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Islamic Relief Worldwide

Performance Management System

Monthly Update
Staff Name M.Hussain Raufi Job Title ANPM
Date of Update 09/06/2016
Country/Department Program Line Manager Country Director

1. Key Achievements/Tasks Completed

Endeavour to discuss your achievements and completed tasks in the context of your performance/development objectives and/or the organisational strategy.
SEHAT ( IR-Canada funded project) :
- Totally 675 patients are visited and treated in Mazar, Bamyan, Nengarahar and Kabul provinces
- 15 community sessions are conducted ( hygiene , nutrition , healthy water and breast feeding to 750 persons)
- 13 community meetings are held with 70 community elders for smooth project implementation
- Screening of 1374 orphans is newly done
- IEC materials are prepared and shared with all three provinces.
- A portion of the Visibility materials are now on hand and will be sent to provinces and other portion are sent to supplier for printing purpose.
OTO program:
- 120 APRs have been collected and uploaded in Alyateem in the month of May 2016, in Kabul, Bamyan, Balkh and Nangarhar.
- Currently we have 2,474 Sponsored Orphans in Alyateem
- 54 new orphans registered and uploaded in Alyateem total available for sponsorship is 158.
- 7 orphans are terminated due to (absenteeism and migrated to other area, overage and etc), now total number of terminated orphans are 628 in Alyateem.
- Prompt correspondence and coordination with IR Country Offices and Donors have been undertaken.
- Home visits and uploading of Annual Progress Reports of 2015 is ongoing and filling is completed.
- OCW coordinator join the office and he is orientated on orphans’ sponsorship Program and OCW Program officer official handover to him.
- OTO Assistant join the office and she is under training.
AOEA (IR-USA) Project:
 One awareness/training sessions have been organized during last month with orphans guardians, which the numbers of participants were (25) women, the
participants learnt more about child right, child protection and hygiene promotion and practices. (Nangarhar Province)
 The participants of the training received hygiene kits, stationaries, refreshments packages along with cash payment. (Nangarhar province)
 The AOEA project beneficiaries has been selected from in Bamyan province as per the set criteria and scope of the project proposal.
 The AOEA team in Bamyan province conducted survey, home visit in 120 villages, and met 43 CDCs for identification and selection of the eligible Orphans for
AOEA project. The number of orphans identified by communities were 932 orphans. Out of this number 300 were selected as the most eligible beneficiaries of
the project.

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Performance Management System

KOR (IR-Canada) project: 

 85 students attended ongoing Science classes
 85 students were admitted and after completing the course the mentioned number of the students were graduated from basic and advance English language
 40 Students attended, completed and graduated from basic computer program.
 18 students attended, completed and were graduated from computer program. The graduation ceremony were managed in orphanage hall and gifts were
distributed to the best students by Islamic relief.
 85 Orphans whose age is lesser than 12 years of age, have enjoyed recreational activities twice in the month of May.
 20 students attended mobile repairing course.
 Lab equipment’s such as: Physics and Chemistry experimental materials were provided to target orphans’ school.
 160 Orphans have received primary and secondary health services through orphanage clinic.
 290 younger orphans played with toys and enjoyed playing with toys on daily basis, in orphanage.

BHSD (IR-Netherland) :
- Totally 2392 patients were screened in OPD, out of which 537 are female, 1073male and 782 children.
- The screened patients received different basic health services including Drug Rehabilitation.
- New Born care 36
- Dressing and safe injection 95
- Referral Cases 7
- Motivation for Drug Treatment 10
- Follow up Treatment of Addicted Patients 209
- Total Counselling 356

Permanent shelters for Earthquake affected families in Nengarahar ( IR-Canada) :

The shelter project was completed successfully as per the set schedule, and following were the main deliverables during the implementation of the project:
- Filling of room’s floor level- 100%.
- Brick /mud work of walls-100%.
- Roof work of shelters- 100%.
- Installation of doors and windows- 100%.
- Mud plaster work of roof and walls- 100%.
- Mud plaster work of floor- 100%.
Proposal , Concept Notes development & Report submission:
1. CBDP budget was revised and submitted to IR-Netherlands

2. Key Challenges, Strategic Concerns and Proposed Solutions/Need for Support

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Performance Management System

1. Field team have problem with AX system using and raising with current internet modems.
Proposed solutions:
1. The CO assigned brother Rasoli, to fix routers in all three provinces and work with the field team for raising their PRs
Jalal Abad office challenges
1. Low salary scale for staff , especially guard, cook & others; which is used to be the major challenge, however people are even discouraged not to apply for the
aforementioned jobs and even if they have applied and selected, they decide to quit their job.
2. Delay mostly in recruitment process (mostly in screening of the staff by the HQ) of new staff what negative affected on the progress of planned project/activities.
3. Low internet connection what needed installation of Wi-Fi system to use it especially for using of AX system which not working without available internet.
4. Unavailability of high power generator, which makes delay to the field office work when the electricity is gone.
5. Lack of new office equipment; which already submitted for approval of procurement.
6. Lack of two printer/photo copier/scanner which should especially scan several page at the same time and we already suggested through office listed equipment and
Bamyan office challenges :
1. To make grouping of orphan’s family in centre of Bamyan in AOEA section is a big challenge. As per the proposal, the team should make 10 up to 15 groups in the
centre of Bamyan, after beneficiaries’ selection we understood that this is not possible to make 10 or 15 groups, because of big distance of villages. For example
we have 10 orphan students in Chpdara School and 3 orphans in Kataway School that both schools are in one valley bot the distance of these schools is three hour
by walk.
2. There is no enough equipment for progressives projects, like transportation vehicles
3. In AOEA department don’t have camera for saving photos and videos and case story so we need the camera as soon as possible.

3. Monthly Deliverables
If not submitted, please state reasons below and expected submission date
For regional level, state the number of submissions and the number of non-submissions, state reasons for non-submissions and expected submission dates
Deliverables Submitted (Yes/No) Reason for non-submission and expected submission date
Employee Screening Update Yes
Income Targets Yes
Project Monitoring Template
Audit/M&E Plans (if applicable)

4. Income Targets
Income should only consider the cash / in-kind that will be received by the respective Field Offices during the year
Country(ies) Income Target (Current Year) - GBP Actual Income Received (YTD) - GBP Forecast Income (Remainder of the Year) - GBP
Inc. IFDD and IR UK Exc. IFDD and IR UK Inc. IFDD and IR UK Exc. IFDD and IR UK Inc. IFDD and IR UK Exc. IFDD and IR UK
5,582,397 GBP 446,158 GBP 5,582,397 GBP

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Performance Management System

5. External Audits/M&E Visits Due in Next 3 Months

Include details of body conducting the external audit, reason(s) for external audit/M&E visit and expected date of visit(s)
 DFID Auditors were expected to come in April,2016 but delayed and still they are expected to visit Afghanistan

6. External Audits/M&E Visits Completed Last Month

Include details of the body that conducted the external audit, reason(s) for external audit/M&E visit, and the date the external audit/M&E visit took place and
outcome /recommended actions. Share the action plans, with details of lead person and timelines, with the audit/M&E team and line manager or provide a
dateyou expect the action plan to be prepared by
SEHAT project:
 All staff for SEHAT project is on board and given sufficient orientation about the project objectives, targets and the target group.
 SEHAT teams has reached their monthly targets in Jalal Abad and Kabul while Bamyan and Balkh teams are still under achieved for their monthly targets.
 During field visits to field offices, Medicine stock out and delay in procurement of new medicines was noted which resulted not to achieve monthly targets of
treatment through IRA medical physician.
AOEA project:
 Jalal Abad AOEA project team has completed their targets in term of public awareness of 358 target families about child ‘rights and hygiene promotions.
 Jalal Abad (Khog Koor) Orphanage has successfully completed its academic year (school year)
 Bamyan AOEA project teams reached their targets in term of beneficiary selection and public awareness is in progress at the community level
Shelter project:
 23 permanent Shelters construction work has been successfully completed in Behsood district of Nangarhar province
 23 A category Flood Affected people received permanent shelters with required facilities of two rooms and a toilet

7. Cases of Misconduct (Fraud, Complaints, Harassment, Child Protection Policy Violation or Abuse and Legal Cases)
Incident Type Date of Occurrence Actions (to be) Taken and Deadline Informed IRW? (Yes/No, if yes, who?)

8. Accidents and Deaths

Incident Type Date of Occurrence Actions (to be) Taken and Deadline Informed IRW? (Yes/No, if yes, who?)

9. Any other discussions points (optional)

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Performance Management System

1. Reminder_ Staff salary increment for 2016 was sent to HQ in January, however we are still waiting for the approval of the same. The proposed increments were
discussed with Regional HR as well and were duly approved. The budget allocations for all the increments were also given and with detail.

Remember to forward this form (soft copy only) to your Line Manager

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