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People are becoming too dependent on the internet and phone.

is it a positive or
negative development?

"Technology is greatest when it brings people together," according to the

technological world, which implies that humans may have a strong and united
connection when they use technology to accomplish this. The use of cell phones and
the internet has become an absolutely essential element of human existence. People
perform activities with the assistance of their cellphones and the internet. I believe that
an excessive reliance on this will result in unfavorable outcomes that will be detrimental
to both the individual's social life and physical health, but that it does have certain
benefits as well. In today's complicated culture, it is a fact of life that the general public
is fascinated with the sophisticated network and mobile phones, and this is a reality.
While there are certain advantages to these new advancements, there are also some
disadvantages. But first and foremost, where did technology come from? Moreover,
what are the benefits and drawbacks of using technology in our everyday lives today?

The history of technology is similar to the history of other parts of history in that it
involves the development of tools and techniques. Techne is a Greek word that refers to
art and craftsmanship. Originating as a term to describe applied arts, it is today used to
convey the concepts of development and change. It begins with the origins of life on
Earth and continues until the invention of early modern technology such as the
computer and nuclear power are established. The invention of the wheel, one of the
most important inventions of all time, marked the beginning of the technological era.
Humans have been able to travel to previously unreachable locations because to
technological advancements, and scientific equipment has allowed us to study nature in
more detail than our natural senses allow.

The internet allowed people to have face-to-face discussions via programs like
Skype and Facebook, as well as live streaming video, and now consumers can conduct
online banking, which has resolved a number of problems for company owners and
managers. When existing technologies are layered and developed into something
better, consumers and businesses may expect new possibilities. Technology will
continue to advance at a faster rate, become more competent, and become more
streamlined, making work easier. Then there were new things that were created. It is
becoming more common now and, in the future, to talk about the "Internet of Things."
With each new technological advancement, we seem to want a more seamless
transition between our physical world and our virtual one. Smart speakers, smart
homes, and even smart cars are the future, but they are just the beginning of what will
be available. In other words, the future is now. Perhaps sooner than you anticipate.
Technology is always changing, and keeping up with the latest developments may be
stressful. Keep your company's technical advantage in mind while making business

However, many individuals are fascinated with technology and have become
completely reliant on the internet and phone. What are some of the benefits and
drawbacks that individuals have as a result of technological advancement? When it
comes to utilizing a smartphone and the internet, there are many benefits. First and
foremost, individuals are increasingly preoccupied with their daily work or employment,
leaving them with little spare time to fulfill their daily obligations such as shopping,
paying bills, transferring money between banks, and eating at a restaurant. As a  widely
considered to be this development, numerous services and apps like as Google Pay,
Paytm, government websites to pay bills, many shopping applications such as Amazon,
and food websites are accessible from which people may order their meals by just
clicking certain buttons are made available to them. Additionally, since all of these
websites now provide home delivery, consumers no longer have to go to various stores
in different neighborhoods. The second advantage is that the Internet allows individuals
to pursue their education from any location at any time. Using their cellphones and the
internet, people may enroll in online courses that will help them grow and increase their
abilities without interfering with their day-to-day activities. Next but also not most,
another advantage is that it contributes to increased connection. This implies that
individuals are busy with their jobs and do not have time to visit their friends and family
at their homes. However, technological advancements such as video conferencing allow
people to remain in touch with friends and family who reside in other parts of the world.
Children may also benefit from the use of technology in a variety of ways. Instead, it is
necessary to emphasize the advantages of living at a time of technological
advancement. Underlying this argument is that, if done correctly, the use of the internet
may potentially contribute to personal growth and development. Even though some
individuals are unable to study at a university, the internet tools provide them with the
chance to learn and grow in their careers. For example, certain university instructors'
lectures have been made available online, which may supply uninitiated people with
valuable information. Additionally, having access to the internet discourages people of
society from wasting their time on activities that aren't absolutely essential, such as
grocery shopping or paying their bills. It is possible to pay for goods and make
purchases via internet portals, which is an excellent illustration of this. As a
consequence, some of the people's obligations have been made easier to fulfill.

As we explore the advantages of technology, we may go on to discuss what are

the drawbacks of technological advancement? There are many adverse repercussions,
particularly for adolescents and young people who spend extended periods of time on
their phones. The excessive use of mobile phones and the internet has a negative
impact on health. Individuals are affected by eye problems and a variety of other
physical health problems. Obesity is one of them, as a result of the internet and phones,
which allow individuals to do all of their tasks by pressing buttons rather than engaging
in physical activity and exercise. In most areas of the globe, it is generally
acknowledged that face-to-face contact has decreased dramatically in recent years.
This is especially true in the United States. Not only does this mobile network increase
radiation exposure, but it also contributes to the development of numerous lifestyle
illnesses. The presence of cancer cells in the human body is a vivid illustration of this
concept. Another drawback is that it has an impact on the research. Most students
spend their time on phones and the internet talking with friends, watching movies and
playing games. This practice lowers grades, and it has a direct impact on the youth by
diverting their attention away from their schoolwork and courses. Because youngsters
are exposed to utilizing different devices for extended periods of time, they are more
inclined to disregard their school assignments. Another serious problem is exacerbated
to a certain degree as a result of the lack of reading. To be more precise, since
individuals now have quicker access to the upgraded gadgets, they are less likely to
spend time looking for paper books at the library. Set to become, there are literacy
issues in the community to deal with.

As conclusion, although the introduction of modern technological devices has

provided enormous benefits to people, its negative consequences cannot be ignored. It
is therefore essential to use caution when using the internet and smartphones, and
parents must keep an eye on their children's activities in order to safeguard their future.
I think that we must exercise caution in terms of using some things more than is
necessary and therefore diminishing our own potential, to summarize. We need to be
freely talking with other people in order to maintain and fulfill ourselves rather than being
led only by mobile phones and the internet, therefore the necessity to control their use is
very important and urgent.

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