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Chapter 4:
Part I

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Learning Objectives
 Discuss the types of differences that exist between International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
 Describe IFRS requirements related to the recognition and
measurement of assets, specifically inventories; property, plant,
and equipment, and leased assets
 Explain major differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP on the
recognition and measurement of assets
 Analyze the impact that differences in asset recognition and
measurement rules have on financial statements
 Explain how investment property and biological assets differ
from PPE and what special rules govern their accounting
treatment under IFRS

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Learning Objectives (2)

 Describe IFRS requirements related to business
combinations, goodwill, and non-controlling interests.
 Describe IFRS requirements for determining effective
control and the scope of consolidation.

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Types of Differences Between IFRS and U.S.

 Definition differences
 Recognition differences
 Measurement differences
 Alternatives
 Lack of requirements or guidance
 Presentation differences
 Disclosure differences

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 IFRS more flexible in many cases
 Choice between alternative treatments in accounting
 IFRS generally have less bright-line guidance
 More judgment is required in applying IFRS
 IFRS is a principles-based accounting system:
 whereas U.S. GAAP is a rules-based system

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IAS 2, Inventories
 Provides more extensive guidance than U.S. GAAP
 Cost of inventories include:
 Costs of purchase
 Costs of conversion
 Other costs
 design, interest if takes time to bring to saleable condition
 Cost of inventories exclude:
 Abnormal waste
 Storage, unless necessary for the production process
 Administrative overhead
 Selling costs

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IAS 2, Inventories (2)

 Limited choice with regard to cost formulas
 Does not allow LIFO
 Standard cost method and retail method are acceptable only if
they approximate cost as per IAS 2
 Cost of inventories not ordinarily interchangeable.
 Goods and services produced and segregated for specific projects
should use specific identification
 An entity must use same cost formula for similar inventory items
 IAS 2 requires inventory to be reported at the lower of cost or
net realizable value
 Typically applied on item-by-item basis, but grouping allowed for
items of inventory relating to same product line
 Write-downs are reversed when selling price increases
 U.S. GAAP now uses same approach without allowing reversal of

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IAS 16, Property, Plant, and Equipment

 Recognition of initial costs
 Cost includes
 Purchase price
 All costs needed for asset to perform as intended
 Estimate of cost of dismantling and removing asset along with restoring site
 Exchange of assets
 Fair value unless no commercial substance or fair value can’t be determined
 Measurement subsequent to initial recognition
 IFRS allows 2 treatments
 Cost model: depreciation
 Revaluation model: fair value date of revaluation minus subsequent
 Must do entire class of assets
 Must revalue often
 Increases in value go to OCI; decreases reduce OCI to historical cost then reduce
 Accumulated depreciation with revaluation
 Proportional to new value
 Eliminated with excess/shortage against asset account

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IAS 16, Property, Plant, and Equipment (2)

 Depreciation
 Based on estimated lives, residual value, and method
 Treat any changes prospectively
 When comprised of significant parts, use component
 Derecognition
 Derecognize carrying amount of property, plant, and
 When asset is disposed
 When no future economic benefits are expected
 Gain or loss is included in net income

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IAS 40, Investment Property

 Land or buildings held for rental, capital appreciation, or
 Same general principles as per IAS 16: choice of cost or
revaluation model:
 Changes in fair value is recognized in current income and not
revaluation surplus
 Must show fair value in footnotes with cost model
 U.S. GAAP generally requires use of cost model
 Disclose fair value in notes when using the cost model

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Biological Assets
 U.S. GAAP cost method…ignores growth of biological
asset; no income until final product sold
 IFRS fair value (less costs to sell at point of harvest)
changes in value over time go to income even before

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Relevance-Reliability Trade-Off
 IASB: fair value, relevance over reliability
 FASB: cost method, reliability over relevance

 Reliability challenges with fair value

 Illiquidity of markets so models instead of observed prices
 Competing valuation frameworks and models…different
 Subjectivity in estimates
 Long forecasting horizon…uncertainty
 Management incentives to exploit model choices

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IAS 36, Impairment of Assets

 Must test annually for impairment to plant, property and
equipment; intangible assets; goodwill; investments in
subsidiaries; associates, and joint ventures
 Does not apply to inventory, construction in progress,
deferred tax assets, employee benefit assets or financial
assets (eg: accounts and notes receivable)
 Impairment under IAS 36 = carrying amount >
recoverable amount
 Recoverable amount is the greater of net selling price and
present value of future net cash flows
 Impairment more likely under IFRS since discounted cash
flows are used
 U.S. GAAP uses undiscounted future cash flows

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IAS 36, Impairment of Assets (2)

 Reverse impairment loss when recoverable amount
exceeds new carrying amount:
 if changes in estimates used to determine original impairment
loss or change in how recoverable amount is determined
 Reversal only up to original carrying amount
 Recognize reversal in income immediately
 U.S. GAAP allows no reversal

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IAS 38, Intangible Assets

 Applies to purchased intangibles, intangibles acquired in
business combination, internally generated intangibles
 Goodwill is covered separately under IFRS 3
 Intangible asset is identifiable, nonmonetary asset without
physical substance:
 Held for production of goods or services, rental to others, or
for administrative purposes
 Controlled by enterprise as result of past events from which
future economic benefits are expected to be realized
 Must be expensed immediately if it does not meet the
 Except when obtained in business combination

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IAS 38, Intangible Assets (2)

 Purchased intangibles measured at cost
 Useful life could be assessed as finite or indefinite
 Distinction between intangibles with finite life and indefinite life
is made in IAS 38

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Intangibles Acquired in Business Combination

 Patents, trademarks, and customer lists recognized as

assets measured at fair value
 Even if not previously recognized by target
 Must have finite or infinite life
 Special treatments for in-process research and
 Capitalize when certain criteria is met
 Otherwise include in goodwill

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Internally Generated Intangibles

 Major difference with U.S. GAAP
 IFRS allows some development costs to be capitalized
 U.S. GAAP expenses all research and virtually all

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Internally Generated Intangibles (2)

 Criteria for development cost capitalization:
 Technical feasibility of completion
 Intention to complete asset for use or sale
 Ability to use or sell the asset
 How probable future economic benefits will be generated
 Market or internal use
 Available adequate technical, financial, and other resources
to complete the asset for use or sale
 Ability to reliably measure expenditures pegged to

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Internally Generated Intangibles (3)

 Financial Statement Effects
 Income Statement effects
 With increasing R&D expenditures….higher income
 Therefore inflates shareholder equity (retained earnings)
 Balance sheet effects
 Inflates intangible assets net of accumulated amortization
 Offset is higher shareholder equity (retained earnings)
 Cash Flow Statement effects
 Reclassifies expenditure as capex (capital expenditure) outflow
 Expenditure is investing instead of operating outflow

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Internally Generated Intangibles (4)

 Other issues:
 Revaluation model is allowed with finite-lived intangibles
 If there is a price on an active market
 Impairment of intangibles
 If carrying amount can’t be recovered on finite-lived assets—
need to look at changes in events or circumstances
 For indefinite-lived intangibles and goodwill
 Test annually
 Under special circumstances can reverse as per IAS 36
 Goodwill not subject to reversal of impairment

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Acquisition Method of Combinations

 Used by both IFRS and GAAP
 Must have acquirer and acquiree
 Acquiree’s assets and liabilities shown at FMV

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Business Combinations
 Recognize goodwill only in business combinations
 Goodwill is Difference between:
 Consideration paid by acquirer plus noncontrolling interest
 Fair value of net assets acquired
 Negative goodwill must be recognized as income
 Goodwill depends on the option selected to measure any
noncontrolling interest
 Measured at either
 A proportionate share of the fair value of the acquired firm’s net
assets excluding goodwill
 Fair value, including the noncontrolling interest’s share of

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Business Combinations (2)

 Not amortized as it is an indefinite-lived intangible asset
 Impairment of goodwill must be tested annually
 Impairment is tested at the level of the cash-generating
unit (CGU)
 Compare carrying value of CGU, including goodwill, with
recoverable amount
 U.S. GAAP is tested at level of the reporting unit which can
be different and typically larger than CGU
 U.S. GAAP only requires a bottom-up test

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 VIE is an entity where equity investment at risk is
insufficient to finance operations
 Control over VIE exists when following conditions met:
 Direct or indirect ability to make decisions about entities’
 Obligation to absorb expected losses of entity if they occur
 Right to receive expected residual returns of the entity if they

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Business Combinations (3)

 Parent must consolidate all subsidiaries over which they
exercise control
 Control:
 Ownership of more than 50% voting shares
 Effective control
 Ability to direct investee to enter agreements that benefit investor
 Ability to direct operating activities of investee, such as selling and
purchasing goods
 Ability to direct investments, such as capital spending or R&D
 Ability to determine investee’s financial structure
 Investor’s right to obtain direct control of investee by buying additional
voting shares at a later date in response to certain triggering events
 Control exists when each of the following is present:
 Investor has power over investee
 Investor has rights or exposure to downside risk from variable returns of
 Investor has ability to use power over investee to affect those returns

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IAS 23, Borrowing Costs

 Similar to U.S. GAAP in general approach
 Capitalize all borrowing costs to extent they are
attributable to acquisition, construction, or production of a
qualifying asset
 Expense all other borrowing costs
 Borrowing costs include interest and other costs incurred in
connection with borrowing
 IAS 23 includes foreign currency exchange to the extent
they related to interest costs
 Under IAS 23, inventories qualify if they require
substantial period to manufacture

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IAS 23, Borrowing Costs (2)

 Capitalize interest that could have been avoided in
absence of expenditure on the qualifying asset
 Amount capitalized determined by multiplying weighted-
average accumulated expenditures by appropriate
interest rate
 Can use actual interest rate if average expenditures are less
than specific borrowing total
 Interest income on temporary investment of specific new
borrowing offsets interest capitalized under IFRS…no
netting allowed under GAAP

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End of Chapter 4

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