Tambola 30may Saturday

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Date:- 30 May
Mode of play:whatsapp
Those in the group will receive a tambola ticket with a corresponding
number through their WhatsApp before 5pm.This is a sample ticket.As per
your convenience,you can either print a copy of your ticket or draw it in a
piece of paper.

The one who reaches the winning point has to claim the same immediately
typing “WAIT” in the WhatsApp group followed by a picture of their Tambola
ticket with ticket number.If a member wins any prize from 1-12,he or she is
not eligible to claim any further prizes other than FULL house(13,14,15).

Variation to play for:

1.Center laddu
2.Jaldi 3
3.Jaldi 7
4.Jaldi 13
5.Smallest 5
6.King’s corner
7.Queen’s corner
9.I love you 143
10.Top line
11.Middle line
12.Bottom line
13.Full house
14.2nd Full house
15.3rd Full house

Here is a list of games that will be played at the event :

1.center laddu

First person to get middle row 3rd number marked on this ticket will be the
winner of center laddu.
2. Jaldi 3:

First person to get 3 any three numbers in thes winner of jaldi3.

3. jaldi 7:

First person who gets any 7 numbers marked on this will be the winner of

4. Jaldi 13:

First person who gets any 13 numbers marked on this will be the winner of
jaldi 13.

5. Smallest 5:
As the name implies Player who gets smallest 5 numbers in their ticket(

irrespective of position ) will be the winner of smallest 5

6.king’s corner:

Last number of all three rows make up king’s corner

7.Queen’s corner:
First number of all three rows make up Queen’s corner.

Queen and King's corner together are called Railway lines.

9. 143:

First number in first row,first 4 numbers in second row and first 3 numbers in
last row makes 143.

10.Top line:
Top line is also called top row.When all numbers of 1 st line of tambola ticket
are striked then it gives a chance to claim this prize.

11.Middle line:
When all numbers of 2nd line of ticket are striked then it gives a chance to
claim this prize.

12.Bottom line:

When all numbers of 3rd line of ticket are striked then it gives a chance to
claim this prize.

13.full house:

Full house can be claimed when all 15numbers are striked out.

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