Three Different Types of Products: Section: BSMA 101

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Under the name of: Noche, Nicka Angelica V.

Program: The Entreprenurial Mind

Date: October 1, 2021 Section: BSMA 101

Three different types of Products

What are the 3 sorts of products?

Sorts of Products – 3 Main Types: Consumer Products, Industrial Products, and Services. There
are various helpful methods of arranging items.
A. Consumer Product:
1. Convenience Goods 2. Specialty Goods
B. Industrial Product:
1. Capital Plant and Equipment 2. Accessories 3. Materials and Components
C. Services:
1. A Pure Service 2. A Major Service 3. A Tangible Good 4. A Pure Tangible Product .

• List three (3) products per type and explain why you think each product belongs in that
specific type.

For my first item that will be one of the primary items as we probably are aware now, which is
Consumer Product the convenience Goods. I'll be giving you an interestingly, homogeneous
shopping things are fundamentally something very similar. Take, for example, ice chests. Each
model has explicit arrangements that are available at different worth centers, yet the
fundamental components of all of the models are essentially something very similar. A typical
client will look at the most negligible expense open for the parts that they need.
The following item in line will be an industrial product for this I will introduce you to one of the
most well-known items and that will be the significant hardware which is a PC where the
greater part of people utilizes these consistently. At the point when we say significant
hardware implies all gear identified with the creation and conveyance of electric force, whose
disappointment could bring about misfortune for a lengthy timeframe of in excess of five
percent of the appraised limit of the Facility.
What's more, finally for my last passage is a service item which is administrations one of the
most utilized is a significant help. For this one, I pick airline passengers who are purchasing
transportation administration, yet they get food and beverages, also. Significant help with
going with minor labor and products: The contribution comprises significant assistance
alongside extra administrations or supporting merchandise.

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