Unit - 8 - MiniMatura - Group - A Sprawdzian Wiadomości Unit 8

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Unit 8 Imię i nazwisko:

MiniMatura Total /50

Group A Klasa:

4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, tak aby miało takie samo

znaczenie jak pierwsze.

1 Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. W ramce podano kilka ‘I am a Swiss citizen,’ Pascal said.
dodatkowych słów. Pascal said that he was a Swiss citizen.
1 ‘I don't know much about racial discrimination,’ she said.
declare bite blink damage equal She said that
false identity genuine trade
Yesterday the president appeared on TV to declare war 2 ‘I can help you with your taxes,’ my mum said.
on terrorism. My mum told me that
1 The murder rate in 2012 was to the rate .
10 years before. 3 ‘We've lived in 10 different countries,’ they said.
2 If you anything, you will have to pay for it. They said that
3 Virginia was the first American state which stopped the .
slave . 4 ‘They didn't understand statistics at all,’ Ann told her
4 This designer handbag is too cheap to be . friend.
5 I think I've got something in my eye – it hurts when Ann told her friend that
I . .
5 ‘I'm waiting for the police officer,’ he said.
He said that
2 Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od słów podanych .
drukowanymi literami.
A dangerous criminal has escaped from prison in
1 The fire in the shopping centre was started by
an . ARSON 5 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz
2 Some people don't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny
responsible for the of President gramatycznie tekst.
John F. Kennedy. ASSASSINATE The sleeping burglar
3 It is to download films in many countries. Usually, when someone breaks a house, he or she will try
LEGAL to escape as quickly as possible. This was not the case for
4 Last week a tried to steal twenty Michael Bolton of Burnley in the UK. The police found him
bottles of perfume. SHOPLIFT sleeping in the living room which he 1 just burgled.
5 Everyone stopped laughing but his
was not over – the worst was still to come. HUMILIATE Michael Bolton broke into Miss Robinson’s house at night
when she was asleep. He went through the window, 2 the
jewellery and some money, and then fell asleep on the sofa.
3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników The next morning, a neighbour called the police. When
w nawiasach. Użyj czasu Past Perfect Simple lub Past the police arrived to collect the 3 , they found that Mr
Simple. Bolton’s pockets were full of jewels and money.
They had lost (lose) their life savings just before the Surprisingly, Mr Bolton said he 4 guilty. But at the trial
economic crisis finished. the 5 didn't believe him. He is going to spend two years
1 I couldn't open the door to the office because in prison now.
I (leave) the key at my
A on B up C into
parents' house a few days before.
1 A have B was C had
2 Before he (wake up), he had
2 A stole B mugged C robbed
a scary dream that there was a burglar in his house.
3 A crime B evidence C vandalism
3 When Mary appeared in court, she was very sleepy
4 A wasn't B hadn't been C isn't
because she (not have) her usual
5 A judge B victim C witness
coffee at home.
4 The judge entered the room and everyone /5
(stand up).
5 How many friends (you / make)
by the end of your first year in high school?

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)
MiniMatura Unit 8 Group A


Think bike
6 Z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz słowo, które
poprawnie uzupełni luki w obydwu zdaniach każdej pary. • It’s important to know what’s going on around you at
all times, so do NOT listen to your MP3 player while
Is that man staring me?
you’re on the move.
None of my friends work the Supreme Court.
• Remember it’s illegal to cycle at night without lights.
A on B at C with You could be fined if you’re caught – why take the risk?
1 Did you know that shaking your in Bulgaria means 'yes'? • It’s also a good idea to wear bright colours and
Who is the of local government in Gibraltar? reflective clothes at night so that drivers see you easily.
A head B body C hand • OK they aren’t cool but helmets save lives – you know
2 She's one of the leaders who fought human rights. it makes sense.
Please, be quiet – Linda is revising her law exam. • Always remember to signal before you turn right or left.
A against B with C for
3 They were found guilty because they didn't the truth
in court. 2 The main point of this text is
Who did Mr and Mrs Gregson their story to this time? A to advise cyclists on safe cycling.
A invent B trust C tell B to explain the dangers of cycling.
4 The court decided that the criminal had to do two C to inform cyclists of the law.
months of service.
This neighbourhood has also been the centre of
Chicago's black . Bike theft capital
A discrimination B community C prison
5 The Prime Minister is a speech right now. In 2011 the city of Cambridge, where thousands of students
Ten years ago a living as an artist was much easier. live, was named the ‘UK’s bike theft capital’. In that year, more
A making B having C doing than 3,000 bicycles were stolen, even though their owners
had locked them. Many of the bikes were taken by gangs of
/5 thieves who then repainted them and sold them on. After
2011, a police campaign reduced the number of thefts by a
CZYTANIE third. How did they do it? They fitted small sat nav devices to
a number of bikes which were then left where thieves were
7 Przeczytaj cztery teksty związane z rowerami.
likely to operate. When the bikes were stolen, the thieves
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C. were easily tracked and caught.

Mulberry Services: Security Notice 3 As a result of the police campaign, bicycle theft in
SMILE! You’re on TV! A is no longer a problem.
B is less common than it had been.
Security cameras are C is more organised than before.
monitoring this car park.
Drivers: Please be aware that there have recently been
several reported cases of theft from cars parked at this An accident
service station. Please do not leave any valuables in your I was cycling towards the pedestrian crossing at the time.
car and do NOT leave your vehicle unlocked. All the cars had stopped, the traffic lights were definitely
Customers in the restaurants and shops should not leave red. Suddenly a car came speeding past, the pedestrians
bags or valuables unattended at any time. Please report had to jump out of the way and I nearly fell off my bike.
any suspicious behaviour to a member of our security staff. The car went right through the lights and then just as
We would like to remind you that Mulberry Services do not I was getting back on my bike there was a big crash. It was
accept responsibility for any loss or damage to vehicles or obvious what had happened. The driver had lost control
personal property on these premises. and crashed into a lamp post. When I got to the scene
some men were already helping him out of the car. Pretty
soon a police car and ambulance arrived.
1 The general message is:
A We will pay for any loss or damage to your property.
4 The car
B We’re working to keep your property safe.
A crashed in front of the author.
C You are responsible for your own property.
B crashed a few minutes after the author saw it.
C had crashed before the author saw it.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)
MiniMatura Unit 8 Group A


8 TRACK 9 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć nagrań. 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś w anglojęzycznym magazynie
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
artykuł, którego autor oskarża młodych o nieodpowiednie
1 You would hear this announcement zachowanie w środkach transportu publicznego. Podziel się
A in a shopping centre. swoimi przemyśleniami na blogu.
B at a railway station.
C on a bus. • Wyjaśnij, do jakiego artykułu się odnosisz.
• Streść opinię autora artykułu.
2 Ted says that last Tuesday evening… . • Przedstaw własną opinię.
A he watched TV with his brother. • Podaj przykład, który zilustruje Twoje poglądy.
B he did school work.
C he went out. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
3 The police officer says Sara
A will get a reward.
B might hear from him again later. NEW ENTRY
C will be contacted by the owner. Title: Young people and public transport

4 The last time she saw her purse was Entry: Recently I have read an interesting article and
A at the chemist’s. I would like to tell you about it.
B when she was buying a bus ticket.
C after she got off the bus.

5 The person who gave the talk is

A an ex-teacher.
B an ex-policeman.
C an ex-criminal.

6 The burglar probably

A went in and out through the front door.
B went in through a window and out through the front
C went in through a window and out through the back

Tell me what you think. Post your comment.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 2 (A2+/B1)

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