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Child rearing practices during the first year vary from country to country. The amount of bathing that is
done is also inconsistent across cultures. Unless contraindicated most infants and children can be
bathed in a basin at the bedside or on the bed, or in a standard bath tub located on the unit which is
often conveniently adapted for pediatric use.
Baby bath is defined as cleaning the skin of the baby for promoting hygiene and comfort in the home
1.To keep the baby’s skin clean.
2.To refresh the baby.
3.To stimulate the circulation.
4.To prevent any skin infection.
5.To closely observe the body for evidence of any abnormalities and to note infant’ growth and
6.To induce sleep.
 Colour (Pinkish, walang pasa, pantay ang kulay)
 Moisture (hindi dry ang skin)
 Temperature (Hypothermia and Hyperthermia)
 Texture
 Turgur
 Vascularity
 Edema
 Pruritis
 Rashes
 Lesions
 Erythema
 Infection
 Inflammation
 Hirutism
LAP BATH Bathing the baby keeping on the lap. Here the mother sits on a stool and can sponge and
change his dress on her lap itself. So there is no need of having additional stool.
Bathing the child in bed.
This is the common method of giving bath to the baby.
Use warm room and warm water.
Bath quickly and gently.
Dry quickly and gently.
Never leave the baby unattended in a bath tub or table.
The infant is given bath after the cord falls and umbilicus is well healed. (within 7th -10th day.)
The ideal time for bathing a baby is before the second feeding; taking care that the baby is not tired or
Baby should not be bathed within an hour he is fed because moving may cause vomit .
There should be a fixed time for bath, which will help the baby to form a habit on an orderly schedules.
The newborn’s temperature regulating system is underdeveloped, So meassure the temperature of
water to avoid overheating or chillness. (98 -100 or 37 -38)
The clothing should be selected based on the environment and weather.
The soap used should be mild and without hexachlorophene base and avoid using talcum powders,
because it contains zinc stearate which irritates the respiratory tract.
12. ARTICLES REQUIRED Hot water Tepid water Buckets-2 Mug-1 Mild soap Hair oil Swab sticks-
4. Cotton balls.
13. K-basin Thermometer Clean cloths Betadine Normal saline Low stool Apron
doctor’order for any specific instruction about bathing the baby. Get further instructions from the ward
sister. Assess the general condition of the baby and need for bathing. Find out from the mother
whether the child had his feeding within the previous one hour.
15. Decide the type of bath to be given and find out the proper place for the same. Check the articles
in the unit. Collect the individual soap and towel from the mother if possible.
16. PREPARATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND EQUIPMENT Close windows to keep off draught and to
provide privacy. Collect all the articles in readiness before beginning the procedure. Keep the table
against the wall, place the tub or basin on one end of the table and the tray with articles on the other
end conveniently so that the baby will be protected on 3 sides and there is less chance of the baby’s
rolling of the table.
17. Place makintosh and towel over the table, wash hands and wear apron. See whether the baby is
wet with urine or motion. If so clean the part. Bring the baby wrapped in a towel to the bath table.
1.Explain procedure to the mother and encourage her participation
1.To reduce anxiety and to win her co-operation.
2.Pour water into the tub 2 . Prevents chances and adjust temperature of hypothermia by checking with
the or scalding. elbow or dorsal side of the palm.
20. Nursing action Rationale
3.Undress the baby. 3.To made ready for bath 4.Place the head of the 4.Safeguards the baby baby on
your non- from slipping. dominant palm and support the body with the forearm.
21. NURSING ACTION RATIONAL 5.Close ears with the 5.Prevents entry of thump and middle water.
finger of the non- dominant hand.
22. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE 6. Wipe the eyes from 6. It prevents entry of inner canthus to outer
debris and micro- canthus with organisms into the cotton swabs . lacrimal gland. 7.Dip hand in water
and 7.Follows the principle wipe face taking care less contaminated to that no water goes into most
contaminated the mouth of infant. area.
23. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE 8. Wet hair and apply 8. Drying immediately soap or shampoo
prevents gently wash the hypothermia. scalp.Rinse with water and dry hair with towel.
24. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE 9. Place the baby into 9.To start washing trunk. the tub with shoulders
neck and head supported by the nondominant hand and the trunk and legs in water.
25. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE . 10. Wet the baby’s neck, chest,hands,abdomen, legs and perineum.
11.For cleaning back and buttocks transfer the baby to the other hand in such a way that neck and chest
are supported over the palm, by holding the baby securely.
26. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE 12.Apply soap 12.prevents skin concentrating irritation. on skinfolds
and rinse with the water 13.Spread the towel over a flat surface.Place the baby on it and dry. 13.For
better covenience
27. NURSING ACTION RATIONALE 14.With the swab stick 14. To prevent swab the inner and umbilical
outer circle of cord. infection. 15.Dress the baby 15.To prevent from . and cover in the hypothermia.
blanket or towel.
28. CONTRA INDICATIONS OF BABY BATH Hypothermia. Convulsions. Bronchopneumonia.
Congenital cyanotic heart desease. Fresh burns. Critical illness. Premature infants.

29. AFTER CARE Wash and replace the articles in the proper place. Record the type of bath,any
abnormal findings on the skin with date and time. Hand over the baby to the mother for feeding.
Before discharge demonstrate it to the mother,so that she can bath her infant at home.
30. CONCLUSION Bathing provides a opportunity to the nurse to identify any developmental
peculiarities and superficial skin infections which should be brought to the notice of physician.
ED. (1976)Little Brown and company,Philadelphia. 2.Adelli Pillitteri,CHILD HEALTH NURSING,CARE OF
THE CHILD AND FAMILY,Lippincot,(1999)Los Angels.Californi. 3.Dorothi .R.Marlow ,Barbara.a.Reeding
‘TEXT BOOK OF PEDIATRIC NURSING(1988)W.B.Saunder’s company,Philadelphia. 4.Hockenberry Wilson
‘wong’s nursing care of infants and childre’8th ed.(2007),mosby publishers.
AND MIDWIFERY COURSE,(2003),2nd ed.jaypee publishers,Newdelhi. 6.O.P.Ghai,Paul v.k,Piyush
Guptha,’GHAI ESSENTIALS OF PEDIATRICS(2005),6th ed.CBC publishers,New Delhi. 7.Annamma Jacob,
‘CLINICAL NURSING PROCEDURES,THE ART OF nursing’2nd ed.Jaypee Publishers,newdelhi. 8. Meharban
Singh ’Care If New Born’(2004)6th ed.Sagar publications,newdeihi. 9.CMC ‘procedure mannual’Vellore.
Bed Bath Evaluation Exam
Total points10/10

1. Baby bath is defined as cleaning the skin of the baby for promoting hygiene and
comfort in the hospital setting. *
2. To stimulate the circulation is one of the objective of bed bath *

3. In assessing the skin before baby bath you must check for *
Temperature and Moisture
Edema and Pruritus
Colour and Texture
All of the above
4. The ideal time for bathing a baby is after the second feeding. *
5. There should be fixed time for bath, which will help the baby to form a habit on an
orderly schedules. *
6. Baby should be bathed within an hour he is fed because moving may cause vomit. *
7. The newborns temperature regulating system is underdeveloped so you need to
measure the temperature of water to avoid overheating or chillness. *

8. The soap used should be mild with hexachlorophene base *
9. Premature infant is contraindicated in baby bath *

10. Identify the child and check doctors order for any specific instructions about baby
bathing is one of the preliminary assessment in baby bath. *
FalseGood day. I am Gwyneth S. Estrada, a nursing student from BSN 2B - Group 5 member,
and I'll demonstrate sponge bath and tub bath.

A baby bath is a nursing procedure, which refers to cleaning the skin of the baby for promoting
hygiene and comfort in the home setting. It aims to keep the newborn's skin clean, to refresh the
baby, to stimulate circulation, to prevent any skin infection, to closely observe the body for
evidence of any abnormalities, to note the infant’s growth and development, and to induce sleep.

There are different types of baby baths, lap bath, sponge bath, and tub bath.
LAP BATH is when we bathe the baby on our lap while sitting on a stool. We don't use an
additional stool throughout the procedure.

SPONGE BATH is bathing the child on the bed using damp washcloths. We often utilized a
sponge bath when the newborn still has his or her umbilical cord attached or if the newborn is still
in the process of healing from his circumcision.

Lastly, TUB BATH is the complete soaking of the baby in a bathtub, which is the common method
of giving a bath to the baby. It is usually done when the umbilical cord completely falls off and is

Prior to the procedure, we do some assessment, wherein we check the color, moisture,
temperature, texture, turgor, vascularity, edema, pruritis, rashes, lesions, erythema, infection,
inflammation, and hirsutism.

Identify the child and check the doctor’s order for any specific instruction about bathing the baby.
Get further instructions from the ward sister.
Assess the general condition of the baby and the need for bathing.
Find out from the mother whether the child had his feeding within the previous one hour.
Decide the type of bath to be given and find out the appropriate place for the same.
Check the articles in the unit.
Collect the individual soap and towel from the mother if possible.


Close windows to keep off draught and to provide privacy.
Collect all the articles in readiness before beginning the procedure.
Keep the table against the wall, place the tub or basin on one end of the table and the tray with
articles on the other end conveniently so that the baby will be protected on 3 sides and there is
less chance of the baby’s rolling off the table.
Place mackintosh and towel over the table, wash hands and wear an apron.
See whether the baby is wet with urine or motion. If so clean the part.
Bring the baby wrapped in a towel to the bath table.
Also, before proceeding to the procedure, it is better if we prepare the equipment and essential
supplies to conserve time and energy and to avoid interruption while performing the procedure.

We have to prepare:
2 Buckets of water
1 has hot water (ranges from 98-100 F or 37-38 C)
1 has tepid water

1 Mug
Mild soap without hexachlorophene base
Hair oil
4 Swab sticks
Cotton balls
Kidney basin
Clean cloths
Normal saline
Low stool

Congenital cyanotic heart disease.
Fresh burns.
Critical illness.
Premature infants.
The first step is to explain the procedure to the mother and encourage her participation. This
reduces her anxiety and could win her cooperation and participation.

Pour water into the tub and adjust the temperature by checking with the elbow or dorsal side of
the palm
Prevents chances of hypothermia or scalding.

Undress the baby to prepare and be ready for the bath.

Place the head of the baby on your non-dominant palm and support the body with the forearm.
Safeguards the baby from slipping

Close ears with the thumb and middle finger of the non-dominant hand to prevent the entry of

Wipe the eyes from inner canthus to outer canthus with cotton swabs.
It prevents the entry of debris and microorganisms into the lacrimal gland.

Dip hand in water and face taking care that no water goes into the mouth of the infant.
Follows the principle wipe less contaminated to most contaminated the area.

Wet hair and apply soap or shampoo gently wash the scalp. Rinse with water and dry hair with a
Drying immediately prevents hypothermia.

Place the baby into the tub with shoulders neck and head supported by the non-dominant hand
and the trunk and legs in the water.
To start washing the trunk.

Wet the baby’s neck, chest, hands, abdomen, legs, and perineum.
For cleaning back and buttocks transfer the baby to the other hand in such a way that neck and
chest are supported over the palm, by holding the baby securely.

Apply soap on skinfolds and rinse with the water to prevent skin concentrating irritation.
Spread the towel over a flat surface. Place the baby on it and dry.
For better convenience

With the swab stick, swab the inner and outer circle of the cord.
To prevent umbilical infection.

Dress the baby and cover it in a blanket or towel.

To prevent hypothermia.

Do the aftercare
Wash and replace the articles in the proper place.
Record the type of bath, any abnormal findings on the skin with date and time.
Hand over the baby to the mother for feeding.
Before discharge demonstrate it to the mother so that she can bathe her infant at home.
The first step is to explain the procedure to the mother and encourage her participation. This
reduces her anxiety and could win her cooperation and participation.

Prepare necessary equipment and supplies to conserve time and energy, and to avoid
interruption while performing the procedure.
I had prepared:

2 bowls of lukewarm water one for cleansing with soap and the other one is for rinsing.
4 washcloths
Mild soap without hexachlorophene base
Rolled blanket to raise the head of the newborn a little bit
Clean diaper
Clean clothes
Pacifier to help the baby calm down when started crying

Place the clean blanket

Undress the baby to prepare and be ready for the bath.

Place the newborn on the blanket

Expose the necessary parts only to prevent chills and provide privacy.

Using a washcloth soak in the water, create a bath mitt. Mitt retains water and heat better than a
loosely held washcloth. Keeps cold edges from brushing against the newborn's skin.

Wipe the eyes from the inner canthus to the outer canthus to prevent the entry of debris and
microorganisms into the lacrimal gland.

Wipe the face of the newborn using the Z-track and S-track methods. This reduces the
transmission of microorganisms.

Wipe the neck of the newborn. To fully assess the neck of the newborn, slightly lift and hold the
baby and slightly lift her chin.

Wipe her arms to her shoulders, then her armpit, and her hands. Make sure to pay attention to
the interdigital space of the newborn's hands.

Wash her chest while avoiding touching her umbilical cord. While doing the procedure we have to
assess the skin of the newborn and document the findings especially the abnormalities, lesions,
wounds, rashes, and other alarming findings after the procedure.

Rinse the arms, shoulder, hands, and chest using a new washcloth soak in another bowl of water.
Dry gently and fastly those areas.

Cover the upper extremities to prevent chills

Using a washcloth with soap, wipe from the leg to the thigh, then to the foot, and in between toes.
Repeat this procedure to clean the other legs, thigh, and foot.
Rinse gently and quickly
Dry gently and quickly

Position the baby in a prone position, on her head on one side.

Wipe the back of her neck
Wipe the entire back
Rinse and dry quickly and gently
Expose the necessary parts only to prevent chills and provide privacy.

Remove the diaper

Using a washcloth, cover her private area since the removal diaper could stimulate the baby to
Clean the private part from the least contaminated to the most contaminated area.

Place a new clean diaper while making sure to avoid contact to the umbilical cord and prevent it
from prematurely falling since it could make the healing period longer.

Dress the newborn according to the temperature of the environment and weather.

This form was created inside of Bataan Peninsula State University.


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