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Volume 1 Issue 3

January 1999
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 158
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
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Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Motorists - lighten the depths of darkness in your garage


Twinkle, twinkle little chip, you’ll be tuneful if we’re quick!
VOLUME COMPRESSOR by Robert Penfold 170
Taking a level approach to cracking the TV ads sound barrier

INGENUITY UNLIMITED - hosted by Alan Winstanley 178

Hot Wire Anemometer; Soldering Iron “Ready” Indicator; Lossless Current Sensing;
Foghorn Timing Switch

PhizzyB COMPUTERs - Part 3 - by Alan Winstanley 181

Constructing and testing alphanumeric L.C.D. Interface board

EPE MIND PICKLER - 2 - by Andy Flind 184

Constructing of our mind machine - and then you can relax!


Engineering assemblies of future recycling disassembly

PhizzyB COMPUTERs - Part 2 - by Clive Maxfield and Alvin Brown 194

Programming with shifts, rotates, stacks and alphanumeric L.C.D.S

FROM RUSSIA with LOVE - by Barry Fox 206

After touring the Russian Cosmodrome, Barry relates how Russian rockets are launching
American satellites

CIRCUIT SURGERY - by Alan Winstanley 213

Solder tips; Logic Circuitry “ Internals”; Net those chips; Voltage and Ground

NET WORK - THE INTERNET PAGE surfed by Alan Winstanley 217

Freeserve - Not so Free; The Apple of Your iMac; Core Thought; Links

UPDATE DOWN UNDER - by Glen Sawyer 219

Our man on the spot talks about whats hot and whats not down under.

HOW VIRTUAL IS YOUR REALITY - by Clive “Max” Maxfield 222

A report from the worlds largest Visual Simulation show - ITSEC 98.


INNOVATIONS - Barry Fox highlights technology’s leading edge. Plus everyday 228
news from the world of electronics.

READOUT - John Becker addresses general points arising. 232

SHOPTALK - with David Barrington The essential guide to component buying 237
for EPE Online projects.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 155
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Good Grief – where does the time go?
It seems like only yesterday that we were writing the editorial for the December 1998 issue of EPE
Online, and now here we are with the January 1999 edition, seemingly without pausing for breath.
Of course “time flies when you’re having fun” (as they say), and we’ve been working furiously on
many things.

Open all hours…

First of all, we’re delighted to announce that the EPE Online Store is finally open for business, 24-
hours a day! Operating from a highly secure server, this store will handle your EPE Online magazine
subscriptions on-the-fly, and it will also accept orders for circuit boards for our constructional projects,
books, CD-ROMs, and such like.

From Russia …
In addition to constructional projects and our usual series and features, this month’s issue is jam-
packed with interesting articles from the far points of the globe. First, Barry Fox tours the Russia Baikonur
Cosmodrome and relates how Russian rockets are being used to launch American satellites.

…via Australia …
Next, Glen Sawyer tells us “what’s hot and what’s not” in Australia and New Zealand in his new
Update Down Under column. Amongst other things, Glen explains why many potential “Down Under”
Internet users face enormous telephone charges just to access their nearest ISP.

… to Florida, USA …
Last but not least, one of your trusty editors – Clive “Max” Maxfield – reports from the I/ITSEC
conference in Orlando, Florida. This is the conference where one sees the state-of-the-art in computer-
based visual simulation and virtual reality.
So we’ll leave you to enjoy this month’s issue. But before we go, don’t forget that this is YOUR
magazine, so please keep those letters and suggestions coming.

Best regards,

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 158
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Until recently, the lack of availability of low-
cost data transmitters meant that the use of
telecommunications within the home for
hobbyists or for educational purposes was
either too expensive or complicated to be
practical. Increases in the demand for such
devices, along with improvements in the
technology, means that various companies are
now mass-producing telemetry equipment that
is low cost and can legally be used in the
domestic environment. This article describes a
project that makes use of such modules in
order to monitor conditions or environments
without the need for wires.
The system can be used to monitor the PIC MIDI SUSTAIN PEDAL
activity of virtually any number of different In the pre-MIDI era it was common for synthesizers,
conditions within a small area, i.e. around a electronic pianos, etc. to have a socket for a pedal-
house or space within a classroom or operated switch. The footswitch normally functioned
workshop. as a sustain pedal, with the last note or notes played
The beauty of this design is its being held on for as long as the pedal was operated.
incredible flexibility! The PIC based In the post-MIDI era this type of input is
transmitters have been designed to make any virtually extinct, and functions such as sustain and
hardware very simple and place all of the strain swell pedals are handled via the MIDI input. This
on the software running them. This means that offers great versatility, and in many ways is a step
by re-programming the devices, many types of forward, but it brings a major drawback in that simple
data logging can be achieved. switches are no longer sufficient.

For example, the PIC could be
programmed to collect and store information
regarding a sensor signal for a long period
Quite often, situations arise where it is useful to
before transmitting this information, useful to
have a simple alarm that can be placed with per-
monitor, say, temperatures and speeds in a
sonal items to alert the owner if they are being tam-
vehicle \- downloading the data once back at
pered with. There are many ways of producing such
base. Alternatively, it could be programmed to
a device, each with its inherent advantages and dis-
transmit a message only if a sensor output fell
below or rose above a pre-determined level. It
In this article, we look at a circuit that is trig-
is due to this wide range of configurations that gered by the presence of light. Although relatively
a specific system is described, but advice is simple in concept, the unit has a wide variety of
given to readers who may wish to reprogram uses ranging from indicating when a cupboard or
the PICs. drawer has been opened to operating as a simple
luggage alarm.

PLUS ......The PhizzyB - part 4 ......


Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 158
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
CONTROLLER by Paul Brigham
Let this neat little add-on light your way in the dark. USER FRIENDLY
The unit can be operated in
The idea of an Alternative more challenging and one of two ways which are both
Courtesy Light Controller was rewarding option. controlled by the driver upon
borne from a situation which The unit described here leaving the vehicle. First,
arose after moving house simply provides a delayed the unit can be switched on by
recently whereby, after parking switch-off action of the vehicles' “flashing” the vehicles head-
the car in the garage and headlights, providing an lights prior to leaving the
switching off the headlights it “Alternative Courtesy Light” vehicle, usually done by pulling
became difficult to find the way to that to which we are the indicator stalk mounted on
out without tripping over accustomed, i.e. the interior the steering column towards
something or knocking into the courtesy light. you, or alternatively by
car. It was found that when the Both the author and friends, switching the headlights off
car headlights were on, the who have units fitted, have after the ignition has been
reflective light they gave off found it to be most useful in an switched off.
was quite sufficient to see array of situations which had The two different modes
adequately and consequently not been envisaged before. of operation are incorporated
find a safe route out. Of course, Also, many readers will, no primarily due to the different
clearing out some of the prize doubt, possibly dream up habits drivers have when
“junk” would have solved the many more useful applications switching off their vehicle. Most
problem, but it was thought an for this simple circuit. people probably switch the
electronic solution was a engine off immediately they
have parked up, but leave
the lights on whilst gathering
things from their vehicle.
However, other people tend to
switch off their lights first,
followed by the engine, thus the
two different operating modes
are intended to make the unit
somewhat “user friendly”. It was
also found that people liked the
controlling aspect of manually
activating the unit, hence
the inclusion of the differing
switching modes.
Once the unit is activated,
whether intentionally or
accidentally, it can be switched
off immediately if required
without having to wait for it to
time out. This is simply done by
switching on the ignition and
then, obviously, off again.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 159
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Constructional Project
However, if the unit was wired in monostable mode. In this condition until a negative pulse
activated automatically, via the mode it can provide a “high” is applied to pin 2, whereby pin
action of switching ignition off output (almost equal to its supply 7 flips over and allows C3 to
then headlights off, you must, of voltage) at pin 3 for a duration charge up via resistor R5 and
course, remember to switch the set by the resistor/capacitor preset VR1, to a point where the
headlights off first otherwise combination of R5, preset VR1 voltage reaches two-thirds of
the unit will re-activate. This and capacitor C3. the supply as previously
in practice does not prove a described, whereupon pin 7
problem. becomes a current sink and
The circuit works by
discharges C3 again.
A point worth mentioning monitoring the voltage on IC1
here is: if the vehicle has a pins 6 and pin 7. As this voltage
“lights on” audible indicator rises, i.e. as capacitor C3 begins The time it takes the
this will sound after the unit has to charge up via the resistor voltage across C3 to reach
been activated and the door combination of R5 and VR1, a two-thirds of the supply is
is opened, even if you critical point is reached where known as the timing period and
remembered to switch your the voltage across the capacitor corresponds directly to the
lights off. It was not feasible to reaches approximately two-thirds time that pin 3 will remain high
attempt to overcome this since of the supply voltage. before returning to its low state.
there are so many different At this point, the output at pin The formula to calculate this
types fitted to vehicles and to 3 will change its state from high timing is shown below:
cover all possible solutions in to low (0V). Whilst in this low
one circuit would be impractical. state, threshold pin 7 now acts
At worst, all that tends to as a current sink whereby
happen is that you re-check capacitor C3 discharges t = (1⋅1 RC) / 1000 where
that you have switched your through it resulting in the
lights off − which cannot be t = time in seconds
voltage across it being
a bad thing! virtually 0V. R = total resistance in kilohms
When first powered
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION up, the output at pin 3 C = total capacitance in microfarads
The full circuit diagram for remains low due to the Thus t = (1⋅1 x 47 x 100) / 1000 = 5 seconds
the Alternative Courtesy Light high state of the trigger
And t = (1⋅1 x 267 x 100) / 1000 = 30 seconds
Controller is shown in Fig.1. The pin (2) and the fact that
circuit is centered around IC1, a capacitor C3 is fully at the two extreme settings of VR1.
low power CMOS version of the discharged, via pin 7.
popular 555 timer IC, which is The IC will remain in this
1N4001 F1
k a

R4 R5
1k 47k

220k 1N4148 1

+V 6
1N4148 R6 BC337 D4 C1
a k IC1 DIS
10k c 1N4001 47µ
MB 7555 b k
TR2 2
D2 R1 C2 BC337 GND CON
2n2 c
1N4148 10k e
a k b 1 5
TR1 e
R2 BC337 c
10k R3 C4 C3
IGN 1M 100n 100µ


Fig.1. Complete circuit diagram for the Alternative Courtesy Light Controller.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 160
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
TRIGGERING rest and all we need to ensure
is that the Reset pin is taken high COMPONENTS
An important aspect of the again before a new timing cycle Resistors
triggering stage is that pin 2 and can begin. R1, R2, R6 10k (3 off)
pin 4 are required to return to a R3 1M
high state again before the Thus, while the ignition is R4 1k
expected timing period expires. In ON the Reset pin is kept low and R5 47k
this circuit, pin 2 is normally the timing cannot begin − All 0.25W 5% carbon film

clamped high by resistor R4 resulting in a fail-safe operation Potentiometer

but can be briefly pulsed low whilst driving. Transistor TR1 is VR1 220k enclosed carbon
also used to discharge C2 so preset, vertical
via transistor TR2.
that it is always ready to receive Capacitors
Basically, what happens is current and thus generate a pulse C1 47u radial electrolytic, 16V
that when either the Main Beam at the base of TR2. C2 2n2 polyester
or the Dipped Beam is briefly C3 100u radial electrolytic, 16V
switched on, a positive-going C4 100n polyester (optional)
pulse is developed across OUTPUT DRIVE Semiconductors
D1, D2, D5 1N4148 signal
capacitor C2, so turning on TR2. Looking at the output stage, diodes (3 off)
Resistor R1 and diodes D1 and from pin 3 of IC1, relay RLA is D3, D4 1N4001 1A 50V rectifier
D2 limit the switched voltage switched on by transistor TR3 diodes (2 off)
direction and current flow. through the current limiting TR1, TR2, TR3 BC337 npn silicon
transistors (3 off)
When TR2 is turned on, pin 2 resistor R6. The normally open IC1 ICM75551PA low power
is taken low and the timing period (n.o.) switch contacts of this relay CMOS timer
commences with output pin 3 are then closed and used to Miscellaneous
going high. At the end of the supply a feed to the vehicles' RLA 12V 400 ohm coli relay, with
pulse across C2, TR2 switches own headlight switching relay 5A s.p.s.t. contacts
SK1 PCB mounting, right-angle
off resulting in pin 2 being (see Fig.3), which in turn header power connector (6-way),
clamped high once again by switches on the Dipped Beam with matching free plug
resistor R4. headlights for a set period. Diode FS1 1A fuse, with in-line fuseholder
Resistor R3 biases the base D5 is incorporated in the circuit
to prevent any back EMF, created Printed circuit board available
(b) of TR2 to 0V after it has from the EPE Online store, code
switched off to ensure no false by the “collapsing” relay coil 7000217 (;
triggering can occur. current, from damaging the other case, size and type to choice;
semiconductors in the circuit. 8-pin DIL socket; crimp contacts
IC1 pin 4 (Reset) is taken (socket) for SK1; multistrand
high by the switching on of relay Capacitor C1 smoothes the auto-type connecting wire; cable
RLA, which, as discussed in a supply line. C4 is incorporated ties; insulating tape; solder, etc.
moment, happens at the point to ensure stability of IC1. Diode
See also the
of IC1 being triggered, and D3 prevents damage to the
returns low upon completion unit should it be accidentally
of the timing period. Current flow wired up with reverse power
Approx. Cost
to pin 4 from the relay contacts
is via D4, D2 and R1.
supply polarities.
Guidance Only $40
(excluding case)
As previously stated, if the CONSTRUCTION
unit is set accidentally by the user Store (code 7000217) at
All the components for the
it can be reset by switching on the
Alternative Courtesy Light
ignition and then turning it off
module are accommodated on Construction of the unit
a small single-sided printed circuit should provide no great problems
When the ignition is switched board (PCB). The topside providing you stick with the PCB
on, transistor TR1 is also component layout, underside design shown and use an
switched on through current (approximately full-size) copper adequately sized box to house
limiting resistor R2, resulting in foil master and connecting the PCB. Starting with the two
the timing cycle terminating since plug wiring details are shown link wires continue with the
Reset pin 4 is taken low. The in Fig.2. This board is resistors and diodes, observing
internal circuitry of IC1 does the available from the EPE Online the polarity of the latter.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 161
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
a k
k D4 P
+ +
a c
b C1 C3
D1 6 4 IC1 5
N.O. N.C.
+12V 0V
C4 w
a k
D3 TR1 R3
e TR2
b VR1
C2 c
a k c b
R2 R1

Completed unit showing cutout for the power

socket and plug. Do not forget the line
Next, fit the transistors, Nothing should have
capacitors (again watch the happened yet! Next
polarity), IC socket, relay, and remove the ignition
connector block SK1. Do not supply and then
insert the timer IC into its socket re-apply 12V to 217
until you have completed the either of the MB of
board construction and double- DB connections
checked the PCB for any errors. observing the status
Once you are satisfied of the relay contacts, N/C 0V
everything checks out correctly, which should switch
the unit can be bench tested. over and latch on for IGN +12V
about 15 seconds. PL1
TESTING When both
“beams” have
Begin testing by first been tested, re-
Fig.2. PCB component layout, copper foil
adjusting preset VR1 to its mid apply the ignition master, and wiring to rear of header plug.
position and then connect a 12V connection with
and 0V supply to the respective the relay latched and listen for it As can be seen, relays are
pins in the connecting block dropping out, in other the words the used to switch the Dipped and
SK1, whereby the current unit has been reset. Main beam lights within the
consumption of the unit should vehicle, due to the relatively
be about 23mA. The unit should Testing is now complete, so
high currents generated at
remain off, i.e. the relay finally adjust preset VR1 for the
switching on, which the
contacts should not have desired timing period and then
vehicle's interior switch cannot
switched over. Next, connect apply a good coat or two of PCB
the ignition and check for a lacquer to the board in readiness
for the harsh environment it will be Basically, the unit is wired in
current consumption of 23mA parallel with the vehicle's own
approximately. exposed to in the vehicle.
Dipped beam switch and there-
With the ignition still fore does not interfere with its
connected, apply 12V to both WIRING IN THE UNIT action.
the MB and DB connecting The schematic wiring diagram
Before beginning to fit the
points on SK1, thus simulating of Fig.3 shows a typical layout for
unit to the vehicle you MUST
the switching of the lighting an external lighting circuit in a
disconnect the battery to
circuits within the vehicle. negative earth vehicle.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 162
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
prevent any accidental damage everything works OK. Once
during fitting to both the unit satisfied, secure both the unit
and the vehicle wiring. and wiring in place behind the
dashboard masking all the
As always, a good “chassis”
wiring with black insulation tape
earth point should be located
to give that professional finish,
and used. An existing earth
then re-fit any interior trims that
point can be regarded as ideal,
have been removed.
otherwise create your own and
check it with a meter for
continuity with the chassis. You CONCLUSION
should be able to make the
other connections inside the Once fitted the Alternative
vehicle behind the steering Courtesy Light Controller should
wheel cowling. For example, the require no servicing and remain
Main beam and Dipped beam completely self-contained,
supplies can be found at the giving you a very useful
light switch and the permanent luxurious add-on for which even
and ignition supplies taken off some top specification cars
the actual ignition switch itself. cannot boast to have fitted.


N.O. N.O.


+12V IGN


Fig.3. Schematic wiring diagram for wiring

the unit into the vehicle.

Whilst continuing to make a Finally, remember that it is

good sound job, it is best to illegal to leave headlights
solder all connections, and this switched on when a vehicle is
may mean cutting cables but it parked on a public highway.
is, nevertheless, the best way to (This last comment pertains to
connect up. Complete all the UK, check your local laws if
connections with heat shrink you live outside the UK, Ed.)
sleeving or a good wrapping of
insulation tape.
Upon completion and prior
to re-fitting any interior panels,
re-connect the vehicle battery,
fit the in-line fuse into its holder
and then go through the
procedures for activating and
deactivating the unit ensuring

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 163
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
7:,1./( 7:,1./( 5($&7,21 *$0(
E\ -2+1 .286+$33$6
Call the tune with this novel audio/visual Another 555 timer, IC2, is
reaction timer set up as a high frequency
astable. It is gated by the output
This game plays the Twinkle tune will play if the incorrect of IC1, with IC1's output
Twinkle Little Star tune, or buttons are pressed. controlling the Reset line (pin 4)
another melody of your choice, of IC2. However, in order to do
for as long as the player can this, IC1's output must be
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION inverted first, hence transistor
press the button corresponding
to the currently lit light-emitting The full circuit diagram for TR1 is used, set up as an
diodes (LEDs). The LEDs turn the Twinkle Twinkle Reaction inverter. This is because the
on one at a time in a random Game is shown in Fig.1. IC1 is Reset line on a 555 timer is
order and change at a frequency a 555 timer set up as a low active low.
of just over 1Hz. frequency astable multivibrator. The output from IC2 at pin 3
This controls the speed at which feeds the Clock input of IC3 (pin
Alternatively, you can
the LEDs change their “random” 14), a 4017 divider/decoder.
arrange the sequence so that the
stationary position. This chip has ten outputs,
6  9


5 5 5 5 5 5



567 9 9 4 567 9



',6 ',6


287 &/. 5

5 5 N
N N /,1.

 6(( 7(;7

  4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 72 '
7+5 7+5 H

   6 '
75,* 287 75,* D N

&217 5 %&

9 567 9 92/7 6 N

6 ' H

6 '
N 5 %& N
D N '
%& %=<&
F 9 D
6 '

H 6


& & 5
S µ



' 72 ' 5 '

5(' /(' 
N 1
 Ω 72
5 &
N  µ

Fig.1. Complete circuit diagram for the Twinkle Twinkle Reaction Game.
Transistor TR3 and resistors R12 and R13 are optional − see text.
Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 164
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
one of which switches on for eventually discharge. The voltage OUTPUT DRIVER
each successive clock pulse across this capacitor, when it is
with only one output on at a above a preset level, switches on Transistor TR5 is used as a
time. However, in this circuit, the following circuit and thus allows driver transistor, and powers the
only the first six outputs (Q0 the tune to be played. special tune generator IC4 with a
to Q5) are used. Each of the controlled voltage of 2⋅7V. This is
This preset level is determined
used outputs has an LED necessary as the tune generator
by the Zener diode D15 and the
connected to it. These form chip only works at voltages
base-emitter voltage of transistor
the display. between 2⋅5V and 3V.
TR2. The Zener's voltage is 2⋅7V
Also connected to the six and the base-
outputs are six pushbutton emitter's Tune Type (IC4)
switches, S1 to S6. The voltage is 0⋅6V.
outputs of these switches Twinkle Twinkle Little Star M66T-02B
Thus, the
feed a resistor/capacitor Old McDonald Had a Farm M66T-36
preset voltage
circuit, R9, R10 and C4. The I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing M66T-205
level across
best way to describe how this White Christmas M66T-214
capacitor C4
works is to use the analogy of must be greater Warning Tone M66T-215
trying to fill a bucket with a than 3⋅3Vin
small hole in it. If you turn the Table 1. Choice of Melody.
order to
tap on, you will fill it. Turn the switch on TR2. This
tap off and eventually the transistor acts as an inverter, as do The voltage across capacitor
bucket will empty. transistors TR3 (when used) and C4 also connects, via resistor R8
The quantity here is the TR4. and steering diode D14, to the
voltage across capacitor, C4. Control Voltage pin (5) of IC2 and
When TR4 is off, its collector provides a random voltage
When the correct button is (c) voltage is “high” and will
pressed, the capacitor is element which changes the
actually be about 6V, while the frequency of that astable. This
quickly charged. If the wrong voltage across the second Zener
buttons are pressed continu- makes the light sequence of the
diode, D16, will be 3⋅3 volts. When LEDs truly random.
ously, or no buttons are
TR4 is on, this short-circuits the
pressed, the capacitor will
Zener, making its voltage 0V.
Transistor TR3 and resistors
R12 and R13 form an inverter,
which inverts the output function
from playing the tune when the
correct sequence of buttons is
pressed to playing the tune when
an incorrect sequence is pressed
(or no buttons are pressed).
These components are therefore
optional for this purpose.
The dashed link in the circuit
diagram is made as a fine copper
track on the printed circuit board
(PCB), therefore, if the inverting
function is required, this link must
be removed, by cutting the track
with a knife. This means that if
the normal function is required,
simply leave out TR3, R12 and
R13. If the inverting function is
required, break the track link, and
fit TR3, R12 and R13.

Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 165
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
POWER flattened side as shown in Fig.2.
The LEDs should be mounted to
the same height as the tops of
Resistors Current drain from a PP3 the push switches so that they
R1 390k will all protrude from the case
R2 to R6, R10, *R12, R14
battery is under 20mA. A cheap
10k (8 off) PP3 battery will thus give by the same amount, which will
R7 to R9, R11, *R13, R15, R16 approximately 6 to 10 hours of be about 2mm to 3mm.
2k7 (7 off) continuous operation of the unit. Finally, solder the
All 0.25W 5% carbon film In casual use, Twinkle Twinkle
*Optional - see text transistors and IC4 straight onto
can be used for several weeks the board, as close as possible
Capacitors before a battery change is to being flush with the PCB.
C1, C3 4u7 sub-miniature radial
electrolytic, 10V (2 off)
required. Construction is completed with
C2 82p ceramic the insertion of the three ICs in
C4 47u sub-miniature radial their sockets, observing correct
electrolytic, 10V CONSTRUCTION orientation.
Semiconductors The Twinkle Twinkle game is
D1 to D6 5mm red or green built on a small single-sided
LEDs (6 off) printed circuit board PCB. The BOX PREPARATION
D7 to D14 1N4148 signal diodes
(8 off)
topside component layout and The prototype was built into
D15 BZY88C2V7 2.7V Zener diode underside copper foil master an MB3 type ABS plastic box,
D16 BZY88C3V3 3.3V Zener diode pattern are shown in Fig.2.This size 79mm x 62mm x 39mm. It
TR1 to TR5 BC108 npn transistors board is available from the EPE just so happens that if the
(5 off) (TR3 is optional - see text) Online store (code 210) at
IC1, IC2 LM555 timers (2 off)
bottom-right of the PCB is
IC3 4017B decade counter located in the bottom-right
IC4 M66T-02B CMOS melody Begin construction by fitting corner of the case lid, with the
generator (see text)
the resistors. Be careful with the bottom edge of the PCB
Miscellaneous diodes as the 1N4148 and the touching the bottom edge of the
S1 to S6 s.p.s.t. PCB mounting Zener types can be easily case lid, all the switches and
push switches (push to make)
confused. Read the writing on the LEDs will be in the center of the
with round red tops (6 off) face of the box when drilled.
S7 s.p.s.t. sub-miniature slide components with a magnifying
switch glass if necessary. To make the drilling easy,
LS1 8 ohm to 100 ohm miniature
One or two capacitors may simply make two faithful
loudspeaker. photocopies of the component
need to be fitted on the underside
Printed circuit board available of the PCB if they are too big to side of the PCB (this should be
from the EPE Online store , code fit on the topside. Sub-miniature done on a good photocopier!)
7000210 (; capacitors will fit on the topside, and cut them close to the board
plastic ABS box (MB3), size 118mm
but older, larger types, particul- border outlines. Taking one of
x 98mm x 45mm; 9V battery (PP3) the copies mark through to the
with clips; multistrand connecting arly for the 47µF capacitor may
wire; M3 40mm long bolts (4 off); not fit on the topside. other side of the paper the four
M3 nuts (12 off); M3 washers The key dimension to
(4 off); self-adhesive rubber feet look out for is the
(4 off); solder, etc.
height of the comp-
See also the onent, in fact, for any
SHOP TALK Page! of the components,
which must be less
than the height of the
Approx. Cost
Guidance Only $40 outer rim of the push-
button switches when
mounted on the PCB.
The specified
pushbutton switches
are polarized, so make
sure you put them into
the PCB with the
Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 166
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
mounting holes, and tape this
(reverse side) to the box lid with
its bottom-right corner sitting in
the bottom-right corner of the
box lid, the intended final
position of the PCB, see
photographs. Drill these with a
3mm drill bit.
Having removed the tape
and paper from the lid, mark out
and drill a small matrix of holes
to allow the sound from the
loudspeaker to escape. Do this
in the middle of the four PCB
mounting holes, to match the
size of your loudspeaker.
With the other photocopy,
before taping it in place, mark
out six “X”s from the opposing
diagonals of the four pads which
show the pushbutton switches’
positions. This will show where
the center of the large “button”
holes need to be drilled.
Similarly, mark the six LED
positions. This copy does not
need to be reversed, but you
should note that it will mount in
the box in the bottom-left IC3
corner. Make absolutely sure of
the positions and then tape it in D6 D2 D1 D3 D4 D5
place. a k a k a k a k a k a k 7

The switch holes were S6 S2 S1 S3 S4 S5 S7

drilled with a 10mm (13/32in.) POWER

drill bit and the LED holes were +
drilled with a 5⋅5mm drill bit. A D12 D9 D10 D11
D13 D14
a a a a a a D15 c
larger drill bit can be used to D8 D7
a a
k e
remove the rough edges which k k k k k k 9
k k 8
11 12 13 14 15
R R2 e
occur when drilling ABS plastic, 1 C1
-V +V
C3 c
and to provide a “concave” IC1 TR4 e
b To Battery
finish to each of the holes. This R R R 16 IC4
4 5 IC2 6 b
is best done by hand-twisting R TR5 e
3 k
the drill bit. TR1 e D16
1 2 3

This is a very effective way

of finishing off all holes, both
outside the box and inside,
giving a neat, professional Fig.2. Printed circuit board component layout for the
finish. In the case of LEDs, it Twinkle Reaction Game.
can even eliminate the need for
grommets or LED clips.

Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 167
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
melting the inside of the lid also, secure the board with the
PLASTIC WELDING see Fig.3. remaining four nuts.
Many constructors will be all
Be careful not to punch right Before tightening up the
too aware of how easily a slip of
through, as that would be the nuts, adjust the height of the
the soldering iron can lead to a
end of your box lid! Also, avoid PCB so that the six pushbuttons
ruined plastic box. The tip of the
excessive heat as this will result of the switches protrude from
soldering iron can thus be
in a heat-damage warp showing the case by about 2mm. This
equally useful in effecting what
up on the outer surface. A may need to be up to 3mm for
the author calls plastic welds.
plastic weld takes a good few the round type of switch tops.
3/$67,& /28'63($.(5 seconds longer than a solder The On-Off slide switch, S7,
:(/' “weld” to cool so a steady hand is mounted on the left-hand side
is needed. of the case, for which a small
685)$&( +2/(6 )25 6281'
Having completed one square profile hole needs to be
2) %2; 72 (6&$3( plastic weld, now perform two drilled and filed out with a
further welds in a roughly needle file, to give a neat
triangular configuration, Fig.3. appearance. Assembly is
3/$67,& :(/'6
Your loudspeaker will be held completed by connecting and
securely. You can, if you wish, wrapping the PP3 battery in
mount the On/Off switch using some tissue paper and wedging
the same plastic welding it between the PCB and the
method. case lid. Screw the unit
The use of your soldering together, and stick four rubber
/28'63($.(5 iron for welding plastic like this feet to the base. The unit can
will leave the iron tip in a bit of be finished off with some simple
a mess. Having wiped off as rub-down lettering.
much as possible onto a
soldering iron sponge (use the TESTING
other side of the sponge for
plastic!), switch off the iron. The circuit should work
When it has cooled down, the reliably first time. If it doesn't,
Fig.3. Suggested method of
tip of the iron can be made the following may help solve the
securing the speaker to the problem. Test for a square
good as new by rubbing it down
lid using “plastic welds”. with an abrasive PCB polishing wave output from pin 3 of IC1,
block! which will have a very long
mark:space ratio (e.g. 100:1).If
First, a few words of
it is there, test pin 4 of IC2
warning. The fumes from ASSEMBLY which should have a very small
melting plastic can be quite mark:space ratio (e.g. 1:100).
nasty so, if you are going to The PCB is secured to the
case lid, above the small The frequency is just over 1Hz.
carry out this procedure for a
prolonged length of time, do it in loudspeaker LS1, by using four The output from pin 3 of IC2
a well ventilated room and try to 40mm long M3 bolts and 12 M3 is a high frequency square
avoid breathing in the fumes. nuts. The bolts are threaded wave. If nothing is coming out
through the lid mounting holes of pin 3, pull IC2 out of its
Using some of the plastic and secured by one set of four socket, carefully bend outwards
swarf, which resulted from nuts. pins 4 and 5 and replace in the
drilling the holes in the box, socket. If an output appears, re-
melt down three small balls of Next, four more nuts (one
for each bolt) are screwed onto bend pin 4 back into place and
ABS plastic. Position the test again. If the output is still
loudspeaker in its final mounting the bolts, but this time a space
of about 32mm should be left there, the fault lies around
position. Take one ball of ABS components D15, R10, R9,
and melt it onto the side frame between the bottom nuts to
allow the PCB to clear the D13, D14, C4 or R8, i.e. the
of the loudspeaker. Caress it voltage feedback circuit to pin 5
with the tip of the iron, towards, speaker. Now mount the PCB
on the mounting bolts and of IC2.
and into, the ABS box lid, gently

Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 168
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
mute switch would need to be Acknowledgement
fitted! With such a simple circuit Due acknowledgement is
there is a cheat mode. Simply given to Ken Bone, senior PCB
holding down all the switches technician at Middlesex
simultaneously will play the tune University, for the production of
continuously. four excellent prototype PCBs.

Green LEDs or yellow LEDs
can be used equally well in this
circuit. The brightness of the
LEDs is controlled by resistor
R7. Reduce the value of R7 to
increase the brightness, at the
expense of the battery's life.
The Twinkle Twinkle tune
generator chip IC4 is available
in four other versions, see Table
Bottom and side view of com- 1 (earlier). If one of the other
tune generators are installed,
pleted unit showing speaker
simply re-letter the unit with a
“grille”, rubber feet and on/off new name, e.g. Old MacDonald!
The speed of the lights
If two or more LEDs are on changing is governed by
at the same time, one or more resistor R1. Reduce its value to
of D1 to D6 may have been increase the speed of the
placed on the PCB the wrong changes; increase in value to
way round. reduce the speed of changes.
If the tune fails to play, A simple add-in to allow the
check that the voltage emerging use of personal headphones
from the emitter (e) of TR5 is can be easily fitted into the
2⋅7V when the buttons are case. Any 3⋅5mm chassis
pressed correctly and switches mounting headphone socket is
to zero, after a small delay, suitable, wired in parallel with
when no buttons are pressed. If the loudspeaker it will provide
this is the case, the fault lies an adequate output. If a stereo
with either the chip having been socket is used, you should
blown or a faulty loudspeaker. If connect the left and right
not, check for the simple channels (known as the tip and
inverting action of each of the ring) together in parallel.
transistors TR2 and TR4.
IN USE Although intended to be just
The sound level from the a simple toy, Twinkle Twinkle
speaker is relatively quiet, so can be a useful medical aid in
you need to be in a quiet room the rehabilitation of patients
to hear the tune. Some people who have lost hand-eye co-
have commented that the sound ordination and/or suffered
needs to be amplified, but if it muscle motive neurological
was any louder it would soon defects or injuries.
become really annoying and a
Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 169
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Taking a level approach to checking the average level than the other,
sound barrier the one having the higher
average amplitude will sound
louder. Also, the frequency
You might think that the HIGHS AND LOWS content of the signal has a
majority of complaints received These high volume levels significant affect on its
by broadcasting companies are almost certainly produced perceived loudness.
concern things such as bad deliberately in order to grab our Human hearing operates
language, nudity, sex scenes attention. The broadcasters less efficiently towards the
and violence. However, the have to operate within extremes of the audio range,
programs that deal with these maximum audio modulation and operates at maximum
things consistently claim that limits, and on the face of it this efficiency at middle frequencies
the most common cause of factor should prevent and the lower treble range. By
complaint is in fact poor sound abnormally high volume levels concentrating on this range of
quality! from occurring. frequencies where our hearing
There seem to be two main In practice the sound operates well, and minimizing
courses of complaints, and one engineers have some room for the signal content at other
of these is that the volume of maneuver. The sound levels are frequencies, the perceived
background music is excessive. normally kept comfortably within loudness of the sound can be
The perceived loudness of the maximum permitted increased.
background music and sound modulation level, enabling
effects seems to be a subjective higher than normal volume
matter, and in general we find it levels to be achieved by taking
harder to hear the dialogue the modulation level to the COMPRESSOR
above the music as we get absolute limit.
older. There is no easy solution The obvious way of
to this problem, and if the sound The peak signal level does combating sudden jumps in
engineers set a high not govern the perceived volume is to use an audio
background level nothing short volume level anyway. If two compressor. This is a form of
of some highly sophisticated signals have the same peak automatic volume control, and
digital processing will ease level but one has a higher its basic action is to
matters for the listener.
The other main complaint
concerns inconsistencies in the
sound levels. Obviously some
variations in the sound level are
inevitable, but they will
presumably be introduced
deliberately for dramatic effect
as well. What many listeners
find unacceptable are the
sudden increases in volume that
occur within programs, or (more
often) during the breaks for

Front panel layout of the completed Volume Compressor.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 170
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Constructional Project
actually be lower for signals that
are predominantly at these
BUFFER frequencies, thus avoiding any
perceived increase in volume.
The Volume Compressor is
DECAY designed to fit between the
PEAK/AV. headphone output or “line”
output of the television set, and
a spare input of a hi-fi amplifier.
AMPLIFIER DETECTOR HOLD AMPLIFIER It should also work well when
used with inexpensive amplifier/
speakers of the type sold for
use with computer sound cards.
Although described here as
Fig.1. System block diagram for the Volume Compressor. a monophonic device, for
stereo operation it is basically
reduced more on strong signals just a matter of building two
automatically reduce the gain
that have a high average level boards, one to process each
when the input signal is above a
than it is for signals of equal stereo channel.
certain threshold level. The
higher the input signal goes peak amplitude but a lower
above this threshold level, the average level. SYSTEM OPERATION
lower the gain is set. This gives With this type of compression
virtually constant volume from The general arrangement
the perceived volume of the used in this unit is a slightly
signals that are at or anywhere output signal should remain
above the threshold level. modified version of a convent-
virtually constant while the input ional audio compressor, as can
An ordinary audio amplitude is above the threshold be seen from the block diagram
compressor should be level. In order to achieve this the of Fig. 1.
reasonably effective at peak amplitude of the output
combating sudden increases in signal will actually reduce slightly The main signal path is
volume during the on signals that have a high through an input buffer
advertisements, and should average level. amplifier, a voltage controlled
greatly reduce the need for
manual adjustment of the
volume control. However, an
ordinary compressor can be
“fooled” by signals having a high
average level, because devices
of this type normally respond to
the peak signal level. Also, an
ordinary compressor does not
take into account the frequency
content of the signal, and
responds equally to signals at
high, medium, and low
The audio compressor Fig.2. The relative frequency response of the equalization
described here is specifically stage.
designed to deal with loud
advertisements and the like. It amplifier (VCA), and another
can operate as a conventional The unit is also designed to buffer stage at the output. The
compressor that responds to the be more sensitive to signals at losses through the VCA are
peak level of the input signal, frequencies where human hearing normally very low, but they are
but it also has an “average” is most sensitive. Again, the increased at high volume levels
mode. In this mode the gain is amplitude of the output signal will
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 171
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search for their ideal what are subjectively deemed to
response curve. be the best results.
The next stage is There is also a Gain or
a rectifier and Level control for this stage,
smoothing circuit that which acts as the compression
can be switched to threshold control. The higher
operate as either a the gain of the circuit, the lower
peak level detector or the compression threshold.
an average type. It The output of the peak-hold
provides a positive DC circuit drives the control input of
output signal that is the VCA, and also drives a light
proportional to either emitting diode (LED) indicator
the peak or average via a buffer stage. The LED
level of the input lights up when the input signal
signal. exceeds the compression
There is a slight threshold level.
Fig.3. Graph showing the compression flaw when using the
A typical compression
characteristic for the Volume Compres- “average” mode in characteristic for the unit
sor (1kHz sinewave test signal). that the variations in appears in Fig. 3. The broken
gain from the VCA are line represents the output level
by applying a strong control quite rapid. The time constant of that would be obtained with no
voltage to the VCA. the circuit is kept long enough to compression used. The
avoid problems with distortion, compression is introduced quite
The control voltage is but there could still be audible
generated by a side-chain that is abruptly at an input level of
effects on the output signal. about 200 millivolts RMS., but it
fed from the output of the circuit.
The first stage in the side-chain is Simply using a longer time is not introduced so abruptly
an equalization amplifier. This constant would cure this problem, that the compression becomes
equalization stage boosts the but would make the unit slow to too obvious.
signal to a more useful level, but respond to increases in volume.
Feeding the output of the detector
it provides slightly more gain
circuit to a peak-hold stage offers
at middle and lower treble
a better solution. The main circuit diagram for
This stage responds almost the Volume Compressor is
A graph of the relative provided in Fig. 4, with the
frequency response of the instantly to increases in the input
voltage, but gives a more gradual circuit for the mains Power
equalization amplifier is shown Supply Unit shown separately in
in Fig.2. This equalization reduction in the output potential
when the input voltage has Fig.6. (Note that the power
characteristic was derived from supply unit shown here is for a
practical tests, and there is scope subsided. The decay time of this 220/240V mains supply. For
for individual constructors to circuit can be adjusted to provide
countries using a different
mains supply, you need to
change the transformer
R1 accordingly.) Taking Fig.4 first,
the input buffer amplifier utilizes
IC1 as a straightforward unity
gain non-inverting amplifier.
TR1 R3 TR1 Resistors R1 and R2 set the
d d
input impedance of the circuit at
s s
50 kilohms.
The VCA is based on a
a) b) CMOS 4007UBE dual
Fig.5. (a) Circuit diagram for a basic MOSFET VCA and (b) an complementary pair and
improved version with feedback to reduce distortion.Fig.4. Cir- inverter, IC2. In this circuit only
one n-channel MOSFET is
cuit diagram for the Volume Compressor.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 172
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sed, and no connections are made action, with losses through the
+ 12V

to the other sections of the device. circuit controlled by the input

The gate, drain, and source voltage to TR1.

connections are at pins 3, 4, Unfortunately, there is a


and 5 respectively. The device's


major drawback when this type



substrate (pin 7) is connected to of circuit is applied to audio

the 0V supply rail.



signals. The resistance provided


by TR1 is not pure resistance,



MOSFET and actually varies somewhat



with changes in the signal

2 CA3140E

voltage. In an audio application


IC 5


The n-channel enhancement this results in a fair amount of




mode MOSFET is used as a form distortion being added to the

of voltage controlled resistor, which processed signal.



is in turn used in a simple VCA The distortion is not


circuit. This is best explained by significant when TR1 is




examining the two basic MOSFET


switched off, because its


circuits shown in Fig.5. Fig. 5a


resistance is always too high to


shows the circuit for a basic



have any significant effect on


MOSFET VCA, which is really just the circuit. The distortion is not



a conventional potential divider very high when TR1 is fully


having one section formed by


switched on, since its resistance




resistor R1, and the other arm then alters little with changes in

IC 4

provided by the drain-to-source the signal voltage.





resistance of MOSFET TR1.

It is when TR1 starts to

Transistor TR1 is switched off



conduct that the distortion is




when its gate (g) terminal is at a worst. When viewed on an

potential of about one volt or less,


oscilloscope there is a very



and it then exhibits a drain(d)-to- noticeable flattening of the



source(s) resistance of many negative half cycles.


megohms. This produces minimal

losses through resistor R1, and any




losses through this component will


be due to the load impedance at


The standard solution to this


the output rather than the affect


problem is to use feedback from


of TR1. the drain (d) to the gate (g) of


the transistor, as can be seen in


circuit Fig.5b. Resistors R2 and


R3 provide feedback from the

If the input voltage to the gate drain to the gate of TR1, and

of TR1 is steadily increased, at


the amount of feedback is

typically about 1⋅5V, TR1 will start controlled by the ratio of their

to conduct, and its drain-to-source values.


resistance then falls quite


IC 1

With too little feedback, the


dramatically. With a gate potential


negative half cycles remain

of a few volts the drain-to-source slightly compressed, but with
resistance drops to just a few



excessive feedback the

hundred ohms. distortion is moved to the


Provided resistor R1 is given a


positive half cycles.

suitably high resistance value, this

Optimum results are usually


produces a large voltage drop obtained with these resistors

Fig.4. Circuit Diagram of the through the circuit due to a simple roughly equal in value, but the
Volume Compressort potential divider action. The circuit ideal ratio depends on the type
therefore provides the required of FET in use, and probably
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 173
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Constructional Project
varies slightly from one sample S2a T1
to another. L
D6 TO D9
Returning to Fig. 4, resistors 12V k a
R4 to R6 are the equivalents of a k
230V A.C. – + 100mA IN IC6 OUT
MAINS µA78L12 +12V
R1, R3, and R2 in Fig.5b. One a k
slight problem in using feedback 0V k a COM
C13 C14 C15 D.C.
over the MOSFET is that it S2b 0V 1000µ 100n 100n OUTPUT
couples some of the control
voltage into the audio signal
E 0V
path. This coupling can be
minimized by including a fairly Fig.6. Circuit diagram for a suitable mains power supply for the
low value resistor across the Volume Compressor (see text). This is capable of powering a
input of the VCA (R3), and stereo version.
giving the feedback resistors
relatively high values. The low source impedance When switch S1 is open
of IC4 ensures that the circuit (Average), resistor R15
Another unity gain non- has a very fast attack time, but increases the source impedance
inverting amplifier, IC3, is used the relatively high value of for C11, giving a slower attack
in the output buffer stage. resistor R17 produces a much time that is equal to the decay
Resistors R7 and R8 set the slower decay time. This gives a time. The charge on capacitor
input impedance at 235k, and charge voltage on smoothing C11 then reflects the average
this high value ensures that capacitor C11 that reflects the input level. The active
there are minimal losses peak level of the input signal. component in the peak-hold
through resistor R4 when the
MOSFET is switched off.
EQUALISATION Resistors Semiconductors
R1, R2 100k (2 off) D1 to D4 1N4148 signal diodes (4 off)
LEVEL R3 5k6 D5 5mm red panel LED with holder
Capacitor C5 couples some R4, R14, R16 10k (3 off) D6 to D9 1N4002 1A 100V rectifier
R5 1M diodes (4 off)
of the output of IC3 to the
R6 1M5 TR1 BC549 silicon npn transistor
equalization amplifier. This is R7, R8 470k (2 off) IC1, IC3, IC4 TL071CP bifet opamp
another non-inverting mode R9, R10 33k (2 off) (or similar) (3 off)
circuit, and it is based on IC4. R11 4k7 IC2 4007UBE dual complementary
Capacitor C9 shunts feedback R12 27k pair and inverter, CMOS
R13 2k7 IC5 CA3140E PMOS opamp
resistor R12 at high
R15, R17 39k (2 off) IC6 uA78L12 12V 100mA
frequencies, giving increased R18, R19 3k9 (2 off) positive regulator
feedback and the high R20 1k
frequency roll-off. R21 2k2 See also the
All 0.25W 5% carbon film
Capacitor C8 shunts
feedback resistor R11 at middle Potentiometers Miscellaneous
audio frequencies, giving VR1 220k rotary carbon (linear) S1 s.p.s.t miniature toggle switch
reduced feedback and VR2 47k rotary carbon (linear) S2 rotary mains switch
SK1, SK2 phono sockets (2 off)
increased gain. Resistor R13 Capacitors T1 standard mains primary 12V 100mA
limits the effect of C8 though, C1 100u radial electrolytic, 16V secondary transformer (see text)
so that the maximum boost is C2, C3, C11 1u radial elect., 50V (3 off) FS1 100mA 20mm "quick-blow" fuse
only about 6dB or so. C4 100n polyester
C5 220n polyester Metal insrument case, size 200mm x
The output of IC4 is coupled C6, C12 10u radial elect., 25V (2 off) 130mm x 52mm; 0.1 inch pitch
to the level detector circuit by C7, C10 2u2 radial elect., 50V (2 off) stripboard having 56 holes by 34
capacitor C10. With switch S1 C8 68n polyester strips; 8-pin DIL socket (4 off); 14-pin
C9 470p polystyrene DIL socket; mains lead and plug fitted
in the closed (Peak) position C13 1000u radial electrolytic, 25V with a 2A fuse; multistrand connecting
this circuit is just a conventional C14, C15 100n ceramic (2 off) wire; solder pins; solder, etc.
half-wave rectifier and
Approx. Cost
smoothing circuit.
Guidance Only
(Excluding case) $40
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 174
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Constructional Project

BLU BRN GRN/YRL Level control VR2 controls the

closed loop gain of IC5, and
acts as the compression
230V 6V
S2 T1
0V threshold control.

0V 0V
Transistor TR1 is an emitter
a k follower buffer stage which
drives the LED indicator, D5.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56

1 3 5 7 9 11 17 19 21 27 29
31 33 35

37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
A Resistor R21 slightly increases
C1 IC6
D a
R19 4
the voltage needed on C12
E D3
R a
F before D5 lights up reasonably
20 R a D8
k k
VR1 c C1 + a D9
K 18 K


+ a
M This ensures that D5 will not
16 N
light up unless the unit is
providing at least a small
amount of compression. This
6 R R
X indicator is only intended as an
Y 1 7 9 C R Y

Z C R5

12 Z
aid to getting the unit set-up and
+ +
C2 C3 R
4 R
C6 R
R 13
working correctly, and will not
R15 k
EE 2 8

+ 10
C11 k
FF provide an accurate indication


of the amount of compression
in use.

SK1 SK2 S1

The mains power supply
AA unit (Fig.6) is a conventional
full-wave circuit having bridge
rectification provided by diodes

D6 to D9, and smoothing
provided by capacitor C13.
Monolithic voltage regulator IC6
provides electronic smoothing
and stabilizes the output
potential at 12V. IC6 includes
B output current limiting, but
56 further protection is provided by
fuse FS1.
Fig.7. Stripboard component layout, interwiring to off-board
The current consumption of
components and details of breaks required in the underside the compressor circuit is only
copper strips. about 8mA, but it increases
slightly when LED D5 lights up.
circuit, which is fed with the low source impedance of IC5, The power supply circuit is
output voltage from the level but discharges much more capable of powering a stereo
detector circuit, is IC5. This slowly into the load resistance version of the compressor
circuit is basically the same as provided by transistor TR1, the having separate circuits for
an active half-wave rectifier, but VCA, and the series resistance each stereo channel.
in this application it is only fed of R14 and VR1. Diode D4
with positive input potentials. blocks the low impedance Again, note that the power
discharge path through the supply unit shown here is for a
Diode D3 is included in the 220/240V mains supply. For
negative feedback circuit of IC5 output stage of IC5.
countries using a different
to introduce non-linear negative Time control VR1 enables mains supply, you need to
feedback that counteracts the the load resistance on C12 to be change the transformer
non-linearity of D4. Capacitor varied, and therefore enables accordingly.
C12 charges rapidly from the the decay time to be adjusted.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 175
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
the standard anti-static handling provide easy access to the
CONSTRUCTION precautions. In particular, they dangerous mains wiring. A
Details of the topside must be mounted in sockets medium size instrument case is
component layout of the and should not be plugged into probably the best type to use.
stripboard are provided in Fig. circuit until the unit is in all other Also, the case must be
7, together with details of the respects finished. reliably earthed to the mains
breaks required in the copper
Fuse FS1 is mounted in a Earth lead. A solder tag fitted on
strips on the underside. The
chassis mounting fuseholder, one of the mains transformer's
board measures 56 holes by 34
which is bolted to the compon- mounting bolts makes a good
copper strips, and a board of
ent panel using a short M3 or connection point for the mains
this size must be cut from one
6BA bolt and fixing nut. These earth lead.
of the larger sizes in which
are not normally supplied with When designing the layout
stripboard is sold (e.g. 62 holes
the fuseholder. of the unit, try to keep mains
by 39 strips).
Some of the link-wires are transformer T1 and the mains
Start construction by
quite long, and it is advisable to wiring well separated from the
making the numerous breaks in
insulate these with PVC rest of the circuitry. It is best to
the strips using either the
sleeving to ensure that no mount phono sockets SK1 and
special tool or a hand-held twist-
accidental short circuits occur. SK2 on the rear panel so that
drill bit of about 5mm in
The component layout is the input and output leads are
diameter. Then drill the two
designed to accept polyester kept well out of the way where
3⋅3mm diameter mounting they will not hamper attempts to
capacitors that have 7⋅5mm (0⋅3
holes, which will accept either use the front panel controls.
inch) lead spacing, and it could
6BA or metric M3 mounting
be difficult to use types having a The wiring between the
different spacing. circuit board and off-board
Adding the components and components is also shown in
link-wires is reasonably straight- Fig. 7. While this is all pretty
forward, but there are a few CASE DETAILS simple, as the mains supply is
points to note. The 4007UBE As this project is mains involved it is essential to take
used for IC2 is a CMOS device, powered it must be housed in a great care with the wiring, and
and the CA3140E used for IC5 METAL case that has a screw to thoroughly double-check it
has a PMOS input stage. Both fitting lid or cover and not some once it has been completed.
components therefore require form of clip-on type that would
Projects that connect to
the mains supply are
potentially lethal, and should
not be constructed by
beginners unless an
experienced constructor
properly supervises them.

For a stereo version of the
unit, two circuit boards must be
constructed, but only one set of
power supply components is
required since one supply unit is
capable of powering two boards.
Therefore, omit C13, C14, C15,
IC6, and diodes D6 to D9 from
the second board. Of course,
the supply rails of the two
The completed circuit board and wiring to the front and rear
panel mounted components.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 176
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
significant loss of quality if it is
functioning correctly. If there is
any sign of a malfunction,
switch off at once and recheck
the wiring, etc. Initially, have
mode switch S1 set to the
Average (open) position.
Assuming all is well, Level
control VR2 should be
advanced just far enough to
make LED D5 light up on
volume peaks. This should give
sufficient compression to “tame”
excessively loud signals, but
VR2 can be advanced further to
provide more compression as
desired. However, using a large
amount of compression tends to
make the processing fairly
obvious, with a clear increase in
the background noise level
during quiet passages.
Layout of components inside the metal instrument case and
The best setting for Time
wiring to the mains transformer and switch. Note a “strain relief” (decay) control VR1 is largely a
grommet must be used at the mains cable entry hole. matter of personal preference.
A short decay time enables the
boards must be linked so that unit to rapidly follow variations
one board is powered from IN USE
in the input level and is in some
the other. If the unit is fed from the ways preferable to a longer
Potentiometers VR1 and Headphone socket of the decay time, but the effect
VR2 can be separate controls in television set, the Volume control obtained is not to everyone's
the two stereo channels, but of the TV must be well advanced liking.
there is no obvious advantage so that the compressor receives a
reasonably high input level. The The unit is likely to work
in this. It would be better to use best with switch S1 at the
dual-gang pots so that the two Volume Compressor is connected
to the television and the amplifier Average setting, but it is worth
channels can be adjusted in trying it at the Peak setting.
unison. by way of screened leads, and it
may be necessary to make up Note that there will be a drop in
Either a much larger metal the output level when the “peak”
these leads yourself, depending
case will be required for a mode is used, and that Level
on the connectors fitted to the
stereo unit, or the two circuit control VR2 will need
amp. and the TV set.
boards must be stacked one readjustment.
Alternatively, it might be possible
above the other. This approach
to use ready-made leads if phono
will require much longer
sockets SK1 and SK2 are
mounting bolts plus extra
changed to a different type such
spacers to hold the boards well
as 3⋅5mm jack sockets.
apart. The lower board must be
wired to the controls, etc. before The input signal should be
the upper board is added. coupled through the unit with no

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 177
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
ROLL-UP, ROLL-UP! Win a Pico PC-Based
Ingenuity is our regular round-up of readers' own Oscilloscope
circuits. We pay between $16 and $80 for all material • 50MSPS Dual Channel Storage
published, depending on length and technical merit. Oscilloscope
We're looking for novel applications and circuit tips, not
• 25MHz Spectrum Analyzer
simply mechanical or electrical ideas. Ideas must be the
reader's own work and must not have been submitted • Multimeter
for publication elsewhere. The circuits shown have • Frequency Meter
NOT been proven by us. Ingenuity Unlimited is open to
• Signal Generator
ALL abilities, but items for consideration in this column
should preferably be typed or word-processed, with a If you have a novel circuit idea which
brief circuit description (between 100 and 500 words would be of use to other readers, then a
maximum) and full circuit diagram showing all relevant Pico Technology PC based oscilloscope
component values. Please draw all circuit schematics could be yours.
as clearly as possible. Every six months, Pico Technology
Send your circuit ideas to: Alan Winstanley, will be awarding an ADC200-50 digital
Ingenuity Unlimited, Wimborne Publishing Ltd., Allen storage oscilloscope for the best IU
House, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1PF. submission. In addition, two single
They could earn you some real cash and a prize! channel ADC-40s will be presented to
the runners up.

Using Solenoid Valves 3 corresponds to 96% to 0% sure the valve will remain in any
in Place of Motorized pulse-width respectively at pin one state for at least TY sec-
11, we need to “re-map” VIN onds, say 1 second.
Valves such that when VIN = 2V (4mA The circuit was tested with-
The circuit diagram of Fig.1 input), we get zero pulse width out resistor R7 (i.e. R7 = 0Ω,
originated when a complex mo- and for VIN = 10V (20mA input)
but since the data sheet speci-
torized analog steam-valve be- we obtain maximum pulse width
fies 10µF for C2 minimum, the
came defective in an industrial (T seconds).
process. The valve required addition of 47Ω for R7 should
The re-mapping is handled improve reliability. Note that as
4mA as a command for “fully by IC2a to IC2c. The values of
close” and 20mA for “fully VIN changes, the output pulse
resistor R8 and capacitor C2 width at pin 11 changes simulta-
open”. This had to be replaced determine T according to the
by an on-off solenoid valve and neously, and it does not need to
approximate formula T = (R8 x wait until the next cycle from
a current-controlled interface C2)/1.1 − i.e. around 90 sec-
circuit would therefore be the TL494.
needed to avoid altering the ex- If your 12V supply has a
isting control system. Since only 96 per cent max- soft-start then power should rise
imum pulse width is obtainable to 90% of 12V within 10ms of
The heart of the circuit is
and not 100 per cent, a glitch power-up. Fortunately, this is
IC1, a TL494 switch mode PSU
operation of the valve will result the case for most power sup-
chip. The output pulse width at
in these maximum pulse-width plies.
pin 11 varies in proportion to the
cases. To counteract this prob-
analogue voltage at pin 3. Since
lem, IC2d is an oscillator of pe- Naseer Ahmad
a range of 500mV to 3⋅5V at pin London, NW6, UK
riod TY; this and latch IC3a en-

Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1998 - - 178
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
This drives D1, a light-
emitting diode which flashes.
A standard 555 timer, IC2,
Q 5
N 5 is wired slightly differently from
²P$ ,&D   N
,1387 “

 /0 ,&E   the usual method, in order to
  /0 ,&F  generate a 50% duty cycle. This

5 95
Ω N 5 5 directly drives the loudspeaker
“ N N 5
72 “ $'-867 95 “ N LS1, and a Mylar-cone type
62 7+$7 “ “
9 9 9
could perhaps be used for out-
9 9

9 door applications.

The control voltage terminal
95 9
. YY
(pin 5) of IC2 is connected to
$'-867 95
62 7+$7 the timing capacitor C1 where a
9 9

continuously changing ramp

9 voltage is present. This is used
Q to modulate the frequency of
5   & & 5/$
Ω Q µ 5/$ the 555 timer and it gives the
&   5 alarm its attention-grabbing
µ 5 N
9 0    5 75 sound.
 ,&  N 1 F
' N
 ' E
 7/ 4  9 During its normal “standby”
 &/. : D
9 H state, the input pin of IC1a is
 D pulled low by resistor R1, so the


5 N NAND oscillator and the 555
5  N $0%(5
N /.(.'. 21 5(/$< 21 timer are disabled. When a pos-
  9 itive voltage is applied to pin 1
5 & of IC1a the alarm will sound.
N  Q
The output could be fed to an
&  amplifier to generate a higher
µ ' N 5
 1 D N output if desired.
5 5 Lawrence Mercer (age 14)
Fife, Scotland, UK

Fig.1. Circuit for substituting a 4mA to 20mA driven motorized

valve by a simple on/off type solenoid valve.

Mini Siren Alarm −

A Wail of a Time
The circuit diagram of 5

Fig.2 was designed in order N


to simulate the screeching ,&D ,&E &21 567  9 5

of a standard car alarm. It    


can operate from a 5V to 


9V DC power source and 


can be integrated into other µ

alarm systems. IC1a is con- &


figured as a square wave D

oscillator the output of /('

which is buffered by an- 9

other NAND gate, IC1b.

Fig.2. Circuit diagram for the Mini Siren Alarm.
Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1998 - - 179
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc

Cooling Monitor for Out- has become common practice your idea:
to build engines into cockpit
board Engines −Keeps lockers to reduce smell and Please be brief and to the
You Motoring noise emissions, which makes point with written material,
this monitoring process harder. which should be typed or word-
Most outboard motors dis-
processed and limited to ap-
charge their cooling water The simple circuit diagram proximately 100-500 words.
through a small-diameter pipe for an Outboard Motor Cooling Drawings should be clear and
placed high on the engine cas- Monitor shown in Fig.3 helps conform as much as possible
ing. It is important to monitor alleviate this. A plastic funnel is with the EPE and EPE Online
positioned on the water outlet “house style.” Please avoid a
@<1CD93 Q and when cooling water flows lengthy introduction as pream-
C55 D5HD
4! through, it bridges two contacts ble would of necessity be edited
on the funnel's spout, which down, but you should include
turns on a simple transistor relevant information and de-
switch TR1. The LED D1 illumi- scribe the operation of major
nates to confirm that cooling relevant components in your
water is flowing. own words. Entries are not
2!  2"
B! >@>
The circuit can be built into accepted on computer
" h !%F
R a small box and powered by two diskettes or by E-mail.
AA cells for many months with- Material should NOT be
out the need for an on-off switch submitted simultaneously else-
Fig.3. Circuit diagram for a or LED series resistor. The where for publication. Readers
simple outboard motor cool- “probes” were a pair of brass are advised that it is the prac-
ing monitor. screws and nuts fitted to the tice of the Publishers to pur-
funnel. chase All Rights to any articles
this process to ensure that cool- Bernard Miers used without exception, and
ing water flow is constant at all Pedwell, Somerset, UK successful entrants will be re-
times, in order to reduce the risk quested to sign a written dis-
of engine damage. However, it
Before submitting claimer agreeing to this. Please
note that it may be impossible
to cancel articles from the publi-
cation schedule if that item is
already in the process of going
to press. − ARW.

Copyright © 1999 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1998 - - 180
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Construction - LCD Interface - By Alan Winstanley
Let your PhizzyB talk to you and the world via an easy-plug-in
alphanumeric LCD module.

Last month in Part 2 we 19 14

OP7 D7
demonstrated a variety of 17 13
OP6 D6
programming routines which 15 12
tested the input and output (I/O)
13 11
D5 LCD 1
OP4 D4 LM016L
ports of your hardware PhizzyB. 7 6
9 5
In this month's practical OP2 R/W
11 4
constructional feature, the OP3 RS
addition of an alphanumeric D3 D2 D1 D0 0V CONTRAST +5V
liquid crystal display (LCD) is 10 9 8 7 1 3 2
described. It's very simple to OUTPUT
R1 TO R4
assemble from standard parts PORT 47k
and enables customized 4,6,18
messages to be written 0V
and displayed using a
programmable routine. CONTRAST 10k
The circuit diagram for the Fig.1. Circuit diagram for the PhizzyB's LCD Interface.
LCD Interface is shown in Fig.1.
All of the decoding and display display contrast. Note that some CONSTRUCTION
functions are performed by a makes of LCD require a
standard 2-line 16-character negative voltage connection A PhizzyB I/O board type
alphanumeric LCD display to VR1 instead of a positive “A” is used to carry the resistors
module. one, and that the use of R1 to and preset potentiometer (the
R4 may not be necessary. None concept of type “A” versus “B”
Several different brands of boards was discussed last
of the resistor values are critical
LCD are available but the vast month). The layout of the
and nearest “spares-box” values
majority use the same chipset components is illustrated in
will work.
and interwiring arrangements. Fig.2 but is not at all critical: the
The components list includes If you would like to know wiring should be effective, but
some alternatives. Although the more about the use of these does not need to be desperately
display is an 8-bit device (so it types of liquid crystal displays,
neat or tidy.
can read 8-bit wide data), it there is an absolutely excellent
is actually used in 4-bit mode, two-part practical article How to You can change the
so that it decodes and use Intelligent LCDs by Julyan positioning of the components
displays data only via its D4 Ilett available for FREE as desired, provided that the
to D7 inputs. download from the EPE Online circuit diagram is followed
web site. Just bounce over correctly. A seasoned
The other four bits (D0 to electronics constructor will have
D3) are pulled down to 0V using to and
select the Library option for no problems assembling the
resistors R1 to R4. Preset circuit and can safely skip
potentiometer VR1 adjusts the more details.
through some of the details
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 181
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
arrowhead in the plastic
The remaining part of
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
construction involves merely
soldering the LCD leads into
place. Starting with pin 14 of the
LCD (the left-most pad), solder
the wire ends onto the I/O board
in accordance with the Fig.1.
2 Three small jumper wires are
4 VR1
3 also used on the I/O board.
7 After completing the
assembly, check it all carefully,
13 R R R R looking for incomplete soldering
15 1 2 3 4
18 or bridged joints. Then use a
19 20-way IDC lead (as fabricated
last month) to connect the I/O
Fig.2. Component layout and connections for the LCD Interface. board to output port $F031 on
the main PhizzyB board.
which are now presented you solder the wires on the top or
for the benefit of inexperienced underneath.
The I/O board should be
In the prototype, fourteen prepared by soldering in the Your PhizzyB can now be
pieces (roughly six inches long resistors (47 kilohms: yellow- powered up from the mains
– 15cms) of stranded hook-up violet-orange-gold) and preset adapter and connected to your
wire were used to connect the VR1. You will almost certainly PC using a null modem lead.
LCD to the board. A few need to enlarge the three holes On its 7-segment displays your
millimeters of insulation should which carry VR1, by using a PhizzyB will be displaying:
be stripped from each wire end 1⋅3mm diameter twist drill on the 1 4000
and the bared end should be board (ensure you do not drill 2 0000
“tinned” using a little solder. away all the copper pad in the
process!). The PhizzyB Simulator
The wires can then be should now be launched using
inserted into the solder pad Solder in the components as “Start -> Programs -> PhizzyB -
holes along the edge of the LCD shown and then solder in the > PhizzyB”.
and soldered into place. The 20-way IDC header, noting again
copper pads on the display are that the orientation of the notch Open the PhizzyB’s PBLink
through-hole-plated and it is important. (Pin 1 of the header Interface by clicking the icon, or
makes no difference whether is also usually denoted by an use “Tools -> PhizzyB Interface”
to achieve the same effect. Now
click “File Open” and a file
called lcdtest.ram should be
available (what a surprise!).
You can then download this
to the hardware PhizzyB running
on the serial port. Press the Run
button on the PhizzyB or
Run/F2 on the PBLink software
to run the LCD test program.
The 7-segment LED
displays will blank out for
approximately three or four
seconds. However, the LCD
should now load a message,
The LCD Interface connected to the PhizzyB.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 182
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Constructional Project
routine. This file
contains notes to COMPONENTS
help explain the Resistors
operation of the R1 to R4 47k 5% carbon film
program. For 0.25W (4 off)
more fun, open Potentiometer
lcdtest.asm, save VR1 10k miniature preset,
it as lcdtest2.asm horizontal
to make a copy, Miscellaneous
then edit the out- LCD1 Hitachi LM016L 2-line
put port assign- 16-character LCD module
ment to $F032. CON1 20-way IDC header

The LCD says it all! Assemble this PhizzyB I/O board type "A" (full
into lcdtest2.ram 4-section board available from the
though this may not yet be seen. and download it to the PhizzyB. EPE Online store (code 7000216,
If necessary, rotate VR1 until a Unplug and move the LCD to the
I/O board) at;
welcome message becomes 20-way IDC lead and connectors
second PhizzyB output port at (see Part 2); connecting wire;
visible. Having now set the address $F032. Now run this new solder, etc.
contrast, press Run once again to program to prove the LCD does
see the message spelled out in indeed still operate as instructed, Alternatives to the LCD include the
real time by your PhizzyB. (USA) Optrex DMC-16207 (Digikey
only this time on the second port. 73-1025-ND) and the IIIV TLCM-
In fact the display's default on As a further challenge, try 1621. They are all pin-compatible.
power-up is 1-line mode (you editing the message data (MESS1
might just see a single row of The 20-way header CON1 must
and MESS2) contained within the match the connector used in the
boxes initially), so after running file, to see if you can write 20-way IDC lead (see Part 2), so
the program to place it in 2-line alternative messages. Referring to it is best to check the brand
mode, some adjustment of the before ordering.
Table 2 of this month's PhizzyB
contrast might be needed as a
Tutorial, experiment with different See also the
one-off setup. It should then
code numbers for the message and SHOP TALK Page!
operate normally and pressing
see what happens!
the Run button will initialize the
message again. You should soon discover how Approx. Cost
the character data is derived very Guidance Only $24
simply from two co-ordinates. For
MESSAGE CHANGING example, the “H” in “HELLO” has a
code of $48 (the “$” indicates a work the first time, and if you
You can open the file
hexadecimal value), which is the follow the interwiring diagram
lcdtest.asm using the PhizzyB’s
first hexadecimal number shown in closely we don't think you'll have
assembler tool to view the
MESS1 in the a problem. There is little scope
listing. You can for error, but if you are not met
have lots of fun with success, check that the
writing other data interwiring is correct, the
to your newly- soldering is intact and that
constructed LCD everything is correctly orientated.
interface, by You can contact the
changing the constructional author by E-mail
data, re- at:
assembling the
Next month we move on to
program, and
sending it to your an expandable switch-sensing
PhizzyB. system.

You would
Close-up detail of the completed PCB for the need to be quite
LCD Interface. unlucky for the
display not to
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 183
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Relax with the power of a PIC. Two leads should be
connected to the pins for the
Solder pins are push-switches, one to the
WARNING NOTICE recommended for all external common positive (right-hand
Photic stimulation at Alpha connections to the board as one) and one to the connection
frequencies can cause seizures in they make these much more for S1. Touching these leads
persons suffering from Epilepsy. accessible and robust. These together will convince the PIC it
For this reason such people pins are usually quite a tight fit is being given an input. A lead
MUST NOT try this project. so it is best to fit them first. The should also be attached to the
A user who is not a known author's usual method is to 0V (lower) Reset switch S8
epileptic, but when using the EPE insert them with the aid of a connection, touching this to the
Mind PICkler begins to experi- small hammer, ensuring the other pin will reset the PIC. The
board is very well supported on circuit board is now ready for an
ence an odd smell, sound or
the other side whilst doing so! initial test.
other unexplained effects, should
TURN IT OFF IMMEDIATELY There are thirty pins in all.
and seek professional medical Following this the three link BOARD TESTS
advice. wires should be fitted, followed
by all the remaining The PCB should now be
Because of the above possi- powered up with a 9V supply.
bility, the EPE Mind PICkler components except the ICs and
Following a small switch-on
should not be used while on your the 4700µF capacitor C18. DIL
surge, the current drawn should
own. YOU MUST TREAT THIS sockets should be used for all
be about 1mA. The presence of
UNIT WITH DUE RESPECT! the ICs except, of course,
the 5V regulated supply should
voltage regulator IC5, which
be checked at all the IC sockets
should also be fitted at
(minus, of course, the ICs),
Last month the operating this stage.
principles, circuit, and the
program flow for a PIC driven
Mind Machine were described.
This month the project will be
completed with details of
construction and testing and
some notes on its use.

In contrast with previous
Mind Machines, the construction
of the EPE Mind PICkler project
is very straightforward. Nearly
all the components are mounted
on a single printed circuit board
(PCB), the layout of which is
shown in Fig.6. This board is
available from the EPE Online
Store (code 7000214) at
Completed PCB mounted in the low-profile case.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online,January 1999 - - 184
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Constructional Project
S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1




C20 R39
a a C21 ON/OFF
a a a C R R 30R C9 10OUT
a a a 4 50 C 51 40
D1 D3 D9 a X1 COM
D5 D8 R 22 R C
D2 42 4128
D4 D6 D7 C1 C29 IN
kk kk k
IC2 IC4 11C35
R k k k k R C
1 + C24 R44
R IC1 C 21 27
R53 +
2 8 C26
R R12 C12
3 R R
R19 4746 C33 SK1
13 R11 R6 IC9
R 54
R18 R14 C7
R R C3
R10 R7 + C5 R R R
54 4948 R C 56
R17 R15 C
R9 R8 6 IC3 2523
5231C 55R
34 38
+ R16 R20 C32 EXTERNAL
C14 C
15R R R31
R 22 30 C
24 23 b e 19 C18
25R R
IC6 c
e R b
IC7 35
36 b 32 c
C16 C R R 34
1728 29 c
e R33
S10 SK2 SK3


Fig.6. PCB component layout, wiring to off-board components

save those for IC9 and IC7 IC1 inserted into its socket. generating a 400Hz
where the supply will be 9V. At switch-on, there should be squarewave, which can be
With the exception of IC1 a single brief bleep. Pin 13 of IC1 checked if an oscilloscope or
and IC3, the supply pins in should be at +5V, this is RB7 of amplifier is to hand. The control
every case are 0V at bottom the PIC, and is used to block the voltage may also be inspected
left and positive supply at top clock signal to the variable at the right-hand end of resistor
right. For IC3 they are 0V at frequency oscillator stage. Pin 17 R20 or pin 3 of IC3's socket,
bottom left and positive at pin 7, (RA0) should be at 0V, this is the where it should be seen
and for IC1 they are the two 400Hz fixed frequency output changing very slowly as IC1
middle pins, pin 5 (0V) and which should not yet be running. steps through a program.
pin 14 (+5V). Touching the two wires to If the Reset connection is
If these checks are simulate operation of switch S1 now briefly connected to 0V
satisfactory, it should be safe to three times should produce a there should be another bleep
proceed with further functional bleep each time, after which pin and pins 13 and 17 should
testing. With the supply 13 of IC1 should go to 0V and pin return to +5V and 0V respectiv-
disconnected, piezo sounder 17 to 2⋅5V if measured with a ely. This completes checking of
LS1 should be connected and meter. Pin 17 should actually be the operation of IC1.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online,January 1999 - - 185
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Constructional Project
With the supply disconnected
again, IC2, IC3, and IC4 should
be inserted in their sockets. The
board should then be powered
and the program set running by
touching the connections for S1
three times as before. A
squarewave of just under 400Hz
should be present on pin 2 of IC2,
this can be checked in the same
way as pin 17 of IC1, either by
looking for 2⋅5V with a meter, or
by inspection with a 'scope or
amplifier. This is the variable
frequency output. The battery compartment is recessed into the top of the case.
Next, IC8 should be inserted
and the voltage at pins 1 and 7 All the supplied programs
(outputs) checked, both should be start with fairly high frequencies The overall supply current
at about 2⋅5V. They should be and work gradually downwards, for the complete circuit should
checked again with the program so if it has just been set running vary from a minimum of about
running, when they should still be the reading here should be 2⋅5V. 12mA to a maximum, with
at about 2⋅5V. A check with a On a 'scope the signal will consist Volume and Brilliance controls
'scope should reveal triangular of pulses of varying width at their highest settings, of
waveforms on both at around at 800Hz. about 50mA. Normal settings,
400Hz with a peak-to-peak Pin 3 should be at about such as would be used in most
amplitude of about 3V. Played 1⋅25V and pin 4 at about 3⋅75V, sessions, should result in a
through an amplifier this will but again flicker may be current of about 20mA to 30mA
sound “softer” than the noticeable at low frequencies. which is well within the
squarewaves encountered so far. These two pins operate at the capabilities of an alkaline PP3
To complete testing of the actual “brainwave” frequencies of battery. The circuit works with
audio stages, the headphones between 2Hz and 20Hz, supplies down to about 6V,
and Volume control VR2 should controlled by the program. which is the voltage at which
be temporarily connected and IC9 such a battery is normally
The final step commences considered to be exhausted.
inserted. When the program is set with the fitting of electrolytic
running the tones should be capacitor C18. This has been left
audible in the headphones and it until now as the charge stored in CASE DETAILS
should be possible to control their it would keep the circuit powered
volume with VR2. The overall The unit may be housed in
for some time following supply any case of the constructor's
supply current will obviously disconnection, which is
depend on volume setting, but it choice, but a particularly neat
undesirable when ICs are being unit can be built using one of
should be somewhere between inserted and removed. A blob of
12mA and 25mA. Vero's new “Patina” range, size
glue or “Blu-Tack” will help to 180mm x 120mm x 40mm.
secure this component, which is (See the Shoptalk page for
SIGHT TEST mounted horizontally to obtain a more details.)
low physical profile.
All that is necessary now to A full-size drilling template
complete the board is to get the Next, the Brilliance control for the front panel is shown in
glasses LED driver operating. IC6 VR1 and the glasses (or a couple Fig.7. If this is used, it will be
should be inserted, and the of LEDs in series for testing) found necessary to trim a small
program set running. Pin 11 should be temporarily connected piece from one of the internal
and IC7 inserted. If the circuit is pillars to obtain clearance for
should measure about 2⋅5V
now set running the LEDs should switch S1, but this is minimal
(400Hz squarewave) as should
operate with VR1 controlling their and can easily be done with a
pin 10, but at low frequencies the
brightness. sharp knife.
latter may show a slight flicker.

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S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7

S9 S10


Fig.7. Full-size front panel drilling template. This diagram can be photocopied and glued to the
aluminum panel and used as a drilling guide. A second copy can be colored and have small
rub-down lettering put on it to finish off the front panel.
The PCB in the prototype is FINAL ASSEMBLY drilled so that the LEDs can be
held in place with blobs of “Blu- pushed into the holes.
Tack”, which keep it perfectly All the external interwiring
connections to the board are also Various types of glasses
secure. This adhesive seems to have been tried over the years,
increase in strength and rigidity shown in Fig.6. Most of these are
straightforward, but note that the but cheap ski goggles, available
with time and allows simple from most sports shops, seem
mounting of such components wire connections to the board for
switches S1 to S7 are not in direct preferable as they are light and
without unsightly external screw comfortable to wear, have
heads on the case. order. Take care with these or the
programs and times obtained from darkened lenses and they look
Positioning of the battery the unit will not be those expected! good. Oddly enough this pattern
holder is less critical than that of seems to be favored by most
components on the front panel, The two front panel sockets commercial producers of this
its position can be seen in the SK2 and SK3 are of the compact type of unit.
photographs. It would be screened 3⋅5mm chassis-mounting
The LEDs used in the
possible to site the battery type, stereo for the headphones
model are 5mm “hyperbright”
internally in the case for an and mono for the glasses. It is
red types, with a quoted output
even neater appearance, but necessary to remember which is
which when plugging these items of 3⋅5cd at a viewing angle of
this would require the case to be
into the unit! 30°. Because of this narrow
opened each time replacement
viewing angle it is necessary to
became necessary. A minor problem with these place them fairly accurately
Another option would be to was experienced when a faint over the eyeballs.
fit a bunch of seven or eight “popping” noise was heard at low
volume. This was traced to a poor A way of doing this is to
“AA” or “AAA” NiCad cells
socket contact connection to the 0V place small blobs of “Blu-Tack”
inside the case with an external
side of the plug for the glasses, (the author is very fond of this
charging socket on the rear
leading to some of the return stuff!) on the lenses, put the
panel, but after several large
current going via the metal panel glasses on, relax the eyes as far
and heavy rechargeable “Mind
and the audio 0V lead. The cure is as possible and move the blobs
Machines” the author preferred
to solder the earth tags of both around until they appear to be
to construct a small, lightweight
sockets to their cases, and it is dead center in the field of view.
one with a simple battery
suggested that this should be done They will then serve as markers
supply. As a compromise, the
anyway during construction as a for drilling.
prototype has an external
power socket. preventative measure. The LEDs are connected as
shown in Fig.8. Any thin,
The metal panels in this
flexible twin-core cable can be
type of case tend to rattle, but a GLASSES used to connect them to the
good way to prevent this and
The LED glasses are the same plug and it can be secured to
give a nice “solid” feel to the
as those used by the Mind Machine the glasses frame with a couple
project is to put some tiny blobs
Mklll, so readers who built one of of small cable ties.
of “Blu-Tack” in the slots before
these can skip this bit! Otherwise, If possible, the headphones
final assembly. This won't stop
they are constructed from glasses should be of the completely
the case coming apart again
easily, but it will prevent rattles. with plastic lenses which can be separate type, not those using a

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Constructional Project
headband, as they could clash
with the glasses. Cheap
headphones generally sound
better as they do not reproduce
D10 D11
hiss and distortion so readily,
but the sound quality from this a k a k
design is such that it can be
used with expensive 'phones
without such noises causing

The seven programs Fig.8. Suggested glasses arrangement with wiring details
supplied in the PIC are shown between the LEDs and jack plug. The leads can be taped
in graphical form in Fig.9, with together along one of the side frames to give a neat finish.
notes on the effect each is
intended to achieve. They will
probably have different potenc-
ies for individual users, number
two is particularly effective.
A ready-programmed PIC is
available, or for those wishing to
do their own programming, the
software can be downloaded
FREE from the EPE Online web
site. (See the Shoptalk page
for more details.)
Note that the software is
supplied as TASM source and
object files, as with this
language it is simple to include
all the equates, etc in a single
file. It can be programmed into
both PIC16C84 and PIC16F84
devices using any of the TASM
programming systems,
including those of the PIC
Tutorial (Mar '98\-May '98) and Top removed from the completed EPE Mind PICkler showing
the PIC Toolkit (July '98). (The general arrangement of components inside the case. The
PIC Tutorial and PIC Toolkit
auxiliary power inlet socket is mounted on the rear panel.
referenced here appeared in the
printed version of EPE, Ed.) Here it is obscured by the LED ski goggles.
This software consists of devised by the user. This can top will be found some general
two files: mmprog.obj is the be done without extensive notes about the program,
original object file; whilst knowledge of PIC assembly followed by two “defines”, then
mmprog.asm is the associated language since the seven the “equates” and the interrupt
text source file, which can be programs consist of strings of and start vectors.
modified by the user and re- 31 numerical values near the Following this is the label
assembled for use in altering beginning of the PIC program. “table” with the command
the operation of the project. The The mmprog.asm file is in “addwf pcl,f”. Immediately
main purpose in doing this will plain text format and can be following this is the first of the
normally be to change the opened in any text editor numbers comprising the first
supplied programs to ones including DOS “EDIT”. At the program. Note that all the
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online,January 1999 - - 188
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Approximately life-size model showing lettering on front panel.

numbers used must be following this will obviously for a small but constant error
preceded with “retlw”. have a computer on hand for probably due to a propagation
PIC programming. The author delay. The overall result with
There are seven groups of
uses an early version of the prototype was astonishing
31 numbers and changing any
Microsoft “Works” for the job. accuracy, far better than that of
of them will alter the associated
program. It is merely necessary previous designs, within 0⋅1Hz
If the desired frequency is over most of the range.
to determine the new values placed in cell A1, entering the
required and insert them. formula shown at the bottom of
this page into cell B1 automati- RELAXATION
cally generates the value
NEW PROGRAM required for the PIC program.
In use, the unit normally
To devise a new program, it produces a sensation of
This can be “replicated” to
is best to start with a blank chart extreme relaxation, which may
allow simple generation of
similar to the last one shown in continue for an extended
the remaining thirty values
Fig.9, but enlarged and with period. It seems to do this as
required for a program. The
extra divisions on the frequency much by slowing down
output format should be set to
axis clearly marked. A curve for conscious intellectual thought
“fixed” with no decimal places
the shape of the new program as by “entraining” brainwave
since the PIC doesn't
can be pencilled onto this and frequencies, so it is worth trying
understand decimal points!
the corresponding frequencies to reduce the number of one's
Note that this formula thoughts whilst using it.
for each step read from it.
generates decimal values for
These must be converted “Stilling” the intellect seems
the TASM assembler, which
into the corresponding to be the primary purpose of
uses decimal by default. If
numerical values for the PIC most forms of meditation.
another assembler is used
program using the formula: Mantras, koans and many other
which defaults to HEX, the
systems used by meditators
user will have to make an
– (((0.5/400 – f) – 0.00125) / 0.000123) seem to have the common
256 x (1 – e ) – 1 adjustment for this, probably by purpose of distracting the
specifying that numbers entered
intellect to “shut it down” to
are in decimal.
some extent, so that the
SPREADSHEET The exponential part of the intuitive “right brain” can
The derivation of this formula compensates for the be perceived.
formula was discussed in Part 1 exponential charging rate of
“Mind machines” perform
last month. Generating the capacitor C6, whilst the “1”
this function more readily than
values using this formula could subtracted at the end was
many of the traditional methods,
be done with a calculator, but determined by empirical means
so perhaps they are best
the process would be tedious. A (trial and error!) to compensate
better way is to use a
spreadsheet, as constructors (256 x (1 – EXP(– (0⋅5/(400 – A1) – 0.00125)/0⋅000123))) – 1

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20 20
19 19
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
20 20
19 19
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
20 20
19 19
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
20 20 20
19 19 19
18 18 18
17 BETA 17 17
16 16 16
15 15 15
14 14 14
13 13 13
12 12 12
11 ALPHA 11 11
10 10 10
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 THETA 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 DELTA 2 2
1 1 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Fig.9. Graphical representations of the seven programs “stored” in the ready-programmed

PIC16F84 microcontroller. The last blank chart will help readers undertaking their own
programming to produce their own “relaxation rhythms”.

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arded as modern hi-tech
meditation aids. For best results
it is still necessary to work at it
though, users will not get nearly
so much benefit if they simply
sit and contemplate all their
usual worries and discontents
throughout the session.
One writer on meditation
tells his readers to “let thoughts
go” with each outgoing breath.
“Breathe thoughts out” he says,
and the author has found this
technique to be particularly
helpful in conjunction with the From the practical point of This book gives detailed
EPE Mind PICkler. view, for a really fascinating descriptions of the fascinating
hypothesis on the operation of the experiments of Roger Sperry
human brain, it's hard to beat the which proved that we each have
FURTHER THOUGHTS opening chapters of ”The Origin two entirely separate “minds”
For readers who would like of Consciousness In The within our brains, and continues
to explore this subject in greater Breakdown Of The Bicameral by presenting a theory that
depth, the author can particul- Mind” by Julian Jaynes. This was intellectual consciousness as we
arly recommend the works of originally published in 1982 as a know it only evolved around
authors Barry Long and Stuart Pelican paperback, though an four thousand years ago, before
Wilde, which can be found in updated version is now which we humans may have
larger bookstores or “New Age” apparently available from “thought” in an entirely different
specialist booksellers. Penguin. manner. It's gripping reading for
those into this kind of stuff.

Bebop to the Boolean Boogie

(An Unconventional Guide to Electronics)
By Clive “Max” Maxfield
470 pages, $35 US Dollars (plus S&H)

This book gives the "big picture" of digital electronics. This in-depth, highly
readable, up-to-the-minute guide shows you how electronic devices work and
how they're made. You'll discover how transistors operate, how printed circuit
boards are fabricated, and what the innards of memory ICs look like. You'll
also gain a working knowledge of Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, and
understand what Reed-Muller logic is and how it's used. And there's much,
MUCH more (including a recipe for a truly great seafood gumbo!). Hundreds
of carefully drawn illustrations clearly show the important points of each topic. The author's tongue-in-
cheek British humor makes it a delight to read, but this is a REAL technical book, extremely detailed and
accurate. A great reference for your own shelf, and also an ideal gift for a friend or family member who
wants to understand what it is you do all day....

Available from the EPE Online Store at

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Green issues are becoming though, the overall effect is The idea revolves around
increasingly important. There that the amount of electronics the fact that certain metal alloys
are naturally the issues of equipment reaching landfill sites can be made into a particular
reducing the amount of will be reduced, and the amount shape by heating them, typically
greenhouse and other toxic being recycled will have to to a temperature around 400°C,
gasses into the atmosphere. increase. This will require new and then rapidly cooling them.
One area that has been of technologies to be developed The part can then only resume
particular importance to the that will enable the recycling its original shape if it is re-
electronics industry is that of process to be achieved far more heated. The temperature at
cleaning fluids to remove the easily and cost effectively. which this occurs is somewhat
flux from printed circuit boards less than the temperature
after soldering. Now many new required in the original
Different materials
methods of cleaning have been manufacture of the part, and
To help solve the problem, may range between about
developed, thereby reducing the
the Cleaner Electronics Group 60°C and 120°C.
pollution to the atmosphere.
at Brunel University in the UK
However, there are many has exploited the properties of a Two main SMAs were used
other areas that need to be group of metal alloys known as in these investigations. The first
addressed to ensure that the shape memory alloys (SMA). In was Nickel Titanium (NiTi), and
overall level of the pollution of a system called Active the second was Copper-Zinc-
our planet is kept to a minimum. Disassembly using Smart Aluminum (CuZnAl). These
The amount of electronic Materials (ADSM), electronic operated in slightly different
equipment that is manufactured equipment could be made of ways, but the end results were
today is vast. Yet very little of it materials that would actively the same.
is recycled. One of the main disassemble themselves once Whilst the metal alloys are
reasons for this is the huge cost they were subjected to the most widely used materials,
of disassembly and this has temperatures at a given level. a group of polymers also
meant that many products In this way the cost of disass- exhibits the same properties,
containing valuable components embly could be significantly and these may provide a
have had to be used as landfill cut, making recycling far cheaper and more convenient
or crushed so that some of the more cost effective. solution for the longer term.
more valuable raw materials
can be reused.
In many countries now there
are requirements to increase
the amount of electronics
equipment being recycled. In
several countries legislation is
about to hit the statute books
that will require companies
producing the equipment to take
it back for recycling. In other
countries other schemes are
either in operation or are about
to be launched.
Whatever approach is
Temperature sensitive fasteners allow rapid equipment disas-
adopted in each country,
sembly for reclamation of reusable parts.

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New technology Updates
If these materials are used this. These assemblies could be reclaim a very large number of
in the manufacture of fasteners freed and reclaimed at an early the components.
and clips, it is possible to pass stage in the process. Naturally there would be a
the equipment though a heat cost associated with the use of
treatment process, often using Trials the system, but with some
steam. Once this happens, the countries introducing penalties if
fasteners will let go and spring A number of trials have products are not recyclable, this
actuators can be used to push been undertaken, both on the would almost certainly provide a
apart the components of the components made out of the cheaper option, apart from the
product. In this way the major smart materials, and on advantages in being able to
part of disassembly is for the equipment made using the reduce pollution. In addition to
components to be picked out of smart fasteners and actuators. this, much of the increased cost
the equipment and sorted and These trials proved to be of using the new system could
sent for re-use. enormously helpful. They be recouped by the re-use of
highlighted the ways in which the components.
As different materials have the fasteners and actuators
different temperatures at which should be used, along with More information can be
they return to their original suitable locations for them. found via E-mail):
shape, it is being proposed that Further tests proved that the
fasteners could be made with sequential disassembly of or (Web) http://
different temperatures so that a products in this manner is
unit could be successively feasible. dc/ ADSM.html, where Joseph
disassembled. Chiodo and Prof. E.H. Billett are
It was also shown that this
approach is possible on a carrying out the research.
Design commercial basis. Until
If a system of this nature recently, the cost of
were employed, then disassembly was exceedingly
disassembly would become an high. The majority of this was
integral part of the design taken up by the manual nature
process. During a typical of disassembly. Owing to the
disassembly process the case fact that products were not
would separate from the main designed to be disassembled, it
electronics assemblies early in was difficult and time
the cycle. Then board-level consuming to salvage any
assemblies would be freed. components. In addition to this,
Connectors freeing themselves many components were
as well as individual destroyed in the process. As a
components would follow this. result, it was only viable to
At the end of the process the salvage a few high cost items or
individual components would be metals and leave any others,
left and they could be easily consigning them to landfill sites.
sorted for reclamation or re-use. Using the new system, the
One problem might occur labor content of disassembly is
with components that can be vastly reduced. In turn, this
damaged by heat. Liquid reduces the cost of disassembly
crystals are one example of to a level where it is viable to

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By Clive “Max” Maxfield and Alvin Brown
Part 3: Shitfs, Stacks and LCD’s
Welcome to the third installment of a really unique and exciting electronics and computing project.
This series of articles will be of interest to anyone who wants to know how computers perform their magic,
because it uses a unique mix of hardware and software to explain how computers work in a fun and
interesting way.
This series doesn't assume any great technical knowledge, although an understanding of fundamental
electronic concepts would certainly be an advantage. You do need, though, to have had some experience
at assembling components onto a printed circuit board. You should also be moderately familiar with using
a PC-compatible computer.

…. and so that's the way Next month, in Part 4, we BEE-ING HELPFUL

you balance your peramb- will be using a new simple input
device to experiment with If you're new to this kind of
ulating notchet tattles. Oh, thing, don't worry if it takes a
there you are! We got tired of “interrupts” to explain some
more versatile control and little time to get to grasp with
waiting for you so we started some the programming aspects.
programming options.
without you. Well close the There's enough in the PhizzyB
door, pull up a chair, and Looking ahead to Part 5 and
computer to keep you going for
we'll go through the whole beyond, we will be adding a DC
ages, and PhizzyB will be a
thing again one more time motor controller output board, at
great companion for many
just for you ... which point we will start to use
the PhizzyB as the “brain” of a
In last month's PhizzyB Also remember that we
very simple robot called the
article (Part 2) we experimented offer BOTH on-line or written
with the PhizzyB's external input support upon request – so help
and output ports. We showed In subsequent articles we is never far away.
you how the PhizzyB can read will construct and experiment
with a variety of simple sensor Those with more experience
real binary data from switches
devices for our PhizzyBot. of such things will be pretty
hooked up to its input ports, and
Remember, though, that we eager to check the PhizzyB’
we demonstrated a simple data
designed into your PhizzyB a Addressing Modes and
output display in the form of an
whole gamut of programming Instruction Set. This is
LED bargraph.
instructions enabling it to be contained on the PhizzyB
used at the heart of control, Simulator CD-ROM and will be
MASTER PLAN measurement, buggy, and found under Help -> Search on
robotic applications and much Help Contents -> Official
Now, PhizzyB lovers, for
more besides – in fact almost Beboputer Microprocessor
your delectation and delight,
anything, limited only by your Databook.
we're about to unveil our
PhizzyB Master Plan. Hang desire to program the little The instruction set is
on to your hats! rascal and put the hardware reproduced in Appendix A
PhizzyB to work in the real although it cannot be printed
This month we are going to world. Even if you decide not to off. (It is actually a free excerpt
use the PhizzyB to control a construct the hardware PhizzyB, from the full Microprocessor
very simple liquid crystal display you can still follow much of this Databook which can be
(LCD) module, which is series by running the CD-ROM purchased on-line for a very
described in the accompanying and following the on-screen modest price via the secure web
constructional article. tutorials. site at
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Special Projects
Before we can all get to the adopt different roles depending Following our constant label
magical point where the hard- on the instruction being declarations, the first thing we
ware PhizzyB is doing really performed. do is to load the accumulator
cool and useful work – such as For example, the carry flag with whatever value is on the 8-
the robotic application – it's is used in conjunction with the bit switch on the interface board
necessary to delve more deeply rotate instructions. The PhizzyB (see last month) that drives the
into some of the programming supports two rotate instructions input port at address $F010
techniques which we have called ROLC (“rotate left (remember that $ characters
cunningly incorporated into through the carry”) and RORC indicate hexadecimal values).
the PhizzyB. (“rotate right through the carry”). Next we enter a loop, in
So in this part of the series which we store the value in the
The ROLC rotates the
we'll press on with more inst- accumulator to the 8-bit LED
accumulator one bit to the left.
ructions and demonstrations. display (see last month)
The most-significant bit (MSB)
You should by now have connected to the output port at
of the accumulator is loaded
developed the habit of entering address $F030. Then we rotate
into the carry flag, while the
and assembling the demo the value in the accumulator
original value in the carry flag
listings on your PC, proving one bit to the left, and jump
is loaded into the least-
them on the PhizzyB Simulator back to the label LOOP to
significant bit (LSB) of the
and sending the entire machine store this new value to the
accumulator (Fig.1a).
code to the real PhizzyB sitting 8-bit LEDs.
By comparison, the RORC
patiently on your serial port. Use the File -> Save As
rotates the accumulator one bit
From there, you can sit back command to save this program
to the right. The LSB of the
and admire your handiwork as bbexp1a.asm. Use the File -
accumulator is loaded into the
operating in the real world. > Assemble command to
carry flag, while the original
assemble the program to
value in the carry flag is
generate the corresponding
ROTATE AND loaded into the MSB of the
bbexp1a.ram file and use the
accumulator (Fig.1b).
CARRY Memory -> Load RAM
command to load this file into
Before we start to play
with the LCD, there are a few EXPERIMENT 1 the simulator's memory.
instructions that you need to get Rotate instructions This would also be a good
to know. time to use the assembler's
In order to view the effect of
Window -> View Listing File
Last month we introduced these rotate instructions, start
the concept of the Z (zero) and command to access the list file
up the PhizzyB Simulator,
N (negative) status flags. In fact for this program and print it out.
activate the assembler, and
the status register contains a (Don't forget to use the
then enter the program shown
number of other flags, including corresponding Window -> View
in Listing 1.
one that we call the C (carry) Source File command to
As you will see, this is really return to the source file when
flag. This flag is used for a
a rather simple program. you've finished.)
variety of purposes, and can

Listing 1
INPORT0: .EQU $F010 #Assign a label to input port $F010
OUTPORT0: .EQU $F030 #Assign a label to output port $F030

.ORG $4000 #Set start address to $4000

LDA [INPORT0] #Load accumulator from I/P port 0
LOOP: STA [OUTPORT0] #Store accumulator to O/P port 0
ROLC #Rotate accumulator left one bit
JMP [LOOP] #Jump to LOOP and do it all again

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Carry Carry
flag flag
Rotates Shifts
(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig1.1. (a) The rotate left (ROLC) and Fig.2. (a) Shift Left (SHL) and (b) Shift Right
(b) rotate right (RORC) instructions. (SHR) instructions.

Now set the 8-bit switches Compare what happens

to a pattern of 00000011 and with Fig.1a to make sure that all SHR BUG!
start clicking the simulator's is as it should be. Observe that Sad to relate, reader Don
Step (St) button. You can use when you reach the pattern McBrien in Ireland has rooted out
the printout of the listing file and 11000000, the next rotate a bug in the PhizzyB Simulator.
the 7-segment program counter causes the 1 in the accumu- Much to our embarrassment, Don
(PC) displays on the simulator lator's MSB to “fall off the end” discovered that instead of per-
to follow your progress as the and be loaded into the carry flag forming an “arithmetic shift” (in
original pattern on the (the C bit on the status register which the MSB is copied back
switches is rotated through lights to indicate this). into itself), the simulator’s SHR
the accumulator. actually performs a “logical shift,”
which means that a 0 is shifted
into the MSB.
Happily, the real PhizzyB
does perform an arithmetic shift
as documented above, but this
doesn’t alter the fact that the ac-
tions of the simulator and the
PhizzyB differ in this regard. How-
ever all is not lost, because we
have a cunning plan (we’ll call
this “Plan A” so that no one gets
confused), which is documented
at the PhizzyB web site:

If you wish to load another

pattern to be rotated, you will
first have to click the simulator's
Reset (Rs) button, enter the
new pattern on the switches,
and then start clicking the Step
button again.
Fig.3. PhizzyB Calculator
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Now reset the simulator, accumulator and then outputs it of these programs in turn to
return to the assembler, change to the 8-bit LEDs. Now click the your real PhizzyB and again
the ROLC instruction to an Step button once to execute the verify that the real world agrees
RORC, and save this new SHL instruction, once again to with its simulation counterpart.
program as bbexp1b.asm. execute the JMP, and once
Assemble this new program to more to execute the STA.
generate the corresponding PhizzyB
Observe that shifting the
bbexp1b.ram file. Load this file accumulator one bit to the left CALCULATOR
into the simulator, set up a new results in a pattern of 00011110 As an added bonus, the
pattern on the 8-bit switches, (30 in decimal) appearing on PhizzyB comes equipped with a
and start stepping through this the 8-bit LED display. In other special calculator (Fig.3). Use
new program to make sure that words, due to the fact that the Tools -> Calculator
the actions of the RORC binary is a base-2 number command to activate this
instruction match those system, shifting a value one bit device, or click the calculator
shown in Fig.1b. to the left has the same effect icon on the PhizzyB's toolbar.
You should then use the as multiplying it by two!
At the top left of the
PBLink utility (as described last Now reset the simulator, calculator are three buttons: Bin
month) to download both of then use the assembler to (Binary), Dec (Decimal), and
these programs in turn to your reload the bbexp1b.asm Hex (Hexadecimal). As we shall
real PhizzyB and verify that the program you created earlier and see, we can use these
real world agrees with its save it out under the new name buttons to easily convert values
simulation counterpart. of bbexp2b.asm. Change the from one number system
RORC instruction to SHR into another.
EXPERIMENT 2 (which shifts the contents of the
At the top right of the
accumulator one bit to the right
Shift instructions calculator are two buttons called
as illustrated in Fig.2b).
Byte and 2Byte, which are used
The PhizzyB also supports Assemble the program to
to control the size of the value
two shift instructions called SHL generate the corresponding
being displayed (these buttons
(“shift left”) and SHR (“shift bbexp2b.ram file, and load this
are currently grayed out,
right”). First let's consider the file into the simulator's memory.
because they only work in the
SHL, which shifts the contents Set the 8-bit switches to a Bin and Hex modes).
of the accumulator one bit to value of 00111100 (60 in
the left (Fig.2a). As we see, the Click the Bin button to place
decimal), and step through the
SHL is very similar to the the calculator into its binary
program until this value appears
mode, then click the Byte button
ROLC, except that a 0 is shifted on the 8-bit LEDs. Continue to
so that the display only shows
into the LSB of the accumulator. step until the display shifts one
eight bits. Now enter the binary
Use the assembler to reload bit to the right, resulting in
value 00011110, then click the
the bbexp1a.asm program you a value of 00011110
Dec button to reveal this value's
created earlier and save it out (30 in decimal).
decimal equivalent, which is 30.
under the new name of Thus, we see that shifting a
Return the calculator to its
bbexp2a.asm. Now change the binary value one bit to the right
binary mode, and then click the
ROLC instruction to SHL, is the same as dividing it by two!
SHL button to shift this value
assemble the program to In fact, there are a number of
one bit to the left. Note that the
generate the corresponding interesting points about the
SHL and SHR buttons act in the
bbexp2a.ram file, and load this SHR instruction, not the least
same way as do their PhizzyB
file into the simulator's memory that, as opposed to shifting a 0
counterparts, but the
(you may also wish to print out into the MSB, we actually shift a
copy of the MSB back on itself. calculator's ROL and ROC
this program's list file).
buttons act slightly differently to
Set the 8-bit switches to a The reason for this is a little the PhizzyB's ROLC and RORC
value of 00001111 (15 in convoluted, so we will side-step instructions. Use the simulator’s
decimal), and click the this issue for the moment (see Help -> Search On Help
simulator's Step button twice. the Bonus Article section later). Contents command to learn
This loads the value into the In the meantime, download both what these differences are.
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Listing 2
OUTPORT0: .EQU $F030 #Assign a label to output port $F030

.ORG $4000 #Set start address to $4000

BLDX 10 #Load X register with Dec 10
LDA 0 #Load accumulator with 0
LOOP1: STA [OUTPORT0] #Store accumulator to O/P port 0
INCA #Increment the accumulator
DECX #Decrement the X register
JNZ [LOOP1] #Jump to LOOP1 if X register != zero
LOOP2: JMP [LOOP2] #Loop around doing nothing

EXPERIMENT 3 (“decrement accumulator”) and print out a copy of this

INCX (“increment index program's list file).
Index register register”) instructions. As we see, the 8-bit LEDs
In addition to the accumul- Also note that the INCA, end up containing a value of
ator and the status register, the DECA, INCX and DECX 00001001 (9 in decimal).
CPU contains a number of other instructions can all affect the Hmmm, I wonder why this
registers, one of which is the contents of the zero flag. In the happened? Unfortunately, the
16-bit index register (called X case of our program, the DECX program runs too quickly for us
for short). Amongst other things, instruction occurs after the to observe all of the details.
the index register can be used INCA, which means that our Another consideration is that the
as a counter. To illustrate this, JNZ (“jump if not zero”) PhizzyB (and hence the
use the assembler to enter the simulator) doesn't display the
instruction will only cause the
program shown in Listing 2 and value in the index register
program to jump back to the
save this as file bbexp3.asm. (because if we had added 7-
LOOP1 label if the index
As we see, this program register contains a value segment displays for all of the
introduces a couple of new other than zero. CPU's registers, the PhizzyB
instructions. First we use BLDX would have been significantly
The end result is that this bigger and much more
(“big load index register”) to load program will loop around
the index register with a decimal expensive to build).
incrementing the accumulator
value of ten. The reason this and decrementing the index
instruction is called a “big load”
is that the PhizzyB's index
register until the index register REGISTER DISPLAY
contains zero, at which point the
register is 16 bits wide, which But fear not my braves,
program will become trapped in
is twice as wide as its because we also have our
a second loop (continually
8-bit databus. faithful CPU register display,
jumping back to label LOOP2). which was introduced in the
Next we enter a loop in Now remembering that we PhizzyB User Manual: Vol 1
which we store the accumulator loaded the index register with a (check your simulator's on-line
to the 8-bit LED display, use an value of ten, what value do you help for more details). Reset the
INCA (“increment accumulator”) expect to see on the 8-bit simulator and invoke this
instruction to add one to the LEDs? Really? Well let's display using the Display ->
current contents of the see shall we? CPU Registers command (drag
accumulator, and then a DECX
Make sure you've reset the the resulting window to the
(“decrement index register”)
simulator, assemble this right-hand side of the
instruction to subtract one from
program to generate the simulator's PhizzyB board).
the current contents of the
index register. corresponding bbexp3.asm file, Now step through the
then load this file into the program observing the values in
Note that the PhizzyB also simulator and click the Ru (Run) the index register and the
supports the related DECA button (you may also wish to accumulator, and make sure

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you understand why the 8-bit pointer (SP), which points to an catastrophic ... at least in
LEDs end up displaying a value area in the memory called … programming terms.)
of 00001001. Note especially you guessed it … the stack. In this case, however, each
what happens to the Z (Zero) When the PhizzyB is first of our test programs is only a
flag in the simulator and on the powered up (or when it's been few bytes long, so initializing the
CPU register display when the reset), the stack pointer doesn't stack pointer to $4FFF (which is
index register is finally contain any meaningful value, 4,095 decimal memory
decremented to contain zero. so it's up to us to use a BLDSP locations away from address
How could we change our (“big load stack pointer”) $4000) gives us more than
program such that the LEDs end instruction to load it with enough breathing room
up displaying a value of something useful. for comfort.
00001010 (10 in decimal)? (The
Remember that our
answer's given at the end of this
programs always start at EXPERIMENT 4
address $4000, which is the first
As usual, download this location in the PhizzyB's RAM. The Stack
program to your PhizzyB and Now assume for the sake of In order to illustrate how the
run it in the real world. Note that argument that we use a BLDSP stack works, use the assembler
if you use the Step button in the instruction to load the stack to enter the program shown in
pointer with a value of Listing 3 and save this as file
PhizzyB's Memory $4FFF (Fig.4). bbexp4.asm.

Start of RAM As you will come to In this program we first use

$4000 see, the stack and the BLDSP to load the stack pointer
(Start of program)
$4001 stack pointer are with address $4FFF, then we
$4002 incredibly useful tools. use BLDX to load the index
$4003 One thing we can do is to register with 5, followed by LDA
$4004 Programs "grow" “push” a byte of data onto to load the accumulator with 0.
$4005 in this direction the stack. In this case, Next we enter a loop, which
the data will be copied
commences with a PUSHA
into the current memory
(“push accumulator”) instruction
$4FFA The stack "grows" location pointed to by the that copies the current value in
$4FFB in this direction stack pointer, and the
the accumulator onto the top of
$4FFC stack pointer will then be
the stack (as pointed to by the
$4FFD automatically
stack pointer, which
$4FFE decremented to point to
Initial value in subsequently automatically
$4FFF the next free location on
stack pointer (SP) the “top” of the stack decrements itself to point to the
next free location on the top
Fig.4. The PhizzyB Stack and (hence the reason why
of the stack).
we call this the “stack,” because
Stack Pointer. bytes of data are conceptually Then we increment the
“stacked” on top of each other). accumulator, decrement the
PBLink utility (as opposed to the index register, and use a JNZ to
One interesting point to
Step button on the PhizzyB test whether or not the index
note is that as we add data to
itself), then the contents of all register now contains a zero (as
the stack, it grows towards the
of the registers are updated we did in Experiment 3).
program. This means that it's
and reflected in the PBLink typically a good idea to set the Just to ensure that we're all
utility's window. initial value of the stack pointer marching to the same drum
as far away from the program beat, click the simulator's Power
as we can, so as to give the button to power it down, then
WELL STACKED click it once more to apply
stack as much room to grow as
In addition to the program possible. power again (this randomizes
counter and the index register, the contents of the simulator's
(If the stack grows big
the CPU contains yet another memory). Now assemble your
enough to enter the program,
16-bit register called the stack program, load the resulting
the results are almost invariably

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Listing 3
.ORG $4000 #Set start address to $4000
BLDSP $4FFF #Load stack pointer with $4FFF
BLDX 5 #Load index register with Dec 5
LDA 0 #Load accumulator with 0
LOOP1: PUSHA #Push accumulator into the stack
INCA #Increment the accumulator
DECX #Decrement the index register
JNZ [LOOP1] #Jump to LOOP1 if index reg not zero
LOOP2: JMP [LOOP2] #Loop around doing nothing
bbexp4.ram file into the of $4FFF, and then scroll (and that these locations currently
simulator's memory, and run it. size) the display until you can contain random values
Wait until the stack pointer see locations $4FF9 through (because we haven't written
in the CPU register display location $5000. anything useful into them yet).
shows a value of $4FFA, then The values of $00 through To complement the PUSHA
click the simulator's St (Step) $04 in locations $4FFF through instruction there is also a POPA
button to drop down into the $4FFB came from the accumul- (pop accumulator). This
Step mode. Now use the ator, whose contents we kept automatically increments the
Display -> Memory Walker pushing onto the top of the stack pointer to point to the last
command to access the stack. The stack pointer now byte of data written onto the
Memory Walker display (which points to address $4FFA (the stack, and then copies this data
is introduced in the PhizzyB next free location on the top into the accumulator.
User Manual: Vol 1). Click the of the stack). Admittedly, what we've
right-hand Find What Address? Note that the $XX values seen thus far may not make
icon in the Memory Walker's shown in address $4FFA (and the stack seem tremendously
toolbar and enter an address elsewhere) are used to indicate exciting, but as we progress
you will come to understand
just how cunning and powerful
it can be.

A simple subroutine
One area in which the stack
is extremely useful is in the
case of subroutines. In order to
illustrate this, first use the
assembler to load the
bbexp1a.asm program we
created earlier, save this as
bbexp5a.asm, and then
assemble it to generate the
corresponding bbexp5a.ram file.
As you will recall, this
program loads a value from the
8-bit switches into the accumul-
ator, and then enters a loop
whereby the contents of the
accumulator are first stored to
Fig.5. PhizzyB Memory Walker the 8-bit LEDs and then rotated
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Listing 4
INPORT0: .EQU $F010 #Assign a label to i/p port $F010
OUTPORT0: .EQU $F030 #Assign a label to o/p port $F030
DELAYVAL: .EQU $0F #Assign a delay value

.ORG $4000 #Set start address to $4000

BLDSP $4FFF #Load stack pointer with $4FFF
LDA [INPORT0] #Load ACC from I/P port 0
LOOP: STA [OUTPORT0] #Store ACC to O/P port 0
ROLC #Rotate ACC left one bit
JSR [WAIT] #Jump to subroutine WAIT
JMP [LOOP] #Jump to LOOP and do it again

## Start of WAIT subroutine

WAIT: PUSHA #Save existing ACC into the stack
LDA DELAYVAL #Load ACC with delay value
WAITLOOP: DECA #Decrement accumulator
JNZ [WAITLOOP] #Jump if ACC not equal to 0
POPA #Retrieve original ACC from stack
RTS #Return from subroutine
one bit to the left. Constantly delayed convention used by the PhizzyB
In Experiment 1 we stepped Our first modification is to is to store the least-significant
through this program, but this declare a constant label called byte of the address first (into
time we're going to run it at full DELAYVAL and to assign it a memory location $4FFF in this
speed. If you've been playing value of $0F. Our second is to case), followed by the most-
with a real PhizzyB, reset it and add a BLDSP instruction that significant byte (into location
ensure that the PBLink utility is loads the stack pointer with a $4FFE), leaving the stack
closed down. (Note that while value of $4FFF. pointer pointing to the first free
the PBLink utility is active, it location on the top of the stack
continually “pings” signals to the Now we load the accumul- at address $4FFD.
PhizzyB, which ends up slowing ator from the 8-bit switch, store
it to the 8-bit LEDs, and rotate it Remember that all of this
the simulator.) activity is automatically initiated
as before. However, instead of
Now reset the simulator, immediately jumping back to by the JSR instruction and is
load the bbexp5a.ram file, set the beginning of the main loop, (relatively) invisible to the user.
the 8-bit switches to a pattern we now use a JSR (“jump to As soon as this “return address”
of 00000011, and click the subroutine”) instruction, which, has been safely squirreled away
simulator's Run button. in this case, directs the CPU to on the top of the stack, the CPU
jump to the address associated jumps to the first instruction in
Unless you're working on a
with a subroutine we've our WAIT subroutine.
very old computer, it's likely that
the resulting display on the 8-bit called WAIT.
LEDs is just a blur. What we A key point to understand at Push and jump
need is some way to slow the this juncture is that before the Unfortunately, we now have
program down, and one CPU jumps to the WAIT another problem, because we
technique we can use to subroutine, it first places the will want to use the current
achieve this is a subroutine. address of the next instruction value in the accumulator when
Reset the simulator, save to be executed after the JSR – we return to the main body of
your bbexp5a.asm file as the JMP in this case – onto the our program, but we also need
bbexp5b.asm, and modify top of the stack. to use the accumulator as part
this file as shown in Listing 4 As the PhizzyB's address of this subroutine.
(the additions are shown bold bus is 16 bits wide, this requires One solution is to use a
and blue). two bytes on the stack. The PUSHA, which copies the

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current value in the accumulator noticeably slower. During future articles in this
onto the top of the stack at Now reset the simulator, series we will also consider such
address $4FFD, and automatic- change the value assigned to topics as nested subroutines
ally decrements the stack DELAYVAL to say $8F. Re- (subroutines that call other
pointer to point to the next free assemble, re-load, and re-run subroutines) and recursive
location on the top of the stack the program, and observe that subroutines (subroutines that
at address $4FFC. the display is now much slower. call themselves), but there's no
Next we load the time for that now, because
Feel free to experiment with we have our last experiment
accumulator with the value other delay values, and also
associated with the constant to perform.
download this program to your
label DELAYVAL ($0F in this real PhizzyB and replicate the
case), then we start to loop experiment in the real world. LCD MODULE
around decrementing the When you've finished,
accumulator and jumping back In a moment you can enjoy
remember to reset both the what that staunch fellow Alan
to label WAITLOOP until the PhizzyB and the simulator.
accumulator contains zero. Winstanley has prepared for
you to play with –
As soon as the loop
terminates, we use a POPA to CALLING ECONOMY the liquid crystal display (LCD)
copy the last value we placed Before we proceed to the described in his PhizzyB
on the top of the stack into the next (and final – hurrah!) constructional article. (Note
accumulator (this is the original experiment, we should note that that this experiment requires
value we saved when we subroutines can be used for a you to have a real PhizzyB and
entered the subroutine), then variety of purposes. For LCD module).
we use an RTS (“return from example, rather than creating a To briefly summarize some
subroutine”) instruction to program as one humongous key points from the
return us to the main body of chunk, it often makes things constructional article, the LCD
the program. more manageable and easier to module in question supports two
The RTS automatically understand if we split the rows of sixteen characters each.
retrieves the Return Address program into a collection This module has 14 pins, but
stored on the stack by the JSR of smaller, logically self- only 11 are of interest to us
contained functions in the form here, as shown in Table 1.
instruction, which means that
of subroutines. As we see, there are three
the CPU returns to the JMP
instruction in the main body of The body of the program control pins (RS, R/W, E) and
the program. can then call these subroutines eight data pins (D0 to D7). The
in the required sequence. Quite RS pin indicates whether we
The end result of all of this
apart from anything else, this wish to pass commands or data
is that every time we pass
technique makes it easy to to the LCD (0 = command, 1 =
through the loop in the body of
modify individual subroutines data). The R/W pin indicates
the program, we call (jump to)
without affecting the bulk whether we wish to write to
our WAIT subroutine, whose
of the program. the LCD or read from it
sole purpose in life is to add
Another advantage of (0 = write, 1 = read).
some element of delay (the
time it takes to execute subroutines becomes apparent The E pin is used to initiate
its instructions). if we have a program that the actual transfer of the
performs the same sequence of commands or data. For our
actions a number of times, in purposes we will always
Slower flashing which case it is often a good commence with E = 0, and then
Assemble this program to idea to gather these actions “pulse” or “strobe” this signal by
generate the corresponding together in the form of a setting it to 1 and returning it to
bbexp5b.ram file, load this file subroutine. For example, we 0 after a brief delay.
into your simulator, and set the might write a program The LCD module is
program running again. This that called our WAIT designed to support both 8-bit
time the rate at which the LEDs subroutine from a number of and 4-bit interfaces. In the case
flash on the display should be different locations. of an 8-bit interface, the device

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discover just how each LCD line to contain 16
Pin Name Function Signal it works. Before characters).
we start, use your Now bounce up to the top of
4 RS Register Select OP3 assembler to load the program to view the
5 R/W Read/Write OP2 the lcdtest.asm constant labels. Specifically,
file and print it note that we're associating the
6 E Enable OP1 out, so that you label LCDOUT with the external
7 D0 Data bit 0 -- can more easily output port at address $F031.
follow our Also note the RS_ONE,
8 D1 Data bit 1 -- discussions. RS_ZERO, E_ONE, and
9 D2 Data bit 2 -- At the very E_ZERO labels, which are
10 D3 Data bit 3 --
bottom of the assigned bit patterns that will
program (just prove useful in the not-so-
11 D4 Data bit 4 OP4
before the .END distant future.
12 D5 Data bit 5 OP5
statement) you
In fact, let's race back down
will see two
13 D6 Data bit 6 OP6
labels, MESS1
to the bottom of the program to
the STROBE subroutine, whose
14 D7 Data bit 7 OP7
and MESS2, sole task in life is to pulse the
each of which is LCD's E control signal to a 1
Table 1. LCD Pin Connections followed by a and back to a 0. The first thing
series of we do when we enter this
driving this module would be hexadecimal values. Each of
capable of passing data to all subroutine is to OR the
these values corresponds to a accumulator with the value
eight data pins and have character that appears on the
enough signals free to drive the assigned to the constant label
LCD module. The values E_ONE, which sets bit 1 of the
control pins. associated with MESS1 form accumulator to a 1 (this is the
However, each of the the “HELLO WORLD” that bit that will drive the LCD
PhizzyB's external output ports appears on the upper row, while module's E control signal).
only has eight output pins, OP0 the values associated with
to OP7. This means that we will MESS2 form the “IT WORKS!” Next we write the contents
have to use the LCD's 4-bit that appears on the lower row. of the accumulator out to the
interface mode, in which four of LCD, then we AND the contents
But how do we know which of the accumulator with the
the PhizzyB's output bits are values are associated with
used to pass data to the LCD, value assigned to E_ZERO
which letters? In fact much of (which resets bit 1 of the
and three are used to drive the the display module's character
LCD's control lines. The accumulator to 0) and we store
set is largely based on a very this new value to the LCD
remaining output bit is unused. common code known as ASCII module. Finally, we use an RTS
(the American Standard Code
instruction to return to the body
EXPERIMENT 6 for Information Interchange)
of the program.
(see Table 2).
PhizzyB-ing the LCD module To a large extent the rest of
For example, the first code the program is self-explanatory,
Connect the LCD module to associated with MESS1 is $48,
the external output port at at least insofar as the “big brush
which equates to the letter “H”, strokes” are concerned. The
address $F031, access the while the $20 codes that appear
PBLink utility, open the first part of the program is solely
here and there correspond to concerned with initializing the
lcdtest.ram file supplied with the space characters. Note that
simulator, download this file to display (to fully understand
each string must be terminated these actions you need to have
the PhizzyB, and run the with a $00 (NUL) character.
program to see the messages a better understanding of the
“HELLO WORLD” and “IT Feel free to save our LCD module than we have
WORKS!” program under a new name, space for here – but see Table
and then modify these codes to 3 and the Additional Notes
Pretty cool, eh? Now let's build your own messages (note section below).
examine this program to that the program only allows

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The instructions associated $20 SP $30 0 $40 @ $50 P $60 ` $70 p
with LOOP1 are in charge of $21 ! $31 1 $41 A $51 Q $61 a $71 q
displaying message MESS1
(similarly, the instructions $22 " $32 2 $42 B $52 R $62 b $72 r
associated with LOOP2 are in $23 # $33 3 $43 C $53 S $63 c $73 s
charge of displaying message $24 $ $34 4 $44 D $54 T $64 d $74 t
MESS2). Note especially the
$25 % $35 5 $45 E $55 U $65 e $75 u
LDA [MESS1,X] statement.
This illustrates another use for $26 & $36 6 $46 F $56 V $66 f $76 v
the index register, for a form of $27 ' $37 7 $47 G $57 W $67 g $77 w
addressing known as the
$28 ( $38 8 $48 H $58 X $68 h $78 x
indexed addressing mode
(again see the Additional Notes $29 ) $39 9 $49 I $59 Y $69 i $79 y
section). $2A * $3A : $4A J $5A Z $6A j $7A z
$2B + $3B ; $4B K $5B [ $6B k $7B {
DOUBLE NIBBLES $2C , $3C < $4C L $5C \ $6C l $7C |
Last but not least, the $2D - $3D = $4D M $5D ] $6D m $7D }
WCOMND and WDATA labels $2E . $3E > $4E N $5E ^ $6E n $7E ->
provide two different entry
points into the same subroutine. $2F / $3F ? $4F O $5F _ $6F o $7F <-
This subroutine is in charge of
Table 2. The portion of the ASCII code used by
splitting a byte into two 4-bit
nibbles and writing these the PhizzyB’s LCD module.
nibbles out one after the other.
The way this works is as
follows: If we were using the 8- For your interest, an But wait, there's more,
bit interface approach, then in absolutely excellent two-part because we've written a special
order to write a byte of data into article on how to use LCD bonus article that probes the
the LCD, we would set up the modules appeared in the hidden mysteries of signed and
RS and R/W signals, drive a full February and March '97 issues unsigned binary numbers. This
byte of data onto the data bits, of EPE. For your further reading article is also available as an
and then pulse the E signal. pleasure, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file in the
versions of these files are “Library” portion of the EPE
But, as we're using the 4-bit available in the “Library” portion Online web site at
interface technique, we have to of the EPE Online web site at
pass our data to the LCD as two
4-bit nibbles. That is, we set up
the RS and R/W signals, drive Furthermore, if you haven't BUZZ THE
the most-significant nibble of already done so, it would be
data onto data bits D7 through well worth your time to peruse COMPETITION
D4, and use the STROBE the contents of the PhizzyB By now you're probably
subroutine to pulse the E signal. User Manuals, and also the feeling quite frisky as to your
Then we drive the least- appendices on the PhizzyB's ability to create programs. After
significant nibble of data onto instruction set and assembly all, you've understood
data bits D7 through D4 and language from our book: The everything that we've done so
pulse the E signal again. Official Beboputer far, haven't you? However, it's a
Microprocessor Databook. lot easier to understand
In the future we will be able
Remember that all of these something when someone else
to use this display for a whole
documents are delivered on the is walking you through it, so why
smorgasbord of applications,
PhizzyB Simulator CD-ROM don't we see just how much
such as an event timer and stop
watch, or to display values (just check the simulator's on- you've learned. Here's a little
captured from external sensors line help for more details). competition – the winner of
hooked to the PhizzyB. which will receive a year’s

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Special Projects
Hex waded through all of the entries,
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 and the winning solution (plus
Clear Display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 any other interesting solutions
Display & Cursor Home 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 02 or 03 that catch our eye) will be
Character Entry Mode 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/D S 04 to 07 posted on the EPE Online web
Display On/Off & Cursor 0 0 0 0 1 D U B 08 to 0F
site at
Display/Cursor Shift 0 0 0 1 D/C R/L x x 10 to 1F
Function Set 0 0 1 8/4 2/1 10 / 7 x x 20 to 3F THREE ANSWERS
Set CGRAM Address 0 1 A A A A A A 40 to 7F
Set Display Address 1 A A A A A A A 80 to FF
Answer to the question
posed in Experiment 3 – There
1 / D: 1=Increment*, 0=Decrement R / L: 1=Right shift, 0=Left shift are at least three ways: (a) Use
S: 1=Display shift on, 0=Off* 8 / 4: 1=8-bit interface*, 0=4-bit interface the LDA to load the accumul-
D: 1=Display on, 0=Off* 2 / 1: 1=2 line mode, 0=1 line mode* ator with a value of 1 (b) Use
U: 1=Cursor underline on, 0=Off* 10 / 7: 1=5x10 dot format, 0=5x7 dot format* the BLDX to load the index
B: 1=Cursor blink on, 0=Off* register with a value of 11
D / C: 1=Display shift, 0=Cursor move x = Don't care * = Initialization settings decimal (c) Exchange the
positions of the INCA and the
Table 3. The LCD command control codes STA instructions such that the
subscription to the printed ways of achieving this, so the accumulator is incremented
version of EPE. only criteria we are going to before its contents are
impose is that your program displayed.
All you have to do to win
this delectable prize is to write a should use as few bytes as
little program that loops around NEXT MONTH
reading a value from the 8-bit E-mail the assembly code
In Part 4, we'll be looking at
switches and writing it to the 8- for your program to us at
a pair of interesting little input
bit LEDs. The trick is that we Please
devices to illustrate the
want the order of the bits to be include your name, address,
difference between polling and
reversed. That is, if you enter a and contact details – including
interrupt-driven input/output
value of 00011110 on the your E-mail address – as
techniques. To complement
switches, we want to see a comments in the source code.
this, we will be investigating
corresponding value of In the event of a tie, we shall
interrupts and interrupt service
01111000 displayed on draw a winner at random. The
routines, and then combining
the LEDs. decision of the judges (us in this
these new devices with our LCD
And that's all there is to it case) is final.
module to implement an event
(he said with a cheery grin)! The winner will be timer. Until then … don’t do
Note that there are numerous announced as soon as we've anything we wouldn’t do :-)

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By Barry Fox
Russian rockets now launch American made
communications satellites.
It is an eerie experience to satellites in the ten years since
fly by special charter, with then; seven at 19 degrees East,
It is the first launch into the new
military papers, into an area of broadcasting a mix of analog
slot at 28 East. Hughes started
the old Soviet Union that was and digital signals, with Astra
to manufacture satellites for the
never marked on a map, and 2A now safely in place at the
US Government in the early
when finally marked was company's new all-digital slot
1960s. 2A is a high power
deliberately shown in the wrong at 28 East.
version of the 601 design, with
place. It is even eerier to land Currently Astra transmits seven kilowatt power
on a deserted airstrip, the direct to 27 million analog consumption and 15 years
largest in the world, and drive dish households in Europe (four expected lifetime. Each channel
by old bus over bumpy roads, million of them in the UK) is powered by a 98⋅5 watt
past decaying buildings and and four million digital homes. travelling wave tube amplifier.
deep into the desert wasteland By 2004, Astra expects the ratio
to look at a rocket launch site to be 24 million digital: 20
that was built, not just to million analog. DELAY
put men in space, but to 2A is the sixth satellite 2A was originally scheduled
rain destruction on the which SES has bought from for launch in August 1997, but
Western world. Hughes Aerospace in California. was delayed by late delivery
But the spookiest thing of from maker Hughes Aerospace
all, is to walk through the rain and problems with the Russian
into a giant, decaying brick rocket program after one failed
building on the outskirts of when launching Asiasat 3 over
Moscow and see at least a Christmas 1997. So earlier this
dozen giant Proton rockets year Astra temporarily moved
being assembled – not now as 1D from 19 East to 28 degrees
Inter-Continental Ballistic East so that BSkyB could start a
Missiles, designed to carry digital service even if Astra 2A
nuclear war-heads, but to earn could not be launched in time.
hard currency for the crippled Astra has also leased the Nordic
Russian economy. satellite Sirius 3 for a year to
But first the background, provide backup for 2A until
and some hard facts. Astra 2B is launched in the third
quarter of 1999.
After a successful launch
ASTRA from Russia's Baikonur
Luxembourg now owns Cosmodrome at the end of
more territory in space than it August, 2A was tested in orbit at
does on the ground. Astra, the the end of September, just
Societe Europeenne des ahead of Sky's official launch on
Satellites, launched 1A in October 1st. All worked well and
December 1988 and made in early October Astra started
Rupert Murdoch's Sky what it is 1D's month-long space drift
Astra 2A launch using a Pro-
today. SES has launched eight back to 19 East.
ton rocket
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Astra 2A has 32 COSMODROME to the Aral Sea, some thousand
transponders, four for backup miles east of Moscow, and is
while 28 transmit. By launch The Russian Baikonur still a closed area.
time 24 had already been “sold” Cosmodrome was built in June
1955, in a 7,000 square The nearest air strip is
– 14 of them to BSkyB, the rest Yubileine (“Anniversary”) which
to the BBC and other kilometer area of desert leased
from the Republic of was built ten years ago as a
broadcasters. Astra 1D has only landing runway for the Russian
18 transponders with six spares, Kazakhstan by the Russian
Government. The sky is clear shuttle, called Buran. The
so 2A was essential for a full runway is 87 meters wide, and
Sky Digital launch. 300 days of the year. It's close
4,500 meters long, with a 500

There is something very special about the Astra 2A satellite. New technology on board could mean it is
still working in the year 2025 – outliving Sky's owner Rupert Murdoch.
All satellites need an on-board jet system which fires every day to compensate for the tugs of solar or lu-
nar gravity which continually pull the craft out of its allocated 75km square box in space. Until now all satel-
lites have used chemical jets, usually produced by burning a “bi-propellant” mix of monomethyl hydrazine
and nitrogen tetroxide.
When the station-keeping fuel runs out, the satellite wanders out of control, making reception of its sig-
nals unreliable. There is also the risk that the craft will bump into another, damaging it. So the last few drops
of fuel are used to dump the satellite into a graveyard orbit
where it sits useless but safe before falling to earth and burn-
ing up. Early satellites lasted only a few years. More recent
models have a life of seven to ten years.
Hughes Space and Communications of California started
looking for an alternative thrust system in the early 1960s,
and first tried putting an electrical charge on vaporized cae-
sium or mercury so that it jetted from the craft at high speed.
The gasses corroded the jets. In 1984 Hughes engineers
found that they could ionize xenon to create as much thrust
as a chemical jet. Xenon is inert so causes no corrosion.
The Xenon Ion Propulsion System (XIPS), known as
“zips”, feeds Xenon gas to a chamber where the gas is elec-
trically charged and ionized. A series of grid electrodes, like
those in an old-fashioned vacuum tube valve, are oppositely
Artist’s impression of Astra 2A in orbit charged to accelerate the gas into 3000 parallel streams.
These streams leave the chamber through a 13cm outlet, at
a speed of 30km/second, driving the satellite in the opposite direction.
A neutralizer electrode, mounted outside the jet, produces oppositely charged ions which stop the thrust
streams being attracted back to the thruster
Two angled thrusters operate twice a day for up to 5 hours, drawing 500 watts. Until recently this drained
power from the transmitters. However, recent developments in gallium arsenide technology now let the solar
panels deliver up to 10 kilowatts, which is enough to drive the thrusters and power the transmitters.
The Xenon is 90 per cent lighter than the equivalent bi-prop fuel, so the satellite can carry more and work
for up to 15 years. XIPS was first built into a PanAmsat communications satellite launched last year and is
now used on board Astra 2A. Astra asked Hughes also to include a full bi-propellant system, with control soft-
ware that lets engineers at Astra's control center in Luxembourg switch at will between XIPS and bi-prop. This
provides full redundancy if one system fails. If both systems work as intended, 2A's working life will be at
least 25 years instead of the guaranteed 15.
“This has a mixed meaning for us,” admits Hal McDonnell of Hughes. His job is to sell satellites to broad-
casters and so far they have needed a new one every decade at least.
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meter emergency extension recently, were secret, closed Kennedy Space Center. The
at each end. This makes it the plants. Both built Inter- same year the American and
largest in the world. The project Continental Ballistic Missiles Russian companies tied the
was to have employed 30,000 (ICBMs) and both have modifi- knot to form ILS, International
Russians, with up to 30 ed their military technology to Launch Services.
launches a year. The shuttle launch commercial rockets Proton was first used for a
was capable of putting to earn hard currency from commercial launch on April 9th
equipment weighing up to 200 the West. 1996, to launch Astra 1F into
metric tonnes into orbit. Khrunichev developed the the 19 East slot. Since then
“It was like a truck, a Proton launch vehicle in the Proton has been used to launch
military cargo vehicle,” says early 1960s and the first launch Inmarsat, Telstar, Iridium,
Erik Laursen, Chief Engineer took place in July 1965. Panamsat, and Echostar
at ILS. Originally a two stage rocket satellites. It failed when
Buran could launch in winds which carried a 150 megaton launching Asiasat 3, on
of up to 60 miles per hour, warhead, Proton was converted December 25, 1997.
whereas the US shuttle to a four stage launcher for Will Trapton Executive Vice
missions have to be postponed satellites. There were also plans President of ILS refuses to
if the wind on the exposed Cape to modify it to carry a man to break down the cost between
Kennedy site in Florida rise to the moon like Apollo 8, but the satellite, rocket, services,
16 miles an hour. Russians dropped out of the software and insurance but
manned space race. Proton can confirms “All contracts are in
Buran only made one flight now lift a satellite weighing over
in 1988. It was un-manned and dollars”. Others are more
2,000 kilograms into forthcoming. Astra is paying
landed after one orbit. Although geostationary orbit. It has flown
the mission was successful, between $250 and $300 million
more than 200 space missions, for Astra 2A, split between the
Russia's money for the shuttle including the launch of the
project ran out. Russia still has price of the satellite, the launch
Salyut and Mir space stations. and insurance. Significantly all
two fully finished shuttles, and
three shuttle launchers moth- The Khrunichev factory can payments are now made in US
balled in the hope that one day produce at least 15 rockets a dollars. The rouble is so
the shuttle program can be re- year depending on demand. unsteady that hotels and
born. Most use four stages, the first businesses in Russia are now
three stages powered by all billing in dollars, although
The first artificial earth nitrogen tetroxide and dimethyl- sometimes they use the word
satellite, Sputnik, was launched hydrazine fuel. The fourth “unit” instead of “dollar” to save
from the site on October 4 1957 stage, made by Energia, uses face.
by the Russian Ministry of liquid oxygen and synthetic
Defense. Yuri Gagarin went up kerosene or synthin.
from the Cosmodrome in 1961. BUREAUCRACY
Baikonur is now run by the Russia may be trying to
Russian Strategic Rocket US JOINT VENTURE bury Communism, but the old
Forces. In all over 1,100 rockets In 1993, the Lockheed bureaucracy persists. Queuing
have been launched from the Corporation of the US, is a way of life. So is crime.
pads there, accounting for one- Khrunichev and RSC Energia
fifth of the world's satellites. The Compuserve has withdrawn
signed a joint venture deal to its access numbers in Russia
remote site houses the world's use Russian-built Proton rockets
largest liquefied oxygen plant. because of fraud. Money
to launch commercial satellites changers in the street offer a
from Baikonur. In 1995 high rouble rate per dollar, and
ROCKET FACTORY Lockheed merged with Martin then off-load counterfeit notes.
Marietta, to form Lockheed But the money changers only
There are two rival rocket Martin which now makes the
manufacturers in Russia, buy dollars if they were printed
Atlas rockets which launch from after 1993, which is when the
Khrunichev and RSC (Russian the Vandenberg Air Force Base
Space Complex) Energia. Both US Government started
in California and Cape watermarking because of
are based in Moscow and, until Canaveral in Florida, near the counterfeiting.
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Shop staff
have no urgency.
While three of us
browsed goods in
a souvenir shop,
a saleswoman
chatted on the
phone until we left.
SES was so
concerned about
flying its execut-
ives, VIP guests
and press to the
Baikonur launch
site, that it insisted
on having the
charter aircraft
serviced in
Germany, and
checking the full
service record.
The Russian
military have a
rigid requirement Inside the Khrunichev factory where a dozen or so Proton rockets are being built
of 30 days notice Immigration, and then another
for entering the Baikonur launch AMERICAN SATELLITES
hour or two through Customs.
zone. No-one, not even ILS Little things tell a lot. The old shuttle airstrip is now
staff, can visit if they have used by the Americans to fly in
missed the deadline by even a At the airport there is no their satellites. The rockets are
day. attempt to warn a queue that a shipped from Moscow by train.
position is closing. The guard Twelve carriages are used and
When the charter plane simply slams the door shut,
landed on the desert airstrip, the journey takes five days.
leaving the queue to disperse
now surrounded by abandoned, and join the rear of other lines. Because the Proton rocket
decaying buildings, three All Russians returning from was originally developed as an
Customs officials and guards holiday are automatically sent ICBM, it is transported and
weighed down with medals and through the Red Channel and assembled in a horizontal
epaulettes, took over an hour to searched. Aboard the flight, the position, unlike US rocket
check the papers of everyone air hostess prefaced the safety launchers which are assembled
on board. We needed our demonstration with a curt, “Pay vertically. Only at the very last
boarding passes to get off! attention”. stage is the 60 meter column
Visitors to the Kremlin raised to a vertical position on
Government VIPs have metal centering posts.
grounds cannot carry their own fast track lane through
knapsacks; but if they fold immigration and customs. They The rockets are so powerful
them, they can carry them as are also cocooned from traffic that they can be launched in even
handbags. jams in Moscow's clogged high winds. “The Proton is a
Anyone who passes through streets. In the days of beast. You could hit it with a
an airport faces repeated Communism, all Russian streets sledgehammer”, says one of the
passport and paper checks, by had a central lane, reserved for ILS team.
slow-motion officials who must the Politburo, or political elite. ILS staff spend at least a
stamp form after form. It can The lanes are still there – used month at a time at Baikonur, with
take three hours to get through today for VIPs. no entertainment other than a

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bar, and TV with VCR to show stages falling in flames to the need for “longer processing time
American movies they have earth, on ground rented by during the spacecraft prep-aration
brought in. The nearest town is Russia from Kazakhstan. After at Baikonur”. This careful wording
an hour's drive away, and the five minutes all visible trace has concealed the real reason. When
only thing there is a market and gone. Hughes shipped the spacecraft
bar with a few different beers. A crackly Tesla loudspeaker they also had to ship all the
There is only one path allowed carries the voice of the interpre- necessary equipment, including
for walking. To avoid the ter intoning, “Stable, flight is a cable to hoist the satellite into
tortuous use of nominal, pitch roll is nominal. position. The cable was the wrong
unpronounceable names, the Flight is normal”. length and the cash-starved
joint Russian-American team Cosmodrome had absolutely
simply give each other After ten minutes the nothing else to do the job.
numbers, most involving seven, commentator switches off and
it's all over, bar the bumpy drive “There is no back-up in
with a nod at James Bond. Russia. So when they got the
back across the now sunny
The land is flat, sandy desert to the derelict airstrip and wrong cable, the new one had to
scrub, that stretches as far as the two hour flight back to be shipped in from the USA. It
the eye can see, with wolves Moscow. While we are still would have taken half a day to
and eagles preying on rodents showing our papers to the form get it to Cape Canaveral. It took
which come out at night. The stampers in Immigration and four days to Russia. But you just
desert round the old Shuttle Customs, word comes through can't ‘make do’ ” says Hal
airstrip is already reclaiming the from California, by GSM McDonnell, Vice President
decaying buildings, cracking cellphone, that the fourth and of Hughes.
structures, rusting pipes and final stage has successfully The ILS engineers have
crumbling runway. From the air fired and released the satellite. admiration for the Russian Proton
Kazakhstan looks like Death It has taken longer to negotiate design. “They are masters of fluid
Valley in North America. Russian bureaucracy than it engineering” says McDonnell.
took the rocket to reach orbit. “Once a plan has been drawn
2A LAUNCH up, engineers will follow it
The VIP launch viewing site CRIPPLING
is a sandy mound built over a “We are proud to tell our
The unspoken concern all children that we were part of the
safety bunker, with a hut on top round is that the state of the
and a generator to provide conversion to commercial use,”
Russian economy will cripple said one Russian who works
some electric light, a bowl of the space launch venture.
water for washing, and a couple at Baikonur.
Khrunichev and ILS hope that
of portable camping toilets billing in dollars will save the
brought in by the Western day. But once again, little PAST THE
visitors. A circular strip around things tell a lot.
the perimeter looks suspiciously SELL-BY DATE
like a mine field. ILS engineers find But McDonnell worries about
themselves frustrated by some the lack of cash available to the
The stars are astonishingly of the old-fashioned designs at
bright. The 2A launch took engineers. When Asiasat 3 failed
Baikonur. A crane, designed to at Christmas 1997, it was not
place at 6.31am in the morning, lift heavy objects, takes literally
just as dawn was breaking, and because the Proton rocket
four hours to crawl from floor to exploded. The fourth stage rocket
with no count-down, just a blaze ceiling of a hanger. It was
of light followed a few seconds motor made by Energia failed to
probably designed for nuclear fire as intended. It shut down
later by the roar and vibration of war-heads, which had to be very
the motors which lift the rocket after just one second. An inquiry
carefully handled. There is no estab-lished the cause. Russian
up into the sky and over to the switch or gearing to speed up
East into transfer orbit 200 engineers, strapped for
the movement for satellite cash, had used out-of-date
miles above the Equator. parts. sealing material for one of the
After two or three minutes The 2A launch had to be fuel lines.
the rocket is just a bright spot in delayed by four days, due to the
the sky, with the discarded first
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The firing procedure is partners: “We are backed by the The factory was built in the
controlled by a computer, which Moscow International Bank. We 1920s, using German
senses the chemistry of the jets. have no reason to worry. We equipment to build cars. In the
Because the material was have reserves in roubles and 1940s it switched to aircraft
wrong, the computer judged that dollars. We have contracts to production and then in the
the burn had finished too early, launch rockets for five more 1960s started making ICBMs
and automatically shut it down. Western clients this year. The and space launchers.
So the satellite was Cosmodrome has its own power Khrunichev also built the
stranded in low orbit. After the and water supplies, independent original Mir spacecraft and still
insurance was paid, Hughes of both the Russian or has a full-sized mock-up. Mir
experimented with the craft, Kazakhstan governments. All used an IBM 86 computer. One
using remaining fuel on board to contracts with ILS are in dollars. of the few luxuries on board is a
swing it twice round the moon We pay the Russian Federation steam bath chamber, complete
and into geo-stationary orbit for program only paltry sums – it with birch twigs.
tests. The exercise was has no effect.”
successful, but the satellite is But Will Trapton reminds ALPHA STATION
useless, because it has virtually that ILS has a dual launch
no positioning fuel left on board. strategy, with dual rocket The Khrunichev factory is
suppliers – launches can be now helping to make the Alpha
Says McDonnell “The station, the first stage of which
problem with the fourth stage of switched to Atlas rocket in
the USA. was due to be launched in
Asiasat is worrying. When we November from Baikonur. A
say, ‘has this part been mock-up of the first stages has
refurbished’, and someone says KHRUNICHEV been built for zero gravity
‘yes’, how do we know it has training. American and Russian
been done? Three years ago The Khrunichev factory is
on the outskirts of Moscow. The crew will wear space suits,
Hughes said we won't supply weighted with lead, to move
satellites until some of the local giant, decaying brick buildings
are as large as a small town. round the chamber while
problems are fixed. Some have submerged in water to simulate
been fixed. They have invested Our Russian guide admitted that
although he had lived in the weightlessness.
in the most modern data
processing system in the world area for thirty years he had not Alpha manning should
for Baikonur. But if the crisis even known it was there or what begin in July 1999 after the
worsens, how much money will it did. Russians have been shuttle launch of another
be sucked off from Khrunichev brought up not to ask questions. component from Kennedy
by the Russian Government?”

There is already consider-
able rivalry between Khrunichev
and Energia, because their
success depends on continued
support from the Russian
“Khrunichev is held
responsible for the failure of
Asiastat,” complains one of
the rocket engineers, “But the
upper stage that failed was
made by Energia.”
Alexander Lebedev, Deputy
General Director of Khrunichev,
tries to reassure his American
Full-size mock-up of the Mir spacecraft
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Space Center in December. Mir In the 1980s, 25,000 people But I also brought away one
will then be pushed out of orbit, worked at Khrunichev, there are nice memory of the indefatig-
and left to burn up as it re- still 18,000, thanks largely to the able Russian sense of humor.
enters Earth on 8 June 1999. dollar earning ILS project. At the post-launch press
The Proton rocket was Energia is now helping with the conference in Moscow. Hal
completely secret until 1985, Sea Launch project promoted McDonnell sat next Alexander
when a few details were by Boeing; the plan is to launch Lebedev. After the Russian
disclosed in an obscure Russian satellites from a sea-based finished speaking, the
language technical platform. interpreter said he was handing
encyclopaedia. The Khrunichev over to “Mr Hughes”.
factory is now extraordinarily DISTRESSING “Mr Hughes is dead”, said
open. Visitors are allowed to McDonnell, “but I'll take
roam the immense hangers, I left Moscow with a sense
of relief; no more standing in questions.” As the room full of
touching the dozen or so Proton press laughed, a few heard the
rockets now being built. The queues while petty officials
enjoy their moment of power Russian translator say quietly
metal engineering is precise into his microphone, “And
and clean, while very basic. and justify their jobs. I left too
with a deeply distressing people who make fun of
Although it will be destroyed interpreters do not live long
during the launch, even the concern. If the space project,
which is earning hard currency, either.”
smallest fault can destroy the
mission. is struggling to survive, what
hope have the authorities of
“The trick is to make it maintaining nuclear power
cheaper but as reliable,” says stations, ships and submarines
Hal MacDonnell. in a safe condition?

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digital logic design system, and a demonstration copy of the virtual microcomputer from Bebop BYTES
Back (for Windows 95 machines only).

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circuit diagrams?
When we researched our
Our in-house “Surgeon” examines the inner workings series Teach-In '98 − An
of the 4017, takes a few soldering tips on board and Introduction to Digital
Electronics − we found that
we look at “negative” voltage supplies. many modern data books no
longer describe the internal
Solder Tips tinning tends to oxidize so it's circuitry of logic chips. (Note
best to wipe it on a damp that this Teach-In ’98 series
My thanks to Kenny sponge and re-apply fresh appeared in the printed edition
Trussel who writes in via E- solder. It is certainly a good of EPE, Ed.) It is as though they
mail with a soldering tip or two: idea to tin it at regular take it for granted that we
I read your Basic Soldering intervals and also before already know, or we do not
Guide on the EPE web site and switching off, to help maintain need to know to begin with!
thought it was very good. I'm an good “tip hygiene”. This makes it more difficult
electrical engineer and have in learning or fundamental
done quite a bit of soldering. electronic principles.
One thing I was taught as a
Bits and Pieces
This is where older data
student by an “expert solderer” Incidentally, it is most books come in. I have the very
was to coat the tip of the iron important that you tin new bits first COS/MOS logic data book
before you put it back in its immediately they are used for published by RCA Solid State,
holder. This keeps the tip nice the first time or they can which lays bare popular CMOS
and tinned. eventually become virtually gates and logic functions down
unusable. Try using Tip Tinner
Also I learned − and now to MOS transistor level. Older
& Cleaner, a special paste in Texas Instruments data books
practice − leaving the tip coated small tins produced by from the 1980's show the
when I turn off the soldering Multicore Solders, which does “internals” for many devices, so
iron. This lets the solder dry on two jobs in one. Simply dab you can gain some idea of their
the tip and protects it from the iron on this and wipe away internal circuitry.
oxidation. When the iron is the excess before making a
heated up next time, the solder joint. It's available from Maplin
can be wiped away with a and others. Design Route
sponge leaving the tip nice and As Philips Semiconductors
shiny. Back on the subject of the
Basic Soldering Guide, it you say, the (HEF)4000 range is still
The practice of dabbing haven’t already see this yet, useful even today, as it offers
fresh solder onto a hot soldering you can find it by bouncing today's designers an “easy-in”
iron tip − called “tinning the bit” over to the “Library” on the design route, and CMOS logic
− has several benefits. It makes EPE Online web site at still has many other important
the hot tip receptive to more benefits including low power
solder and it helps to keep consumption and wide operating
oxides and contamination off voltages. (A correspondent in
the tip (which otherwise Logic Circuitry “Internals” the USA tells me that this is why
interfere with making a good From Gilles Armand old semiconductor technology
joint). It also helps the tip to Rose came this query still gets used amongst sub-
make a better thermal contact concerning logic chips: contractors at NASA: it is well
with the joint being made, documented and proven, and
Can you tell me the everyone understands it, no
because the molten solder on internal structure of logic
the tip fills the irregular gap matter whom they work for.)
gates (e.g. the CD4017), and
between the tip and the joint. tell me where I can find The “internals” of logic
After a few minutes, the Internet sites which provide chips are still relevant today and
would appeal directly to
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 213
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
! " # $ % & ' ( ) 31BBI ?ED

# " $ ' ! ! % & ) !! !"


A% 6554C 213;
D? 41D1 9>@ED
?6 66 !

%CD175 4 A! 4 A" 4 A# 4 A$ 4 A%
3?E>D5B 3 A! 3 A" 3 A# 3 A$ 3 A%

B5C5D !%

3<?3; !$


Fig.1. Internal logic diagram for a typical 4017 5-stage decade counter/divider.

followers of Teach-In '98 includes advice and information Taiwanese http://

because they will be able to for Internet users.) which offers
relate (we hope!) to how the Data sheets can often some 45,000 data sheets and
gates are arranged inside a chip include internal circuits of has a very good search engine,
such as the venerable CD4017 common logic functions. although when tested there
or HEF4017. See Fig.1 for Usually data sheets are were some access problems.
logic diagram. presented in Adobe's Portable Undeterred I fetched the Data
Document Format (.PDF) Sheet for the HEF4017 from
Net Those Chips format, so you need the (free) Philips (
Acrobat Reader from within five minutes.
If you have Internet access to actually To answer your specific
at home or at a library then you
view and print them. I tend to question, Fig.1 is the internal
can soon grab technical data
save the .PDF file to disk by circuit diagram of a typical
from manufacturers' web sites.
right mouse-clicking in my 4017. It contains a five-stage
Never before has such
browser, then Save Target As Johnson counter (see Teach-In
accessibility been possible, and
…, then I view and laser-print '98 Part 10, August 98 for a
I regret that many more
them when I'm off-line. more detailed description of
traditional readers who “don't
have a computer or Internet and Amongst the finest Internet logic counters) and since both
never will”, are missing out. sources of chip data available is the Q and !Q complementary
the famous “Chip Directory” outputs of each register are
You could see whether a used, the Johnson counter
which originates in Holland. Go
local library has Internet access, provides 10 possible output
or try an Internet cafe. If you are states. The shift registers are
chipdir and you can find mirror
a “newbie” then ask for help − clocked to produce a Johnson
sites in other countries (in the
everyone will be only too UK it's http:// binary code (i.e. a twisted-ring
delighted to get you started. (My count, see Table 1).
monthly Net Work column
Another good site is the On each successive clock

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 214
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 let you work that one “dropping” a voltage across a
out! Incidentally, resistor? I desperately need
0 0 0 0 0 according help, fast! Thanks from R.
1 0 0 0 0 to their data sheet, Taylor, via the Internet.”
1 1 0 0 0 the Philips HEF4017 Both these questions are
1 1 1 0 0 device uses NOR frequently asked by beginners.
gates in the decoder If, for example, you have a 12V
1 1 1 1 0 section instead. car battery labeled “+12V” on
1 1 1 1 1 one terminal, the other terminal
0 1 1 1 1 Voltage and must be at zero volts. There is
0 0 1 1 1 Ground a potential difference (another
0 0 0 1 1 expression for voltage) of 12V
I'm reading a between the two terminals.
0 0 0 0 1
book called Basic
Electronics Theory Your confusion is
Table 1. A 5-bit Johnson Counter but I'm lost at the understandable: unfortunately
produces a twisted-ring count of ten part which introduces battery polarities are labeled as
unique states before the sequence transistor amplifiers. plus and minus mainly for the
The base has to be layman to understand, but a
connected more battery marked +12V and -12V
edge the Johnson counter feeds positive than the emitter, but would really provide a potential
the final inverted bit (!Q5) back less negative than the collector. difference of 24 volts. A
to the data input of the first flip- What does this mean? mathematician would agree!
flop. This results in a “ring” of The electronics user would
I don't understand this argue that labeling “+12V” and
bits rippling along their outputs. because I have no idea what is
(Note that you will sometimes “0V” is correct instead. So you
meant by “ground” (0 volts). If can indeed have zero volts.
see the bits numbered Q0 to Q4 ground is usually negative, how
instead, which is technically is it 0V? In circuit diagrams it can get
more preferable.) a bit messy if a 0V “rail” is
Also, what is meant by drawn everywhere, so people
By using a two-input AND
gate for each output, it's
possible to decode the ten
states of the Johnson binary F?<D175

code, and we described how B! B# B% 4B?@@54

2I BC - ! F
this happens in Teach-In '98
Part 10. In the 4017 circuit DB!
diagram, an array of ten 2!
!"F 6?BG1B4
inverted NAND gates with 4! "F -

buffers decodes the binary U [

count to provide a “1 of 10”

count. This means that only one
B" B$
of the 4017's output pins is high
at any time.
Both the Q and !Q outputs
of each register are used in this
1 7B?E>451BD8
decoding scheme. In the case CI=2?<C

of the logic count 00000 for

example, by ANDing !Q1 and EC1* 7B?E>4 5<53DB931<

!Q5 − which will both be logic 1

5EB?@5* 51BD8 51BD8


− a logic high is generated at 2 7B?E>451BD8

pin 3 (decimal 0 output). A

similar process occurs for the Fig.2. (a) The ground/earth symbol is used to denote compo-
other nine counts which are nents which are wired together, in this case to 0V. (b) Symbols
decoded by the gate array. I'll used to distinguish electrical earth and “ground” or earth.
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 215
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
often imply that anything connected to an electrical earth, the cathode (k) of light emitting
connected to 0V is joined e.g. the earth pin (UK) or ground diode (LED) D1 connects to 0V.
together via an “invisible” pin (USA) of a mains plug. Check Like most LEDs, a “forward
common wire. The “ground” or the context carefully. In EPE and voltage” of roughly 2V will
“earth” symbol is used to denote EPE Online we use separate appear across it when it is
this. symbols for “chassis” and “earth” illuminated, meaning its anode
A simple circuit with the (Fig 2b). American readers will (a) is at a voltage of +2V with
negative (0V!) terminal of especially notice the difference. respect to its cathode. Because
battery B1 wired to a “ground” The phrase “voltage its cathode also happens to be
symbol is shown in Fig.2a. It is dropping” across a resistor is connected to 0V, we can also
seen a lot in data sheets and electronics jargon used to say that the anode is “+2V with
American books, though it is not describe how, when a current respect to the 0V rail.”
the practice at EPE or EPE flows through a resistor, a voltage In electronics, we normally
Online. The resistors R2 and R4 must appear “across” it. This is measure voltages with respect
plus diode D1 cathode (k) also often called the voltage drop. As to the 0V rail. If we simply say
connect to the 0V terminal, for measuring voltages in a that the anode is just “at 2V”,
therefore. This is implied by the circuit, all you need to know is everyone will assume that we
ground symbols. that everything is relative. mean “+2V relative to the 0V
Note that sometimes if Twelve volts in relation to what? rail”.
something is said to be Less negative than where? Finally, if 2V appears
grounded, this can mean it is Back to the circuit of Fig. 2a, across the LED, then we have
to account for the remaining
10V of our original 12V: the
Visit our Web site at voltage cannot just vanish. In
fact, it is “dropped” by the series
In our library you will find: resistor R5.
♦ Alan Winstanley’s internationally aclaimed and We electronics buffs usually
invaluable guide to soldering say that there is a “voltage drop
across R5” or that “R5 has 10V
♦ An amazingly useful article on LCD displays across it.” You'll soon be using
♦ And much, much more! this jargon routinely like the
rest of us!

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 216
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc

By Alan Winstanley
Freeserve – Not So Free won't be any use if you can't companies, such as Atrieva
configure your Internet setup to ( and Net
Viewers of the TV soap
begin with. Realm (
opera Coronation Street in the
One Freeserve user alleged which offer on-line storage ser-
UK will be interested to know
in a newsgroup that he spent 70 vices.
that Des Barnes' fatal blow
proved a ratings winner for the UK Pounds on phone support The reliance which the iMac
Granada TV network, as 17⋅1 trying to unravel the mess he has on the Internet is a double-
million UK viewers tuned in. So claimed his Freeserve installa- edged sword. With immaculate
says the new UK portal web site tion made of his Internet Ex- timing, when I tried to confirm
run by Freeserve plorer. Another more experi- the two preceding links, my
( enced source tried it without main Internet connection failed,
noting any real problems, but which caused my PC to lock up.
Freeserve is a new Internet interestingly he still decided to More recently I have been
service in the UK that sounds de-install it, as he “didn't need blocked by an unusually high
too good to be true. It provides it”: he continued with his (paid- number of engaged tones on
you with a completely free Inter- for) Cable & Wireless Internet my dial-in connection. Access to
net connection, and all you pay connection. dot-com sites had also been dis-
for are the phone calls. So rupted due to routing problems
what's the catch? It's pretty Other users are migrating
over to Freeserve from their in the United States, and corrupt
transparent really: by buying DNS data had been propagated
your loyalty and getting you to regular ISP without so much as
a second thought. I'd welcome amongst the world's name
identify with their portal, servers. Users don't need such
Freeserve can channel advertis- any honest experiences (good
and bad) from Freeserve users, hassle, and so for backing up
ing material from Dixons, the my data, my Zip drive is proba-
group behind Freeserve, di- by E-mail. I'll summarize them
in a future column. bly more reliable than an
rectly to someone who's in the Internet connection, so I'll
market for technology products. stick to that.
Dixons hopes that other ad- The Apple of your iMac
For many people the Inter-
vertisers will climb aboard too, The fortunes of Apple seem net is now indispensable as an
and Freeserve users can expect to be undergoing some transfor- information resource, and with
to be subjected to adverts from mation in the shape (literally) of higher bandwidths, V.90
sister companies (which include their new home computer – the modems, free E-mail addresses
The Link, Currys, and PC Apple iMac, a stylish new per- (e.g. or big-
World) and manufacturers of sonal computer aimed squarely, free web sites
technology products as well. For at those for whom lifestyle and ( and now a
many Internet users, the adverts simplicity of use rank above all free Internet connection
may be a price well worth pay- else. (Freeserve), there has never
It relies heavily on Internet been a better time to get Inter-
Think carefully before com- accessibility, which is why the net connectivity.
mitting yourself. Freeserve's iMac has no floppy disk. If you Apple can't make the iMac
telephone support can only want to exchange files with oth- quickly enough. It is a neat-
help, says their web site, in re- ers, then you can E-mail them. looking job full of modern de-
spect of sorting out your dialing If you want to backup anything sign cues, using translucent
software or (re-)configuring your on to removable media, you blue-green radiused moldings to
Outlook Express or Internet Ex- must buy an external USB encase its integrated 15-inch
plorer, and (in small print) tele- drive, or you could try uploading monitor and base unit. Its
phone support will cost you a files to a remote site instead. “Fisher-Price” styling is also
pound a minute. Freeserve also There are several such winning it friends in primary
offers support by E-mail, which
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 217
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Net Work
schools, which can justify the You will have to dig more or Windows 98 (which runs fine
cute styling as a benefit which is deeply for Macintosh software on a new PC, but no sane per-
free when compared with an and hardware, and in fact mail son would recommend it for
equivalent-priced PC. The order may be the only alterna- older systems running quite
iMac's looks alone will tip the tive. This will go against the happily on Windows 95). We
balance for many impulse buy- grain of an iMac owner who is know the PC parallel port and
ers. If only they could get the inexperienced in buying com- the serial port and ISA bus are
marketing and distribution right plex technical products at arm's old hat, but everything is fully
for a change, Apple's iMac length. Furthermore it is in- documented and it works, and
could be poised to take over the evitable that many of your we can connect home-made
home computer market where friends will own IBM- hardware to them. PC users can
the Amstrad PCW left off. compatibles, and they will there- also already enjoy an increasing
fore play the latest games, and range of USB hardware, and
have access to the latest print- Windows software galore.
Core Thoughts ers, CD writers or removable By opting for the iMac, you
Before you rush out and buy drives. Should you wish to E- will buy an undeniably seductive
one, however, think of this: the mail files (images or wordpro- and beautiful machine which will
iMac is marketed with the home cessor documents) to your PC- get you onto the Internet in no
Internet user in mind. Quite owning friends then it is worth time at all. You will love using it,
apart from the question marks checking web sites devoted to but you'll undoubtedly handicap
over Internet reliability (100%, it the problems of incompatibilities your practical options for soft-
is not), I have to try hard to find between the two platforms. ware, future upgrades, peripher-
any Macintosh computers on Help is available on als and repairs. The choice is
sale anywhere. I am surrounded yours., or
by countless examples of PC, or
clones on sale, and every mar- Links
ket town usually has one or two
independent PC shops which The savvy home buyer If you spot any really useful
are piled high with software and should take a longer term view links, please feel free to drop
spares. I have repaired PC about expanding and upgrading me a line and tell me about
power supplies, mice and floppy their system, and in my view them. My E-mail address is
drives easily and cheaply should stick with the IBM-
thanks to this universal compatible PC, regardless of
availability. what people say about Microsoft

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 218
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Our “man on the spot” – Glen Sawyer – updates us on what’s hot and
what’s not from “Down Under”

The land of “Oz” is a large other and teachers located at Pricing is about 20 percent
continent, that appears on the “base stations” in major centers. higher than in the UK, but we do
bottom of all the maps, many The “Iridium” phone network have some rather high duty and
Australians would tell you that is going to make a lot of differ- taxes on imported equipment.
we are actually at the top – but ence to those that live away Among the other suppliers,
please do not believe every- from the major population cen- we have Farnell, Radio Spares,
thing that you hear. ters. In addition, Satellite TV Tandy (Radio Shack), and a
Australia used to lag be- and radio services have already couple of other large national
hind the UK and European mar- made life a lot more bearable component and kit suppliers.
kets in consumer technology. for many people, they even Sadly there are very few
For example we did not even have access to re-runs of “disposals” type suppliers ac-
have a regular color TV service “Neighbors”, which I seem to cessible to us, but those that do
(PAL-625) here until 1974, and remember actually watching exist provide a good source for
that was not long after FM (ONCE). items that are of interest to the
broadcast radio services had hobbyist. For the likes of a 304
actually commenced, our gov- or 400Mhz remote control sys-
Microcontrollers: tem (similar to your 418 MHz
ernment legislators of the time
Australia has not escaped allocation), we would expect to
seemed to prefer the “wait and
the global, “microcontroller” pay around 13 UKP for a re-
see” method, of deciding which
flood, starting a few years ago ceiver card and 6 UKP for a
system would become the na-
with the 68xx and the 80xx se- matching transmitter kit. One
tional standard.
ries of controller circuits, of late major problem that I fear is not
As a result of this choice of the “PIC” series have taken off, just restricted to our part of the
Television system, we tend to in particular the “Basic-Stamp”, world is the dreaded. “Minimum
see many product brands that which is available in a number Order / Quantity”, with some
UK readers would be familiar of disguises. In fact we have the suppliers not even prepared to
with, although we do still have “original STAMP”, and also the talk less than 100 units, and
our major TV services provided “Counterfeit” – a minimal parts then the items will be placed on
on VHF, with a mixture of Hori- implementation that also offers order, and can often result in
zontal and Vertical antenna po- a prototyping area. The “Stamp” long lead times for items of in-
larization, there are a number of is expected to be seen in more terest.
“ethnic” services provided on and more applications and pro-
UHF, along with many transla- We are closer to the source
jects here, as it is now dis- of Asian componentry, which
tors to cover some of the vast tributed by the largest electron-
distances that our country of- reduces the end-user cost
ics chain in Australia – “Dick somewhat, but not everything is
fers. Smith Electronics.” The original available (clones notwithstand-
The more remote areas of company owner was Mr. Dick ing) from these sources.
Australia are fondly termed “The Smith (no surprises there),
Outback”, and in most cases the known also by His Amateur Ra-
ONLY method of communica- dio call-sign of VK2DIK, and fa- Australia goes online:
tion for remote homesteads mous for a number of “Around The Internet is a major
was, for many years, H.F SSB the World” Flying adventures. growth area in Australia at the
radio, with dozens of channels By way of comparison a present time, with an estimated
dedicated to not only emer- “Basic Stamp” with PIC16C57 300-400 new users per day na-
gency and routine medical ser- and 93L56 costs around the tionally, One of the major obsta-
vices but also the well known equivalent of 42 UK Pounds, cles still to be addressed is that
“School of the Air”, in which stu- with a standard blank PIC16C84 – due to distance factors –
dents can interact with each weighing in at about 6.50 UKP. many potential users face
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 219
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Update Down Under
enormous telephone charges Is this at last the ultimate signs, which forced many
just to access their nearest ISP. scanner? Time will tell, but the would-be developers “off-
Even though a number of production team has solved the shore.” The result was that any
“regional” contact phone num- biggest problem plaguing this financial benefits from these
bers have been established in type of equipment, that being inventions were forever lost.
the last 12 months, to the end- the amount of “stray” R.F that Happily the situation is now fi-
user this still means the cost of exists within the case of a stan- nally starting to turn around with
a local phone call only to “log- dard PC. This sells for the more incentives for local inno-
in.” Access charges start at equivalent of 250 UKP – about vators. The Government is now
about 50 pence per hour for on- 1.5 weeks pay on the current taking an active role in the area
line time in the major centers, average wage –which means of Information Technology, and
and double that for the country that I need to service a lot more there are currently very few
regions (where your Author is Videos before I can get my Government departments that
located). hands on one. are not available “on the Net.”
There is of course a degree Australians regard them- Just last week I downloaded al-
of “Internet Bashing” from some selves as innovators – well we most all of the current Aviation
sectors of the media, but de- DID develop the first practical regulations relating to
spite this, Australians in general “Steady-Cam”, the above men- “experimental” aircraft (another
have embraced the Internet with tioned “Win-Radio,” and a num- of my interests).
great gusto. The promise of ber of other items of technology
“Web-TV”, direct on-line shop- now being used globally, but the Magazines and
ping, and a number of other in- truth is that most innovations information sources
centives are guaranteed to gob- seem to stem from a desire to
ble up income faster than you reduce the workload. Yes it is We have a number of mag-
can say “Fosters”. true – if we can find a way to azines dedicated to the elec-
make our life easier, improve tronics hobbyist – “Electronics
our lifestyles, or get out of doing Australia”, “Silicon Chip”, and
Communications: something as easily as possible, “Radio and Communications”
The Amateur Radio frater- then you can bet your boots, are the home-grown survivors in
nity is eagerly awaiting the ar- that it will be an Aussie that a market that offers Electronics
rival of the first deliveries of the comes up with the ideas! magazines from around the
ICOM IC-706MK III. For our globe. A quick count at a nearby
I promised your editor
non-Amateur Readers, this is a newsagents revealed a total of
(known to me as “SIR”) that I
transmitter/receiver combination 18 purely electronics oriented
would not mention the venera-
that covers 1.8 MHz, (“Top magazines, and this does not
ble art of Cricket, but I must let
Band” to you), through to the include any of the “computer /
you know that “Stump-Cam” (a
420-450 MHz, 70 Centimeter games / multimedia” types of
camera positioned at the base products. Of course, at an aver-
amateur allocation.
of the stumps, Ed.) was another age cost of 3 UKP per issue,
“WIN-Radio” is an Aus- locally developed product
tralian designed product that you could easily use up a lot of
(although some may ask if we hard earned cash just to keep
has really taken off in a big way. REALLY want to see such ex-
Users have the option of pur- up with “the state of the art”, al-
treme close-ups of incoming though the prices including the
chasing either a plug-in PC re- “Spins” and “Yorkers”?).
ceiver or external card. When cost of freight are still on a par
But enough chest beating with the front cover price that
coupled with some very nice
about local developments. Sad European readers are paying.
software (and of course an an-
to relate there could have been One major problem is that
tenna system), this card allows
many more, but for the fact that most magazines arrive via sur-
you to receive right across the
Australian technological devel- face mail if you are not a sub-
RF spectrum, from 0.15 MHz
opments were very much out of scriber. In practical terms this
right up through to 1.3 GHz.
favor for many years (unless means that it can be January (or
Scanning and memory options
they were “sports” oriented). For later) before we get to see the
are basically only limited by the
a long time it was very difficult December issue. The obvious
amount of RAM and Hard Drive
to obtain funding capital for answer to this is to subscribe
space you have available.
technology projects and de-
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 220
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Update Down Under

directly (or subscribe to the creased resolution and preview provide a future project idea
“internet version” in the case of capabilities (I guess that I will for EPE Online.
EPE Online). need to add these to my
already overcrowded library of
service manuals).
Parting is such
Clips and snips sweet sorrow
The latest high-tech items Having “set the stage”,
to arrive in Australia include Hobby kits
I look forward to being able
Digital Cameras from both A popular kit at the moment to provide you with more
Sanyo and Kodak. The Sanyo here is the “ESR” meter. This pro- information of interest to
VPC-250EX offers the capability vides a readout of “Equivalent hobbyists around the globe,
to record short MOVING image Series Resistance”, which as you and an indication of the latest
segments, while the Kodak DC- may know can be invaluable for trends and techniques with a
210 with its’ 1152 X 864 pixel testing the true performance of specifically Australian slant.
resolution is another recent ar- certain capacitors. This kit also
rival in the image capture measures other low resistance Until then, “I’ll see ya next
scene. As technology improves, values, and can provide a much time” – Glen Sawyer
I am certain that we can look better indication than the average Email:
forward to Digital cameras with multimeter. Based upon a dedi- Web:
extended picture storage, in- cated controller chip, this may

Bebop BYTES Back

(An Unconventional Guide to Computers)
By Clive “Max” Maxfield and Alvin Brown
Free CD-ROM, 870 pages, $39.96 US Dollars (plus S&H)

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fully drawn illustrations, the book contains a set of lab experiments for the virtual microcomputer. If you're
the slightest bit interested in the inner workings of computers, then you don't dare to miss this little beauty!

Available from the EPE Online Store at

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By Clive “Max” Maxfield scan it with a single video
camera Fig.1).
Our very own Clive “Max” Maxfield reports from the
The camera I saw them
land of virtual reality at the I/ITSEC show. using was a $120 “cheap-and-
cheerful” version – you could
It’s rare that you see $3 billion US Dollars per year,
get significantly better results
something you believe could which equates to some honking
with a more expensive unit.
make a significant impact on big and mega-cool flight and
Once you’ve instructed the
the world, but this happened to tank simulators, let me tell you!
computer how many images
me at the beginning of
you want to use, it automatically
December, 1998.
MODELING rotates the turntable and
One of the more interesting captures the appropriate data;
conferences and trade shows of THE WORLD for example, 20 images = 18
the year is I/ITSEC The company that almost degrees between images.
(Interservice/Industry Training, blew my socks off and takes my The key points here are
Simulation, and Education personal “most amazing idea” “Standard Video Camera” (i.e.
Conference), which is held in award is Geometrix Inc, San no lasers or anything like that),
Orlando, Florida, USA. This Jose, CA and “Just one camera”, which
conference is unusual in that it ( The means that you don’t require
is held immediately after first product from this small (12 multiple cameras for
Thanksgiving weekend, but it person) company is 3Scan, stereoscopic viewing to
was explained to me that this which provides a way of quickly calculate depth.
gives the American Generals an creating models for use in 3D
excuse to bring their families to visualization, simulation, and Once the scanning process
Walt Disney World, so that’s animation environments. The is finished, the 3Scan program
OK. idea is that you put the object to examines the first frame to
be scanned on a computer- locate and identify key features
The reason I/ITSEC is so in the image (the algorithm that
interesting is that it offers a controlled turntable and
showcase for the state-of-the-art
in computer-based visual
simulation and virtual reality.
Governments spend huge
amounts of money on training,
and in today’s restricted
economy they want to get the
“biggest bang for their buck”.
For example, by the time you
take into account wear and tear,
fuel, cost of munitions, and
environmental impact, it can
cost as much as $100,000 US
Dollars every time you start up
a tank (and this doesn’t take
account of the danger to
personnel that is inherent in
live-fire exercises)! In fact the
National Training Systems
Association estimates that US
government investment in
Fig.1. A computer-controlled turntable and a Video
modeling and simulation (M&S)
is currently running at about camera are used to scan an object.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 222
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Special Report
But then I saw … required. In Fig.4, cyan
lines are used to indicate the
I thought that 3Scan image displacement vectors of
was pretty cool, but then
the selected features (the green
the guys from Geometrix
crosshairs indicate where the
introduced me to
features are in the current
SoftScene, which is frame). SoftScene then
where things start to get employs advanced structure-
really amazing. With from-motion algorithms based
SoftScene, the clever on analyzing motion parallax to
rascals have extended the spatially locate the tracked
3Scan concept to allow features.
someone with a single
Fig2. The result of the scanning hand-held camera to say One very clever aspect of
process is a very tasty 3D model. walk around a building all of this is that the person
filming it. holding the camera obviously
does this is pretty sophisticated isn’t going to walk around the
As for 3Scan, building following an exactly
in its own right). The program SoftScene uses advanced
then determines how far circular path. So one of the
each of these features things the SoftScene program
moves from frame to has to do is to calculate the path
frame. Also some of the camera in order to
features become compensate for the operator
obscured and others moving closer to and father
become visible as the from the building. The image in
object rotates, so the Fig.5 shows the fully
program adds new reconstructed camera path
features and discards old along with a “point cloud”
ones as it proceeds. representing the final set of
tracked features in 3D space.
The program uses The green and red camera
parallax to determine the icons represent the first and last
relative positions of each frames, respectively (camera
of these key features icons are shown 12 frames
(which ones are closer apart in this image).
and which ones are
further away). (In this Fig.3. SoftScene uses advanced
context parallax is the image processing algorithims to
apparent displacement of detect and extract prominent
each of the features from visual features.
one frame to another.)
image processing algorithms
The end result is that 3Scan
to detect and extract
processes the raw video data
prominent visual features
and generates a very tasty 3D
in the scene (Fig.3). In this
model with appropriate textures
image, green cross-hairs
(surface characteristics) (Fig 2.)
indicate features that have
These models are been detected in the
essentially a mesh of polygons current frame.
(triangles) with textures applied
SoftScene tracks the
to them. This means that the
prominent features from
models wouldn’t really be
frame to frame, re-invoking
suitable for individual animat-
the feature extraction
ion, but they would make great Fig.4. cyan lines are used to indi-
algorithm whenever
general-purpose models for cate the image displacement vec-
additional features are
inclusion in 3D scenes. tors of the selected features
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 223
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Special Report
receiver to the camera and to Another potentially
record GPS data on the audio interesting market is television
track of the video, which will studios, which are increasingly
allow them to generate making use of “virtual sets”.
extremely accurate models. These computer-generated sets
offer many advantages, such as
the fact that you don’t have to
Tremendously exciting set them up, take them down, or
I think that the SoftScene store them, and also that you
technology is tremendously can quickly and easily change
exciting. It seems to me that things like colors and textures.
there are almost limitless The problem is that creating 3D
applications in all walks of life computer models for these
virtual sets can be extremely
Fig.5 shows the fully recon- time-consuming – SoftScene
technology would make
structed camera path creating the models for these
In fact some people (like virtual sets MUCH easier.
the creators of Jurassic Park, Geometrix emphasize
for example) are really that their technology is not
interested in knowing the path currently targeted towards the
of the camera for the purposes commercial (home) market,
of combining live video with but I can also see many
animated characters. Using the potential applications here.
SoftScene process, they could For example, imagine filming
just give the program a video the inside of your house with
clip and it could tell them the your video camera and using
path of their camera (this is SoftScene to create an
essentially a product in its accurate 3D model of your
own right). home. This would allow you to
But returning to our Fig.6. A polygon mesh is gener- experiment with alternative
building, to complete the decors in a virtual
ated from data contained in the
process SoftScene uses environment – the possibilities
3D point cloud. really are endless!
advanced topology and
computational geometry that would benefit from the
algorithms to construct a ability to create models using
polygonal mesh from the data this technique. For example,
contained in the 3D point cloud imagine a police officer at the
(Fig.6). Textures are then scene of an accident
automatically extracted from the walking round with a
video imagery and applied to video camera filming
the surfaces of the model, everything. Later,
resulting in the model shown that video could be
in Fig.7. converted into an
We should note that accurate 3D model
this was an early beta of that you could “walk
the SoftScene program – through”. This would
Geometrix are planning on make it much easier
formally unveiling the full to determine whether
product at the Siggraph people could see
conference in mid-1999. Also, what they said they
Geometrix have recently been saw from the
awarded $950,000 in develop- positions they were
ment funding to attach a GPS in, and so forth. Fig.7. Final 3D model
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 224
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Special Report
EYE EYE … “I SEE NO SHIPS…” Jason Associates Corporation,
Draper, UT (www.jason-
Several companies were Another technology that to find a smorgasbord
demonstrating eye-tracking scored high on my “cool-meter” of crane simulators.
systems, including SMI was the concept of virtual
(SensoMotoric Instruments from binoculars, which were being The idea is that you sit in a
Germany, and displayed by companies such as seat from a real crane (well, a
ASL (Applied Science Virtual Research Systems Inc, seat made by the same company
Laboratories, Bedford, MA). Santa Clara, CA that makes the seats for the real
( cranes) with real controls facing a
The most sophisticated large screen showing the load on
version is attached to a head- and n.Vision, McLean, VA
( the end of the hoist, and then you
mounted assembly, with practice, and practice, and …..
sensors that track the position These little rascals look and
of each eye (and the size of feel like a standard pair of Of particular interest was a
your pupils and suchlike). binoculars – for example, you dock-side simulator that modeled
can adjust the focus of each the effects of the swell of the sea,
This data can then be the motion of the boat, the effects
displayed on a computer screen eye, widen or narrow the
spacing between the eyes, and of the wind on the load, and so
superimposed on an image of forth (in the more sophisticated
what you were looking at the so forth. The difference being
that the images seen by each units the seat has motion and the
time. This lets you model the controls have tactile feedback).
path the observ-ers’ eyes took, eye are generated by a
combined with other data such computer connected to the It obviously makes a lot of
as how long the eyes rested at binoculars and displayed sense to practice this sort of thing
each point. on small LCD screens inside in a virtual world before you are
the binoculars. let loose on a real crane.
Applications for this sort of
technology range from flight One clever aspect of this is Jason Associates started off
simulators (for example, see that the binoculars track their modeling cranes for military
what instruments the pilot position in 3D space, so as you applications, but now they’re
looked at and in what order turn your head (and body) the moving into the commercial
during a simulated emergency) scene changes appropriately. space. As the representative I
to web marketing (to see how For example, when I looked was talking to said: “Have you
users read web pages – what through them, I could see a any idea how many cranes there
they look at and what they miss plane coming towards me and are in the world?” I must admit
or ignore). passing overhead, and by that I hadn’t previously spent a lot
moving my body I could of time pondering this poser, but
Although the head-mount track the plane, zoom in on it, it certainly gives one pause for
unit was a little obtrusive, it did and so forth. thought.
have the advantage that it was
position-sensitive, which allows This sort of device can be
the system to compensate for very useful for such tasks as VISIONDOME
movements of the head. Also, training forward observers to
recognize planes and vehicles If you place your hands to
this would be far less obtrusive either side of your head, and
if it were mounted directly into a in a battlefield situation without
the cost of actually fielding the restrict yourself to about a 60°
fighter pilot’s helmet, for field of view, the resulting image
example. real units.
is approximately the same as you
Of course applications of see on a computer screen. Some
the web-marketing ilk don’t IF AT FIRST … applications, however, require a
require this level of greater field of view to more fully
Whenever I hear the term
sophistication, and simpler units immerse you into the simulation.
“simulators” I think of flight
are available that can be One very nice solution
simulators (e.g. planes and
mounted on your desk or on top demonstrated at I/ITSEC was the
helicopters) or vehicle trainers
of the computer screen and
(e.g. tanks and suchlike), so I VisionDome from Alternate
track your eye motions from
was somewhat surprised when I Realities Corporation, Durham,
that perspective.
meandered into the booth of NC (
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 225
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Special Report
(Fig.8). These little beauties
range from 16 feet wide by 10
feet high (for 2 to 5 viewers) up
to models that are 26 feet in
diameter and can accommodate
over 45 viewers.
The nice thing about the
VisionDome is that it provides
a fully immersive multi-user
virtual reality environment
without requiring goggles,
glasses, helmets, or other
restrictive devices. This makes
the VisionDome an ideal choice
for multi-user simulations,
training, design, engineering,
and so forth. For example, the
virtual crane simulations
discussed above would be even
more realistic if they were to
use a VisionDome as their
display device.
As I was to discover, there
are three very clever portions to
this system:
q The dome itself Fig.8. The VisionDome from Alternative Reality Corp
q The projector/lens
q The software cladding (on the outside of the
piece of paper a few inches
frame) and the white cladding
from the lens and see that
(on the inside of the frame).
The dome portion of the image in focus.
This results in the inner lining
Then as you move the paper
The reason I say the dome being stretched taught and
further and further away the
was clever, is that the way it forming a perfect hemisphere.
image stays in focus without
was constructed made it any correlation problems. I don’t
extremely portable and easy to The projector & lens have a clue how this works, but
erect. First of all you raise an the end result is that the image
aluminum frame, then you clad The next interesting point
was in perfect focus at every
the outside of the frame with a was the projection system.
point inside the dome.
thick black covering and the Instead of having red, green,
inside with the white lining and blue “guns”, the
material. The cunning part of all VisionDome employs a single- The software
this is that if you were to try to unit projector, which means that
Last but not least is the
attach the white lining to the there’s no problems with
software. In order to appreciate
struts of the frame, you would alignment. But the really clever
what this does, you first have to
end up with distortions on the part of the projection unit was
understand a few basic
surface of the dome. Instead, the lens, which somehow
concepts about 3D graphics.
the white lining is only attached manages to project a perfectly
First of all, a 3D graphics
around the edges of the frame, focused image across a 180° application performs a process
then a small pump is used to field of view. called “tesselation”, in which all
create a slight negative Furthermore, this lens has of the objects in the 3D world
pressure by sucking out the air an infinite focal length. This are converted into collections of
from between the black means that you can hold a simple polygons (usually

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 226
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Special Report
triangles). Second, the vast curved so that it appears
majority of today’s high- straight on the curved screen
performance 3D graphics (if you see what I mean). In
applications use a programming order to handle this, Alternate If you want to know more
interface called OpenGL, Realities’ software takes the about 3D graphics, including the
which allows the application to OpenGL calls and re-tesselates meaning behind terms like tesse-
pass requests to graphics everything on the fly (for each lation, OpenGL, textures, and
accelerator boards in a well- frame) so that it can correct for suchlike, then we would recom-
defined format. the curvature of the screen. mend the easy-to-understand in-
The overall effect is one of troductory book 3D Graphics Su-
The problem is that
total immersion – I now know percomputing on Windows NT,
OpenGL was conceived with
what it feels like to fly through a as described below.
flat-screen displays in mind. In
the case of the VisionDome, if 3D molecule, and that’s not
you want to display a straight something you expect to hear
line, then that line has to be yourself saying too often!

As computer generated images become more fully illustrate the

complex and beautiful, the technology behind important points be-
them has become more involved and harder to un- hind each topic. The
derstand. Choosing the best graphics system for cover price of this
your applications and needs can therefore be a 147 page book is
daunting task. Fortunately help is at hand, because $49.95 US Dollars,
the computer graphics technology leader on Win- but readers of EPE
dows NT − Intergraph Computer Systems − has Online can pur-
written a really great book that explains computer chase this ex-
graphics technology in an interesting and under- tremely useful refer-
standable way. ence for only
The book commences by introducing 2D $19.95 (plus ship-
bitmapped and vector graphics, and then moves ping & handling).
on to discuss 3D graphics concepts. These intro- You can down-
ductions are easy to understand and set the scene load a sample chap-
for what is to come. As you will discover, the main ter of this book (the chapter on 3D Graphics) by
portion of the book is occupied by an extensive bouncing over to the EPE Online Web site at
glossary, which covers everything from the differ- and strolling into the Library.
ent schemes for representing color and translu- If you like what you see, you can purchase the full
cency, to lighting, shading, texturing, and render- printed book directly from the EPE Online Store.
In addition to the easy to understand text, the
book is jam-packed with superb color graphics that
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Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
A roundup of the latest Everyday News
from the world of electronics

Apple is bouncing back with iMac, the “revolutionary new Internet computer” –
Barry Fox shares his reactions to it.

Like early Amstrad PCs, the The clear message is that A-M has been received in our
iMac integrates the screen and customers should insist on a full office. Peter Forrest is the
electronics into a single casing, working package, not buy the originator of the entire work,
which connects by cable to a iMac and then have to hunt for including text, photos (it's well
keyboard and mouse. The casing matching peripherals at illustrated), graphics and
is made of translucent colored whatever price the design.
plastics, which gives the unit a manufacturers ask. Many of you may well be
toy-like look. But the specification There are no expansion familiar with the earlier edition
is no toy, a 4GB hard disk, with slots but the RAM is (1994) which came to be
32MB of RAM. The price makes it upgradeable to 128MB. Nick acclaimed as the “bible” of
no toy either, 999 UK Pounds Graves, Apple's European classic keyboards and
(approximately $1,600 US Marketing Manager, says he synthesizers. The latest edition
Dollars, Ed) − which is on a par has “not a clue” how much is greatly expanded and
with a high spec Pentium PC, additional RAM will cost. thoroughly revised. The aim of
often now bundled with a free Graves says the 233MHz power the work is to present a
printer or scanner. PC matches the performance of complete rundown of all the
The iMac package is much a Pentium 400MHz. major analog synthesizers and
more basic. There is no floppy Lack of a floppy drive keyboards ever made. Judging
disk drive, just a rather flimsy makes it more awkward to by the 320 pages of the A-M
CD-ROM drive with very awkward transport data from home to volume it appears to have
disk click retainers. The mouse office or school. The user must achieved its aim.
and keyboard, also of translucent rely on the built-in modem to To our pleasure we see that
plastic, have a budget feel. The send files via the Internet. Nick even Doug Shaw's PE Minisonic
iMac has no serial or parallel Graves says the iMac is is mentioned, a design which
ports, only the latest USB assembled in Cork, but the pre- Practical Electronics published
(Universal Serial Bus). So most production sample tested was in 1974-75. All EPE editorial
existing printers and other labeled Korean. It was also very staff were associated with it,
peripherals will not plug in. slow to start up, taking 90 and remember it well! That was
Apple says that Epson and seconds from switch-on. This, in the days when such things
Hewlett-Packard will be making says Graves, may be because were well within the capabilities
USB printers, and a smart cable pre-release versions had some of hobbyists − before
that connects existing serial/ BIOS software on the hard disk, commercial manufacturers
parallel peripherals to a USB port. rather than in ROM. Once became deeply involved,
Imation (formerly 3M) will be booted, however, the iMac can offering ready-made synths that
making an add-on floppy disk be put to sleep and re-awoken could do far more with their
drive. But Apple is very reluctant quickly at the touch of a single custom designed chips than any
to quote prices or availability, button on the keyboard. hobbyist could achieve from the
saying only that the printers common-place components on
should sell for the European retail sale.
equivalent of around $350 and The book's ISBN is 0
the floppy drive for around $150, The A-Z of Analogue 9524377 2 4, it may be ordered
with the smart cable costing Synthesizers revised edition has through your local bookstore or
between $60 and $70. just been published, Part One: direct from the publisher (16 UK

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Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Pounds plus shipping and
handling): Susurreal, Dept EPE,
Star House, Sandford, Crediton,
Devon EX17 4LR, UK. Tel: +44
(0) 1363-774627. Fax: +44 (0)
1363-777872. E-mail:

Barry Fox reveals that
diamonds are being
used to increase tape
recording times.


Matsushita is using a new kind
Amazing, the LCD is celebrating its Silver Jubilee − it is 25 years
of magnetic tape, one tenth the
since Sharp manufactured the world's first pocket calculator with a liq-
thickness of a human hair, to let
uid crystal display, and triggered a wave of innovation, the end of
a pocket camcorder record
which is not yet in sight.
broadcast quality video and
sound for two hours without As Sharp point out, LCDs have become a key technology, without
stopping. The tape, to be sold which many products would be unimaginable. “The LCD has become a
under the Panasonic brand universal user interface'', says Martin Beckmann, press spokesman for
name, is coated with pure cobalt Sharp Electronics (Europe). “For this reason we are focussing a large
metal, deposited by evaporation part of our worldwide research work on the further development of this
at high temperature in a technology.”
vacuum, and strengthened by Sharp's researchers are already hard at work in a bid to realize
diamond-like material. The their vision of a paper-thin computer. They have already presented the
same tape can be used to so-called SGS technology, which makes it possible to integrate switch-
increase the capacity of tapes ing circuits contained in a wafer thin layer on the glass of an LCD.
used to backup data from a PC. They expect to expand the technique to a make a fully functional dis-
Matsushita, along with rivals play computer. The vision is then of a foldable computer, a type of
Sony and TDK, have been electronic paper for the next century.
developing ME tape for twenty Recently (Munich Nov '98), the company also demonstrated new
years, but it has been an bi-directional infra-red command and control units that will allow the
expensive technological simultaneous wireless linking of several devices. Main applications for
curiosity. The main advantage the IrDA Control Transceivers are PCs and their peripherals, audio,
is that the material is very thin, video and broadcasting products, home electronics and the vast area
so that more tape can be stored of mobile devices.
in a small cassette. But this
makes it inefficient at recording digital code. This code can be maximum recording time from a
analogue signals which require faithfully captured in a very thin DV cassette from 80 minutes to
a thick magnetic layer to magnetic coating. Eight of ten 120 minutes.
capture low frequencies. camcorders now sold in Japan use ME tape is made by leading
The latest consumer video the DVC format, with cassettes a roll of clear polyethylene
format, called Digital Video smaller than a matchbox. napthalate plastics, around
Cassette, records both sound Matsushita thinks that their owners 60cm wide, through a chamber
and vision as high frequency will pay a premium to increase the which contains a vacuum

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1999 - - 229
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similar to outer space. The film PIC ROAD STUDS Another idea was for an ice-
passes over a crucible in which warning version, changing the
cobalt metal is heated by an Astucia’s Intelligent Road lighting color to blue when ice
electron beam to 2000°C and Stud is reported in a recent was detected.
vaporized. The vapor settles on issue of Microchip World as
being the first serious Astucia now have a variety
the film as it clings to a moving of intelligent road studs to suit
drum which is cooled to 0°C. alternative to reflective road
markers (cat's eyes). Conceived the different needs of various
This lets the cobalt bond to the countries. PIC microcontrollers
film as a smooth coating, like a in 1992, the basic idea was to
provide a cost-effective light were chosen as the controlling
mirror surface, without melting devices. Ultra high intensity
the plastics. that would mark the road ahead
regardless of weather conditions LEDs are used as the light
A layer of carbon is then and did not rely on car's source and solar panels
deposited in a similar manner to headlamps to illuminate it. recharge the nickel metal
create a reinforcing layer of hydride cells that power them.
diamond-like material over the Variations on the basic idea
could change color, flash or The studs are used at the
cobalt. Finally a layer of Channel Tunnel terminals to
fluorine-based lubricant is provide warning of impending
danger ahead, even creating a control traffic flow. They are
deposited on top of the diamond expected to be placed at
to help the tape move smoothly trail of lights behind a car as it
passes the studs, giving real- various black spots around
through a video recorder. The Britain as well as in other
time information to following
tape is then slit into 6⋅35mm countries. Other applications
vehicles about the distance they
strips and loaded into standard include roundabout control,
are behind the vehicle ahead.
DV cassettes.
Previous ME tapes have
needed a 7-micrometre base
film to withstand the strain of Arcam, the
travelling through a video renowned British manu-
recorder, without stretching or facturer of audio equip-
breaking. This has limited the ment, has achieved two
maximum tape length in the notable awards for one
cassette, and the recording time of its hi-fi products. The
to 80 minutes. With the Arcam Alpha 10 Hi-Fi
diamond backing Matsushita Amplifier has received
can make do with 4⋅8 the Millennium Award
micrometers, to create tape by the Design Council.
which is only 5⋅5 micrometers The award is made to
thick. This lets one tiny DV “outstanding Best of
cassette store enough tape to British products'.” Ar-
run non-stop for 120 minutes. cam's intention with the
Alpha 10 was to design an amplifier suited to the 21st Century and which
Matsushita estimates that can be upgraded as new technologies and user requirements emerge. It's
the new tape will cost around good hear of such philosophies in this day of “built-in obsolescence'.”
twice the price of conventional
DV tape. The first cassettes will The Alpha 10 has also won the EISA award and was voted by 40 Eu-
soon go on sale in Japan. ropean magazines as the European Amplifier of the Year 1998-99. The
EISA (European Imaging & Sound Association) Award is intensely com-
When used to store petitive and extremely prestigious (the electronics industry Car of the
computer data, the same Year!). The award is a striking endorsement of Arcam's future-proof de-
cassette has a capacity of 22 sign.
Gigabytes. More likely,
however, ME tape will be For more information about Arcam's superb products, contact A&R
loaded into standard computer Cambridge Ltd., Dept EPE, Pembroke Avenue, Denny Industrial Centre,
industry cartridges to increase Waterbeach, Cambs CB5 9PB, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1223-203200.
their storage capacity several Fax: +44 (0) 1223-863384. E-mail:
times over. Web:

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aircraft taxi way control, police MAPLIN SA The new store aims to
use and road toll monitoring. provide local shoppers with an
WOW, Maplin are accessible range of electronic
For more information continuing to expand their range
contact Astucia (UK) Ltd, Unit 2 products, coupled with
of shops − into Africa now, enthusiastic and highly trained
Canalside Works, Leverton
South Africa to be more precise. staff who will be on hand to give
Road, Retford, Notts DN22
The new store (Maplin's 50th) is advice. For more (UK)
6QF, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1777-
located at 7a Prime Park, information, contact Maplin
702658. Fax: +44 (0) 1777-
Tienne Meyer, Bellville, near Electronics, PO Box 777,
703127. Web:
Cape Town (tel: 021 949 1999). Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8LU, UK.
It offers an impressive 37,000 Tel: +44 (0) 1702-554000.
Arizona Microchip strong product range to choose Fax: +44 (0) 1702-554001.
Technology Ltd are at 505 from, both at the store and in Web:
Eskdale Road, Winnersh the Maplin catalogue.
Triangle, Wokingham, Berks
RG41 5TU, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 118-921-5800.
Fax: +44 (0) 118-921-5820.

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John Becker addresses some of the general points readers have raised. Have
you anything interesting to say? Email us at!

stripboard, working out your

WIN A DIGITAL own layout. such as EPE (we are the only
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MULTIMETER Surely one point of the very high priority on education).
hobby is the satisfaction and We try to cater for a wide range
pleasure of doing the job of needs.
The DMT-1010 is a 3 1/2 digit
yourself. After 60 years of
pocket-sized LCD multi-meter construction and still doing so, I And we do like to hear
which measures a.c. and d.c. have built a wide range of about people enjoying
voltage, d.c. current, and receivers, TVs and test electronics.
resistance. It can also test equipment, in spite of the fact
diodes and bipolar transistors. that many of these were
Every month we will give a
available cheaper at the time TOOLKIT PUZZLE
with the availability of WWII
DMT-1010 Digital Multimeter Dear EPE,
and commercial surplus.
to the author of the best I built the PIC Toolkit (July
As Mr Tate has discovered,
Readout letter. '98) (This refers to the printed
back copies of EPE are
version of EPE, Ed.) as
available at some libraries (as
described, but when I try to
well as the publishers) and this
program the PIC (using
applies also to other hobbyist
LETTER OF THE MONTH electronics magazines which all
TOOLKIT.BAS) the final
statement from the
have included a wide range of
programming software is “XXX
circuits. A wide range of books
SATISFACTION is also available covering basic
verifying errors”, where XXX is
the size in bytes of PIC code.
Dear EPE, theory and practical circuits.
Additionally, there are clubs I have checked that the
Letters in Readout Sept '98
such as the British Amateur circuit is OK, replaced the
by Messers Tate and
Electronics Club and the British PIC16C84 by a PIC16F84, and
Chamberlain regarding circuit
Amateur Television Club which changed the configuration for a
information and component
issue their own magazines, high speed crystal, but no
availability raised several points
and there are many local success. What could be the
of interest – that is, for those who
radio clubs. problem?
like to get at the nitty-gritty of
their hobby rather than just Norman Smith Kypros Vassiliou
assemble a project on a ready- Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs via the Net
made PCB using the latest ICs. England
Such attitudes can lead to a lack
of knowledge of basic electronics It seems that your computer
principles, failure to correct Yes, the satisfaction of may not be reading data from
faults, and a loss of interest. successfully doing electronics the PIC. Are you using a
However, it has to be as a hobby is greatly rewarding. standard printer port cable?
accepted that if a large We do, though, also have (See also the Acknowledging
sophisticated project is being readers who are not only Toolkit letter on this page.)
built, then this is the only method, interested from a hobbyist point Have you set the Toolkit
but for a smaller project it is a of view, but also want to software register code (&H378,
challenging but interesting and become professionally involved &H278, &H3BC) to that required
pleasurable task to build a after learning some of the by the computer (see pages 529
published PCB project on basics through magazines and 530 of the July '98 issue,

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, November 1998 - - 232
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
under Printer Port). It could also It's what one might call “a Whilst I'm sure direct
be that your computer is one of printer's error”, except that it's plotting onto copper clad is a
those machines which, like my not the printer's fault – it's mine! very effective way of producing
Compaq as discussed in the Although I actually PCBs, I don't think it is really
article, does not seem to allow programmed for the PC's applicable to most amateur/
access to the handshake lines Acknowledge line, I mistakenly hobbyist constructors. My PCB
from BASIC, a problem for wrote Busy on my draft output is of the order of half a
which I can offer no remedy. drawings. Then, when writing up dozen boards per year, with the
In the latter instance, set the words and formalizing Fig.5 rest of my projects being
the program to bypass error some weeks later, I referred to confined to stripboard. Even
checking as discussed in the the drafts to remind me of which with a free plotter, free pens
text. I have never genuinely line I was using in software – and ink I don't think I could
experienced an incorrectly and so the original error rippled justify the workshop space for
programmed PIC during normal on through. What an elementary something which would be
operation of the hardware, even mistake – it re-affirms the ideal seldom used.
on the Compaq where error of checking source material (the The pen and tape method
checking is inhibited. software in this instance) of construction is heavily
Toolkit is designed to instead of derivatives! Hence criticized in the article. Whilst I
program both C and F versions the repeated use of Busy agree a Saint's patience is
of the '84 and at all speed instead of Ack throughout the required to produce an accurate
configurations to 10MHz. article. board with this method, the
Consequently, as stated results are invariably excellent. I
(Incidentally, the more have never had to repair over-
projects we publish for use with under Please Take Note in the
Shoptalk section of this issue, etched tracks with bits of
PC-compatible computers, the resistor leg on boards made in
more it becomes apparent that all references to Busy should be
this way.
the term PC-compatible is open read as Acknowledge.
to wide interpretation by Furthermore, in Fig.5 the Even if this method is
computer manufacturers \- we connection marked Busy should frowned upon for building
are sometimes tempted to think go to printer port connector pin circuits, it is a good way of
that perhaps the description is 10, not 11 as shown. The producing unusual and
simply an artist's impression of software, PCB, and standard extremely hard wearing front
an intangible dream!) printer cable connections are panels. By “Lettrasetting”
correct. legends onto copper clad and
then etching I have produced
ACKNOWLEDGING numerous case fronts, which
TOOLKIT AIR THEM! look as good today as they did
when they were made. Tinning
Dear EPE, Whatever your views on or a coat of spray lacquer keeps
I can't get the PIC16x84 electronics and allied the copper appearance bright.
Toolkit (July '98) to verify a subjects, air them in public
via out Readout column. Finally, I would like to
program in the PIC, it just
suggest a way of making Press
returns a file full of NOPs.
‘n’ Peel transfer paper go
There also seems to be some
confusion over the printer lead
ON BOARD PLOTTING further. This method does
connector in Fig.5. The Busy Dear EPE indeed work well, though it has
line is shown going to pin 11 of taken me many attempts to
I'd like to make a couple of perfect the correct combination
the printer port, which according points regarding the Easy PCB
to my information is that for the of printer, toner setting, track
Making article in EPE Oct '98 width, and iron-on temperature.
Acknowledge line. Please could (This refers to the printed
you clarify? The Press 'n' Peel sheets are
version of EPE, Ed.), about the fairly expensive (making the
Gist of queries from several production of home made extra expense of pre-sensitized
PCBs, and offer a couple of tips photo boards more attractive).
to other readers.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, November 1998 - - 233
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
When producing small boards thinking of taking a whole week In Windows 95/98, it's
it doesn't take many failed prints off work to revel in my new- possible to add COM ports “on
to put the project over budget. I found wealth of knowledge! paper” by using the Add New
have found that the sheets can be Hardware wizard in Control
However, during assembly,
cut into four pieces, then stuck Panel, but Windows will merely
I had a few problems trying to
dull side up in the center of a allocate the resources (IRQs
get my PC to recognize my
piece of copier paper using a thin and I/O range) needed to
newly-connected hardware
border of Pritt Stick. (A form of operate them. You could,
PhizzyB. In the end I had to
Glue stick, Ed.) The advantages therefore, have multiple COM
take the cover off my machine
are two-fold. Firstly, my laser ports allocated, with none of
for the first time ever, and I
printer handles paper much better them physically existing in
noticed that the two serial ports
than the slippery plastic film hardware.
have either been snipped off or
alone. Secondly, by ironing the PC's been like that since it You can check for resource
through the paper onto the was born! In which case, how conflicts by right clicking “My
copper, the plastic film tends to come the computer told me that Computer -> Properties ->
wrinkle less, resulting in fewer they were both working Device Manager -> Ports”.
fractured tracks. properly, and even that COM1 However, Windows might not
was not available? I don't see recognize whether anything is
Matt Waite
how any of them can be used if physically connected to the
Beeston, Leeds, England
they are not connected to serial ports or, in your case,
anything! whether the serial port has been
Matt's comments were sent to So the next step was to fix chopped off!
us via the Net, and our On-line some ribbon cables to them and Device Manager merely
Editor, Alan, got to them first! seek out any sockets or plugs reports whether the resources
Here's Alan's reply (I endorse that looked like willing have been configured to allow
what he says): participants. I had to hard-wire you to run the COM port
Personally I have nothing in COM2 (what a task that was!) properly. PnP (Plug & Play)
against using direct application of and then switched everything on devices (e.g. PnP modems or
etch-resistant transfers onto – the hardware PhizzyB worked Ethernet cards) will be
copper foil, but only for one-offs, straight away on the test1.ram configured automatically and
and there's no scope for file. Windows will usually recognize
modifying boards and prototyping I have successfully brought such hardware on booting up.
again in light of further circuit about the being of the physical Alan Winstanley
developments. Error correction version of the PhizzyB and all is
can also be difficult, but I agree well, due to Alan Winstanley
it's a good way of originating one- and his unstinting help through DARK AGE
off boards. the last week with numerous E- INTERPRETER
I do prefer UV developing, mails and support. I am looking
Dear EPE,
once a consistent supply of forward to learning a lot more
boards and chemicals have been about computers in the I think Mr Zammit is living
established, I find that this is forthcoming issues, especially in the dark ages! In his letter
invariably the best way to as I finally got it to work before (EPE and EPE Online,
produce a board at home. December's EPE! Yippppeee! December '98), he calls BASIC
an old-fashioned, inefficient
Alan Winstanley Ian Gill interpreted language – he is
via the Net clearly inaccurate. He should
know that PASCAL is a dying
PASS THE PORT! Alan Winstanley told me language! Modern BASIC is
Dear EPE, over the phone about Ian's port nothing like the early '80's
COMplications! I was sure you incarnation that Mr Zammit
I now have the full version of would be interested too, so Alan
the PhizzyB Simulator on CD- must be referring to. Even
forwarded the above to me QBasic that came bundled with
ROM and find it thoroughly (which is a precis of several
invigorating. In fact, I am so MS-DOS allows structured
communications), together with programming. Microsoft's
consumed with it that I am his reply to Ian, as follows: QuickBASIC added even more
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, November 1998 - - 234
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
language functionality, and the Thanks for the interesting connected only to the protective
ability to compile fast comments. On this basis I Earth conductor of the cable
standalone .EXEs too! continue to feel justified in not feeding your house from the
getting involved with PASCAL. I electricity company mains
PASCAL may be quite
still wonder, though, if I am supply system. The power cable
popular with educational
being old-fashioned about not of this system is continued back
establishments, as it's a good
yet using Visual Basic and to the sub-station where it is
language to start from, but it's
offering readers programs earthed to a metal spike in the
only Borland's Delphi that gives
written in it. ground.
it any life these days. I would
have thought that the majority For example, I am currently It is not uncommon to find
of your readers are most likely working on Teach-In 2000 voltages of up to 30V between
to be familiar with BASIC since (starting publication in late '99) Earth and Neutral in certain
it's more readily available and am writing numerous circumstances too technical for
without the need to purchase interactive screens that are this note. This situation is even
expensive compilers. Anyone programmed in QuickBASIC/ more common in multi-storey
competent enough to QBasic. I have the continuing flats where 3-phase lifts etc. are
understand PASCAL shouldn't niggle that I would find it all fed from the local sub-station
have difficulties converting much easier if I were to use VB. which also feeds the houses.
BASIC code into PASCAL The thought of a lengthy
anyway! learning curve daunts me Bob McMillan
though, especially as I am not Dundonald, Kilmarnock
As a professional Scotland
programmer, I use Visual Basic sure how many readers have
exclusively these days and I VB – and I want readers to feel
could go on for hours about why they can modify my programs We referred this letter to
I think it's the best overall internally as well as using their Bart Trepak, author of the
Windows language. However, I externally accessed screen article, who replied:
believe what is of greater options.
As regards the exact wiring
importance is not which Will more readers please arrangements at the substation,
language, but which tell me their thoughts on this. the point being made was that
environment your readers want the Earth and Neutral lines in
their programs written for. DOS the domestic mains supply are
programs don't convert easily
effectively at the same potential
into Windows programs and Dear EPE,
and may therefore be regarded
vice-versa without some Regarding the Mains Socket as being connected when
expertise, even if they are Tester (Sept '98) (This refers to considering the operation of the
written in the same fundamental the printed version of EPE, Ed.), circuit.
language. I cannot believe that anyone This is also the case with
I/O routines are particularly would make such a fundamental supplies where although there
tricky to convert. Personally, I mistake as that shown in Fig.1 may be a small difference of, as
would suggest you stick to and described in the text at the you say, up to 30 volts between
publishing sample DOS routines bottom left of page 637! the two lines (I for one would
written in BASIC to at least get In the UK, the Earth and not like to have to choose
the reader started, and where Neutral are never connected between being connected
possible offer alternatives on together. To do so would render between Live and Neutral or
your web site. I'm sure your the system potentially lethal! Live and Earth as the effect
Chat Zone will allow your Considering the domestic mains would be much the same!) this
readers to help each other with system at which this article is would still not affect the
the finer details of language aimed, the Live and Neutral operation of the circuit.
conversions. originate at a 3-phase sub- As you say, the technical
station transformer belonging to reasons for this are involved
Stuart Johnson,
the electricity company. and this is of academic interest
Southampton, England
The Earth conductor of to any would-be constructor of
each circuit in your house is the project as the substation

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, November 1998 - - 235
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
wiring is not something they Generally, you can get away exercising the other remaining
could change. with renaming QB.COM to brain cell, I could see why some
QB2.COM and creating a batch situations might bring about the
This is a subject that has
file called QB.BAT containing just problem, and that it was not
come up before and which
one line, QB2 /AH %1 %2 %3 confined to just disassembly,
generates (excuse the pun)
which always runs QBasic in but to TASM/MPASM
some debate. In order to make
Arrays Huge mode. conversion as well.
everyone aware of what is
involved we are planning a (P.S. I would appreciate an Consequently (and before
feature on power generation for E-mail if you decide to publish receiving Peet's Huge
later this year. this suggestion). comment) I spent a while
rewriting some parts of Toolkit's
Peet McKimmie program. In a nutshell, the
HUGE BASIC Aberdeen, Scotland disassembly now adds
Dear EPE, tabulating spaces on output to
I was recently given a copy disk (instead of during
Extremely useful-sounding disassembly). The TASM/
of EPE and it brought back a lot info -- I was unaware of /AH and
of memories from the 1970s MPASM conversion splits all
will try it. “comments” out to a separate
when I was still at school, and
you were still two separate On your other comments – it file, while the full source code
magazines – Everyday may be to your real credit if you data is being brought in for
Electronics and Practical grasp the Bull by the horns, but in conversion. Following
Electronics. (I see J. Bull are sincerity I would not really expect conversion, the “comments” are
any retailer to keep records going recombined with the source
still advertising – I've got a 5 UK
that far back and so feel they code during output to disk (and
Pound credit note from them
would be justified in refusing in the correct positions).
dated 1980 – do you think they
would still honor it?) claims of such antiquity. Toolkit users should no
We can't advise you that you longer suffer memory loss (if
My reason for E-mailing: in
are in print – but hopefully you they do, tell a doctor, not me!).
the letter Toolkit Problem of
Readout November '98, John will see this letter next time you As advised in Please Take
Becker (any relation to Data look at the EPE OnLine web site, Note in the Shoptalk section of
Becker?) refers to the QBasic where electronic versions of EPE this issue, the amended
limit on the amount of memory can be downloaded. program is on the PIC disk and
available for string handling. I All readers, if you want more our ftp site.
wondered if he was aware of the details on this newly introduced And Data Becker? No, no
effect of running QBasic with service, drop in on relation that I know of. My
the “/AH” (Arrays Huge) You can brother Richard, though, is
command-line switch? also get to the site via heavily into electronics. Long
The command “QB /AH” term readers will no doubt recall
starts QBasic in Arrays Huge Having given a Sales Plug, his forays into robotics with
mode (sic), which increases the back to the story – a number of several designs published in
largest array size from 64KB to readers were experiencing EE/PE. Early 1999 we shall
a dizzying (?) 128KB! As a side memory overload problems with report on his latest robotic
effect, it also doubles the Toolkit. I had not experienced escapades through our news
amount of string storage them myself during program pages.
available. development. However, after

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, November 1998 - - 236
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
With David Barrington
Alternative Courtesy Light They also supplied the readers should have no
aluminum, vinyl-effect, box, difficulty in finding a supplier.
The main point to watch out code LH38R(WB3).
for when building the Alternative The printed circuit board
Courtesy Light is to ensure you Although the main wiring (type A) is part of the 4-section
select a suitably rated relay for diagram shows the mains board available from the EPE
the task in hand. The author transformer having two 6V Online Store (code 7000216) at
recommends one of the miniature secondary windings wired in
power relays stocked by Maplin in series to produce the required
the UK (Not too surprising as the 12V, this just happened to be to
hand and almost any 100mA EPE Mind PICkler – 2
author is in the UIK, Ed), code
JM18U ( 12V miniature type, provided it No mind bending barriers
This is the 12V single-pole sits comfortably in the case, will should confront readers tackling
changeover version having 5A be OK. After all, the circuit only the construction part of the EPE
contacts. An alternative would be draws about 8mA; slightly Mind PICkler project. However,
the 10A version, code JM67X. more when the panel LED is when the Maplin
switched on. ( base
For a safe and professional listing Index in their catalogue
finish, the power plug and socket was checked for the 74HC132
have a simple latching PhizzyB LCD Interface
quad Schmitt NAND gate we
arrangement and were also Board failed to recognize that the two
ordered from the same supplier. identical code entries for this
When putting together the
These should be ordered as: 6- device are for a surface mount
parts needed to complete the
way right-angled header, SD52G; version. The Index does not
LCD Interface Board, this
free plug, SD34M; crimp contact list the 14-pin DIL code
month's PhizzyB project, check
sockets, SD57M. which is: UB29G.
that the 20-way IDC box header
The small plastic box came matches the “link cable” The ready-programmed
from Farnell in the UK (+44 (0) connector you made up last PIC16F84 microcontroller is
113-263-631 or month. If you are using the available from the author (mail, code 531-893 Maplin ( order only) for the sum of 10 UK
(5 off quantities only). The small part mentioned in the previous
printed circuit board is available installment, you will need to
from the EPE Online Store (code quote code FJ14Q. ATTENTION READERS!
7000217) at
Several different brands of EPE Online is intended for
2-line 16-character LCD a worldwide audience, but we
Volume Compressor modules are marketed, but the need your help. If you know of
vast majority appear to use the local suppliers in your country
Readers should not have any
same chipset line-up and who carry any of the “hard-to-
difficulty in sourcing components
interwiring arrangement. The get” components used in our
for the Volume Compressor
one used in our model is the projects (as described above),
project. You do not have to use a
Hitachi LM016L version and then please email us their con-
rotary mains switch here, any
should be widely available; tact details (name, phone num-
mains rated “double-pole double-
certainly, Magenta Electronics ber, postal address, email ad-
throw” (d.p.d.t.) changeover
( dress, web address), along with
toggle switch will do the same
carry stocks and you could also the part details (type, code, etc.)
job. However, if you want to keep
try Greenweld in question. We will use this in-
to the ergonomics of the model
(, who formation as part of an ongoing
and use a rotary type, it can be
purchased from Maplin, code sometimes have offers on Shop Talk section on our web
these. The components list pages. Email us at
FH57M (
includes several alternatives, so
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1998 - - 237
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Shop Talk
Pounds (includes shipping and The printed circuit board is A selection of a further four
handling). Overseas readers available from the EPE Online devices from the same family is
must add an extra 1 UKP store at code possible.
for postage and packing 7000214. Finally, please heed the The red round-topped push-
(overseas orders must be in warning notice about PICkler's switches used in the prototype
pounds sterling). use in the article! model came from the Rapid D6
Orders should be sent to the range of keyboard switches,
following and all payments Twinkle Twinkle code 78-0160 (+44 (0) 1206-
made out to Mr A. Flind at Reaction Game 751166,
22 Holway Hill, Taunton, They
Somerset, TA1 2HB, UK (No Looking down the list of parts are also available in five other
callers please). needed for the Twinkle Twinkle colors. Most suppliers should be
Reaction Game, the only item able to offer good alternatives.
If you wish to do your own
likely to cause concern is the M66
programming, the software is The printed circuit board is
melody generator chip. This was
supplied as TASM source and available from the EPE Online
obtained from Maplin
object files and can be down- Store (code 7000210) at
(, the
loaded FREE from the EPE
Twinkle Twinkle tune was chosen
Online just bounce over to the
and carries the code M66T-02B.
“Library” at


Control (Nov/Dec '98)
Greenhouse Computer PIC16x84 Toolkit We seem to have fallen foul
(July '98) (July '98) of the supply bug concerning
the Holtek HT12B chip used in
(As appeared in the printed (As appeared in the printed
the Transmitter. Within a few
edition of EPE, Ed.) Under certain edition of EPE, Ed.) QuickBASIC/ days of the final part being pub-
circumstances, a small DC volt- QBasic memory capacity can be lished, Maplin supplies dried up
age can occur across the probes exceeded in some situations of followed by “we shall not be re-
and may affect the readings. To the conversion/disassembly rou- stocking.” Contacting Holtek
avoid the problem, amend the tines. The program has been
( showed
Controller PCB as follows: slightly rewritten to overcome
three UK distributors who were
change C14 to 10nF, C13 to these problems – the EPE ftp site
not very helpful.
470nF, add a 100k resistor in par- has been updated with the
allel with the probes (across amended program (see previous However, speaking to one
TB3), add a 470nF capacitor in point). of our advertisers, FML Elec-
series with TB3 pin 2 and its tronics informed us that they will
Also, all references to the
probe. The EPE ftp site has been have stocks of the HT12B by
Busy line should read as the Ac-
updated with a slightly amended the time this issue appears on
knowledge line. In Fig.5 the con-
version of the program that re- sale, and it will cost 1.49 UK
nection marked Busy should go to
duces the default watering time Pounds plus shipping and han-
printer port connector pin 10, not dling. Mail order only to FML
you can find this ftp site from 11 as shown. The software, PCB,
the main EPE the web site at Electronics, Dept EPE, Freepost
and standard printed cable con- NEA3627, Bedale, North York- nections are correct. shire, DL8 2BR, UK.

Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, January 1998 - - 238
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc

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