Operating Systems-Objectives-Mid-II

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Operating Systems -Mid -II


Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE
Operating Systems II B.Tech II Sem (R19) CSE

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Operating Systems -Mid -II


Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer
Mid II Choose the correct answer

Page 2
Operating Systems -Mid -II

Which of the following page replacement algorithms suffers from Belady’s anomaly?
What is the swap space in the disk used for?
Increasing the RAM of a computer typically improves performance because
Virtual memory is
Page fault occurs when
Thrashing occurs when
The essential content(s) in each entry of a page table is / are
Assume that there are 3 page frames which are initially empty. If the page reference string is 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
Which of the following is not a form of memory?
The optimal page replacement algorithm will select the page that
If the size of logical address space is 2 to the power of m, and a page size is 2 to the power of n addressing units, t
What is compaction?
The wait-for graph is a deadlock detection algorithm that is applicable when ____________
If the wait for graph contains a cycle ____________
What is the disadvantage of invoking the detection algorithm for every request?
.______ is a unique tag, usually a number, identifies the file within the file system.
File type can be represented by
Which file is a sequence of bytes organized into blocks understandable by the system’s linker?
RAID level 3 supports a lower number of I/Os per second, because _______________.
RAID level _____ is also known as block interleaved parity organisation and uses block level striping and keeps a
RAID level 5 is also known as :
RAID level 0+1 is used because, RAID level 0 provides ______ whereas RAID level 1 provides
Which of the following are forms of malicious attack ?
What are common security threats?
Which of the following is a good practice?
What is not a good practice for user administration ?
Which of the following is least secure method of authentication?
Which happens first authorization or authentication ?
What is characteristics of Authorization ?
What is breach of integrity ?

Page 3
Operating Systems -Mid -II


FIFO LRU Optimal page replacement
Saving temporary html pages Saving process data Storing the super-block
Virtual memory increases Larger RAMs are faster Fewer page faults occur
Large secondary memory Large main memory Illusion of large main memo
When a requested page is in me When a requested page is When an exception is throw
When a page fault occurs Processes on system frequ Processes on system are in r
Virtual page number Page frame number Both virtual page number a
5 6 7
instruction cache instruction register instruction opcode
Has not been used for the longest Will not be used for the loHas been used least number
m, n n, m m – n, m
a technique for overcoming inte a paging technique a technique for overcoming
all resources have a single instanall resources have multipleall resources have a single 7
then a deadlock does not exist then a deadlock exists then the system is in a safe
overhead of the detection algo excessive time consumed iconsiderable overhead in c
File identifier File name File type
file name file extension file identifier
object file source file executable file
every disk has to participate in only one disk participates I/O cycle consumes a lot of
1 2 3
bit-interleaved parity organizati block-interleaved parity o block-interleaved distribute
performance, redundancy performance, reliability redundancy, performance
Theft of information Modification of data Wiping of information
File Shredding File sharing and permissionFile corrupting
Give full permission for remote tGrant read only permissionGrant limited permission to
Isolating a system after a comproPerform random auditing pGranting privileges on a per
Key card fingerprint retina pattern
Authorization Authentication Both are same
RADIUS and RSA 3 way handshaking with syn Multilayered protection for s
This type of violation involves unThis violation involves unau
This violation involves unauth

Page 4
Operating Systems -Mid -II


Both LRU and FIFO a
Storing device drivers b
Fewer segmentation faults occur c
None of the above c
When a page is corrupted b
Processes on system are in waiting state b
Access right information b
8 c
translation lookaside buffer c
Has been used most number of times b
m – n, n d
a technique for overcoming fatal error c
all of the mentioned a
either deadlock exists or system is in a saf b
all of the mentioned c
none of the mentioned a
none of the mentioned b
text file a
All of these a
4 d
memory-style ECC organization c
None of these b
All of the mentioned d
File integrity b
Give both read and write permission but c
Using telnet and FTP for remote access. d
Password d
None of the mentioned a
Deals with privileges and rights d
This violation involves unauthorized use b

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Operating Systems -Mid -II


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