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Department of History
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
University of the Philippines Diliman

Discussion group name: HISPAG (Group 5)


Tolentino, Ric Arvin O.

Yambot, Cristina Elisha B.
Zabala, Christian John

Date accomplished: September 28, 2021

Each assigned DG should list 10 Asian accomplishments in STM to be explained in 2–3 sentences. This activity will also
serve as a preview on the conduct of DG activities. You can submit at on or before 29 September

Accomplishment SIGNIFICANCE

Gunpowder One of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China,

gunpowder’s first recorded history was in 9th Century Tang
Dynasty as a byproduct of Chinese Alchemists searching
for an Elixir of Immortality. This invention was used in
warfare and spread through Europe during the 13th century,
enabling them to develop firearms that shaped warfare
during the latter half of the 2nd Millennium A.D.

Hindu-Arabic Numerals This set of 10 symbols originated from India in the 6th/7th
century. Its significance manifests a huge contribution in the
field of writing and mathematics that was also introduced in

Europe. It also became the greatest influence on modern

society today which facilitated arithmetic computations.

Paper A tool invented in China during the Qin dynasty (221-206

BCE); the compass is used to navigate different parts of the
world. Its significance relies on its capacity to help people in
trading, especially in the ancient times where sailing is
essential. Also, this tool led to the invention of the telegraph
and the foundation for large-scale electronic
communications (Bellis, 2019).

Compass Paper is one of the most used technologies today for writing
records and communication. It was invented in China earlier
than the 2nd century CE. As a cheaper and convenient tool,
it helped the spread of literature and literacy around the
world (Cartwright, 2017); and opened a venue for learning
and understanding historical experiences.

Prosthetic Heart Vladimir Demikhov, who invented this device as defined by

the dictionary in which it replaces the heart that maintains
blood circulation and oxygenation of the human body. This
can also bridge the time to a heart transplant, or
permanently replace in case transplant is impossible.

Monosodium Glutamate Monosodium glutamate (or MSG in short) was discovered

more than a hundred years ago by a Japanese chemist
named Kikunae Ikeda. He discovered the substance from
seaweed and realized that it gave a whole new range of
flavor that is completely different from the known basic 4

(sweet, sour, bitter, salty) which was named “umami”. This

discovery improved Asian cuisine throughout the 20th
century as the use of MSG got popular and is still used
widely today despite false health hazards that surrounded

Measurement tool for weather Invented by Anna Mani, which was made through solar
radiation, ozone, and wind energy. With this tool, it helps
meteorologists to analyze and evaluate the data that will be
collected. This data not only details weather over time, but
it helps to predict future weather patterns.

Sarusashi’s Table
Invented by Katsuko Sarusahi, the significance of this is that
it can be used as a method and tool for measuring carbon
dioxide in seawater, and later became Saruhashi's Table.
According to the report of Asian Research News, her work
showed that the Pacific Ocean releases twice as much
carbon dioxide as it absorbs, which indicates that global
warming could not be substantially mitigated by seawater’s
capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

Silk The earliest record of cultivating silkworms was in 27th

Century Ancient China. This textile was originally preserved
for the Royal Family but soon permeated to Chinese society
and culture until its increased demand from other places
created the lucrative trade route known as the Silk Road,
taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver, and wool to
the east. This trade route also became an important avenue
for news and knowledge for the following centuries.

Porcelain Porcelain was invented in China over a centuries-long

development period beginning with "proto-porcelain" wares
dating from the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 B.C.E).
Porcelain wares were being exported through Europe
during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.). Porcelains are
so-called white gold because of its exquisite white color that
is unparalleled to other ceramics at that time. The process
of making porcelain was kept hidden for centuries that even
now some people around the world call porcelain as


“Artificial Heart.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. Accessed September 25, 2021.

Bellis, Mary. 2019. “The Compass and Other Magnetic Inventions.” ThoughtCo. November 20, 2019. magnetic- innovations-1991466.

Birdman, Harvey. “Importance of Weather Instruments.” Sciencing, November 22, 2019.

Cartwright, Mark. 2017. “Paper in Ancient China.” World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia. September
15, 2017. 1120/paper-in-ancient-china/.

“Hindu-Arabic Numerals | History & Facts | Britannica.” 2021. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

“Giants in History.” Asia Research News, September 11, 2021.


“Gunpowder.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, August 26, 2021.

“Porcelain.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, June 29, 2021.

“The History of Silk.” Fromental, August 14, 2014.

Tu, Chau. “Is MSG Bad for Your Health?” Science Friday, November 28, 2018.

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