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How do numbers and patterns beautify the world? Is this important to you? Why or why
not? How and why is mathematics considered to be a predictor of behavior and phenomena in
the natural world? From among the mentioned valuable mathematical discoveries, which do you
think is the most important? Why?
According to the article of "Manan Singh" Beauty of Numbers & Patterns where all
about the mathematical discoveries. Which means that Mathematics is a tool which you can
play any way you want. it is used to perform many different daily tasks, such as telling time,
reading an odometer, counting change and to make strategic decisions in one's work life.
Patterns and numbers are at the heart of math. We gain an appreciation and understanding of
the world in which we live and how everything is connected, and it beautify the world by seeing
the patterns and the shapes how unique and beauty they are, and it will determine by their
different contexts and can sometimes be modelled mathematically.
The beauty of numbers and patterns are essential in our lives, because it helps us to
understand pattern in nature, as well as to determine the difference and beauty of different
objects based on their appearance. Also, to make our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain
qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial
thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills.
because of this knowledge and theory, it has been a great help in our lives to make various
tasks easier to understand, define, and discover knowledges. Without it, we think our lives will
be difficult, the result will be we couldn’t define any pattern we cannot determine what we really
want to communicate to others, or we want to discover in our world, likewise we find it difficult to
comprehend and define what we see around us, our life would be miserable because in our
world it would be missing a key component in its makeup where it is already part of our entire
Such as the flow of time, math naturally comes to us. Mathematics is a naturally occurring
phenomenon that aids us in the development of humanity itself. By crunching in numbers and
theories, we may answer every mystery here that baffles us at first. What was a mystery to us
then is common knowledge now? Lots and lots of experimentation and analysis of data,
observations made, the time and effort sacrificed in developing theories and explanations on the
enigmatic universe now utilized as accomplishments and tools that will further help us keep
improving our surroundings and our investigations to what is still unbeknownst to our
comprehension of reality. Because the world runs on numbers and measurements, everything
with probability will always include mathematics and each phenomenon in our world can
allocate into a different scenario depending on which path we take, we use mathematics to
make absolute choices in various things.
No matter how much we suppress the spread of knowledge eventually it will become known.
Like the burning of the library of Alexandria, knowledge lost is discovered again in due time
because of the natural order of things in the universe. As long as we put in the effort, we create
progress. Our minds are always driven by curiosity and their urges cannot be suppressed.
Those that do work get rewarded and their gravestone and legacy forever be remembered in
the halls of fame, Nobel peace prizes, and many more. The beauty of mathematics as a natural
occurrence to us is a sight to behold. The machinations left behind are forever a sight of beauty
for those who truly wish to embrace it.
Based on our opinions and observations, the Pythagorean Theorem is the most
important mathematical discovery because the Pythagorean Theorem is more applicable to
engineering and architecture. It can be used to construct structures like bridges. Correct and
precise angle measurements are required for the construction of bridges to be stable,
particularly for large-scale projects like the San Francisco Bridge. They use the proper size and
angle to make it more durable. Moreover, the Pythagorean Theorem is used in construction, for
example, land measurement. You cannot construct if you do not know the exact size of the land,
as it may be too small or too wide. There are many more examples that the Pythagorean
Theorem can be used. Despite the fact that they are all important and useful, I think the
Pythagorean Theorem is the one used mostly nowadays.

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