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Information Extraction Basics

Friday, August 27, 2021 5:58 AM

Information Extraction is the process of parsing through unstructured data and extracting essential
information into more editable and structured data formats.

Coreference Resolution = link all the pronouns to the referred entity
We can use spacy and NeuralCoref python libraries for this task

Graph Database = a database that uses graph structures for semantic queries with nodes, edges,
and properties to represent and store data. Leading GDs: Neo4J, Amazon Neptune (comparison)

Named Entity Recognition = process of identifying various entities in text and grouping them in
categories such as persons, organizations, locations, and more.
We can use GCP (google cloud platform) or AWS (amazon web services) platforms (comparison)

Named Entity Linking = link NER entities to a target knowledge base. Picking the right NEL Model
is key to accuracy. Some well-known NEL models are wikifier, facebook blink

Relationship Extraction = extracting relations between entities. OpenNRE is an open source toolkit
that provides a framework to implement RE Models.

Knowledge Graph = a knowledge base that uses a graph-structured data model or topology to
integrate data. Infering a relationship between all permutations of pairs of entities.

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