A Story From A Short Story

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Cuando un cuerpo de seguridad, se convierte en un aparato de estado, la justicia se

transforma en un arma letal de la masacre de la dignidad social.

¿qué pasa con la dignidad humana?

On the park bench that I was sitting on, they ran and waved as they passed; also, I saw her when
she was sitting in front of me reading a book of past stories, I was waiting for her, then, I looked at
the time, it was late for me, I got up from there as I did other times, I went to look for some food,
little I could find, everything was closed, although I thought this month I have spent a lot, I better
go home, the road was not that far, it was not far away.

I remembered, what I bought yesterday I imagined myself preparing a rich coffee just like the one I
had in the morning I supposed that if the time was enough I could prepare a better meal than the
one I had yesterday then sit on the sofa listening to music from the CD's I bought then I will check
the mails that arrived I will go back to the writing of that book that I started so long ago that I
don't remember it anymore.

Reflect. The past was here as far away as I left it, the present is here, only problem is that I didn't
remember it and the future will be there where I will arrive late.

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