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Navigating the pages Computer Organization (Second Year Information Tec
Home Engineering, University of Pune)

The computer organization is concerned with the structure and beh
Time Table The main objective of this subject to understand the overall basic co
Notes including the peripheral devices.
eBooks download
In spite of variety and pace in the computer field, certain fu
PowerPoint Presentations consistently throughout. The application of these concepts depends
Question Bank technology and the price/performance objectives of the designer. T
provide a through discussion of the fundamentals of computer organ
Reading List
to relate these to contemporary design issues.
University Question Papers
Useful Links A computer system is like any other system, consists of an inter-rela
system is best characterized in terms of structure-the way in which t
Homework Assignments
function-operation of individual component. Each major component
थोडसं मराठीतही... decomposing it into its major sub-components and describing their
Sitemap the syllabus contents are designed in the same way as below:

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Other Stuff
Video Lectures: Computer Organization Unit-I        Computer Evolution and Arithmetic
Video Lectures: Digital Computer
Unit-II       The Central Processing Unit
Video Lectures: Computer Architecture Unit-III      The Control Unit
Recent site activity
University Question Papers Unit-IV       Memory Organization
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Unit-V        I/O Organization
Reading List
item deleted by Tushar B Kute Unit-VI       Parallel Organization

edited by Tushar Kute
There is some distinction often made between Computer or
PowerPoint Presentations architecture. The architecture refers to those attributes of system
those attributes that have a direct impact on the logical execu
attachment from Tushar Kute
organization refers to the operational units and their intercon
architectural specifications. For example: architectural attributes
attachment removed by Tushar Kute
number of bits used to represent the data types, I/O mechanism an
memory. Organizational attributes include those hardware d
edited by Tushar Kute
programmer, such as control signals, interfaces between the comput
memory technology used.
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Processor Architecture and Interfacing
Operating System (TEIT)
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