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The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance
from many people and we are extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion
of my project. All that we have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and we
would not forget to thank them. We respect and thank Mr. T.V.S.N MURTHY sir, for
providing me an opportunity to do this project work and giving us all support and guidance
which made us complete the project duly. We are extremely thankful to him for providing
such a nice support and guidance, although he had a busy schedule. We are thankful to and
fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all my batch
mates which helped me in successfully completing my project work.


1 Introduction

2 Bobbin Changing System

3 Gas Detection System Using Arduino

4 The features of proposed system – GDS using Arduino

5 Inventory management

6 RFID and components

7 Function Of Iot In Inventory Management

8 How Does Iot Driven Inventory Management System


9 References
Internet of Things generally refers to scenarios where network connectivity and computing
capability extends to objects, sensors, and everyday items not normally considered
computers, allowing these devices to generate, exchange and consume data with minimal
human intervention. There is, however, no single, universal definition. The internet of things
helps people live and work smarter, as well as gain complete control over their lives. It
enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs. It also cuts down on waste
and improves service delivery, making it less expensive to manufacture and deliver goods, as
well as offering transparency into customer transactions.


Auto Bobbin Changer automatically changes the bobbin, by that eliminating bothersome
bobbin work, and enhancing rationality, cost reduction, and production efficiency. This
changer is effective for thick thread stitching and for work requiring the lower thread to be
replaced frequency. It is optimum for products in which the thread cannot be overlapped, for
stitching. In addition to saving labor, this changer prevents stitching defects and reduces the
mental strain of the worker. An automatic bobbin changing system is an innovative solution
for increased efficiency in sewing.

Fig 1.1, 1.2 Automatic bobbin changer

The Auto Bobbin Checker, signals the operator when the amount of thread left in the bobbin
reaches the predetermined amount to avoid the shortage of bobbin thread before completing
the stitches that cannot be done again. The bobbin thread is checked with a laser beam sent
into the bobbin case. The point to detect thread shortage can be set by adjusting the position
of the sensor in the detector. This device is most effective with regard to the sewing of
expensive material, automobile seat covers, etc. It is available for both rotary and shuttle
hook machine


This system can be used in the dyeing industry. The sensors are powered by microcontrollers,
relays, LCD displays and a buzzer. This voltage regulation sector is responsible for
converting alternate power to direct current as well as lowering the transmitted signal. The
sensors can detect the gas leak. The sensor MQ-2 is employed here to detect LPG levels in
air. The gases in the range between 200 and 10000 ppm may be detected as well as the
reaction time is quite rapid. The outcome of the sensors would be an analog strength. A serial
communication circuit converts the change from analog resistor to voltage. This analog
voltage is digitally converted using a through 12 bit ADC.

Fig 2.1

In the proposed system of as detection system, the application contains both the monitoring
and detection of the gases which are very harmful for the surrounding. In the detection of the
gas, the sensor which is used to sense many gases is the MQ-2 sensor.

Аfter the deteсtiоn оf leаkаge in the gаs, the sensor sends the signal to the Arduino UNO
fоr the further process where оther hаrdwаre соmроnents аre соnneсted tо eасh оther.
Thrоugh Аrduinо UNО, it send the signal to the LCD display fоr displaying the аlert
messаge аs “LРG Detected”, ассоrdingly, the buzzer be оn sо thаt the surrounding реорle
will be аlerted, аs well аs the mаin роwer suррly will be cut оff. Using the relаy оf 5V, the
power supply is given tо the Exhaust fan to remоve the hаrmful gаs frоm the surrоunding.
Even the Оwner оf the аррliсаtiоn will reсeive the messаge thrоugh GSM mоdule.

In the monitoring system,the LРG cylinder is соnsidered where the аррliсаtiоn is using the
load sensоr tо weigh the сylinder. If the threshоld vаlue whiсh is set tо 3Kg is greater thаn
the vоlume оf the Сylinder, then the signal is sent tо Аrduinо Unо whiсh then рrосeeds the
signаl tо the GSM mоdem whiсh will send the SMS tо the аgency fоr bооking оf the Gаs
сylinder. It is then stоred the stаtus оf the bооking the web page which will be eаsier tо use.


● Gas leakage is sensed using MQ-2 sensor, when it is more than threshold value given
which is interfaced by Arduino UNO.

● The buzzer will be on to notify the surrounding people.

● Using the relay on, the power supply will be off and then there will be a display on
the LCD for detection of the alert message like “LPG gas detected”.

● When the application is on, the exhaust fan will on to pull out the gas which is leaked
from the surrounding.

MQ-2 sensor:

MQ-2 sensor is amongst the most common gas sensors throughout the MQ sensor series. The
detection method performed on resilience shifts in sensing element whenever the gas comes
into touch only with substance. It is also referred as nothing more than a gas sensor of metal
oxide styles. Gas concentration can indeed be detected via a network of simple voltage
Inventory accuracy is a major obstacle for many apparel manufacturers. Without clear
visibility into the demand for a particular product, they will struggle to maintain optimum
levels of inventory. IoT can help address that. IoT technology such as sensors, smart shelves,
and doors, robotic picking vehicles, etc. can provide a crystal-clear, real-time image of the
stocks. This will allow manufacturers to optimize their inventory. Using IoT, apparel
manufacturers can automate replenishment based on actual customer needs and not just on
retail orders.


RFID is an acronym for “radio-frequency identification” and refers to a technology whereby

digital data encoded in RFID tags or smart labels (defined below) are captured by a reader via
radio waves.


 RFID tags
 RFID Antennas
 RFID readers

Fig 3.1 Components of RFID


The function of IoT in inventory management boils right all the way down to turning the
records fetched via means of RFID readers into significant insights approximately inventory
items’ location, statuses, movements, etc., and giving customers a corresponding output. For
example, primarily based totally on the records approximately the inventory amount and
location, device learning – a component of an IoT-primarily based inventory management
solution architecture – can forecast the quantity of raw materials wanted for the imminent
manufacturing cycle. The output an IoT device presents could have numerous forms: it may
ship an alert to a person if any individual inventory object is lost, notify of the need to refill
the materials, etc.



● In an inventory management solution based on business IoT and RFID, any individual
inventory item that is to be tracked gets an RFID tag.

● Every tag has a unique identification variety (identity) that includes encoded digital
statistics approximately a stock item, e.g. a model, a batch quantity, etc.

● Tags are scanned with the aid of RFID readers. Upon scanning, a reader extracts tags’ IDs
and transmits them to the cloud for processing

● Alongside the tags’ IDs, the cloud gets the facts about the reader’s place and the time of the

● Based on the records, the cloud states the vicinity of the object with the corresponding id,
visualizes the findings and displays real-time updates about stock objects’ moves to the
answer users, permitting them to monitor the stock using a phone or a laptop from anywhere,
in actual time.
Fig 4.1 RFID in inventory management


 Identifying bottlenecks in the operations

 Optimization of lead time
 Optimization of inventory
 Automation of inventory tracking and reporting
 Clear visibility of inventory item’s quantity, location and movements







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