Django Cup Sheet Cheat Sheet: by Via

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django cup sheet Cheat Sheet

by Byyn via

Template filters Field Lookups

|lower |date: format __exact

|upper |time: format __iexact Case Insens​itive

r |title |times​ince[: datetime] __contains

|capfirst |length __icon​tains

|slugify |lengt​h_is: length __in Pass in a list

|ljust: width |first __gt, __gte, __lt, __lte

|rjust: width |last __star​tswith, __ista​rts​with, __ends​with,

|center: width |random
__range (inclu​sive) =(X, Y)
|wordwrap: width |join: string

|striptags |slice: "​1:9​" __year, __month, __day, __hour, __minute,

|cut: substring |divis​ibleby: number
__week_day 1=Sun, 7=Sat
|trunc​ate​chars: |float​for​mat[:
count decima​l_p​laces]
QuerySet API
Django templates

filter filter​(**​kwargs) {% cycle %}

{% debug %}
exclude exclud​e(**​kw​args)
{% extends "​​" %}
annotate annotate( models.Co​unt​('c​ost') )
{% filter %} {% endfilter %}
order_by *field​s_str]

reverse {% firstof %}

distinct {% for in %} {% empty %} {%endfor%}

values *field​s_str {% ifchanged %} {%endi​fc​​han​ged%}

{% ifequal %} {% endifequal %}
values​_list *field​s_str
{% include %}
date(time) dates(​field, kind, order)

none {% now "​​" %}

extra extra(​sel​ect={}) {% regroup by as %}

{% spaceless %} {% endspa​​celess %}
create create( **kwargs )
{% ssi %}
get get( **kwargs )

get_or​_create get_or​_cr​eate( **kwargs ) {% url %}

{% verbatim %} {% endver​​batim %}
{% with as %} {% endwith %}
{% blocktrans with as %} {% endblo​​ck​trans %}
aggregate aggregate(
models.Co​unt​('e​ntry') )


By Byyn Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 20th February, 2019. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish Yours!
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