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Out and about

Starting off
0 Work in pairs. Describe the pictures using the
words fog/foggy, ice/icy, wind/windy,
clouds/cloudy, sunshine/sunny and storm/stormy.
How do you think the people in each situation
feel? €) Which of the weather conditions above do ygef
f) Complete the weather forecast for pictures 1-6 think are extreme? Which are mild?
with these expressions. Choose two different kinds of weather from
-· ---· - pictures 1-6. Tell your partner how each makes
I blowing centigrade eefe' degrees ~
freezing frost gale get wet hot lightning you feel and why.
showers snowfall temperature thunderstorm ::r: do~'t fi)(e. tlA~~de.rstor-111-s be.c.~~se. tlAe.(1111-~)(e. 111-e.

1 It's so .f"o3-~ that planes can't take off. It's .fe.e.£ ~e.rvo~s .
also quite C1~d : only 3°C.
2 The .. .... is already high. It's going to be
a very .. ..... .... ... .. ... ....... . day with a maximum of 40 Listening Part 2
3 There are probably going to be ..... .. . .. . . . . ..
0 With a partner, look at the exam instructions in
Exercise 2 on the next page and multiple-choice
soon. Some people are going to .. .............. .... ... .... .
questions 1-6, then answer questions a-e.
4 There is a .. . .... ............... at sea, with strong winds
............ .. .. ........ from the west, causing high waves. a What is the main speaker's name?
5 There's a noisy .. .. . ..... . in the mountains, b Who is the other person?
with .. ... ..... .... briefly turning night into day. c What is the topic ?
6 It's ....... ... .. this morning, -S°C, with d What do the questions ask about the speaker?
........ on the ground. A heavy e What kinds of weather are mentioned in the
....... is forecast for later. questions?

@ Unit7
6 ~ Follow the exam instructions. 8 In pairs, study this extract from the recording
and answer these questions.
• You will hear a woman called Chloe talking
to an interviewer about her hobby of • Which of questions 1-6 does this extract answer?
photographing extreme weather conditions. • How do you know?
·------_ • For each question put a tick (,/) in the correct • Underline the parts of the text that tell you why
box. one option is correct, and why the others are
• Are these all close together in the extract?
Exam advice • Are they in the same order as options A, B and C?
• Before you listen, quickly read the instructions
and the questions to get an idea of what you will
Chloe: ... but I still love photographing
hear. I Interviewer: That must be quite difficult. How
• When the recording is played, listen for reasons do you get good pictures?
why one option is correct - and for reasons why Chloe: Well, the first thing is the right
the other two are wrong. camera. It doesn't have to be
ft t '··.·. ·.·•''ff····'r· expensive, or particularly modern
- I've had mine for many years -
1 What does Chloe say about the weather in her and I avoid using digital ones .
A D It's cold in the north. 0 Would you like to study extreme weather
B D It changes quite often. conditions close up? Tell your partner why or why
C D It's always sunny. not. \

2 She started taking photos of bad weather when

she was
A Oworking. Extremely, fairly, quite, rather, really and very
B D a child.
C D at university.
0 Study these extracts from the recording, then
complete the rules about adverbs of degree
3 To photograph lightning, she uses (extremely, fairly, etc.) with the underlined words.
A D a digital camera.
it can be quite different
B D an expensive camera.
it's really fascinating
C Dan old camera .
that must be quite difficult
4 Where does she take photos during
thunderstorms? is rather dangerous
A D standing on a hill
B D from her apartment
C D sitting in her car

5 These days, which does she most like

photographing in winter?
A D frozen rivers and streams
scenes with lots of snow
C D patterns formed by frost

6 What does she often photograph when it's windy?

A D trees
B Othe sea
C D clouds

Out and about @

6 Talk to your partner about your country's 6 It was hot enough to spend the whole day in the
weather in different seasons. Use adverbs of water.
7 In the summer I like wearing a T-shirt and a skirt,
degree with words like wet, warm and windy.
because it's too hot for wearing trousers.
:1111. wi111.te.r it's .f'£-(1 s'!A111.111.'(1, b'!At it's e.Xfre.~e.£'(1 8 Spring has begun but it is not enough warm yet to
c..ofd . walk in the hills.
Too and enough
0 page 126 Grammar reference. Too and enough Grammar
0 Look at examples a-d with too and enough, then The future: Will, going to, present continuous and
circle the correct underlined option to complete present simple
rules 1-5. 0 page 125 Grammar reference: Ways of expressing the
a it's often too dark to photograph them when it's future
stormy 0 Cs\ Listen to this conversation between Mia and
b I had enough time to buy an umbrella before the
Owen and fill in the missing verbs. You can use
bus arrived.
short forms like 's (is), 'll (will) and 'm (am).
c It was a hot July day. There were too many cars and
there was too much noise.
d It was autumn, but the weather was mild enough
for us to have a picnic.

~ Rule5
l In the example5 above, too mean5 a5 much a5 I
-~ C~' d want. It doe5 not mean the 5ame
.-9 ~ 7 ounee or

-~ a5 very.
~-!!t 2 We put too after I before an adjective. often followed
,-9 by the -ing I to innnitive form of the verb.
.-9 J. h before countable I uncountable Mia: It's getting a bit late, Owen. )
.-9 3 We u:;e ,oo muc I
noun5 and too many before countable I uncountab e Owen: Yes, but look at the rain! I'm hoping it
...!It 'U $tr:w

(1) soon, though I don'
....!! noun5. think there's much chance of that.
h ean5 a5 much a:; I No, the weather forecast said it's a big /
,.._,...... i+ In the example5 above, enoug m Mia:
•• more than you need or want. storm so it (2) . .... for hours .
;..5 5 We u:;ually put enough after I before a noun ~ut ~ What time do you have to be at the
-~ I before an adjective. often followed by the -1ng I to
I (3) . .............. Jason and Mark
.-9 ~form of the verb. there at 8.30, in the cafe near the main
~~~ --=~·=·'---~#~----~~-
~#¥ ~. A
entrance. The train (4) .
............ at

E) @ Too and enough can be difficult for students. Mia: It's quite a long walk to the station, isn't
Tick (.!) the sentences 1-8 written by PET it? And it's 8.15 already. Look,
candidates which are right. Correct the sentences I (5) . ..... ... ..... ........ you in the car.
which are wrong. Owen: Thanks!
1 That's the way I like it: not too hot and not too
cold . .I E) In pairs, match the verb forms in 1-5 above with
2 We didn't have enough money for to buy new uses a-e.
instruments. a for timetables and future dates fe-Me-s
3 I like it too much because it's a nice place. b for decisions at the moment of speaking
4 I gave her enough money for get not only one, but c for things that aren't certain, e.g. after I think
two ice-creams. d for future arrangements between people
5 I can't buy it because it's too much expensive. e for predictions based on evidence, and plans

@ unit7
@) Put the words in the right order in questions 1-7. Reading Part 1
Then answer the questions in complete sentences.
0 Look quickly at 1-5 below. What kind of text is each?
1 will I think I cloudy I it I do / tomorrow / you I
be? 1 ··· ··· rCli;1.0 . sio~ ··
Do (jf1A tki1't/< it wiff be. dow:l(j to~on-ow7
No, tki1't/( it'ff be. S'IA1'\1'\(j.
College @ ~

2 your friends / next week I you / when / seeing I MAIN ENTRANCE

3 this evening / are I where I go I going I you I to ? .. no parking
4 your holidays / begin / do / this summer / date /
what? 2 • .J.J l8l ·· ···•·· · • ···· • ·· ·· · ··· ·· ··· · ··· ··

5 a job I think / get I you I when I do I will / you ?

6 the Earth / get hotter I scientists I going / say To: Dan Watkins
I is I to I do?
From: unknown sender
7 a text message / will I next send / you / when ?

0 Complete the replies to 1-7 using will, going to, Register with us to receive
the present simple or the present continuous. regular updates by email on
1 Which colour jacket do you want to buy? our special offers: flights to
I've already decided. I '~ oi1't to b'!A(j i;1. bfetc..1< New York, Hong Kong and
01'\e.. 0 0 Sydney!
2 Have you arranged to go to the dentist's?
Yes, I've got an appointment. I ......... .. ......... .
3 ... ..... .... ..... .... ... ....... .. .
3 This suitcase is too heavy for me. Passenger ferry
Give it to me. I.............................. .. ................ ...... . .. . ... ~
4 Can't you stay a few minutes longer? strong winds
No, I must go. It's half past ten and the last train
................... .. at eleven. take care when boarding
5 Would you like something to drink?
Yes, please. I ............. .......... ... .... ... ...................... .. .. ... . . ... 4
6 Would you like to come out this evening? Check-in
I'm sorry, but I've already got plans. I ....................... All international
7 Do you think it'll be dry later on? flights
No, look at those black clouds. It .. Closes 30 minutes
before departure
0 What would you say in each of these situations?
Tell your partner.
1 A friend invites you to a party but you already
have a ticket for a concert. :r'~ son-(j b'!At :r'~
~Oi1't(}: to i;1. C..01'\C..e.rt witk .frie.1-tds.
2 'Your friend is having trouble with their computer
and you want to help.
3 Someone asks you about the departure time of
your flight to New York. f) Study texts 1-5 more carefully and match them with
4 You're in a small boat and you notice the wind is purposes a-e below. Underline the words in the texts
getting stronger.
which tell you the purpose.
5 You see an accident and you're the only person
there with a mobile phone. a to advertise something [I]
6 Someone asks you what subject you want to study b to warn you of danger D
at university. c to say what you must do D
d to say what you must not do D
e to inform and advise you D
Out and about @
0 Look at the first question in Reading Part I below 3
and decide:
I what kind of text it is
Mountain bike
2 what its purpose is.
for sale
Now r1he same with each of questions 2-6. • for age 13+
0 Follow these exam instructions. End time: 54 mins • ridden only twice
Item location: • buyer must collect
Look at the text in each question. North-west
• What does it say?
• Mark the letter next to the correct explanation A The seller will deliver the bicycle to the buyer.
- A, B or C. B The bicycle is suitable for teenagers or adults.
C The owner of the bicycle has never used it.
·Exam advice 4
Do not take these tablets for
Look at the information around the text. There may be
more than three days without
(a) picture(s) which will help you to understand why
your doctor's advice.
the text was written and who it was written for.

I A You should take the tablets every day until you

feel much better.
Lifttoznd ~ B You must not t~ize the tablets without speaking
flo orout Im to the doctor first. I
[!] of order. Please C You must ask the doctor if you want to take the
us e stairs next tablets for a week.
to Passport 5

Co ntrol.
"C ""
Path for the use of horse riders. cyclists
and pedestrians only
@ You will need to walk upstairs to get to the
second floor. A Motor vehicles are not allowed on this path~
B You must go through Passport Control on the B All people using this path must go on foot.
second floor. C Riders are requested to go slowly on. this path.
C You can use the stairs or take the lift to the
second floor. 6

lo\\y - lic\ oo.~e\\cy To: Monica
pl-\o\\etA. Roe\:. co\\cev+
From: Carmen
oo.t e><l-\ibitio\\ ce\\he
i\\steoo.J. o.P spovts l-\oo.ll. Just to let you know that our bus leaves at ?.50

At soo.""e ti""e, I tl-\i\\\:. tomorrow morning, not ?.20. So how about calling for
- bl.\t coo.I\ tl-\e"" to me here at ?.30 instead of ?.00?
Joe Carmen wants to
A meet Monica at a different place.
B go on a later bus with Monica.
C change the time they are meeting.
A The time that the concert starts has changed.
B The concert will take place somewhere else.
C Joe will call the agency for details of the

@ Unit7
Vocabulary Prepositions of movement
Compound words
Q page 125 Grammar reference· Prepositions of movement
0 Match the words in A with the words in B to
form compound words. Then mar these with 0 ~ Read this telephone message about travelling
definitions 1-10. around a city and fill in the missing prepositions
(in, off, etc.). Then listen to check your answers.
A baek cross guest guide i hitch
over rail sight sign suit Hi Leon; Toby here. I'm really pleased you're
coming to our new house next week. The quickest
way here is (1) P~ train to the city centre, which
B book case hike house night
i~ post road roads seeing takes an hour and is usually (2) ........... time. Then
you can get (3) .... .... the number 64 bus to Edge
1 book that gives information about a place Hill, getting (4) .......... by the stadium. From there
2 bag with a handle for carrying clothes, etc. it's about fifteen minutes (5) ........... foot. Or, if you
3 place.where two roads meet and cross each other don't feel like walking, you could jump (6) .... .. .... . a
4 get free rides by standing next to the road taxi and ask the driver to take you to the new flats
5 tracks that trains travel on in Valley Road. When you get (7) ........... (8) .. .
6 bag that you carry on your back b01.c)(p01.c)(
the taxi, you 'll see the main entrance in front of
7 sign by the road that gives information
you. See you soon!
8 during the night and until the morning
9 small, cheap hotel
10 visiting interesting places
6 Use words from the message above to complete
6 Complete the letter with compound words from these rules.
Exercise 1.

I for buses, trarns, trains, planes or boats we use d
..U, .. . or onto when we board thern. an
when we leave thern. We use
~ ~~~ · ~~~~· pr~~~~i~ions for bicycles. rnotorbikes and
.~ horses .
.-tit 2 for cars and sirnilar vehicles we use
-~ . or into, and ·

when we leave thern.
Next week I'm going on a fantastic journey: across -~ · · .. . .. . I and 2 we often use
Australia! I'm flying to Darwin, in the north of the
country, and I'm going to stay (1) C7Y~rni~(,l,L .
there. My (2) ............ ..................... says it's quite an
....-..... 3 With the prepos1twns in ru es 1
the verb
others like ... ············· ·
but sornet1rnes we use
or climb.
interesting city, so I think I'll spend the morning -.~· bus, train, plane
Lf We travel . . ·"' ..., · ·
doing some (3) ........... ........................ I love travelling ~~ or boat or in other words . .. ,;,............ ····· ..... .
by train, so then I'm going to take the new ..~ road. rail, air, land or sea. but we go sornewhere
(4) . ..... .... to Alice Springs, right in
'~ foot. We also say we are on
the middle of the country. I'll find a hotel-or
(5) ...... .. .......................... for the night and the next day
-....!9 ;;~;cf ~ ~r~i~. plane or ship, or at sea.
I'm going to (6) . .. down the main road. 5 If you arrive neither late nor ~arly, you say you are
I'm taking all my things in a (7) ..... .......... ........... ... .... so (or the bus. train, plane. etc. is) ... .. . . ..

that I don't have to carry a heavy (8) .
in my hand. About 200 kilometres south of Alice ...!! tirne.
I'll reach a (9) ...... .... .. ...................... where there's a ~

(10) . . ... ... .. that says 'Uluru 247 km'. Uluru is

also known as 'Ayers Rock' - one of the most amazing
sights in the world.
Out and about @
@)@Tick (.I') the sentences 1-8 6 Look at expressions 1-8 from the recording and complete them with
written by PET candidates these words.
which are right. Correct the
about anoth er because ~ like not one rather I
sentences which are wrong.
1 I jumped into my car. .I'
2 I got into the train .
3 Could you come at time,
\ 1 why are you .. .. ... .. . K~e:'.l't .. ... .. ... on ... ?
2 well, .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
3 I think I'd
.. .. it ...
.... go ...
4 She said 'Come with me'. I
4 why ........... .. ... ..... ... ..
followed her and we got on 5 for thing, ... D
the car.
5 I'm going to start lessons this
6 for .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... , it ... D
Monday, but I can't go on bus.
7 so what .... going ... ? D
6 We just wanted to get off the
8 what I'd most . .. ... ..... .... . to do is ... D
plane. @) ~ Listen again to check your answers, then match expressions 1-8
7 Then we headed back home with a-d below by writing a letter in each box.
by foot.
8 She finally got into the plane. a asking for reasons b giving reasons
c asking about preferences d stating preferences

0 ~ Listen and repeat these extracts from the recording. What do

Speaking Part 2 you notice about the pronunciation of the underlined words?
0 ~ Listen to students Ingrid 1 why are you keen 4 sail down the river
and Mikel discussing the best 2 well, for one thing 5 we can ride to the harbour
way to get across the city, and 3 it's going to be really hot 6 half an hour
answer the questions. 0 Talk to your partner about the different ways of getting across your
1 Tick (.I'} the means of town, and decide on one or two means of transport to travel from
transport they talk about. one side to the other. Use language from Exercises 1 and 2.
bus helicopter 0 Do this Speaking Part 2 exam question with a partner. Talk for at
taxi bike
least two minutes.
boat tram
metro scooter __L
You and a friend have decided to spend a month of the
2 Which two do they decide to summer holidays seeing as much as possible of your country.
Talk together about the different means of transport you
could use and decide which you are going to use.
Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.

@ Unit7
Writing Part 1 0 Now do this Writing Part 1
exam task.
When you are writing, try to think of di ferent ways of saying the same
thing. For instance, instead of sail down e river we can say go down Here are some sentences
the river by boat. We call these parallel expressions. about the future climate.
For each question, complete
0 ~ Read this discussion and rewrite the underlined expressions 1-7 the second sentence so
using the words in brackets. Then listen to check your answers. that it means the same as
the first, using no more than
Pat: Do you think people in 2020 will still three words.
(1) aP. ?.V~X(!wli:l,~r?. b]t ..~~r drive everywhere (go)?
Kelly: No, I don't. For one, the traffic will be (2) so awful that
it'll be impossible ............... .... .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .. (too) for us to 1 It will be 1Q.Q warm to live in
go anywhere. some parts of the world.
It won't be .. . .... to
Pat: Actually, we're (3) not very far from...... . .. .. .. .... (quite)
that situation already. live in some parts of the world.
Kelly: Yes, I agree. And cars cause (4) extremely high levels of 2 In some countries,
......... ......................... (so) pollution, especially in cities. I think a temperatures will rise a lot.
lot of countries (S) plan .. (going) to reduce Temperatures will be
the number of vehicles. ................. in some
Pat: So do you think most of us will end up (6) walking countries.
everywhere ............................................ ... .. .. ... .... ... (foot)? 3 In those places, it will be
Kelly: Yes, I think we probably will, and I wouldn't mind that at all. sunny nearly all the time.
In fact, (7) I'd prefer to ...... .. .. .... .... ...... (rather) do that. In those places, the sun
.... ......... ... almost all the
6 Study the first sentences in each Writing Part 1 question 1-6 on the time.
right. Which word or phrase has a common parallel expression? 4 Even in the mountains it will
Underline the word or phrase. be so warm that it won't snow.

Exam advice
~~~~e~;:nword or words in the first sentence with a parallel
Even in the mountains it will
be .................................. for snow.
5 However, the weather will be
even wetter in Britain.
However, it .......... ... .. ....... . .
• Then look at the second sentence to see if this parallel expression fits ~1·. even more in Britain.
6 Also, Antarctica will still be
the grammar. .•
the coldest place in the world.
• You may want to write it in pencil first to check that the completed Also, Antarctica will still be
sentence means the same as the first sentence. ......................... than any
other place in the world.
0 Think about the future climate
in your country. Which parts
of it will most feel the effects
of climate change and in what
ways? Write four sentences.

Out and about @

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