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PAPER - I Multiple Choice
9 Sc. (Cambridge)..........
Duration : 1 hour


Answer all questions.

1. Which characteristic is shown when a person smells a gas in the air ?

(A) excretion (B) movement
(C) respiration (D) sensitivity

2. A palisade cell and a nerve cell are observed under a light microscope.
Only the palisade cell has a
(A) cell membrane. (B) cytoplasm.
(C) nucleus. (D) vacuole.

3. Which shows the increasing level of complexity in plants ?

simplest most complex

(A) cell chloroplast organ tissue
(B) cell tissue chloroplast organ
(C) chloroplast cell tissue organ
(D) chloroplast organ tissue cell

4. When a red stain is added to a culture containing both living and dead cells, only the dead
cells take up the stain. Which structure prevents the stain entering the living cells ?
(A) cell membrane (B) cell wall
(C) cytoplasm (D) vacuole

5. The photomicrograph shows some human blood cells.

magnification = × 900

What is the function of these cells ?

(A) transport of amino acids
(B) transport of glucose
(C) transport of oxygen
(D) transport of water page 2
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 1
6. Which process can involve active transport ?
(A) carbon dioxide intake through stomata
(B) mineral ion intake through root hairs
(C) mineral ion transport through xylem vessels
(D) water leaving mesophyll cells

7. Which processes can take place in a root hair cell when oxygen is not available ?
(A) active transport only
(B) diffusion only
(C) active transport and osmosis only
(D) diffusion and osmosis only

8. The diagram shows a root hair absorbing ions from the surrounding soil.

What will assist the uptake of ions by the root hair ?

(A) a higher concentration of ions in the root hair than in the soil
(B) a low temperature in the surrounding soil
(C) rapid uptake of water from the soil by osmosis
(D) the large surface area of the root hair

9. A human red blood cell is placed in a strong salt solution. In which direction does water move
and what is the effect on the cell ?

movement of water effect on cell

(A) into the cell slight increase in size
(B) into the cell cell bursts
(C) out of the cell slight decrease in size
(D) out of the cell no change in cell volume page 3
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 2
10. The rate of nitrate ion absorption by a root hair cell was measured at different soil nitrate
At X, the concentration of nitrate in the soil is the same as in the cell.
Which graph shows how the rate of absorption varies with nitrate concentration in the soil ?
(A) (B)

rate of nitrate rate of nitrate

absorption absorption

0 00
0 nitrate concentration nitrate concentration
X in the soil X in the soil

(C) (D)

rate of nitrate rate of nitrate

absorption absorption

00 00
nitrate concentration nitrate concentration
X in the soil X in the soil

11. The table shows the conditions in four test-tubes containing equal amounts of starch and
salivary Amylase. In which test-tube is the starch broken down fastest ?

pH temperature /0C
(A) 2 27
(B) 2 37
(C) 7 27
(D) 7 37 page 4
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 3
12. The diagram represents the shape of an enzyme molecule.

active site

With which substrate would this enzyme most easily form an enzyme-substrate complex ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

13. The diagrams represent an enzyme molecule and its substrate.

Which diagram shows these molecules after they are heated to 100 0C ?
(A) (B)



(C) (D) page 5
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 4
14. According to the lock and key hypothesis, which is the lock and which is the key for the
enzyme lipase ?

key lock
(A) fatty acids lipids
(B) lipase lipids
(C) lipase fatty acids
(D) lipids lipase

15. The graph shows the effect of temperature on a chemical reaction which is controlled by
At which point are most product molecules being released ?

speed (rate) of D

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
temperature / 0C
16. When is carbon dioxide absorbed and when is it released by an ecosystem, such as a tropical
rainforest ?

daylight darkness
(A) absorbed absorbed
(B) absorbed released
(C) released absorbed
(D) released released page 6
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 5
17. The diagram shows part of a section through a leaf. Which arrow shows the direction of
movement of water by osmosis in a leaf ?

leaf cells

18. The graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis of a plant varies with light intensity at two
different carbon dioxide concentrations. The temperature is kept constant at 20 0C.

1 % carbon dioxide
rate of
photosynthesis X
0.04 % carbon dioxide

0 light intensity

Which factor is limiting the rate of photosynthesis at point X ?

(A) availability of chlorophyll
(B) availability of water
(C) concentration of carbon dioxide
(D) intensity of light page 7
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 6
19. How do carbon dioxide and water enter a leaf ?

carbon dioxide water

(A) diffusion active transport
(B) diffusion transpiration
(C) osmosis diffusion
(D) osmosis transpiration

20. Which symptom of malnutrition can be treated by an increased amount of protein in the diet ?
(A) constipation
(B) heart disease
(C) obesity
(D) stunted growth

21. The diagram shows part of a protein molecule. What does X represent ?

(A) amino acid

(B) fatty acid
(C) glycerol
(D) sugar

22. Small molecules are used as the basic units in the synthesis of large food molecules.
Which statement is correct ?
(A) Amino acids are basic units of carbohydrates.
(B) Fatty acids are basic units of glycogen.
(C) Glycerol is a basic unit of oils.
(D) Simple sugar is a basic unit of protein. page 8
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 7
23. Nutrients are made up of smaller basic units. Nutrients can be identified by food tests.
Which nutrient is a protein ?

nutrient smaller basic units food test

(A) amino acids Benedict's test
(B) amino acids biuret test
(C) sugar Benedict's test
(D) sugar biuret test

24. When solution X is tested with iodine solution, a blue-black colour is observed.
A different solution, Y, is added to a new sample of solution X and the mixture is shaken and
left for 30 minutes at 40 0C. When tested with iodine solution, an orange-brown colour is
What are solutions X and Y ?

(A) maltose amylase
(B) maltose lipase
(C) starch amylase
(D) starch lipase

25. A child decided to eat only meat, oily fish, cheese and bread, and drink only water.
Which nutrient would be in low levels in this diet ?
(A) calcium
(B) iron
(C) vitamin C
(D) vitamin D page 9
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 8
26. The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs.


Which row correctly describes the functions of parts shown in the diagram ?

structure function structure function

(A) 1 digestion of protein 3 absorption of the products of
(B) 2 emilsifying fats 3 absorption of amino acids and
(C) 4 production of bile 5 making digestive enzymes
(D) 4 storing digestive enzymes 2 making digestive enzymes

27. Why does chewing food speed up digestion ?

(A) Bacteria in the food are killed.
(B) Food is mixed with protease.
(C) The surface area of the food is increased.
(D) The taste of food is improved. page 10
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 9
28. The graph shows pH changes in the mouth after eating.
pH 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time after eating/ minutes

Why is it a good idea to brush teeth after eating ?

(A) Acidic conditions help bacteria to grow.
(B) Acids dissolve tooth enamel.
(C) Alkaline conditions help bacteria to grow.
(D) Alkalis dissolve tooth enamel.

29. Under which set of conditions will the transpiration rate of a well-watered plant be fastest ?
(A) a cool, dry, windless day
(B) a cool, rainy, windy day
(C) a hot, dry, windy day
(D) a hot, rainy, windy day page 11
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 10
30. The lower end of a plant stem is placed in water coloured with red dye. After three hours, the
stem is cut as shown in the diagram.Which labelled region is stained red ?


31. A plant is exposed to different temperatures and humidities.

Which set of conditions cause the plant to lose most water ?

temperature/ 0C humidity/ %
(A) 15 30
(B) 15 60
(C) 25 30
(D) 25 60

32. The diagram shows a potted plant and the same plant 24 hours later.

24 hours

What causes the change in the appearance of the plant ?

(A) Water loss is greater than water uptake.
(B) Water moves from the leaves to the stem.
(C) Water uptake is equal to water loss.
(D) Water uptake is greater than water loss. page 12
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 11
33. The diagram shows a student’s drawing of guard cells.
Which label is not correct ?

A chloroplast
B cytoplasm
C stoma

D cell wall

34. The graph shows pressure changes in the left atrium and in the left ventricle during one heart-

pressure/ kPa ventricle

0 time/s 0.8

What is the state of the valves in the heart at time X ?

left atrio–ventricular valve (bicuspid) semi–lunar valve (in aorta)

(A) closed closed
(B) closed open
(C) open closed
(D) open open page 13
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 12

35. How does tissue fluid differ from blood plasma ?

(A) Tissue fluid contains dissolved food.
(B) Tissue fluid contains less protein.
(C) Tissue fluid does not contain dissolved oxygen.
(D) Tissue fluid does not contain white blood cells.

36. Which row shows the chambers of the heart, from those with the thickest walls to those with
the thinnest walls ?

thickest thinnest
(A) atria left ventricle right ventricle
(B) atria right ventricle left ventricle
(C) left ventricle right ventricle atria
(D) right ventricle left ventricle atria

37. Which substances are dissolved in human blood plasma ?

(A) carbon dioxide, haemoglobin and glucose
(B) carbon dioxide, oxygen and haemoglobin
(C) glucose, hormones and urea
(D) oxygen, urea and starch

38. The table shows features of some blood vessels.Which is the pulmonary artery ?

muscle layer lumen direction of blood flow blood
(A) thick narrow away from the heart deoxygenated
(B) thick wide away from the heart oxygenated
(C) thin narrow towards the heart oxygenated
(D) thin wide towards the heart deoxygenated page 14
Grade 9 Biology I contd.....from page 13
39. When the skin is cut the blood forms clots.
In which order would the components of the blood become involved ?

first last
(A) fibrin platelet red blood cell fibrinogen
(B) fibrinogen red blood cell platelet fibrin
(C) platelet fibrin fibrinogen red blood cell
(D) platelet fibrinogen fibrin red blood cell

40. The diagram shows part of the human circulatory system.

In which vessel is the blood pressure highest ?




rest of body


Ref : CH

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