Lyceum International School: Chemistry Paper I 9 Sc. (Cambridge)

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9 Sc. (Cambridge)
Duration : 1 hour

Additional Materials : Multiple Choice Answer Sheet


There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.

For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D.

Choose the one you consider to be correct and record your

choice with a soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

A copy of the Periodic Table is provided.

A calculator is allowed to be used.

Candidate's name : ............................................................... Admission no : ...................


(1) Which of the following would diffuse most rapidly ?

(A) C 2 l (B) CO2 (C) CH4 (D) N2

(2) What is the most suitable way of investigating the different food colourings in some drinks ?
(A) crystallization (B) filtration
(C) fractional distillation (D) paper chromatography

(3) Which property decides the order of the elements in the Periodic Table ?
(A) the masses of their atoms (B) the number of electrons in the outer shell
(C) the number of neutrons in the nucleus (D) the number of protons in the nucleus

(4) Part of the Periodic Table is shown. The letters are not the symbols of the elements.
Which statement is correct ?
Period group
2 V W X
3 Y Z
(A) V is more reactive than Y (B) W has more metallic character than V
(C) Y has a lower melting point than V (D) Z is more reactive than X

(5) An atom of an element contains 17 protons, 18 neutrons and 17 electrons. What is the atomic
structure of an other isotope of this element ?
Protons neutrons electrons
(A) 17 20 17
(B) 17 18 16
(C) 18 18 17
(D) 20 18 17

(6) Which statement about a new element, which has seven outer electrons in its atoms, is correct ?
(A) It is monatomic.
(B) It forms a covalent compound with hydrogen.
(C) It forms a positive ion.
(D) It forms covalent compounds with Group I elements. page 2

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 1

(7) An atom of element X is represented by 73 X.
Which statement about an atom of X is correct ?
(A) It is in Group III of the Periodic Table.
(B) It is in Group VII of the Periodic Table.
(C) The total number of protons and electrons is 6.
(D) The total number of protons and neutrons is 10.

(8) Which statement about the alkali metals is true ?

(A) they form covalent bonds with Group VII elements
(B) they form oxides on reacting with water
(C) their melting points decrease on descending Group I
(D) their reactivities decrease on descending Group I

(9) Which statement about the Periodic Table is correct ?

(A) the melting point of the elements increases down Group I
(B) the reactivity of the elements increases down Group VII
(C) the reactivity of the elements decreases down Group I
(D) the colour of the elements becomes darker down Group VII

(10) Which graph shows the temperature altering as steam at 1100C is cooled to – 100C?
(A) (B) (C) (D)




time time time time

(11) From which mixture can the underlined substance be obtained by adding water, stirring and
filtering ?
(A) calcium carbonate and sodium chloride.
(B) Copper (II) sulphate and sodium chloride.
(C) ethanoic acid and ethanol .

(D) iron and magnesium . page 3

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 2

(12) A gas Y. is less dense than air,very soluble in water and is an alkali. Which method is used to
collect a dry sample of the gas ?

(A) dry Y (B) Y

calcium oxide
water dry Y

(C) dry Y (D) dry Y


calcium oxide sulphuric acid

(13) The diagram shows the chromatogram obtained by analysis of a single dye.
Three measurements are shown.

final position of
X solvent front
final position of dye

original spot of dye

Z original level of solvent

How is the Rf value of the dye calculated ?

(A) x (B) y (C) x (D) y
x+y x+y x+y+z x+y+z

(14) In which pair of substances, does each have a giant molecular structure ?
(A) diamond, iodine (B) diamond, silica (sand)
(C) iodine , methane (D) methane , silica (sand) page 4

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 3

(15) In which substance is each carbon atom covalently bonded to only three other atoms ?
(A) carbon dioxide (B) diamond (C) graphite (D) methane

(16) The diagrams show the structures of two forms of carbon.


Which set of data is correct for these two structures ?

Conducts electricity very hard material can be used as lubricant
(A) T T S
(B) S T S
(C) S S T
(D) T S T

(17) What is the formula of iron (III) nitrate ?

(A) Fe(NO3) 3 (B) Fe2(NO3) 3 (C) Fe3NO3 (D) Fe3(NO3) 2
(18) How many electrons are shared in the covalent bonding of a methane CH4, molecule ?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
(19) Why does molten sodium chloride conduct electricity ?
(A) An electron is completely transferred from sodium to chlorine.
(B) Sodium ions are only weakly attracted to the chloride ions.
(C) The electrons in the sodium chloride are free to move.
(D) The sodium ions and the chloride ions are free to move.
(20) Which gas is present in the light bulb ?
(A) argon
tungsten gas (B) krypton
filament (C) nitrogen
(D) oxygen page 5

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 4

(21) The equation for the reaction between aqueous lead(II) nitrate and aqueous potassium iodide
is shown.

Pb(NO3) 2(aq) + 2KI(aq) PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)

colourless colourless yellow colourless

Which method could be used to separate the products ?

(A) chromatography (B) crystallisation (C) distillation (D) filtration

(22) Substance X conducts electricity when in the solid state.

X reacts with hydrochloric acid. Which substance could X be ?
(A) copper(II) oxide (B) silicon(IV) oxide (C) sodium chloride (D) zinc

(23) Which cation, on reaction with aqueous sodium hydroxide, forms a precipitate that dissolves
in excess sodium hydroxide ?
(A) Ca2+ (B) Cu2+ (C) Fe3+ (D) Zn2+

(24) Which ionic equation represents the neutralisation of aqueous sodium hydroxide with dilute
nitric acid ?

(A) H+ + OH– H2O (B) Na+ + NO 3 NaNO3
(C) Na+ + HNO3 NaNO3 + H+ (D) NaOH + H+ Na+ + H2O

(25) Waste water from a factory was found to have a pH value of 2. Which substance could be
used to neutralise the waste water before it is released into a river ?
(A) ammonium sulphate (B) lime
(C) oxygen (D) sulphur dioxide

(26) The word equation shows a chemical reaction.

Sulphuric acid + substance Y a salt + water + carbon dioxide

What could substance Y be ?

(A) copper(II) oxide (B) magnesium
(C) sodium carbonate (D) sodium hydroxide page 6

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 5

(27) A white compound produces a mixture of gases when heated. This mixture turns moist
Universal Indicator paper red and relights a glowing splint.
What does this mixture contain ?
(A) an acidic gas and hydrogen (B) an acidic gas and oxygen
(C) an alkaline gas and hydrogen (D) an alkaline gas and oxygen
(28) Which of the following is a characteristic property of alkalis in aqueous solution ?
(A) They liberate ammonia from ammonium salts.
(B) They liberate carbon dioxide from carbonates.
(C) They give hydrogen with any metal.
(D) They turn Universal Indicator paper red.
(29) What is the mas of oxygen contained in 72g of pure water ?
(A) 16 g (B) 32 g (C) 64 g (D) 70 g
(30) Which equation describes the most suitable reaction for making lead sulphate ?
(A) Pb + H2SO4 PbSO4 + H2
(B) PbCO3 + H2SO4 PbSO4 + CO2 +H2O
(C) Pb(NO3) 2 + H2SO4 PbSO4 + 2HNO3
(D) Pb(OH) 2 + H2SO4 PbSO4 + 2H2O

(31) Solution X contains a simple salt.

The table shows the results of some tests on solution X.
test observation
addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide green precipitate forms
addition of acidified barium nitrate white precipitate forms
What is the name of the salt in solution X ?
(A) iron(II) chloride (B) iron(III)chloride
(C) iron(II) sulphate (D) iron(III) sulphate

(32) An amphoteric oxide was added separately to a warm dilute solution of an acid and of an
Which entry in the table is correct ?
acid alkali
(A) salt formed no reaction
(B) salt formed salt formed
(C) no reaction salt formed
(D) no reaction no reaction page 7

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 6

(33) After acidification with dilute nitric acid, a colourles solution of Y reacts with aqueous silver
nitrate to give a white precipitate.
What could Y be ?
(A) calcium iodide (B) coppe(II) chloride
(C) lead(II) iodide (D) sodium chloride

(34) The diagram shows apparatus used to test the gases produced by burning coal.

to pump

burning coal

Which substance is placed in tube R to show that sulphur dioxide is formed ?

(A) aqueous potassium dichromate(VI) (B) aqueous potassium iodide
(C) damp red litmus paper (D) lime water

(35) When two liquids are mixed, a solution with a pH value of 7 is formed. Which of the
following are the pH values of the two liquids ?
First liquid second liquid
pH pH
(A) 5 2
(B) 5 12
(C) 6 1
(D) 14 7

(36) Which reaction does not involve neutralisation ?

(A) H2SO4(aq) + 2NH3(g) (NH4) 2SO4(aq)
(B) H2SO4(aq) + BaC 2(aq)l BaSO4(s) + 2HC (aq)l

(C) H2SO4(aq) + CuO(s) CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)

(D) H2SO4(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) Na2SO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) page 8

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 7

(37) Which of the following describes a step in the preparation of insoluble barium sulphate from
aqueous barium chloride and dilute sulphuric acid ?
(A) Add dilute sulphuric acid until no more gas is produced.
(B) Add the indicator methyl orange.
(C) Collect the precipitate of barium sulphate by filtration.
(D) Evaporate the filtrate until it crystallises.

(38) The formulae of some oxides are shown below.

Na2O MgO A 2O3
l SO2 CO2
Which entry in the table gives the correct number of each type of oxide ?

Number of each type of oxide

acidic amphoteric basic
(A) 1 2 2
(B) 2 0 3
(C) 1 1 3
(D) 2 1 2

(39) Which substance does not produce copper(II) sulphate when added to dilute sulphuric acid ?
(A) copper (B) copper(II) carbonate
(C) copper(II) hydroxide (D) copper(II) oxide

(40) Which of the following is a reaction of dilute sodium hydroxide ?

(A) It reacts with ammonium chloride to produce ammonia.
(B) It reacts with calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide.
(C) It reacts with copper(II) oxide to produce water.
(D) It reacts with Universal Indicator solution turning it red.
[Total = 40 marks] page 9

Grade 9 Chemistry I contd.....from page 8

Ref : NR

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