The Exercises of Morphemes 1

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Identify the number of the morphemes in each of the given
words. Complete the table given below.
1 play 1 11 keeper 2 (keep- and er)
2 replay 2 (re– and play) 12 able 1
3 date 1 13 unable 2 (un- and able)
4 antedate 2 (ante- and date) 14 mahogany 1
5 hygiene 1 15 rain 1
6 weak 1 16 rainy 2 (rain- and y)
7 weaken 2 (weak- en) 17 cheap 1
8 man 1 18 cheaply 2 (cheap- and ly)
9 manly 2 (man- ang ly) 19 cheaper 2 (cheap- and er)
10 keep 1 20 honest 1

Identify the bound morpheme(s) in of each of the given words.
Complete the table given below.
1 speaker –er 6 delivery -y

2 kingdom -dom 7 intervene inter- and -vene

3 phonemic -ic 8 revise re- and -vise

4 idolize -ize 9 dreamed -ed

5 selective -tive 10 undone -un

EXERCISE 3:Underline the base in each the given words. Complete the
table given below.
1 womanly 6 lighten 11 unlikely

2 endear 7 enlighten 12 prewar

3 failure 8 friendship 13 subway

4 famous 9 befriend 14 falsify

5 infamous 10 Bostonian 15 unenlivened

EXERCISE 4:Identify all the possible the suffixes in each of the
given words.
Complete the table given below.

1 organists 2 suffixes ist, s

2 personalities 3 -al, -ity, -es
3 flirtatiously 3 -ation, -ous, -ly
4 atomizers 3 -ize, -er, -s
5 contradictorily 3 -ory, -ly
6 trusteeship 2 -ee, -ship
7 greasier 2 -y, -er
8 countrified 2 -fy, -ed
9 friendliest 2 -ly, est
10 responsibilities 2 -ible, ty, -es

EXERCISE 5:Add an inflectional suffix to each of these words, which

already end in a derivational suffix. Complete the table given below.

1 kindness + es = kindnesses (n., pl.)

beautify + -ed = beautified


3 quarterly + es = quarterlies

popularize + -ed = popularized

popularize +ing= popularizing
popularize + -es = popularizes
5 depth + s = depths

6 pressure + ed =pressured

extinguish + er = extinguisher
orientate + ed = orientated
orientate + ing = orientating
orientate + es = orientates
9 friendly + er = friendlier friendly + est = friendliest

10 noisy + er = noisier noisy + est = noisiest

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