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3 Digital Identity 23-10-2021
6 20211023-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to DIGITAL IDENTITY-suppl-01
9 Sir/Madam,
10 my wife and I (on Fri8day 22 October 2021) decided to go to a shopping centre, this
11 as for months the Melbourne lockdowns/curfews have prevented doing so. We went to
12 Greensborough Plaza, Victoria and well as my wife in about 3 weeks is 89 and suffers from heart
13 failure she did want to have a cup of coffee when we arrived. Well, we found the coffee shop to
14 have all chairs stacked up and so also tables. We decided to go to another coffee shop where we
15 noticed some people sitting. I was ask if I had a “digital identity” that we were vaccinated and
16 had to show it as otherwise we would not be permitted to sit down to have coffee and cake.
17 Apparently this is now the legal requirement, at least by businesses on direction of premier
18 Daniel Andrews. When she was advised we didn’t have any “digital identity” to prove
19 vaccination we were informed that we would not be permitted to sit down. What this proved was
20 that the “digital identity” clearly is not at all to op in or not but now is already a legal
21 requirement, according to the staff of the shop. I may add that early today Saturday 23 October
22 2021 my wife listening to the news broadcast heard the announcement that there now will be a
23 vaxx trial where unvaccinated people will be barred from businesses. As much, this is a
24 campaign to force anyone not vaccinated, regardless of medical conditions to be vaxxed or
25 simply denied ordinary rights. Obviously, there is more to this all. This is not just about an op in-
26 op out of a digital identity as anyone with an ordinary identity, such as a driver’s license can do
27 without a “digital identity”. Neither my wife or myself are planning to travel abroad and so we
28 do not need a passport let alone some digital identity for this. Other than my wife having to
29 present her Medicare card and or her private insurance card for medical services she has
30 absolutely no need to use any digital identity. My wife has lived through WWII and had 3 bombs
31 dropped in her parents residence (when she was still a child) and escaped from communism
32 having lived under it for about 40 years. Yet now she finds that in the last years of her life she is
33 now traumatized about the past and also about what it is now being denied her ordinary freedom.
34 As she explained those who have committed serious crimes now have more rights and freedoms
35 than she has without a criminal record.
37 This “digital identity” is not something that can be considered on its own but is the
38 communism drive as to control people.
39 I this morning read that the WHO (World Health Organization) a private corporation, in
40 agreement with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF (world Economic Forum)
41 will decide the rights of all citizens around the world. The WHO now demands that a new
42 agreement is made by all countries that the WHO can determine which “class” of people may be
43 placed in detention regardless if they are not at All in ill health, such as anyone not vaccinated
44 for whatever vaccination. Recently, media personality Tucker Carlson in his program indicated

19-10-2021 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 that Scott Morrison pretends to be holding China accountable for his electoral base, but really is
2 pushing the communist agenda. And to be honest this is what appears to me to be so.
3 Firstly, the Commonwealth can deal constitutionally with QUARANTINE regarding any person
4 who suffers from a “man-kind” disease. As such, the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) cover this in an
5 appropriate manner. However, now Scott Morrison desires to amend this Biosecurity Act 2015
6 (Cth) so any “class” of people can then be placed in detention, regardless if they do not suffer
7 from any disease. Just that this is outside the scope of the Commonwealth as it has no
8 constitutional powers to expand its existing quarantine powers to incarcerate health persons
9 merely because he desires to implement his communist system to be able to force people who
10 have no need for any vaccination then to be compelled to be vaccinated or languish in a prison
11 without any judicial system in place. The “digital identity” as such will be used for this purpose
12 so that any person not having a digital identity simply have to remain detained until such time
13 that the person caves in or just die while kept in isolation. As is shown the “digital identity” is
14 now already used to deny elderly people to even have the comfort of a chair unless the produce a
15 “digital identity”. And, for the record the shopping centre had marked of the usual seats one
16 could take a seat to rest and so without a “digital identity” to prove one is vaccinated one no
17 longer has the ordinary rights that one is entitled upon.
18 Premier Daniel Andrews, some time ago, made clear that there had to be “zero “cases” and
19 “zero” “deaths” before any lockdown could be lifted. That was some time ago. Now with
20 reportedly 90% of people having the first vaccination he has decided that even with reportedly
21 some 2,295 “cases” and 8 “deaths” the lockdowns can be stopped, but the “pandemic of the
22 unvaccinated” will deny the unvaccinated to have ordinary rights such as shopping, etc. As such,
23 it never was about “health” as he seeks to enforce that those who have “natural immunity”
24 nevertheless are also “vaccinated” regardless that this would severely compromise their immune
25 system. As such, it never was about health in the first place but all about introducing the
26 communist system to control people.
27 I have not once used the QR code as I maintain my constitutional rights, and it has nothing to do
28 with tracing ill people as if this was to any benefits why then are now more cases, in excess of
29 2,000 recorded? Without the tracing no such high level of “cases” were ever recorded.
31 The WHO, in late 2019, held special meetings it claimed was to prepare for the next pandemic.
32 And well the success of this meeting turns out it was obviously not working at all. After all about
33 2 years later we still have complaints the health services cannot cope. The reality is to me that
34 the WHO really is implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER and this really was in my view
35 what the meeting was about. Let us be clear, the WHO is a private organization connected to the
36 Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the UN (United
37 Nations) all wanting to pursue “depopulation”, controlling the people and remove their assets so
38 they will all become slaves.
40 Now Senators may not care less if their family members will be reduced to paupers and enslaved
41 like currently many prisoners are under the communist system. The “digital identity” therefore
42 will not be controlled by the person himself/herself but will be controlled by whomever are
43 running the NEW WORLD ORDER scam. Today’s earning can be naught tomorrow, when
44 someone decides to simply removed all financial entitlements and other assets from the digital
45 identity.
47 With the amendment of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) is passed then this could even mean that
48 the WHO declares politicians to be a “class” and they are all summary imprisoned without a trial
49 as after all that is what WHO contemplates doing. That is one way to eliminate any nation’s
50 government and replace it with the WHO determining what anyone of any “class” can or cannot
51 do.
19-10-2021 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 If the WHO decides that Aboriginals are to be placed in re-education camps, the once that now
2 even reportedly have guillotines for the unruly, well then so be it. After all the new agreement
3 the WHO is drafting is that it (obviously what suits best with the eugenics Bill Gates and Klaus
4 Schwab) to ultimately decides the management of any nation.
6 Obviously, the question arises can the Commonwealth enter into any “treaty”/agreement with a
7 private organization, and in my view the Constitution doesn’t allow for this. The Commonwealth
8 can enter in a treaty with another country but it cannot force such treaty upon its citizens unless it
9 has clear legislative powers for the particular subject matter. It cannot use a treaty to try to use a
10 backdoor manner to gain legislative powers where it has none.
11 The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) specifically set out our system of
12 separation of powers and having elected members of parliament who will from those form a
13 “executive government” as to govern within the powers granted by the Parliament. The
14 Parliament cannot grant powers to some foreign private organization and as such any legislation
15 that purports that the WHO can dictate if any class of Australian citizens are to be placed in
16 detention/ prison camps is a gross absurdity and any legislation in that regard would be ULTRA
17 VIRES Ab Initio. Neither can the Commonwealth engage in handing over Australians personal
18 details, being it by way of “digital identity” and/or medical records to the WHO because that is
19 outside the scope of management/governance.
20 Moreover, the Commonwealth would violate its limited constitutional “executive” powers if it
21 were to allow some foreign (enemy) private company/organization, to micro manage
22 Australians. The very reason the constitution provides for election cycles is so that they can tuff
23 out Members of Parliament when they fail to act responsible for the constituents. A foreign
24 organization like the WHO cannot interfere with this and neither can any legislation pretending
25 to give the WHO such powers be deemed constitutionally valid.
26 As I made previous clear in a submission the purported legislation to allow foreign soldiers to
27 enter the commonwealth of Australia and with using force can jab anyone with poison and not be
28 deemed legally liable for this is the kind of nonsense that questions the mental ability for any
29 Member of Parliament who voted for this. In my view anyone who voted for this became on that
30 moment a TRAITOR and by s44 of the constitution no longer can rightfully claim to be a
31 Member of Parliament. While there may be politicians who rather sing from the same songbook
32 as the leaders of their political parties regardless what may be constitutionally prohibited but
33 then thery must accept to be TRAITORS and be dealt with as such.
34 The League of Nations was set up as to try to avoid any event like WWI. Well if failed miserably
35 when WWII came around. The United Nations then was created and well it too has miserably
36 failed as we can see around the world where countries have been decimated. Afghanistan, Iraq,
37 Libya and numerous other countries were not just economically destroyed but were also the soil
38 turned red from the blood of those slaughtered mercilessly.
39 With the WHO wanting to, as a private organization, dictate what “class” of people can have
40 what rights, Russia, China and India as I understand it already have rejected this new kind of
41 power for the WHO. Why do we have any Minister at all when the WHO can unilaterally dictate
42 what shall or shall not be permitted for Australians?
43 The WHO has flip-flopped on what Australians could or couldn’t use as medication regarding
44 the COVID claims and in my view we got a grossly incompetent TGA that has been like a
45 puppet-on-a-string rather than to guarantee responsible medical consideration and demanding the
46 fact to be made known by any pharmaceutical company seeking to be a “sponsor”.
48 My wife discovered that she now cannot have her weekly newspaper any further delivered
49 because of the issue of vaccinations preventing newspapers to be delivered as used to be. What
50 an utter and sheer nonsense.

19-10-2021 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 4

1 Now we may have a Minister making all kinds of claims about how secure a “digital system”
2 might be and that it will not be compulsory, but we have far too often had such kind of Ministers
3 who said something but reality showed their assurances were utterly worthless.
4 And, the Minister can be an ex-Minister at any time and then well another Minister will simply
5 make clear he is not bound to keep the assurances that a former Minister may have made. Surely
6 any one knows that during elections politicians are making all kind of promises but the moment
7 they are elected it is the hell with whatever the promised.
9 What has been proven is that the “digital identity” already is being used to even deny
10 elderly citizens to even take a seat. Which underlines the misuse and abuse of a “digital
11 identity” is already in full progress regardless what any Minister may claim otherwise.
12 State/Territory Government has shown time and time again that they are not the least concerned
13 about the rule of law, after all if they were they would have respected the fact that none of them
14 had any legislative powers regarding a “MAN-KIND” “INFECTIOUS” disease. However,
15 Scott Morrison creating this unconstitutional “National Cabinet” has used the States/Territories
16 as to circumvent constitutional constraints regardless those States/Territories had no
17 constitutional powers for this.
18 We have witnessed how the so called law enforcement authorities are weasels who rather
19 violently enforced unconstitutional mask, lockdowns, curfews, etc then to stand up and show to
20 have a spine. After all had the law enforcement agency make clear their first priority was the
21 Rule of law within the provisions of the constitution then we wouldn’t have experienced this
22 from of terrorism ongoing. Some are now realizing that they are being targeted themselves to be
23 forced to be jabbed regardless of it being in violation of their rights. We truly now experience
24 what a communist state is about. Even in the USA there are calls there should be an invasion into
25 Australia to relief Australians from this tyranny.
27 Considering that the “digital identity” was all along a project of Bill Gates and Claus Schwab as
28 to take control of the world, etc, then let’s not pretend that this “digital identity” is some
29 brainchild of some Minister and for the better of Australians. It is in my view a gross deception
30 by a Minister to claim it to be so. How then can on trust such a Minister who is either gullible to
31 promote this “digital identity” or lacks the mental capacity to understand/comprehend its real
32 intended purpose that either way to me should warn anyone to trust whatever this Minister may
33 claim will be applicable. After all, when senior citizens now need to provide a “digital identity”
34 to prove they are vaccinated (regardless of their medical condition preventing this) than any
35 Senator who were to vote for such kind of draconically system I view is nothing but a traitor and
36 should vacate the parliamentarian seat to let a more compassionate and competent person
37 represent the constituents. In my view any parliamentarian who even gives a little bit about
38 members of his/her own family would oppose any “digital identity” system to be implemented.
39 My Scribd blog has more about all this also.
41 This part of the SUBMISSION must be considered with all writings I published at Scribd.
43 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
45 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
46 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


48 (Our name is our motto!)

19-10-2021 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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