Tiếng Anh - Khối 12: Kiểm Tra Học Kỳ 1 Năm học 2020-2021

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Năm học 2020-2021
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH – KHỐI 12
Mã đề: 132 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions from 1 to 3.
Câu 1: Even today, Breton as well as SEVERAL other minority language(S) in France, and the rest of
the world, are not legally protected.
Câu 2: At one time, alligators up to 19 feet in long LENGTH inhabited the Southeastern United States.
Câu 3: The Dakota, ONE of the oldest buildings in New York City, it WAS designated a historical

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 4: A. distinguish (2) B. habitat (1) C. upmarket (2) D. prosthetic (2)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Câu 5: A: What are you doing later?
B: _____. There’s a PROGRAM on that I really want to watch. - program: xem trên TV
A. I’m going to the cinema with Tom. B. I’m going to go to bed early.
C. I’m staying in tonight. D. I’ll go out for a drink.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions from 6 to 7.
Câu 6: A. figures /Z/ B. headphones /Z/ C. laptops /S/ D. costumes /Z/
Câu 7: A. suggestion /TR/ B. preservation /S/ C. furniture /TR/ D. question /TR/

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 8 to 16.
The Benefits of Public Transportation
Ensures Safety
One of the safest modes of travel in the United States is public transportation. Statistically speaking,
riding a transit bus is 91 times safer than driving in a car. This is due to the fact that transit vehicle
operators are highly trained to anticipate, avoid, and react to problems. (CÂU 8) Also, most transit
vehicles are larger, newer, and more substantial than private-use autos or vans.
Saves Money
For every $10 million invested in public transportation, more than $15 million is saved in transportation
costs for everyone. The estimated cost of driving a single-occupant vehicle each year is between $4,826
and $9,685, depending upon mileage driven and car type. By contrast, the annual average cost of public
transportation for one adult ranges from $200 to $2,000, (CÂU 9) depending upon distance travelled, time
of day, and type of service.
Eases Traffic Congestion
According to a recent survey, 48% of Americans believe traffic is a serious problem where they live.
(CÂU 10) This statistic includes not only residents of a major metropolis like New York City or Los
Angeles, but folks in average cities (like ours) across the country. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of
Americans are pessimistic about the situation and say they expect to spend more time commuting in the
coming years.
Improves Air Quality
Public transportation helps promote cleaner air by simply reducing the number of automobiles in use,
whose exhaust has been shown to exacerbate smog and public health problems. Also, for each mile
travelled, fewer pollutants are emitted by transit vehicles than by single-passenger automobiles.
Altogether each year, public transportation use prevents the emission of more than 126 million pounds of
hydrocarbons, a primary cause of smog, and 156 million pounds of nitrogen oxides, which can cause
respiratory diseases.
Reduces Energy Consumption
Public transportation already reduces our nation’s use of gasoline by 1.5 billion gallons per year, thus
significantly reducing our dependency on foreign oil supplies. But each person that we can convert to
public transportation can save us even more.(CÂU 13) For example, a person who commutes 30 miles
each way daily could save an estimated 944 gallons of gasoline every year by switching from a car to
using public transportation. Many US transit systems are continuing to invest in compressed natural gas
(CNG), low-sulfur diesel burning buses, or diesel-electric hybrid buses. Locally our Bradley County
Transit Authority (BCTA) currently has seven CNG buses in use and would like to invest in more hybrids
for the core urban routes.(CÂU 14)
Fosters More Livable Communities
Public transportation facilities and major routes are natural focal points for economic and social activities.
Businesses and events tend to spring up and flourish anywhere that large numbers of people congregate.
These activities help create strong neighborhood centers that are more economically stable, safe, and
productive. Studies have shown that the ability to travel in an area conveniently without a car is an
important component of the notion of a community’s livability(CÂU 16). Because public transportation
provides opportunity, access, choice, and freedom, it significantly contributes to an improved quality of
life for us all.
Câu 8: According to the text, why is it safer to ride in a bus than a car?
A. The driver gets injured 91 out of 100 times.
B. The engineering standards are higher for buses than cars.
C. If everyone rides the bus, there are fewer vehicles on the road and fewer accidents.
D. Bus drivers have more experience and training than average car drivers.
Câu 9: How much money could a person save by using public transportation?
A. at least half of the cost of driving a car B. between $200 and $2,000 each year
C. $15 million D. up to $9,685 each year
Câu 10: According to the text, what opinion is shared by nearly half of Americans?
A. There are too many cars in New York City and Los Angeles.
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B. Public transit is a convenient alternative to driving.
C. Commute times will only increase in the coming years.
D. Traffic is a major concern for them.
Câu 11: Which of the following best keeps the meaning of the highlighted word
“exacerbate”(LÀM TỒI TỆ HƠN) in paragraph 4?
A.incorporate (bao gồm, hợp lại)
B.ease (làm dịu nhẹ, bớt khó, bớt căng thẳng)
C.worsen (trở nên/ làm cho tồi tệ hơn)
D.solve (giải mã, giải quyết)
Câu 12: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way that public transport helps improve air
A. If more people ride buses, then fewer vehicles are being driven.
B. Buses contribute less to the smog problem than other vehicles.
C. Buses emit fewer harmful substances into the environment than cars.
D. Public buses remove the pollutants that cause respiratory diseases from the air.
Câu 13: How does public transport help reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil?
A. Buses are more fuel-efficient than most cars.
B. Each person who rides the bus is not wasting fuel by using his or her own car.
C. People who ride the bus have a shorter commute.
D. Public buses use a different source of energy that is only produced in America.
Câu 14: What does the Bradley County Transit Authority (BCTA) want to do to further reduce
gasoline consumption?
A. start using buses that run on compressed natural gas
B. invest in more hybrid engine buses
C. eliminate some of the urban routes
D. shorten the commute for those who drive 30 miles or more each day
Câu 15: Which of the following best keeps the meaning of the highlighted word
“congregate” (ĐI THEO ĐÀN, TỤ TẬP) in the last paragraph?
A. gather B. live C. work D. perform
Câu 16: What do many people believe adds to the livability of an area?
A. accessing businesses without the use of a car
B. increasing the number of businesses
C. increasing safety and productivity
D. reducing air pollution from cars and buses

Câu 17: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Many ethnic groups find it hard to maintain (DUY TRÌ, KHÔNG ĐỂ CHO BIẾN MẤT) their own
A.speak B. reserve (đặt trước, lưu trữ, bảo tồn)
C. continue D. discontinue

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 22.
Climbing doesn’t have to (18) _____ snow and ice and dangerous conditions; it can be a very (19)
______ hobby and something you can do for just a few hours on a Saturday afternoon. At the other end of
the climbing spectrum from alpine climbing is sport climbing. This can be done indoors or outdoors on
climbing walls. These walls vary from those which are completely (20) ______ and which have been
designed and built specially for the purpose to (21) ______ occurring rock formations which have been
prepared for climbing with equipment bolted in place. For beginners the easiest type of climbing is top-
roping where the rope is already in (22) ______.
Câu 18: A. have B. include C. involve D. consist + OF
If an activity, situation, etc. INVOLVES something, that thing is a part of the activity. INVOLVE also
means that “have as necessary part”.
INCLUDE means that contain something as a part of something else
Câu 19: A. enjoyable B. funny
C. happy D. preferable (better or more suitable )
Câu 20: A. fake (giả) B. false (không đúng) C. artificial (nhân tạo) D. untrue (không đúng)
Câu 21: A. simply B. naturally C. only D. easily
Câu 22: A. location (The hotel is in a beautiful location)
B. situation (Her news put me in a difficult situation)
C. site (on site: inside a factory, office building; is sited in Rome)
D. place (in the proper position, ready to be used)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 23: Betty gets on my nerves when she talks about her doll collection.
A. makes me nervous B. makes me happy
C. makes me sleepy D. makes me angry

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions from 24 to 40.
Câu 24: My grandad’s garden was full of _____ and FASCINATING flowers.
A. colorful B. colorfully C. colorlessly D. coloring
Câu 25: _____ is someone who can reduce spending without hurting morale.
A. What is needed B. What needs C. Being needed D. That which needs
Câu 26: We regret _____ that your rent is three months in arrears.
A. to inform you B. you to inform
C. you having informed D. that we informed you
Câu 27: You’ll feel more relaxed _____ you finish that research paper.
A. until B. since C. once (một khi) = WHEN D. afterwards
Câu 28: They’re having _____ a car that is within their price range.
A. it difficult to find B. it difficult finding
C. difficulty to find D. difficulty finding
Câu 29: Of the two jackets he owns, one is made of cotton and _____ of polyester.
A.the other B. another >3 C. a second THE SECOND D. other

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Câu 30: “Have you tried apologizing to her?”
“_____ I do, she refuses to speak to me.”
A.Regardless +OF WHAT B. Nothing that
C. No matter what D. None whatever (NONE WHATSOEVER)
Câu 31: It’s crucial _____ late, or the tour bus will depart without you.
A. your not being B. to be not TO NOT BE/NOT TO BE
C. that you won’t be D. that you not be
Câu 32: “It’s cold in here!”
“_____ the window?”
A. Shall I close for you B. Would you like me TO close
C. Do you like that I close D. Would you like my closing
Câu 33: “How was your dentist appointment?”
“Painless. I _____ worried.”
A. needn’t have B. must not have C. couldn’t have D. wouldn’t have
Câu 34: The students found it difficult to _____ information in the professor’s lecture.
A. take to
Câu 35: It is not always easy to _____ the difference between facts and opinions.
A. make B. do C. say D. tell
Câu 36: People have been wearing jeans for years. They never seem to _____ fashion.
A. move away from (RỜI KHỎI, DI CHUYỂN KHỎI) B. cultivation
C. go out of (LẠC HẬU) D. reach out to (CỐ GẮNG GIAO TIẾP, TIẾP CẬN)
Câu 37: _____, he didn’t break his arm when he fell.
A. Luckily B. Completely C. Ideally D. Naturally
Câu 38: Since our efforts have not produced results, we need to adopt a different _____.
A. bargain (TRẢ GIÁ) B. preparation C. exception D. approach
Câu 39: I am really _____ TO you for helping me out.
A. graceful (DUYÊN DÁNG) B. grateful
C. helpful D. pleased
Câu 40: The activists’ protest against the extension of the power station fell on _____ ears.
A. closed B. deaf (NO ONE LISTENS TO IT) C. mute D. numb

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B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (2 điểm)
I. Read the text below. Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in each space. Write your
answers in the numbered boxes below the text.
Ali Baba’s restaurant in central London is one of the best restaurants I’ve been to for a long time. It has
AN (1)____EXTENSIVE______ (EXTEND) range of Turkish dishes including plenty OF (2)
____CHOICES______ (CHOOSE) which are (3)____SUITABLE______ (SUIT) FOR vegetarians. The
restaurant has a very pleasant atmosphere and is (4)____ATTRACTIVELY______ (ATTRACT)
DECORATED in a Mediterranean style. At weekends diners can enjoy performances by Turkish (5)
_____SINGERS_____ (SING) and DANCERS.

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word
given and other words to complete each sentence. You must use between TWO and FIVE words.
Do not change the word given.
1. I found it difficult to choose a university course. DIFFICULTY
I ___________HAD DIFFICULTY (IN) CHOOSING______________ a university course.
2. I’ll only call you if there are any problems. UNLESS
I______________WON’T CALL YOU UNLESS_______________ there are any problems.
3. Mario managed to solve the maths problem without any help. SUCCEEDED
Mario_________SUCCEEDED IN SOLVING__________ the maths problem without any help.
4. The children can’t eat sweets just before dinner. ALLOWED
The children___________AREN’T ALLOWED TO EAT______________ sweets just before dinner.
5. I only went out because I was sure you had your keys. HAD
I wouldn’t have gone out ____________IF I HAD KNOWN THAT_________ you didn’t have your

----------- HẾT ----------

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