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Dissertation Submitted to Faculty of Creative Media and Innovative

Technology Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, in Fulfilment of the
Requirement for the Bachelor of Information Technology (hons) in
Network Technology



I certify that this project paper and the research to which it refers are the product of my own
work and that any ideas or quoatstions from the work of other people, published or otherwise are
fully acknowledged in accordance with the standarsd refeering practices of discipline.


It is our Privilege to express our sincerest respects to our undertaking Supervisor, Dr.Tadiwa
Elisha for their precious inputs, capable direction, support, sincere participation and productive
analysis all through the term of our project. We profoundly express our earnest gratitude to our
Head of Department for empowering and permitting us to introduce the task on the subject
"ALUMNI MANAGEMENT SYSTEM "at our Department premises for the partial achievement
of the necessities.

We make a move to thank every one of our Lecturers who have directly or indirectly helped us to
complete our project. We offer our appreciation and love to our folks and any remaining relatives
and companions for their adoration and consolation all through our profession. Last however not
the least we express our gratitude to our companions for their participation and support


Table of content
List of Tables...................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................9
1.2 Background Study................................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Existing System.............................................................................................................10
1.3 Problem statement................................................................................................................12
1.3.1 Manual system...............................................................................................................12
1.3.2 Time Consuming...........................................................................................................12
1.3.3 Unsecured Storage.........................................................................................................13
1.3.4 Lack of communication.................................................................................................13
1.3.5 No feedback...................................................................................................................13
4 Objective.............................................................................................................................13
1.5 Scope....................................................................................................................................13
1.5.1 System Scope...........................................................................................................14
1.5.2 User Scope...............................................................................................................14
1.6 Methodology...................................................................................................................15
1.7 Hardware and Software...................................................................................................16
1.8 Conclusion......................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................................................18
LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................................18
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................18
2.2 Features we are providing....................................................................................................18
2.2.1 Registration...................................................................................................................18
2.2.3 Alumni data management..............................................................................................19
2.2.4 Online Forums...............................................................................................................19
2.2.5 Event Management........................................................................................................19
2.2.6 Fund Raising Management............................................................................................20
2.3 Platform for Website Development.....................................................................................21
2.3.1 HTML............................................................................................................................21
2.3.2 PHP MySQL..................................................................................................................21
2.4 Compared System................................................................................................................21
2.4.1 RTNHS online Alumni system......................................................................................21
2.4.2 Arellano University..........................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 3..................................................................................................................................26
3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................26
3.2 Choosing a right system development platform.............................................................26
3.3 Prototype Methodology...................................................................................................27
3.3.1 Advantages of Prototyping......................................................................................27
3.3.2 The Process of Prototyping...........................................................................................27
3.3.2 Working of prototype model...................................................................................28
3.4 Why use Prototype Model...............................................................................................30
3.5 Use Case Model..............................................................................................................30
3.6 Sequence diagram...........................................................................................................31
3.7 Class Diagram.................................................................................................................33
3.7.1 Alumni.....................................................................................................................34
3.7.2 Admin......................................................................................................................34
3.7.3 Events......................................................................................................................35
3.7.4 Request....................................................................................................................35
3.7.5 Access......................................................................................................................35
3.8 Conclusion......................................................................................................................35
3.9 Reference........................................................................................................................36

List of Tables
Table 1.1:

Table 1.2:

Table 2.1: Comparison Table..



An alumni association is an affiliation of graduates (alumni) or, all the more comprehensively,
of former students. In the Alumni of colleges, universities, schools, crews and sororities
regularly form groups with alumni from a similar association. These institutions regularly put
together social events; post bulletins or magazines raise funds for the association. Many give a
variety of advantages and services that help alumni with keeping up with associations with their
educational institution and individual graduates. Furthermore, such gatherings frequently
support new alumni, and provide a discussion to shape new kinships and business associations
with individuals of similar background.
Alumni institutes are predominantly coordinated around colleges or divisions of universities,
however may likewise be coordinated among under graduates that concentrated in a specific
country. In the past, they were regularly viewed as the colleges or schools old kid organization.
Today, alumni associations include graduates of all age agencies and demographics.
This project is pointed toward fostering a repository for the alumni of the university, which is of
significance to a college/university. The Repository and Search Engine (RASE) is an Internet
based application that can be gotten to all through the World. Anybody can get admission to the
Search Engine to think about any Alumni of that college/university yet can't ready to add.
Alumni can possibly refresh the database when they are in the college/university.
The project is imagined to be finished in two stages. The underlying stage will be the creation
of a basic framework that will be utilized to catch information from current last year students
before the finish of term. The second period of improvement will stretch out the usefulness of
the system to permit past graduated class to register.



1.1 Introduction

Alumni are the most important asset of any organization. They are the peoples who represent
college/university in real world. The main goal of this Alumni Management System project is to
construct a framework that will actually want to oversee alumni information of a
college/university and give simple and easy access to the equivalent. Alumni of a
college/university for the most part keep in contact with their quick companions yet think that
it’s difficult to remain connected with other college/university fellows. Contact between
Alumni’s can be utilized to produce business associations and to acquire references or
knowledge in another field. New college/university graduates will be at first given a student
login ID. Access to the system can help them in building associations with assistance them in
their projects or for placement.
The system will naturally list all students as alumni on their graduation and their record status
will be moved from the undergraduate module to the Alumni module. Users will be provoked to
refresh informal organization subtleties. User can likewise decide to naturally share new
refreshes in work status from their LinkedIn profile. This single framework will actually want to
sidestep the necessity of some other Alumni association. The system can follow User area as
given by the User. When the System sees that in excess of 10 Alumni are accessible in a similar
city it can tell every one of them about the chance of a meet.
Alumni can likewise give public posts on the system about conceivable open positions or other
college/university related news. Since it is impossible that Alumni will check the system much
of the time the system will be capable provide public post and make a pamphlet that can be
messaged or emailed to all Alumni. The system will also have privacy features. User can decide
what data they need to share and furthermore whom they need to share it with. For instance
User can decide to share their Facebook profile name what's more, Mobile number with Alumni
who graduated around the same time as them. The system will likewise have a chat feature
which will empower Alumni to talk without uncovering their versatile number or individual e –
mail ID.

1.2 Background Study

To develop a new system it is necessary to study the existing system that are working in the
market to know their draw backs and introduce solutions to overcome the problems which are
faces by existing system. For this purpose here is the background study of two Alumni
management systems:

1.2.1 Existing System RTNHS online Alumni system

Ramon Torres National High School Online Alumni Tracking System is a web-based system
proposed for the Alumni to convey and be updated about RTNHS. Similarly it contains updated
data board for the Alumni that include events, career service activities, Alumni action and
others. The system has its own exhibition for pictures. It has Similarly parcel of Alumni data
with respect to on their status in life where each Alumni can see. This empowers the Alumni to
perceive how their classmates have been expertly. The Alumni can make their own account and
be seen by their co register Alumni.
Figure1: RTNHS Online Alumni system

9 Arellano University

The Alumni Services Department (ASD) of Arellano University will be responsible for the
organization of key projects for students and Alumni services of the University. Its basic
concerns will be centered on giving projects and facilities to student/Alumni services; providing
current and relevant information about the organizations of the various alumni groups of the
Arellano University; and coordination of reach administrations on the side of University drives
for alumni welfare, just as autonomous exercises of dx or track. This is the second time that
Computer Science Department will embrace on innovation as tolerating our proposed system
“Alumni Management System” that will Manage and reconnect its Alumni.
Figure 2: ASD of Arellano University

1.3 Problem statement

 Manual system
The existing system is a manual system but all the records are kept on an excel sheets, which are
time consuming process. This is neither a completely computerize system nor manual system.
In such type of system, to keep the information of a student about their starting year will be a
hectic task. Moreover excel sheets cannot be spread easily. If a user wants any record, then they
have to find that record from all records which a time consuming process. Similarly Editing and
maintenance a particular Alumni record or a class is a difficult and require much time.
Our objective is to provide a web based computerized alumni system that will be fast and easy
to access from anywhere and data will be stored on database and MySQL language will be used
to access and manipulate data. This system will provide online storage to keep the information
of alumni.
 No job opportunities

The existing system does not provide job opportunities for alumni. The use of an alumni system
is one of the many valuable resources available to graduates. Job searchers can connect with
essential tools and services through an alumni system, which can help them, establish a more
effective job search outcome. Our web based alumni system will provide job opportunity
features so that when the alumni graduates and join our system by providing their details such as

name, phone number, qualification, address etc. they can search for their related job
opportunities that will help them to grow.

 No alumni committee members

In the existing system there is no active committee in the alumni system that will keep the check
and balance of alumni system and that is the problem. Our system will provide a feature for
committee members so that they can join alumni and keep track of alumni system. These
committee members can login in the system through user id and password and can provide new,
add job opportunities and can organize events related details of alumni system.

 Lack of sponsors

The current system does not have any feature for alumni sponsors. Our system will provide this
facility as there are several alumni who have their own business or companies and they can
sponsor other alumni system to grow and collaborate with them. On the other hand alumni
systems of other universities can also provide sponsorship to our alumni system. In this way
communication can be helpful to get more sponsors.
 Lack of Security
As there is not central database for storing information of Alumni and as data is store in
individual file format then there are more chances of losing data as there are no solid backup
and there are more chances of security violation of data as anyone who have access to computer
room can violate data of any Alumni easily. And is case of any natural disaster or damage of
computer in which the data is store, Due to no backup the information may be lose for forever.

Our system will be secure as it is based on database storage rather than excel sheets so it will be
more secure because no one can get access to data until it is authorized user and user have to
sign in with its login credentials such as ID and password.
 Lack of Interaction
In previous system, there is no chat feature. There is not specific way for old Alumni to
communicate with their old fellows and friends. Mostly Alumni like to come back and see if
their records are keep standing. They communicate with their friends and ask about record
updating. So, Communication gap is a big problem in previous Alumni management systems.

Our system will provide the facility of interaction between alumni and internal interaction
between university departments so the problems can be solved on time. Moreover we will
provide feedback feature so that the problems can be solved based on feedback of alumni.

4. Objectives

Here are the major objectives of our Alumni management system

 To create a system that would be able to manage a college's alumni data and enable easy

access to it.

 To lessen the amount of manual work required

 To develop a user-friendly interface

 To provide more storage and fast retrieval of data

 To provide job opportunities for alumni

 To allow old and new university or college students to communicate with one another.

This gives pupils the opportunity to learn about one another and their present activities

 To mentor and assist alumni who have just completed postgraduate studies at the center

in order to keep them involved in productive pursuits that benefit society

 Providing a venue for alumni to discuss thoughts on current academic, cultural, and

social challenges.

 To provide sponsorship within alumni

 To foster an interest in the affairs and well-being of the educational institution among the

Alumni Body.

 To give and convey information to their Alma Mater's alumni about its graduates,

faculties, and students.

1.5 Scope

In a project management system, a scope of the project is the defined features and functions of a
project or product or it is a work that is needed to finish a project. For Alumni management
system the following scope has to be met.

1.5.1 System Scope

1. Registration of a new user and save credential information in database.
2. Validation of credential information (email or password) for signup to the system.
3. Apply input mask on password automatically and save it in hashed form.
4. Store data on centralized database.
5. System should be accurate, consistence and flexible.
6. Speed of the system should be fast.
7. Should secure the data and information of Alumni and other users.
8. Should keep the history record of old Alumni.
9. Provide a chat feature for All Alumni and other users.
10. User can be able to see their updated records.
11. should provide feedback option.

1.5.2 User Scope

Access Profile
Admin The Administrator keep and maintain the information of Alumni. When
Alumni enter registration form, the admin complete verification process and
when the verification is complete the administrator enter the record of Alumni
into database. Also the administrator is responsible of maintaining the

password of event manger and of him.

Instructor Event manager are responsible to maintain the information about various
events that are conducted by colleges and universities and also maintain the
details of notifications about that events that are delivered to Alumni. Event
manager can add, delete and modify event information.

Alumni/student In this module Alumni/student can fill registration form and register into the
system after the approval from the administrator. After the registration alumni
can login to the system and perform various activities like can post queries,
can send mail or messages, give feedback, can view events detail, can view
their profile and can also search for other student’s detail.

1.6 Methodology

Prototyping Model has been utilized to develop this web application. The Prototyping model is a
procedure for rapidly constructing a capacity yet inadequate model of the data framework. There
are a few sorts of models however they all mean to decrease hazard by building a no fuss
imitation or mockup of the planned framework. It very well may be utilized to illustrate
specialized achievability when the specialized danger is high. It can likewise be utilized to better
comprehend and evoke client necessities. Regardless, the objective is to lessen hazard and
breaking point costs by expanding comprehension of proposed arrangements prior to submitting
more assets.
Figure: 1.3 Prototype methodologies

Prototyping Model is a product improvement model in which model is assembled, tried, and
revamped until a satisfactory model is accomplished. It additionally makes base to deliver the
last framework or programming. It works best in situations where the undertaking's prerequisites
are not known exhaustively. It is an iterative, experimentation strategy which happens among
engineer and customer.
This methodology is known as evolutionary design or increamental model. Various forms of
prototyping are utilized in software design, system improvement, and gadgets designing."
What better approach to decide whether the idea is related to your business assumptions.
Furthermore, really at that time would you be able to make the refinements expected to foster
your eventual outcome/arrangement.
Prototype models are best used when the ideal framework needs to have a great deal of
connection with end clients.
When utilizing this kind of model, blunders normally can be distinguished a whole lot earlier and
faster client input is accessible prompting better arrangements.
"Since in this approach a functioning model of the framework is given, the clients acquire a
superior comprehension of the framework being created."

1.7 Hardware and Software

Name Description
Processor Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz
Motherboard Intel 915GVSR Chipset board
Hard Disk Drive 1 TB
Bandwidth 100 mbps
Operating System Windows 10
Table: 1.1: Hardware
A Simple Pc with smooth working capability can use this Web based Application. A Pc which
have 1TB hard drive, 8GB RAM and 100 mbps bandwidth these requirements are the basic
concerns. Other than that the Pc has all the requirements which are mentioned in above table.

Name Description
Front End Html, PhP
Documentation Microsoft word
Scripting language Java script
Back End MySQL
Table 1.2: Software
HTML is a hypertext markup language which is used to represent the content of the client on a
website. Php is a server side scripting language which is use to connect the clients computer
with the server, post clients requests on the server and give server response. MySQL is a query
language which is use to insert, delete, modify and retrieve data in database. Adobe
Dreamweaver is a software development tool which is use to write code and run this code on
web browser.

1.8 Conclusion

In this chapter, basic things related to “Alumni management system” are discussed. Scope of the
system is identified which include system scope and user scope. General Public will be able to
use this Alumni system through web interface. Problems and drawbacks which are Aries in

previous alumni management system are identified in this chapter and will overcome in this
system. All the data will be stored in a central database. All the requirements are specified
which include hardware specifications and software specifications that are required to develop a
successful Alumni management system.



2.1 Introduction

Literature review is a survey in which we discuss published information in a particular area,

subject and information published in a particular subject within a certain time period. So here in
this chapter the previous work will be discuss which are to be made on Alumni management
system. Alumni are one of the important components of any college, because they are peoples
who represent that college in the world. One of the basic rules in quality assurance for higher
Education is the association of the college to its graduated class what's more, tracer investigation
of its alumni once you have these information, you can oversee and examine these sorts of data
and it will serve likewise as a vital boundaries of working on the quality in higher raining,
explicitly the projects being advertised by the college. To work on the nature of programs, there
ought to be ceaseless input from the graduated class who are working especially in the industry.
Their criticism is vital contributions to the educational plan, exercises, and so on of each college.

2.2 Features we are providing

Below are the details of all the features which are provided by Alumni management system:

2.2.1 Registration
New Alumni has to register him/herself into the system if they want to become the part of
college by giving credential information like username, Email and password. Data mining
technique will be used to get, store and retrieve the registered Alumni data.
2.2.2 Login

Alumni who are registered in to the system will be able to login to the system whenever they
want by entering required credential information like user name and password. Alumni can be
able to perform any task like account management, check events, or check any type of update
etc by logging in to the system.

2.2.3 Alumni data management

Database features in the system assist supervisors with collecting key information about
Alumni, for example, contact data, profession history, participation status, and donation pattern.
This information can work with more successful effort endeavors and can help Alumni relations
staff close whom to contact and when.

The directory should be accessible and offer channels to oblige individuals to effortlessly
discover and connect with others dependent on bunch, industry, area, or any custom space.

2.2.4 Online Forums

Alumni can utilize this online Forum to post opportunities or solicitation help from different
Alumni in a similar area and assemble their expert organizations, incorporating through mixes
with web-based media stages.
Also, an exceptional positions board is a significant benefit for any Alumni network. Your
product should allow you to share occupations, add external work takes care of, and surprisingly
let part alumni post open positions.

2.2.5 Event Management

Alumni events are key to a successful alumni engagement plan. An effective event planning
process can go a long way towards building a powerful alumni community. Your alumni
management system should provide comprehensive event management capabilities which

 An events calendar
 Invitation and reminder emails

 Ticketing options
 An effortless online payment
 Social networks integration to advertise the event
Of course, laws and restrictions due to COVID-19 signify that physical events won’t be on the
calendar anytime soon. Alumni directors are now compelled to rethink their event formats.
Your alumni management platform should support your transformation from offline to online.
For example, by enabling video calls, roundtable conferences, webinars, and more on the
platform using the video conferencing tool of your preference. Furthermore, embedding
conference links, offering a countdown to start feature, and allowing access to the live meeting
from the event page are also super beneficial features.

2.2.6 Fund Raising Management

Past going through cash, Fundraising assist with building more grounded connections among
amazing and significant partners and your foundation, also successful fundraising help certainty
all through the foundation.

The best Alumni management system enables you to:

 Configuration Campaign pages easily
 Quickly promote fundraising among the network
 Offer an incorporated easy payment gateway
 Donation Process
 Automatically make fund reports
An incredible Alumni system will save your group time with respect to overseeing assignments.
You can get going the initial step by embracing Alumni management system (ERP).

2.3 Platform for Website Development

2.3.1 HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is utilized to structure a page and its
substance. For instance, content could be organized inside a bunch of sections, a rundown of
bulleted focuses, or utilizing pictures and information tables. As the title recommends, this
article will give you a fundamental comprehension of HTML and its capacities.
HTML is a markup language that characterizes the design of your substance. HTML comprises
of a progression of components, which you use to encase, or wrap, various pieces of the
substance to cause it to seem a specific way, or act a specific way. The encasing labels can
make a word or picture hyperlink to elsewhere, can emphasize words, can make the textual style
greater or more modest, etc.

2.3.2 PHP MySQL

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is the most
well-known database system utilized with PHP. MySQL is created, disseminated, and upheld by
Oracle Corporation.
The data in a MySQL database are put away in tables which comprises of cells and rows.
MySQL is an database system that sudden spikes in demand for a worker. MySQL is great for
both little and enormous applications. MySQL is exceptionally quick, solid, and simple to
utilize database system. It utilizes standard SQL MySQL arranges on various stages.

2.4 Compared System

2.4.1 RTNHS online Alumni system

Ramon Torres National High School Online Alumni Tracking System is an electronic system
planned for the Alumni to convey and be refreshed with regards to RTNHS. It additionally
contains refreshed information board for the Alumni that incorporate occasions, profession
administration openings, Alumni movement and others. The system has its own display for
pictures. It has additionally part of Alumni data in regards to on their status in life where each

former student can see. This empowers the Alumni to perceive how their schoolmates have
been, expertly. They can even speak with their previous associates through Chat.
Figure 2.1: Home Page Of RTNHS

Figure 2.1: shows the home screen of RTNHS alumni management System. Here to apply as an
Alumni the Students has to register or Sign in to the system.

Figure 2.2: Shows the Chat Option of RTNHS

Figure 2.2: shows the chat option of RTNHS. To avail the chat option the Alumni must have sign
in to the chat room and accept the conditions given here.

2.4.2 Arellano University

Arellano University was Established in the year of 1938 and was founded by late Florentino
Cayco, Sr. The principle reason for the Alumni management system of Arellano university is to
help the registrar’s office of the Arellano University Juan Sumulong High School to be more
methodical as far as recuperating or recovering, adding and refreshing the data of the Alumni and
for the transferees of the school. The components of the system are Personal Information of the
Alumni, Encoding and Viewing of the grades, Payments, Subject Enrolled, Status of the Alumni
and Retrieving of records The General Description of the system is to be a computerized or more
orderly way in saving the data of the Alumni and recover it when it's required. The significance
of this examination is to help the registrar’s office the Arellano University Juan Sumulong High
School, to forestall the scatterings and loss of the records of the understudies and previous
understudies that stop their investigations for some close to home explanation, just as the
graduated class of the school.
Figure 2.3: Home page of Arellano university Alumni management system

Figure 2.3: shows the home page of Arellano university Alumni management system. It contain
All the required options in it’s menu bar which include Administration, admission, programs,
research, Alumni and contact. All the important items are placed in front page. This is user
friendly interface.

Figure 2.4: Alumni menu of Arellano university Alumni management system

Figure 2.4 shows the Alumni menu of Arellano university. It include All the information like
gallery, about Alumni, objectives etc. this Website did’t have chat option for their Alumni.

2.5 Comparison Table

Features RTNHS Arellano Our system

Registration NO Yes Yes

Gallery yes yes Yes

Chat yes NO Yes

Event No No Yes

Feed back Yes NO Yes

Fundraising NO NO Yes

Database Yes Yes Yes

Table 2.1: Comparison Table



1.1 Introduction

This Chapter explains the methodology used to achieve at the goal of the project. The system
where in Software is planned, created, and kept up with is known as the Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC). It shows the means, stages, achievements, and development of the product
development measure. There are many kinds of models utilized in programming plan and
improvement. Among them are the Spiral models, Rapid development model, Evolutionary
model, waterfall model and prototyping model. We use prototype model for our project. In this
chapter we will discuss why we choose this model for our project.

1.2 Choosing a right system development platform

Understanding the idea of an research issue as characterized by the researchers is basic to

planning great quality software. The Software developers need to comprehend the specialized
area somewhat, just as the necessary capacity and conduct of the ideal software execution, to
foster a savvy, easy to understand arrangement. This archive gives an organized way to deal with
researchers, programmers and project managers who contain the group for fostering a software
application. if this methodology is followed, the researchers and programmer will be in
fundamental arrangement on the course of improvement from the beginning of the undertaking,
which should assist with limiting surprises late in the improvement life cycle and furthermore
assist with guaranteeing that project achievements are met. We are going to develop an online
Alumni management system. After studying all methodology’s we decided to choose prototype
methodology for Alumni management system because it suites in a best way to alumni
management system. In coming section we will discuss why we choose this methodology for our

1.3 Prototype Methodology

Prototype Model is a functioning model of software development with some restricted

Functionalities. The prototype model doesn't generally hold the specific logic utilized in the real
software application and is an additional work to be considered under exertion assessment.
Prototyping is utilized to permit the clients assess designer recommendations and give them a
shot before execution. It additionally comprehends the requirements which are client explicit and
might not have been considered by the developer during project plan.

1.3.1 Advantages of Prototyping

a) Lessens development time.
b) Reduces development costs.
c) Requires client contribution.
d) Developers get quantifiable client feedback.
e) Facilitate system execution since clients realize what's in store.
f) Results in higher client fulfillment.
g) Exposes engineers to potential future framework upgrades.
h) Following is a stepwise methodology disclosed to plan a product prototype:

3.3.2 The Process of Prototyping

 Identify basic requirements: Determine fundamental prerequisites including the

information and output desired information. details, such us security, can commonly be
 Develop initial model: The underlying model is fostered that incorporates just User
 Review: The clients, end-clients, inspect the model and give input on augmentations or

 Maintenance of model: Using the input, both the details and the model can be
improved. This strategy includes a progression of emphases and refinement until the model item
is a completely working framework, and the client is fulfilled.

1.3.2 Working of prototype model

Figure 3.1: Prototype Model

Phase 1:

Identify Initial requirements: Get arrangements of some major prerequisites which characterize
the requirement for the new framework including the principle input yield data. Before making
any site or a mobile App, it is important to visualize the format, plan and all elements planned to
be fused. Likewise, how clients will communicate with each page and symbol and how the
site/App ought to perform (conduct, load time and so on) Prerequisites are the essential credits in
the framework, an explanation that recognizes an ability, trademark or quality factor of the
framework to have worth and utility to the clients. When the necessities are set, engineers can
start the other specialized work including framework plan, improvement, testing, execution, and

In this phase we will get the initial requirement About Alumni management system from the
management of the college.
Phase 2:

Develop Initial Prototype: Develop a fundamental starting model which just has UI screens.
Different tools are used to develop the initial prototype which represent the working model of the
Alumni management system. After developing the initial prototype it will give to the user to test
the system.

Phase 3:

Review Prototype: End clients and college work and analyze the model and give criticism to
upgrades/improvements. After developing the initial prototype this will hand over to the admin
and users, they use the system for short period of time and give the feedback and criticism to tell
the issues and drawbacks to the developer for betterment of the system.

Phase 4:

Revise and enhance the prototype: Scope is changed based on feedback from end users and the
prototype is enhanced and refined to accommodate user feedback. Once the user give us the
feedback about the system the developer team start working on it again to overcome the
drawback which are mentioned by the clients.
Phase 5:
Testing: System testing is the cycle where the system goes through test testing to make sure
that the system doesn't fizzle for example to check whether the necessary system is running
as per detail what's more, client assumption. System testing likewise tests to discover errors
between the system and its unique evenhanded, current detail and system documentation.
Consequently generally valuable and functional methodology is with the agreement that
testing is the most common way of executing a program with the express expectation of
discovering mistakes that is making the program fizzle.

Phase 6:

Maintenance: Maintenance is important to dispose of mistakes in the working system during its
functioning life and to tune the framework to numerous varieties in its workplace. Frequently

little system inadequacies are found as a system is brought into activity and changes are made to
eliminate them. System organizers should consistently anticipate asset accessibility to do these
Maintenance capacities. The significance of support is to keep on carrying the new system to

1.4 Why use Prototype Model

Prototype model utilized when the ideal system needs to have a ton of interactions with the end
users. Commonly, online system, web interfaces have an extremely high measure of
communication with end clients, are most appropriate for Prototype model. It may take some
time for a system to be fabricated that permits convenience and necessities negligible preparing
for the end client.
Prototyping guarantees that the end clients continually work with the system and give an input
which is consolidated in the model to bring about a useable system. They are amazing for
planning great human PC interface system.
We choose this methodology not to improve previous system but there is no Alumni
management system before this system. So the goal of choosing this methodology is to develop a
successful Alumni management system by making prototypes. That’s mean to improve the
system, find errors and drawbacks at every stage and make it perfect then move toward the next
step. This will help to develop a perfect error free and according to clients requirements system.

1.5 Use Case Model

An UML use case diagram is the essential type of system/programming necessities for another
product program immature. Use cases indicate the normal conduct (what), and not the specific
strategy for getting it going (how). Use cases once determined can be indicated both text based
and visual portrayal (for example use case graph). A critical idea of utilization case
demonstrating is that it assists us with planning a framework from the end client's viewpoint. It is
a compelling strategy for conveying framework conduct in the client's terms by determining all
remotely apparent system conduct.

Figure 3.2: use case of Alumni management system

Figure 3.2: shows the use case diagram of alumni management system which shows that
there are three main actors in this system, Admin who is responsible to send events, create
account, manage request, update record and manage events. Second actor is instructor who
can login to the system then view activity and can be able to modify information. 3rd actor is
student who also can login to system then view activity in which he/she is interested and
modify information and fill the form of request they want to made.

1.6 Sequence diagram

Figure 3.3: View event diagram of Alumni Management system

Figure 3.3: shows the view event activity of the user either constructor or student. Firstly user
send view event command toward control then it sent this command toward events control
system and then toward database where the information of the event are store.
Figure 3.4: create event diagram of Alumni management system

Figure 3.4: shows that how a actor can create event in Alumni management system. In this
process an actor can fill the form on system and then send the event creation request toward the
controller and then create an event in event database.

1.7 Class Diagram

Figure 3.5: Class diagram of Alumni management system

Figure 3.5: shows the class diagram of Alumni management system in which each class
represent an entity and each entity has the following attributes and operations:

1.7.1 Alumni
Student class include the attributes of student Id, name, email, address, college and status and it’s
action include request and get student id, name, status, college and give feedback.

1.7.2 Admin
Admin attributes include Id, Name, address, e-mail, job, username and password. Its actions
include set Id, name, email, username, address and password.

1.7.3 Events
Events entity includes attributes of event id, detail, date, time and location. Its attributes include
set or store event id, date, time and location.

1.7.4 Request
Request includes the attributes of request id, student id, student name, status, collage and note.
Its action include set a request from the user and store information on database.

1.7.5 Access
Access attributes include Username and password of the student and last login information. Its
action include that it gives the login access to the user.

1.8 Conclusion

After the allover depiction and the arrangement of the requirement for this system, we've
suggested that, by carrying out this Alumni management system the College will be positioned
as the main college in the district which has been set up this help. Furthermore, it will show the
fundamental usefulness of this prototype methodology and it would be considerably more clear
in the wake of carrying out it rather than simply discussing the manner in which it ought to be
sectioned in and the other referenced material. since, it is simpler to expand on another existed
program that building it as disconnected program.

1.9 Reference

[1] (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2021 from
[2] Arellano University for GOD and country (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2021 from


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