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vocauiJLan* s-i’tiliy

l3efore you iez)


- cari (vcrb)
- tlic rest (noun) illitcraie rauj<*! *“)
- disparity (Coun)
strivc (verb)
- scarce (adjective)
cube wilh (verb}

IlEADiNc rocus
yt Up are very poor.
A 11 ha5 been a well-known facl that Islamic countries as a
Although the total population of those countries represeflts l8.4% of thc world
populatlon, their overall GNP (Gross hatlOflal eq uivalent to only
4.4% of thc wotld GNP. The total“ G.IP of Islam ic Countries populated by
(:fi) mars than one billion people is less than that of France wi th a population of only
56 million. Even the rich oil-‹•xyoi fitig fDif/ifrie.i’ such as Saud i Arabia, Bahrain,
Brunei, Qatar, Kuwait, and UAE (United Arab Emi rates), combined together,
may not be rich enough compared with some developed industrial countries,
despite the fact that the richest man in the woAb today is from Brunei

B The industrialized countries, with only 15.2% of the world’s population,

produce an astonIShin 74.30a» of the entire world’s GNP. The average annual
per capita income in Islamic countries in 1990 was USA 847, lTltlGh lower
compared with US$ 12,510 in the industrialized countries. A person living in
industrialized country earns an annual income of almost 15 times as much as
a person living ln an Islamic country. Nearly half of 39 under-developed
countries are Islamic countries.

C Per capita income in Islamic countries varies greatly. The six Islamic
countries mentioned above (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Brunei, Qatar, Kuwait, and
(20) UAE) are among the highest per capiia income in world, while thy rest is
among the lowest, Disparities in also exist wthin each IslamlC counts
between the few rich and the numerous
between the urban and niral
population. 6

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poor, between men and women, anfi

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' Cft IN ISlillTllti COUfltrie is not so much due to the lack of natural
r‹itlicr to lhcir weaknesse.s 'scientific and technological
il\lra truc turñs. Skilled Human resources are still s‹ arce in Islamic states. About
Half of‘ hoc adult population is still illiterate ; only a very small proportion of
students are in sciericC and teG education ; and tie average government
cxpcntlitui’e on all levels of education is less than 5% of the SNP. While R & D
hudyct 1n industrializ ed count i ics is 2 G% of the GSM, Islamic states spend only
0.3% of their total GNP. Education in the fields of science and technology is
one of the bilSlC Items of importance in modern civilization.

E While most IslalTllG countries .are

still striving hard to fulfill the basic
of the population 5uch
needs as food, education, health, and housing, the
few rich
(35) Islamic countries are too busy coping with their internal problems to improve
the quality of higher education. Strong and healthy economy and high quality
education are among the essentlal basic requirements for becoming a world
power in the modem world.

Source Aspiring for the Middle Path

by Dr. H. Tarmizi Taher.


A. Write T in the blanks before the statements that are true , write F in the blanks
before the statements that are false, and NC before the statements that are not
given in the reading passage.

‘’ Each of the Islamic countries has the overall GNP of 4 4%.

2. The total population of the Islamic countries is greater than the

total population of the lndustrialized countries

3. Saudi Arabia has the highest per capita income among the Islamic

4. According to paragraph three, the number of poor people in

Islamic countries is much bigger than the number of rich people.

s, The number of women is bigger than the number of men in

Islamic countries.
the ISlil>i
6. Lack of natural resources is the main reason why
countries are poor.
be paraphrased to the
oil’). Look at another
Le ari1hig a foreign language is n time-coitsiiiniiig
Learning a foreign lans •° ge is a ivoi'k fltal roiisiiirei


Direction : Paraphrase the following participial phrases to the noun + adjeclive

1. Islam is the hummiity - respecting religioit.

2. Indonesia is one of the mmipowei - providing countries for Saudi Arabia and
other countries in the Middle East.

3. Many rivers in Indonesia can be the cheay electricity - generating smmces for the
benefit of the people and the country.

4. State Islamic University is one of the Islamic scholars - producing institutions in


5. Muslims should become the laws — abiding citizens.


Ffiin blank in the following sentences with one word or phrase from the
list above.

1. According to the latest statistic, 20% of the Indonesian citizens are still

2. There was a report in the newspaper that only few members of DPR were present
in the plenary sessions, while did not show up for various excuses.
all the people are aware o2 (heir i cspoiislbiliiivs t• r • y tflXes, th e government
3, lf

and hORQ9I leaders

4 PuJly becau5e of the ecollORilG crisis and moral decadence, clean
ñill in lnéoliesia today.
5. One of the objectives of education is to prepare students tO bfl dble
their problems.


1. In the first paragraph, it is mentioned.that the richest man in the world is from
BfUnk Can you guess who he is ? Why do you think he becomes so rich ?

2. The following probl s are generally found in Islamic countries. Which problems do
you think apply to Indonesia ?
a) illiteracy
b) lack of natural resources
c) lack of skilled human resources
d) low s Ve mme nt expenditure for education
e) low per capita income
I) religious tolerance
g) the wide gap between the rich and the poor
h) comiption, collusion, and nepotism

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