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[No. of Printed vages 3] CAL603 Enrol. No. aw) [END SEMESTER EXAMINATION: APRIL-MAY, 2016 LAWS RELATING TO MINORITIES PROTECTION IN INDIA Time: 3 Hes Maxima Merks : 50 Note: Attempr questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (20 Marks) Attempt any four questions out of five. Each question carries 0S marks 1, With the backup of leading TMA Pai Foundation case (2003) explain the concept of minority under Article 30, Whether @ minority ia a State will be 9 even though it isnot minority in relation t9 whole of Inia? © 2 What do you understand by minority educations! instttion? Whether it will remain so even if members of non minority community are admit into it? 3. How the right under Article 30(1) supplements the shred in Article 29(1)? Pro. ae) CAL603, 2 4 “The special rights confered on minorities are only to ensure equality with the majority and not place tl c0us position vis-a-vis the majority’. Sustify withthe help of case laws sn more adv Comment on the right to compensation ofa minority cational intitton in cate of compulsory sequstion of its property by the Stat. SECTION -B (16 Marks) Auiempl any two questions out of three Each question carries 8 marks List out the rights of minorities to administer thie educational institution under Amite 301). Why the expression “of their choice’ mentioned in Article 30 (1) is taken as crucial one? Unfold the rights which flow from the rights of minority to administer its educational institution under Aritele 30(1) SECTION -C (14 Marks) Whether sided minority educational institutions are subject to regulations by the State, if so, what forms o CAL603 3 these regulations may tke? Give s brief account of these forms with special focus on the composition of ‘he managing committee and disciplinary mater.

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