MGT407 - MM - Course Outline Revised 2019 October v2

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Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Subject Outline

Subject Name Marketing Management

Subject Code MGT 407

Subject Credits 3

Instructor Office Hours by appointment only

This subject is a foundation on marketing management: the study
and practice of providing products that satisfy human needs, wants
& desires. It reflects on the understanding of the "marketing mix" -
product, price, promotion & place; and aids the student in
developing analytical, research and strategic skills. It travels through
the role of the marketing manager who is responsible for
formulating the strategic marketing plan. The strategic roadmap of:
selecting target market(s) for the firm's product with the aid of
market research, the development of appropriate marketing mix for
the brand, effectively communicating & delivering value to the
customers, and thus establishing a long-term relationship for the
organisation’s growth, is followed throughout the subject journey.
The course of the subject, thus, provides a strong foundation in
marketing theory as well as further insights into contemporary
Summary/Overview industry applications.
1. To understand the basic marketing concepts and
fundamental marketing practices.
2. To get acquainted with the real life challenges faced during
the marketing practice and the best possible methods to
overcome the same.
3. To examine marketing mix variables while developing an
effective marketing plan.
4. To comprehend the behavior and structure of various
5. To evaluate the framework of product and branding
Aims strategy, its commutation & delivery.
Assessment Strategy
Participants will be tested conceptually and on

application of concepts, on all areas of Marketing

Management through the following methods:

Learning Outcomes day/week
Assessment Description of Weight
# Assessed (assignments) or
Method* Assessment Method %
length (exam)
1 2 3 4
CS Case Study Fortnight
PF Preparation of cases for One Day for case
class discussion lets/ A week for full
AS Written Assignment 1 40% x x As scheduled
EX Final Exam 60% X X X X As scheduled

*The following codes for assessment methods apply:-

LR literature review PC practical
CB computer-based PF performance
CS case study AS Assignment
DI dissertation or project PO portfolio
EX exam PR presentation
GR group report RE individual report
DTA during term test OR Oral test
OT other

Core Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
Understand the basic marketing concepts and Evaluate the concepts using assignments, and
fundamental marketing practices during the subject evaluations, elaborate on the
meaning & evolution of marketing concepts.

Get acquainted with the real life challenges Participate in situations that replicate real life
faced during the marketing practice and the challenges through case situations & role-plays;
best possible methods to overcome the same decide upon appropriate problem solving
2 methods & processes and present these results
during the case study analysis & final subject
Examine marketing mix variables while Grasp the relevance of & relationship amongst
developing an effective marketing plan all the marketing mix variables available for a
marketer and during class deliberations and for
the final subject evaluation, establish the
optimum mix for a successful marketing plan.

Comprehend the behavior and structure of Decisively analyse factors that shape buying
various markets behaviour in B2C and B2B markets during the
project assignments & assigned discussions; and
structure out the same during the subject

Evaluate the framework of product and Scrutinize contemporary and historic (Indian
branding strategy, its communication & and global) brands vis-a-vis the theoretical
delivery templates and during the subject evaluations,
recommend a strategic framework for brand

Marketing Management
Lecture - Session Plan
1 Session = 120 mins.

Session Contents
1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century: Overview of Marketing Definitions, Nature and
Scope, Marketing Concepts & Functions
1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century: Marketing Orientations, Relationship
Marketing and Societal Focus
2 Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: CPV, CDV, Customer Satisfaction,
Cultivating Customer Relations & Maximizing CLV
3 Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment: Micro and Macro Environment,
Impact of the Environment on Marketing, Indian Economy and Consumption, Market
structure, Conduct and Performance, MIS, Feedback and Control
4 Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand: Marketing Research, methods,
types and evaluating the market and consumers, E-Research, Forecasting Technique
5 Analyzing Consumer Markets: Consumer Behavior, Theory of behavior, Psychological,
Anthropological and Social Theories, Models and Purchase Decision Process
6 Analyzing business markets : Buying process & its participants, Buying stages, B2B
Customer Relationships
7 Identifying Market Segments and Targets : Segmenting and Targeting, Developing &
Communicating the positioning strategy, POPs & PODs, Differentiation strategies; PLC &
respective marketing strategies
8 Setting Product Strategy : Product Levels, Product Mix, New Product Management.
8 Designing and Managing Services : Nature, Strategies, Managing Service Brands &
Service Quality
9 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs: Pricing of Products and services, Pricing
Theory, Economic influences of Pricing, Pricing objectives and determination of pricing
for offered products, Pricing Strategy and Tactics.
9 & 10 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications : Communications Mix,
Communication Process, Models, Developing & Managing IMC
10 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels : Channel Management , Levels
of Distribution, Channel Participants & their responsibilities.

Prescribed Text Book:

 Marketing Management: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller 15e ; Pearson

Reference Books:
 Marketing in the 21st Century : Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman L; Biztantra
 The Marketing Book: Michael J. Baker and Susan J. Hart; Elsevier / Butterworth-Heinemann
 Marketing Concepts and Cases: Michael J. Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J. Walker and Ajay Pandit; Tata
McGraw Hill
 The Marketing White Book 2020: BusinessWorld

Journals for Reference:

1. Asian Journal of Marketing
2. Journal of Marketing Management 
3. Marketing Review 
4. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 

Articles for reference: as per periodic recommendations by the instructor & through students’ own assimilation
during the guided self-study process.

Subject Procedures and Policies : Refer to Alliance Learning Experience Program Catalog
Scheme of Evaluation : Refer to Alliance Learning Experience Program Catalog
Grading System : Refer to Alliance Learning Experience Program Catalog

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