(d) She was extremely happy
(vii)‘skins peeped through by bones’ indicates
(a) malnourishment and poor health of the slum children.
(b) the distress of the slum dwellers.
(c) the pink health of the children
(d) the deformity of the children
(viii)‘later proves to be alive’ implies that the earth
(a) brings forth life (b) teaches how silence is productive
(c) seems to be calm and quiet (d) is quarrelsome


4. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. (4)
(A) Write an advertisement for the matrimonial column of a national daily for a catholic Christian girl,
working as an accountant in a leading export house.
(B) Every year in the central park of the city, a flower show is held in the month of February. Your
school has received a circular from the District Collector inviting your students to visit it. Write a
notice in about 50 words informing the students about the show and advising them to go and
enjoy it. You are Navtej/Navita, Head boy/Head girl, Sunshine Public School, Surat.

5. A book fair is organized in your city, Vadodara. Thousands of people including a large number of
students visited the fair. It aroused a great interest in reading and buying books. You want that
such book fairs are held in other cities of the state also to promote the habit of reading. Write a
letter in 120-150 words to the Editor of a local newspaper giving your views. You are
Navtej/Navita, T/34 DS road, Vadodara (5)

6. Attempt ANY THREE out of the four questions given below, in 30-40 words each. (2x3=6)
i) How does the narrator’s psychiatrist friend react to the narrator’s statement that the third
level exists?
ii) What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
iii) How, in your opinion, can Mukesh realise his dream?
iv) How does Kamala Das try to put away the thoughts of her aging mother?

7. Attempt ANY ONE out of the following questions in 120-150 words. (1x5=5)
(A) Why did Dr. Sadao Hoki go to America? Narrate his experience there.
(B)How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?


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