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Wright State University

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE 303-01 – Circuit Analysis II – Spring 2011

Instructor: Arnab K Shaw

office: Russ Engineering Center 427
phone: 937-775-5064

Class: T, Th 4:10-5:25 PM, Medical Sciences 143

Office hours: T, Th 10:30-- 11:00 AM, 2:30--3:00PM 427 RC

Text: Electric Circuits, 9th edition, James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Pearson Prentice Hall

Grading: 25% Weekly Quizzes

35% Midterm Exam (Tuesday, May 5, in class)
40% Final Exam (Thursday, June 7, 5:45-pm – 7:45 pm, same classroom)
Makeup exams are only allowed under extreme circumstances. Final grades are curved.

Homework: Homework problems from the textbook will be assigned in class for your practice but will not
be graded. There is no need to turn in the home works. Solutions will be sent to your Wright
State e-mail address.

Prerequisites: EE 301 and EE 302 (Minimum Grade of D)

Co-requisite or post-requisite: EE 304.

Course Objective

This course is intended to develop an understanding of sinusoidal steady state (AC) circuit analysis. In EE-301
(Circuits I), the circuits consisted of resistors only. In this course, circuits will include energy storing elements
such as Inductors and Capacitors. Techniques for calculating sinusoidal power consumption will be analyzed.
Power factor improvement will be discussed. Basic passive low pass, high pass, band pass, and band reject
filters will be studied. Mutual inductance and transformer basics will be covered. Finally, three-phase circuits
for power systems will be studied, primarily Y -Y connect generators and loads. See the back of the syllabus for
the specific topics to be covered.

A weak understanding of Circuits I is a major cause of difficulties in this course; it’s your responsibility to know
Circuits I. Keep up with the class. Ask questions in class if you don’t understand or if the material is covered too
quickly. Do the homework immediately after it is assigned if at all possible. Be prepared for quizzes - use them
to test your understanding. They will generally address some aspect of the homework. You are encouraged to
work with other students to review course material and discuss homework. An advanced calculator such as a TI-
86 or TI-89 is desirable (and a great time-saver). It provides the capability to solve equations with complex
variables, including sets of simultaneous linear equations. This capability is needed throughout the course.
Download the lab manual from the EE department website.
EE 303 Schedule (Tentative)

Week Chapter Topic

Sinusoidal steady-state (frequency domain) analysis; use of phasors;

passive circuit elements in the frequency domain; Kirchhoff laws.
Week 1 9
Homework Problems: 9.5, 9.8, 9.11 (d), 9.18, 9.32, 9.33 (due 04/07)

Steady state analysis; Thevenin & Norton equivalent; node voltage

analysis and mesh circuit analysis.
Week 2 9
Homework Problems: 9.40, 9.50, 9.51, 9.52, 9.55 (due 04/14)

Introduction to frequency selective circuits; frequency response; RC

and RL low pass and high pass passive filters. RLC passive band
Week 3 14,10 pass and band reject filters.
Homework Problems: 14.3, 14.5, 14.11, 14.14, 14.23 (due 04/21)

Sinusoidal steady state power calculations; instantaneous and

Week 4 10 average power;
Homework Problems: 10.6, 10.13, (due 04/21)
RMS calculations; reactive power; power factor improvement;
design for maximum power transfer.
Week 5 10
Homework Problems: 10.8, 10.16, 10.21,10.24, 10.28 (due 04/28)

Midterm Exam (Tuesday, May 3, in class)

Week 6
Mutual inductance and transformers including self and mutual
6, 9.10, inductance linear and ideal transformers.
Week 7
9.11 Homework Problems: 6.43, 6.46, 6.47, 9.77, 9.78, 9.79, 9.81, 9.83
(due 05/12)
Balanced three-phase circuits, three-phase voltage and current;
analysis of Y - Y and Y - Delta circuits.
Week 8 11
Homework Problems: 11.6, 11.12, 11.18, 11,28 (due 05/19)

Balanced three-phase circuits; power calculations.

Week 9 11
Homework Problems: 11.27, 11.32, 11.34, 11.36 (due 05/26)
Week 10 Review

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