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Lesson 1: Science, Technology and Society  Roads (stone) - stone building that surmounted earthquakes and

• Science - Latin word “scientia” meaning knowledge. other disasters

• Systematic body of knowledge based on careful observation and B) Quipu
experimentation. - 1st suspension bridge
- a system of knotted ropes to keep records.
 Science - will try to discover facts and relationships and then - Inca Textiles.
tries to create theories that makes sense of these facts and 3) Aztec Civilization
relationships.  Chocolates
 Mandatory Education
 Technology- two Greek words:  Antipasmodic Medication
 “techne” - art, craft, or skill.
 “logos” - to speak of; to imply the practical application of  Chinampa (Agriculture)
techne  Canoe
 A system of practical knowledge and problem solving to create

 Technology include things such as language and efficiency. 1) India

 Methods and systems which are the result of scientific A) Ayurveda - alt.medicine (Ayurveda)
knowledge being used for practical purposes. - Susruta Samhita (surgical procedure) tried to standardize
measurement of length, designed a ruler.
 GADGETS AND TOOLS B) Aryabhata (476 -550) introduced a number of
 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY trigonometric functions, tables, and techniques, as well
as algorithms of Algebra.
 Society- Latin word “societas” which in turn was derived from C) Brahmagupta - suggested that gravity was a force of
the noun socius ("comrade, friend, ally"; adjectival form attraction.
socialis) used to describe a bond or interaction between parties D) Madhava - founder of Mathematical analysis.
that are friendly, or at least civil.
2) China
 Society is a grouping of individuals, which is characterized by A) Traditional Medicine
common interest and may have distinctive culture and - Seismological Detector
institutions. - Acupuncture
B) Gunpowder
 Science, Technology and Society: C) Printing tools
D) Iron plough
E) Wheelbarrow
 Science and technology studies, or science, technology and
F) Propeller
society studies (STSS) is the study of how society, politics, and
G) Different models of bridges
culture affect scientific research and technological innovation,
H) Dry dock facility
and how these, in turn, affect society, politics and culture.

3) Middle East
Lesson 2: Historical Antecedents
A) Ibn al-Haaytham – Father of Optics
Cradles of Early Science
- Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to
the concept of the algorithm.
- Algebra is derived from al-jabr
B) Empirical observations - science experiments rather than
thought experiment
1) Maya Civilization - works in Astronomy incorporated into
their temples and other religious structures.
A) Egyptians Pyramid and Early Dam
 Eclipse Predictions
B) Lebombo bone-used in mathematical operation.
 Astrological Cycles in Planting and Harvesting
C) Three types of calendar (lunar, solar, stellar)
D) Development of Geometry
2) Inca Civilization
A) Machu Picchu
 natives already had practices linked to science and technology at the center of an empire, one of the few preserved remnants
 medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants of Inca civilization. Machu Picchu is an example of Inca’s
 metal tools engineering field. The Inca constructed Machu Picchu palaces,
temples, terraces and infrastructures using stone without the
SPANISH COLONIAL ERA help of wheels or tools made of steel or iron. Machu Picchu
 Growth of science and technology was abandoned. Since Inca has no written language, no records
 Formal education and scientific institution exit to explain the purpose of Machu Picchu.
 Sanitation and more advanced methods of agricultures was  One particular notable aspect of construction is the use of
taught mortar, a material used to bind stones together. Nonetheless,
 established colleges and universities including UST the stones of Machu Picchu were precisely fit together. Machu
Picchu is located at the center of two (2) fault line, it
 study of medicine was given priority-biology was given focus
experiences earthquakes but because of the stone’s exceptional
 galleon trade
cut and fit they bounces during tremors and are able to easily
fall back into position.
 Quipu also known as the thread that speaks is used for
 Science during this time was inclined towards agriculture, food
communication, the positions of numbers and colors of the
processing, forestry, medicine and pharmacy.
knots communicated certain complex meanings and special
 Due to free trade policy, development of industrial technology
tools were used to read knots. Since they didn’t have writing, it
was not focused
was necessary to have quipu to govern the empire.
 Quipu made it possible to give exact information such as
population and tax revenues of the Inca’s cities including
 Government support in scientific research and invention.
savings and amount of live stocks. They are several
government officials capable of reading quipu, because of
Lesson 5: Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
quipu the Incans emperors could understand events anywhere
Science and Technology In Mesoamerica
in the empire and can communicate anywhere in the empire
 Maya Civilization - considered as one of the most advanced
civilizations to have ever existed in the Americas before
 The name Aztec has actually been created in modern times,
Spanish conquest. The ancient mayan empire was huge, there
they call themselves the MEXICA. The word Aztec means
are more than 40 cities flourished throughout the region. The
people of AZTLAN which is the place they are supposed to
have 165 Gods that they worship. The ancient mayans spent lot
have originated from. According to the legends, the people of
of time worshipping their GODS.
Aztlan were told by their Gods to leave their homes and search
 The mayas built magnificent urban centers consisting stone
for another area. As they wander through Central America,
structures, including pyramid temples that were central to
they fought battle after battle with the other tribes who lived
mayas religious practices.
there. Whenever they won, they forced the conquered tribes to
 In addition to these impressive structures Agriculture played a give them food, money and soldiers for their army. The Aztecs
key role in maya civilization. The mayans also made significant became richer and stronger but still they don’t have a
advancement in mathematics and astronomy, they developed an homeland. In one of the Island where a large cactus grew and
accurate calendar system used to guide the mayans agricultural on the top of the cactus sat an eagle holding a snake on its
cycles. The calendar was based on the observations of the sun talens. When Aztec priests saw the eagle they cried out and the
and sky over thousands of years. believed that it is the sign from their God, who wishes them to
 The mayans also developed the only known writing in settle there. The Aztecs learn how to make a brand new food,
Mesoamerica, the HIEROGLYPHICS. In fact, much of the CHOCOLATE. The rich dirt around the lake was the best
what we knew about ancient maya civilization comes from place to grow cacao trees. When the purple fruit of
hyroglyphics characters, pottery, stone stabs and other the cacao trees turned brown, the Aztecs would pick the fruit and
remnants derived on ancient sites. scoop out the
 Most of the mayan cities collapsed because of warfare, insides, they wanted to get the seeds. Each cacao fruits might
volcanic eruptions and perhaps most likely drought. have 30-40 seeds on it.
Cacao beans is as valuable as golds. The Aztecs even used them
2) INCA CIVILIZATION for money and
 The Stone City of Machu Picchu is one of the most fascinating Chocolates was food worthy for their Gods.
archaeological sites on the planet. Machu Picchu is the Education was universal, mandatory and practical. Boys and girls
testament of the home of Inca people. Machu Picchu is located all received an
education, each group was given a specific task based on their And Science of Experimental Medicine
age, gender and social SCIENCE IN AFRICA
status. Boys where educated by their parents, homeschooled Egyptian Science
style. Girls were taught - Development of Geometry
domestic activities like sewing, weaving, cooking and other - Egyptians Pyramid and Early Dams
homebased tasks. Boys - Egypt– center of Alchemy
learned the basics of farming or whatever things their father - Metallurgy
practiced. Elite boys were - Three types of calendar (lunar, solar, stellar)
enrolled in military schools around the age of 12 or 13. This - Lebombo bone (South Africa)-used in mathematical operation.
military middle school Important Terms:
taught them the skills of a warrior, running, jumping, fighting as Metallurgy- art and science of extracting metals from their ores
well as law, religion and modifying the
and other civic topics. These elite boys were expected to be metals for use.
government officials, Metallurgy customarily refers to commercial as opposed to
scholars, teachers, or priests. Middle school elite girls on the laboratory methods.
other hand, went to a Ayurveda- a natural system of medicine, originated in India more
separate school to learn how to run the household as well as than 3,000 years
singing, dancing and ago. The term
crafts. Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda
Since agriculture was essential to the survival of the Aztecs, they (science or
developed knowledge). Thus,Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.
several practices to ensure they got most of their land. They used Canoe- Just as their canoes were made from wood, so were their
this method called poles and paddles.
CHINAMPA, it is a system call for the dredging of the mud from It is a lightweight
the bottom of narrow vessel, typically pointed at both ends and open on top,
swamps. The chinampa system helped in planting, growing and propelled by one or
harvesting everything more seated or
from corn, peppers and tomatoes. They also invent and used kneeling paddlers
canoe or rafts to access Al-jabr- Algebra (from Arabic: ‫الجبر‬al-jabr, meaning "reunion of
nearby lands and to navigate all throughout their farming broken parts"
land.SCIENCE IN ASIA and "bone setting") is one
INDIA of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory,
-Iron and metallurgical works geometry and
- medicine, Ayurveda (healthy life style) analysis.
-Notable in the field of Astronomy-developed theories Acupuncture- is a form of alternative medicine and a key
on the configuration of the universe. component of traditional
-Sushruta Samhita Chinese medicine in
CHINA which thin needles are inserted into the body.
- Traditional medicines: acupuncture Antipasmodic medication- A medication that relieves, prevents,
- Compass or lowers the
- Papermaking and Printing tools incidence of. Aztecs used the passion flower (relieve insomnia,
- Gunpowder epilepsy, and high
- Wheelbarrow and Propeller blood pressure) to create antispasmodic medication.
- Different models of bridges The History of Science and Technology in the Philippines
-In Astronomy, Lunar calendar (by M. Telabangco)
-Islam, Arabic language PRE-COLONIAL
- Access to Greek text  Fire, (light and heat) and herbal medicines are considered as
-Science experiments rather than thought experiment the first science
- Scientific method, Empirical observations technology.
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi  Early natives already had activities linked to science and
gave his name to the concept of the algorithm. technology even before
-Algebra is derived from Al-jabr colonizers came.
- Arabic Numerical System, Modern Chemistry
 Clay pottery and soil metallurgy, example the creation of antibiotic, Antibiotic from Aspergillus species of fungi.
famous “manunggul
jars” Lesson 7: Intellectual Revolutions
 The use of alibata writing system, stones were used for
recording purpose  Intellectual Revolutions - period of enlightenment when the
Agricultural revolution, introduce and used methods in farming developments in the field of mathematics, physics, astronomy,
for both animal and biology and chemistry transformed the views of society and
plant. nature.
 There is agricultural abundance, native Filipinos were already - movement about enlightenment and it may be initiated
engaged in during 17th century where people are more driven by the
farming. new discoveries in science and technology and cultural
 The Banaue Rice Terraces, is among the sophisticated products relativism resulting from the explorations. It is a
of engineering in revolution of people where faith in the power of human
Pre Spanish era. reason should not be set aside and the great premium
Faith- natives based their abundance of harvest, the different was actually placed on the discovery of the truths
plants and animals in through observations of nature more willingly than just
faith and myths. through the study of authoritative sources. The scientific
COLONIAL experiments and philosophical writing became “in” or
 Ferdinand Magellan, a Portugese in service of Spanish crown, trendy. The 18th century is an era marked by
was looking questioning of traditional dogmas / values. intellectual
forward to a westward route to the spice island of Indonesia, later revolution emphasizes the idea of universal human
on found progress, the most pragmatic systems in science as well
Philippines as free use of reason, logic, and critical thinking. As we
 The colonization of the Philippines contributed to the growth explore the society it is noticeable how far we progress;
of science and there were laws appropriate in every situation, there was
technology in the archipelago. gender and development awareness. Technologies and
 Spanish introduced formal education and founded science social media became the source of information and a
institutions. Parish schools were established where religion, bridge to connect people around the world. The time we
writing and arithmetic was experience technologies we found that there were
taught. disadvantages regarding the use of it; with this, law-
 Sanitation and more advanced methods of agriculture was makers and communities collaborated to create
taught. actions that will address the problems. It shows the intellectual
 Start of formal studies in medicine power of the people to
 Engineering fields in the island grow, constructions of determine dilemmas and apply accurate solutions to transform the
government buildings, societies in a more
churches, roads, bridge and ports. conducive place to live.
 Industrial scientific revolutions
 During Ferdinand Marcos presidency, the importance given to
science field grew.
He recognized that technology was a leading factor in the
economic development
and chanelled additional funds to support projects in applied
science education.
 Management of first nuclear power plant. (Bataan, Philippines)
 Established PAGASA (Philippine atmospheric Geophysical
and Astronomical
 Other inventions also pave way for development of science
like, Florescent bulb
(Agapito Flores), Incubator (Fe del Mundo), Karaoke Machine
(Roberto Del
rosario), Erythromycin (Abelardo Aguilar)-the first successful

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