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Culture: Key concepts

Often referred to as ‘the Land of Smiles’, Thailand is renowned for the

welcoming and warm disposition of its culture and people. Rice plantations and
ornate temples are interspersed in and around busy cosmopolitan cities, reflecting
the diversity of landscapes and lifestyles. Being a historically autonomous Asian
kingdom, Thailand is significantly influenced by its traditions. Buddhism and the
monarchy have historically been seen as sources of order and stability in society
and continue to act as symbols of unity for the Thai people. Yet, the culture is also
accommodating of contemporary practices and values. Many Thai people have
embraced progressive ideas as their country has globalised. This is reflected in the
country’s capital, Bangkok, which is a vibrant cosmopolitan city containing a
melting pot of traditional influences and contemporary attitudes.

Harmony and Respect

Despite the fact that Thailand is often promoted as a ‘partying’ tourist

destination for Australians, Thai society is quite modest and conservative. The
concept of 'face' is one of the underpinning factors influencing the way in which
Thais behave and interact with one another. Face refers to a person’s or a
collective’s reputation, dignity and honour. Through actions such as
complimenting a person, demonstrating respect or increasing another’s self-
esteem, one can give face. Moreover, pointing out someone’s error, criticising
them or raising one’s voice are all seen as actions that can cause a loss of face and
bring shame. Thus, face can also be lost, saved or maintained. In cultures that have
an awareness of face, individuals typically act deliberately and with restraint to
protect their self-worth and peer perception.

Generally speaking, conservative conduct is the norm as people wish to

maintain harmony between each other and show everyone the amount of respect
they deserve. To preserve peace and minimise risk of losing face, Thais are often
contemplative and deliberate in how they present themselves. A harmonious
demeanour and calm disposition is the norm, while excessive displays of negative
emotions (e.g. anger, selfishness) or outbursts are avoided.

Hierarchy and Loyalty

Many social interactions among Thai people take into account another
individual’s status relative to one’s self (i.e. their age, level of education, line of
work). In nearly all cases, how one sits, walks or otherwise interacts with others
will depend upon the status of each person present. Therefore, it is not uncommon
for Thais to ask personal questions to discern your status to ensure they address
you correctly and behave appropriately. For example, Thai people indicate respect
with the depth of a wai (see The Wai in ‘Greetings’) and also by using honourifics
that indicate both affection and relation. On a broader level, the highest level of
respect is awarded to the king and the monastic community.
While there is a certain amount of social mobility in Thailand, people
generally do not challenge the hierarchical structure. Rather, they tend to observe
the chain of authority and accept the differences in status among people. Being
a collectivistic society, strong emphasis is placed on honouring and being loyal
towards one’s family. Indeed, loyalty to one’s family, friends or community will,
at times, override social rules. For example, Thais rarely jeopardise the interests of
the collective group and often take responsibility for fellow members.

National Identity and Freedom

In 1939, the country changed its name from ‘Siam’ to ‘Thailand’, signifying
“the Land of the Free”. This rhetoric of freedom has since played a significant role
in constructing Thailand’s national identity. Thais generally value their freedom of
personal expression, speech and religion. The country’s history of
evading colonisation by European nation states has also contributed to the sense of
pride and value in freedom and autonomy. However, despite the cultural value
placed on freedom of expression, laws limit the extent to which Thais can criticise
or insult the two fundamental institutions of their society: the royal family and
Buddhism. Additionally, the experience of freedom for the Thai people has been
marred by underlying tensions since the 2014 military coup. Common feelings
regarding the current unstable political situation include uncertainty, lack of trust
and fears about the status of democracy in the country.

The name ‘Thailand’ was also intended to represent “the Land of the Thai”.
The government's establishment of a ‘Thai identity’ in the late 1950s was part of a
national rhetoric to affirm a unified ‘Thai culture’ associated with the ‘Central Tai’
– the dominant ethnic group in Thailand. This concept of a Thai identity was used
in part to challenge the Chinese ethnicity within the country. Ethnic Chinese have
long played a significant role in Thailand’s business and commerce sectors. Few
professions are monopolised by a single ethnic group, but it is commonplace to
encounter stereotypes of Chinese-Thai as people of commerce. Although the
rhetoric of a unified national Thai identity persists, there is recognition of the
diversity between people of different regional backgrounds.

The King

With the country’s long history of monarchical rule, the king plays a central
role in Thai culture. Officially, the king is the head of state, and he occasionally
intervenes in political affairs. The recently deceased king, Bhumibol Adulyadej,
ruled from 1946 to 2016, making him the world’s longest-reigning monarch.
Sometimes known as the ‘heart of the Thai people’, Abulyadej is given the utmost
respect as many saw him as a national symbol of Thai identity and unity. Images of
the recent monarch pervade the daily life of Thais, frequently appearing in public
as well as in people’s homes as a constant reminder of a unified ‘Thai identity’.
This is also evident in Australia, with many Thai restaurants showcasing a
portrait of the recent king.

Showing disrespect for the king and the royal family is illegal and a social
taboo. Citizens are restricted from exhibiting behaviour that could be interpreted as
defamatory or critical of the royal family. However, this makes it hard to determine
whether some Thais defer out of true respect or out of obedience.

Over the past few years, the political structure of Thailand has received
significant international attention due to shifts in governance. Opinions about the
current and future political status are quite contentious among the Thai people.
Currently, many Thais are mourning the recent loss of their beloved king and also
have particular concerns and fears directed towards the future of the country, given
the departure of Thailand’s symbol of unity.


“Mai pen rai” (nevermind) is a Thai expression that reflects the overarching
approach to life that “it is to be enjoyed”. Thais generally have a strong work ethic
yet are simultaneously willing to be content with what they have. This attitude is
reflected in ‘sanuk’, the effort to achieve satisfaction in whatever one does and
make the most of any situation. This can be seen in the way some Thais inject
playfulness and fun into mundane activities. Indeed, it is common to see Thai
people smiling and laughing when interacting with others.

‘Sanuk’ refers to the attitude of striving to enjoy and be satisfied in whatever

one does. It is a guiding principle in a business and work setting, meaning Thais
will generally seek to make work a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Often, the
distinction between work and life is blurred, with social affairs being a welcome
topic of discussion during work hours or meetings, and for business-related matters
being discussed in social events. Moreover, whilst punctuality is respected, the
Thai approach to time is generally relaxed and deadlines are not strictly adhered to.


 In both a formal and informal situation, Thai people greet each other with
the word ‘sawadee’ followed by ‘kah’ for females and ‘kraap’ (soft r) for males.
 It is normal to refer to someone of a perceived higher status by the title
‘Khun’ (Mr/Ms) followed by their first name. For example, a shop assistant
would refer to their customer through the term ‘Khun’.
 People of the same age or who are close friends will omit the use of the
title khun.
 Generally, nicknames are only used when invited to do so.
 When making introductions, Thais will tend to introduce a man to a woman
and a younger person to an older person.
 In an international context, a handshake is an acceptable greeting. However,
a male may only shake a female’s hand if she extends it to him first.

The Wai

Greetings are accompanied by the gesture known as a ‘wai’, which is the

placing of two palms together, with fingertips touching the nose. A wai indicates
the level of respect for another person and is an acknowledgement of seniority. A
person should bow their head with their palms pressed together to indicate respect.
The depth of the bow and the level of the hands represents the level of respect.
Whilst this form of greeting is still widely used, the younger generation are not as
rigid in their adherence to the customary wai.

 A senior person may politely wai in return to a person who is younger or

subordinate to them. This is usually done with their hands at chest level
(fingertips not touching the face) and only a slight bowing of the head,
resembling a nod. This wai, known as a ‘rap wai’, is an acknowledgement of the
other person.
 To indicate respect for parents, teachers and the elderly, the pressed palms of
the wai should be higher so the thumbs come into contact with the nose and the
fingertips sit between the eyebrows.
 Young children bend their knees when they wai; adults should not do this.
 There is a wai reserved for Buddha images, monks and the royal family that
involves prostration. This wai is only for religious or royal contexts.


 Formal business meetings in Thailand are preceded by a written invitation

that is often followed up by a phone call.
 At a business meeting, punctuality is expected, and formal attire (suit and
tie) should be worn. In Thailand, it is often thought that the way one presents
oneself correlates to their professional standing.
 It is common to make small talk before a Thai business meeting, with
conversation about family, age, hobbies and education being usual topics.
 Give and receive business cards with your right hand or both hands, and
consider the details of the card you receive before storing it away.
 Relationships are an important part of Thai business culture and it is
considered rude and abrupt to begin talking business without small talk first.
 Initial meetings in Thailand are often to establish rapport and not many
results are achieved until subsequent meetings.
 During a meeting, you should address the most senior person with whom
you have a relationship. If senior officials are present at a meeting, the
expectation is that they will meet with someone of a similar ranking in the other
organisation, not juniors.
 Avoid filling in periods of silence as it is common for careful consideration
to be made before a response is given.

Business Communication

The concept of face plays an important role in business interactions as

people seek to maintain the reputation of themselves, their business and others.
Sensitive or difficult conversations are expected to be initiated from those of
higher authority or status, and direct refusals are often avoided. In terms of
listening in a business setting, Thais are often docile listeners and will rarely
interrupt a speaker. When interacting with your Thai business counterpart, be
conscious of what emotions you are displaying and how they may be received.
Nonetheless, acting as one typically would in business interactions in Australia – a
respectable, patient and calm manner – is a good approach.


 Small token gifts are frequent and often an appreciated gesture.

 Due to the emphasis placed on relationships in Thai business, your business
connections are often as important as what you know.
 Thais place great value on Western tertiary education. It is common to be
asked about your studies and the prestige of your Western degree.
 Generally, Thais tend not to be competitive and, at times, are reluctant to
initiate change.
 Often, blame is passed upwards in business settings towards higher-ranking
persons rather than juniors.
 On the Corruption Perception Index (2017), Thailand ranks 96th out of 180
countries, receiving a score of 37 (on a scale from 0 to 100). This perception
suggests that the country’s public sector is somewhat corrupt.


 A welcomed topic of discussion is one’s occupation. Inquiring into the type

of work one does is quite a good icebreaker.
 Be sensitive to maintain the face of yourself and your Thai counterpart. To
do so, avoid embarrassing someone by criticising or correcting them in public.
 Show gratitude through reciprocating favours or good deeds. This helps
build trust in relationships.
 Be considerate towards Thais’ zealousness for their recently deceased king.
Thais have the utmost respect for the king (see The King in ‘Core Concepts’)
and defaming the king may offend your Thai counterpart.
 Show the utmost respect towards elders. Thais place a high value on
observing social hierarchy.
 Remain cool, calm and collected when interacting with Thais. Raised voices,
anger, worry, stress and other heated emotions are thought to lead to a loss
of face in Thailand. If possible, be moderate in the displaying of unpleasant
 Try not to be offended if your Thai counterpart makes frank comments about
people’s body shape. Unlike in Australia, it is not considered taboo or rude to
make comments such as, “Oh, you’ve put on weight”. Such comments are not
intended to be hurtful, invasive or offensive.


 Avoid standing or looming above a figure of Buddha or an image of the

king. Always bow your head as a sign of respect. Furthermore, do not point your
feet at any image or depiction of the Buddha or the king. Using a single finger to
point at the king or an image of the king is also disrespectful.
 Avoid directly criticizing people. Thais generally temper any negative
comment with an apologetic statement (i.e. ‘I don’t mean to be frank, but…’).
 Approach questions about income, standard of living or things that would
often be considered personal in Australia with sensitivity. These topics are not
always welcomed in discussion. However, it is not uncommon for Thais to ask
questions relating to age, work and level of education to ensure they address you
correctly in future interactions.
 Avoid speaking loudly or raising one’s voice. It can lead to a loss of face.
 Females should avoid physical contact with a monk. If a woman must pass
an object to a monk, it is best for her to hold the object with a tissue or
 Avoid insulting the king or the royal family. Not only is it disrespectful and
inappropriate, but it can have legal consequences in Thailand.
 Do not assume all Southeast Asian peoples are the same. There are a variety
of distinct countries and cultures across the region. Thus, avoid homogenising
those from Thailand with people from neighbouring countries such as
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia or Myanmar (Burma).

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