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2D &3D

Brief introduction to CAD and CAM


CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through

the use of integrated systems and data communications coupled
with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and
personnel efficiency
manufacturing planning application of cam
Computer aided process planning

Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) is the use of computer technology

to aid in the process planning of a part or product, in manufacturing.
 CAPP is the link between CAD and CAM in that it provides for
the planning of the process to be used in producing a designed part.
1. Retrieval (or variant) CAPP
2. Generative CAPP
Computer –Assisted NC part programming

NC part programming using CAD/CAM is an advanced form of computer-

assisted part programming in which an interactive graphics system
equipped with NC programming software is used to facilitate the part
programming task. The term CAD/CAM means computer-aided design
and computer-aided manufacturing.
1.Manaual part programming
2. Computer –Assisted programming
Computer machinability data systems

Computer programs have written to recommend the appropriate

cutting parameters such as speed ,feed and depth of cut to use for
different materials .Also several attempts have been made to
computerize the machining data
Computerized work standards

Computerized work standards These are computer packages that

can be deployed to determine time standards for direct labour
jobs in the factory. They supersede tedious manual time-and-motion
studies used to perform the same task.
manufacturing control application of cam

● Process monitoring and control

● Quality control
● Shop floor control
● Inventory control
● Just-in- time production systems
Process monitoring and control

i. Computer process monitoring

a. Data acquisition systems b.Data lagging systems
c.Multilevel scanning
Ii. Computer process control
Quality control

1. Quality Engineering
2. Quality function deployment
3. 100 % automated inspection
4. On-line inspection
5. Coordinate measuring machine (CMM)
6. Non contact inspection methods (machine vision)
Shop floor control
Shop Floor Control (SFC) It is a system that has methods and tools,
which are used to track, schedule and report progress of the work in
a manufacturing unit. The better the shop floor control, the better
the inventory and operations control, and the better is the
productivity of the workers.
i. The release of production orders to the factory
ii. Monitoring and controlling the process of the orders through the
various work centers
iii. Acquiring information on the status of the orders.
Inventory control
Just in time
Types of production

1. Job shop production

2. Batch production
3. Mass production
4. Process or continuous production

Manufacturing metrics are used to quantitatively measure the performance of the production
or a manufacturing company.

Manufacturing costs –include labour and materials costs, the cost of producing its products, and
the cost of operating a given piece of equipment

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