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1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. A,B

7. C

8. E

9. A

10. A

Speaker 1: This form of phonic audio is part of the transcriber test for GoTranscript.

Speaker 2: The village council was asked to give counsel to several people about their
involvement in a new business, which was applying for license was to be a craft store selling
multiple groups and you're one of the owners had been experimenting with twisting multiple
strands of yarn together. One of the council members objected that this made the resulting fabric
much too thick. This particular counselor had worked with two strands of yarn together and
found the resulting by filer in element quite thick enough for most, especially those with arthritic
joints. At this point, said for more conflict, the council decided to dispense with its Council of
the counselors and asked the state officials to send for the Consul General to make the final
Speaker 2: One of them said aloud that this shouldn't be allowed, as it would have a poor effect
on morale. Another stated that the effect of the first counselor was to droopy and sad and wasn't
having that great effect on the morals of those have assembled since he himself was
contemplating murder, or at least some form of violence, Here in this chamber though, a lot of
people were having difficulty with the audio. One of them piped up to state, she couldn't hear a
thing they were saying or not. No one was sure whether the weather was also having an effect on
the sound quality, as there was definitely a storm brewing outside to match the brouhaha within.
Finally, it was decided that a vote would be taken to determine whether the council should call in
the console to give counsel.

Speaker 2: The final tally was 100%, four and 3% against a traveling mathematician objected
that this was obviously a miscount. Since there could only be 100% of anything. At least 1/3 of
the people agreed with him. But since nine of the 10 councilors disagreed, there was nothing they
could do about it. The final statement of the council was as follows, We disagree with the one
counselor who said "I request the state console to give counsel to the Council on this matter of
the by filer yarn, and recommended that the entire matter be tabled until such time as we can
more properly effect change." The people assembled knew that there would be no new
discussion of the two stranded yarns at this time, but still grumbled that the council should have
given better counsel to those requesting the presence of the console. One gentleman the head of
the village school spoke for many when he said "As a principal myself, I can't see allowing this
principle to stand."

Speaker 1: This form of phonic audio is part of the transcriber test for GoTranscript.

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