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DVD Worksheet 2 • Wild about Vancouver

Before watching
1 Uzupełnij mapkę Vancouver wyrazami z ramki.
coast mountains Ocean Strait forests City Island

the west of Canada

of Georgia


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Vancouver Vancouver

2 Odpowiedz na pytania. Potem obejrzyj film While watching

i sprawdź odpowiedzi.
1 Which is the Canadian flag, a, b or c?
3 Obejrzyj film. Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź: a, b
lub c.
a b c 1 Vancouver is in the province of ______?
a British Columbia.
b Vancouver Island.
c Ontario.
2 What do you know about Canada? 2 What event was in Vancouver in 2010?
3 Which cities do you know in Canada? a The Summer Olympics.
4 What do you think the environment is like b The World Cup.
around the cities? c The Winter Olympics.
5 What do you think the weather is like in 3 How can Vancouver become a greener city?
Canada? a With more cars.
b With more trees.
c With more roads.

Steps Plus VI • Wild about Vancouver  DVD worksheet PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
DVD Worksheet 2 • Wild about Vancouver

4 Obejrzyj film jeszcze raz. Dopasuj podpisy do zdjęć.

a In 2010, Vancouver was the host city of the Winter Olympics.
b You can see traditional artwork in Stanley Park.
c Vancover isn’t the capital of British Columbia.
d Vancouver has got some amazing parks.
e The Lion Gate Bridge is very famous.
f There are mountains all around Vancouver.

1 2 3

4 5 6

5 Dopasuj określenia liczbowe (1–7) do wyrażeń After watching

(a–g), tak aby powstały poprawne zdania.
1 96 km 5 By 2020,
6 Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania
o Vancouver i waszej miejscowości oraz
2 2 million 6 150,000 odpowiadajcie na nie.
3 In the 19th century, 7 10 km 1 Do you think Vancouver is a nice city? Why?
4 In 2010, 2 Would you like to visit Vancouver in the
future? Why / Why not?
3 Do you think your town or city is ‘green’?
a Vancouver wants to be the greenest city in
Why / Why not?
the world. 4 Do you think it will be greener in the future?
b people cut down the forests around the city. Why / Why not?
c is the length of a path through Stanley Park.
d new trees are being planted. 7 Napisz krótki tekst o swojej miejscowości.
e is the distance from Vancouver to Victoria. Użyj odpowiedzi w ćw. 6.
f people live in the city. I live in a nice town, but it isn’t as green as
g the weather was too warm for the Winter Vancouver! There are three big parks in my
Olympics because of global warming. town. …

Steps Plus VI • Wild about Vancouver  DVD worksheet PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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