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Journal of Economics and Development, Vol.20, No.1, April 2018, pp. 32-47 ISSN 1859 0020 | DOI: 10.


Impact of Globalization on Economic

Growth in Vietnam: An Empirical Analysis
Tran Tho Dat
National Economics University, Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Cam Van

National Economics University, Vietnam

Received: 13 October 2017 | Revised: 15 December 2017 | Accepted: 1 Febuary 2018

This study aims at investigating the impact of globalization on economic growth in the case
of Vietnam. Empirical analysis is done by using time series data for the period from 1995 to
2014. The paper tested the stationary cointegration of time series data and utilized the error
correction modeling technique to determine the short run relationships among economic growth,
globalization, foreign direct investment, balance of trade and exchange rate variables. Then,
the long run relationship between economic growth and the variables representing economic
integration were estimated by ordinary least square. The results show that globalization, measured
by the KOF index, promotes economic growth and Vietnam has gained from integrating into
the global economy. The overall index of globalization had positively and significantly impacted
the economic growth in Vietnam. The results also indicated that economic globalization had a
significantly positive effect on economic growth in the period examined. The study further revealed
that foreign direct investment and the exchange rate affect economic growth positively whereas
balance of trade affects economic growth negatively.

Keywords: Globalization; economic growth; trade balance; foreign direct investment;

JEL code: F63, O47, C32.

Journal of Economics and Development 32 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

1. Introduction main characteristics of globalization is greater
Globalization reflects an ongoing process of trade in goods and services both between na-
greater interdependence among countries and tions and within regions. Many of the industri-
their citizens (Fischer, 2003). There are four alizing countries are winning a rising share of
main driving forces behind increased interde- world trade and their economies are growing
pendence: trade and investment liberalization, faster than in richer developed nations, espe-
technological innovation and the reduction of cially after the global financial crisis. Anoth-
communication costs, entrepreneurship, and er important characteristic of globalization is
global social networks. Globalization is de- the increasing transfers of capital, including
scribed as the growing economic interdepen- the expansion of foreign direct investment, by
dencies of countries worldwide through the trans-national companies and the rising influ-
increasing volume and variety of cross-border ence of sovereign wealth funds. Foreign direct
transactions in goods and services and of inter- investment will help developing nations to in-
national capital flows, as well as through the dustrialize, create jobs, bring business opportu-
rapid and widespread diffusion of technology nities, and acquire manufacturing skills (Kon-
and information. As a multidimensional con- yeaso, 2016).
cept, globalization expresses the extension pro- Globalization could be either a success or
cess of economic, political and social activities a failure depending on its management (Sti-
across national borders. glitz, 2002). There is success when it is well
Today, there are two main views on glo- managed, for instance in the case of East Asian
balization, one given by anti-globalists and countries. Their success is based on exports,
the other by supporters of globalization. The closing technological, capital and knowledge
anti-globalists view globalization as a con- gaps. However, there is failure when global-
trolling and influencing force used by overseas ization is managed by international economic
corporations to dominate international trade institutions. Stiglitz argued that the problem is
(Konyeaso, 2016). Western organizations have not with globalization but with how it is man-
throughout the years increased their commit- aged by international institutions who set the
ments in developing countries due to this be- rules of the game.
ing more profitable for them. One reason is Following the globalization trend, Vietnam
due to the large quantity of resources found in has made considerable efforts for economic in-
these parts of the world. Many highly global- tegration with the world since the late 1980s.
ized developing countries have not been able Vietnam joined ASEAN, APEC, and ASEM
to profit from globalization and are still facing in 1995, 1998, and 2001. The country contin-
the same problems they have been facing for ues to move toward greater international eco-
many decades. According to the globalists, glo- nomic integration, through more opening up
balization is viewed as a beneficial process. It of trade with China, expanding bilateral links
is presumed the only true way to beat poverty with the US, accessing the WTO in 2007, and
(Konyeaso, 2016). They argue that one of the signing the TPP in 2015. In addition to a more

Journal of Economics and Development 33 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

open trade policy, Vietnam has improved the study is to investigate the impact of globaliza-
investment environment to attract foreign di- tion on economic growth in Vietnam for the pe-
rect investment. In Vietnam, trade and foreign riod from 1995 to 2014.
investment are the two strongest linkages to This paper is organised as follows: after a
the global economy. In more than 20 years, short literature review of relevant studies on the
Vietnam has made a number of convincing impact of globalization on economic growth,
economic achievements. The average annu- the methodology of the study is presented. The
al economic growth rate was 6.5 percent over next section exposes the main findings, and the
the period 1995 – 2016. In 1995, Vietnam’s final section concludes the paper with several
GDP per capita of US$ 288 placed it among policy recommendations.
the poorest countries in the world. In 2008, a 2. Literature review
GDP per capita of US$ 1164 led to Vietnam’s
The relationship between globalization and
attainment of lower middle-income status by
growth is a heated and highly debated topic in
the World Bank classification. In the year 2016,
the growth and development literature. Econo-
GDP per capita reached US$ 2185. Economic
mists have long been interested in determining
growth in Vietnam has been accompanied by
how globalization affects economic growth.
trade liberalization reforms that have led to an
Theoretical growth studies report a contradic-
explosion in international trade. Exports as a
tory discussion on the relationship between
share of GDP grew from 32.81 percent in 1995
globalization and growth. Some of the stud-
to 93.62 percent in 2016, while imports grew
ies found a positive effect of globalization on
from 41.91 percent to 91.06 percent over that growth, others argued that globalization has
same period. The key to the remarkable gains a harmful effect on growth. Despite the con-
of the Vietnamese economy is the liberalization flicting theoretical views, many studies have
of domestic markets, foreign investment attrac- empirically examined the impact of globaliza-
tion, a trade openness policy and other macro- tion on economic growth in developed coun-
economic policies. tries as well as in developing ones. Many of
Vietnam has experienced an increasing lev- them appeared after 2006 when Dreher intro-
el of the overall globalization index (KOF), duced a new comprehensive index of global-
from 29.29 in 1995 to 56.69 in 2014. Due to ization - KOF (an acronym for the German
the increasing trend of globalization, finding word “Konjunkturforschungsstelle”). The
the effect of globalization on economic growth overall globalization index (KOF) covers the
is most important. However, the relationship economic, social and political dimensions of
between globalization and economic growth in globalization. Economic globalization is char-
Vietnam has not been deeply evaluated by pre- acterized as long-distance flows of goods, cap-
vious researchers (for example John Thoburn ital and services, information and perceptions
(2004), Jenkins (2006), and Pham Lan Huong that accompany market exchanges. Political
(2013) etc.) and there is apparently a need to globalization is characterized by a diffusion
fill this research gap. Therefore, the aim of this of government policies. Social globalization is

Journal of Economics and Development 34 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

expressed as the spread of ideas, information, low-income African countries.
images and people (Fidelis, 2012). Kakar (2011) determined the long run effect
There have been numerous studies on the of globalization on economic growth in Paki-
effects of globalization on economic growth. stan from the year 1980 to 2009 by employing
Dreher (2006) examined the impact of global- the time series data, co-integration and error
ization on the growth of 123 countries between correction technique. The variables include
1970 and 2000. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) GDP growth rate, foreign direct investment
regression and Generalized Method of Moment inflow, population growth rate, real effective
(GMM) techniques have been used for the anal- exchange rate, government expenditure on
ysis. The overall result showed that globaliza- education and health as a percentage of GDP
tion promotes economic growth. The economic and trade as a percentage of GDP. The results
and social dimensions have a positive impact show that globalization can be a useful tool for
on growth whereas the political dimension has economic growth for a developing country like
no effect on growth. Pakistan.
Zhuang and Koo (2007) used a panel data- Plegrinova et al. (2012) studied the rela-
set covering 56 countries in the period from tionship between globalization and important
1991 to 2004 to investigate the effects of glo- macroeconomic indicators in twelve developed
balization on economic growth. The variables countries on the European and North American
include GDP growth rate, labor, capital, foreign continents from 1995 to 2009. They considered
direct investment, portfolio capital flow, trade, the effect of rising FDI, balance of payments
consumer price indices, per capita GDP, hu- and GDP per capita on the KOF globalization
man capital, indicators of technology, and real index. By using nonparametric regression mod-
exchange rates. By using the generalized least el (panel data regression), the results indicate
squares estimation, results strongly suggest that there is a statistically significant relation-
that economic globalization has a significant- ship between the KOF index of globalization
ly positive effect on economic growth for all and foreign direct investments as well as GDP
countries. per capita. They could not accept the hypothe-
Rao and Vadlamannati (2009) examined the sis of a statistically significant relationship be-
impact of globalization on the growth rate of tween the KOF index of globalization and the
21 poor African countries during 1970 - 2005. balance of payments of selected countries.
The variables used in the study include log(out- Umaru (2013) analyzed the effects of glo-
put per worker), log(capital per worker), index balization on Nigeria’s economic performance
of globalization, index of institutional reforms, between the years 1962 and 2009 by using
the rate of inflation and the ratio of current gov- the Annual Average Growth Rate technique.
ernment expenditure to GDP. They employed a He found that globalization affects the petrol,
systems GMM method of estimation and found manufacturing industry and solid mineral sec-
a small but significant positive association be- tors in negative ways, but it effects the agricul-
tween globalization and economic growth in 21 ture, transportation and communication sectors

Journal of Economics and Development 35 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

in positive ways. Konyeaso (2016) also stud- dex of globalization (KOF) had a positive and
ied the impact of globalization on the Nigerian significant impact on economic growth in the
economy between 1986 and 2013. By using the region. Economic and political globalization
multiple regression technique, the results show positively impacted the economic growth but
that there is a positive relation between glo- social globalization did not affect growth. In-
balization and economic growth. The Nigerian flation, infrastructure, quality of education,
economy is gaining from globalization main- technological preparedness, and government
ly due to foreign direct investment and trade spending also had positive impacts on econom-
openness. ic growth.
Chelly and Deluna (2014) examined the re- Olimpia Neagu (2017) studied the impact of
lationship among economic growth, financial globalization on economic growth in Romania
and trade globalization in the Philippines from for a time span of 24 years between 1990 and
1980 to 2011. The variables considered in the 2013. In order to highlight the impact of glo-
study include real GDP growth rate, financial balization, expressed by the KOF globalization
openness (the sum of FDI inflow and external index and its components, on the economic
debts divided by GDP) and trade openness (the growth rate, the author estimated an econo-
trade to GDP ratio). The study used the Vector metrical model and found a statistically strong
Autoregressive VAR(1) model and the Grang- and positive link between the GDP per capita
er Causality test. It was found that the current dynamics and the overall globalization index
value of GDP is positively affected by the pre- as well as between the GDP growth rate and
vious value of itself and trade openness. The economic and political globalization. Howev-
estimation results suggested that growth in er, the social dimension of globalization was
trade volumes accelerates economic growth. found to have a negative impact on economic
However, financial openness has no significant growth in Romania.
effect on the current value of GDP. In Vietnam, there also exists a number of
Ying (2014) analyzed the connection be- studies on the effect of globalization on pov-
tween globalization and economic growth in erty, employment and some aspects of human
ASEAN countries between the years 1970 and development such as education, health care,
2008 by using the Fully Modified Ordinary etc. For example, John Thoburn (2004) stud-
Least Squares technique. He found that eco- ied globalization and poverty in Vietnam and
nomic globalization effects economic growth found that Vietnam has seen a striking reduc-
in a positive way but social and political glo- tion in poverty since its opening to the outside
balization affects it in negative ways. world in the early 1990s, and evidence for this
Suci (2015) also explored the development poverty reduction is not sensitive to where the
of the globalization level and economic growth poverty line is drawn. However, inequality
in ASEAN countries. Based on the panel data has risen. Jenkins (2006) explored the ways in
of six developing ASEAN countries from 2006 which globalization affected the labour market
to 2012, the study found that the overall in- in Vietnam by analyzing the impact of FDI on

Journal of Economics and Development 36 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

employment. He concluded that the expansion 3. Methodology and data
of foreign firms to labor-intensive manufactur- In order to investigate the effect of global-
ing has not had a substantial impact on employ- ization on economic growth in Vietnam, this
ment because of the high productivity and low study used the gross domestic product of Viet-
value-added nature of much of this investment. nam to present economic growth and the KOF
Not only have the direct employment effects of globalization index to measure globalization.
FDI in Vietnam not been very substantial, but The KOF is built from each component (in the
the indirect effects have also been minimal and Appendix) and transformed into an index from
possibly even negative. Nguyen Thi Hong Tu the scale of 1 to 100. It covers the economic,
et al. (2004) studied globalization’s effects on social and political dimensions of globaliza-
health care and occupational health in Vietnam. tion. These indexes also range from zero to one
They concluded that the process of globaliza- hundred, where bigger numbers demonstrate
tion has given rise to serious problems for the higher globalization (see the Appendix for de-
health of workers. Pollution of the working en- tail).
vironment in workplaces is at a high level and The equations for estimation are specified as
the situation of diseases related to occupations follows:
and occupational diseases of workers have been
detected and have increased yearly. Besides log (GDPt ) = α 0 + α1 KOFt + α 2 + α 3 BOTt + α 4 E
that, Hien and Simon Fraser (2007) analyzed FDI t
the impact of globalization logon(GDP t)=α
higher 0 + α1 KOFt + α 2
+ α 3 BOTt + α 4 EXRt + ε t (1)
tion in Vietnam and showed that the merging FDI t
of higher education institutions, abandonment log (GDPt ) = β 0 + β1 EGI t + β 2 + β3 BOTt + β 4 EX
of state monopolies in education, increasing di-
log (re-orienting
versity in education provision, GDPt ) = β 0cur-
+ β1 EGI t + β 2 + β3 BOTt + β 4 EXRt + ut ( 2)
ricula to meet market needs, and introducing GDP t

competition into the educational sector in order Where, the equation (1) evaluates the over-
to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of all impact of globalization on economic growth
the educational services are all impacts of glo- while equation (2) is designated to assess the
balization on the education system in Vietnam. impact of globalization in an economic aspect
In addition, Pham Lan Huong (2013) analyzed on economic growth. The dependent variable,
the effects of globalization and the necessity of for simplicity of description and interpretation
Vietnamese educational management for inte- of results, is log(GDP).
gration into the world, etc. Despite the numer- The expected explanatory variables consist
ous studies, knowledge of the effect of global- of:
ization on economic growth in Vietnam is still KOF: Overall Globalization Index measures
scarce. This study tries to fill this gap by exam- a nation’s overall integration into the global
ining the effect of globalization on economic economy. The overall globalization index has
growth in Vietnam. three components: an economic globalization

Journal of Economics and Development 37 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

index (36%), a social globalization index (38%) are integrated at the same order, the Johansen
and a political globalization index (26%) (Dre- cointegration test is then used to examine the
her, 2006). long run relationship among the chosen vari-
EGI: Economic Globalization Index mea- ables. Otherwise, the Auto Regressive Dis-
sures how a country is economically integrated. tributed Lag model for cointegration can be
The Economic Globalization Index includes considered. Once the variables are found to be
two sub-indexes: flows (50%) and restrictions cointegrated, meaning that long run equilibri-
(50%) (see the Appendix for details). um holds among them, they may still be in dis-
equilibrium in the short run. Therefore, an error
FDI/GDP: Foreign Direct Investment is mea-
correction model is estimated to determine the
sured as a percentage of GDP. The FDI variable
short run dynamics of the system. In this study,
that shows the attractiveness of a country for
equations (1) and (2) are transformed into the
foreign investors is used to capture the effect
following error correction models:
of the outside resource of capital on economic
growth. It has been generally argued that FDI ∆log(GDPt ) = γ0 + γ1∆KOFt + γ2∆(FDIt/GDPt)
has a positive effect on the economic growth + γ3∆(BOTt ) + γ4∆EXRt + γ5εt-1 + θt (3)
(Saba Ismail et al., 2015). ∆log(GDPt ) = δ0 + δ1∆EGIt + δ2∆(FDIt/GDPt)
BOT: Balance of Trade that demonstrates + δ3∆(BOTt) + δ4∆EXRt + δ5ut-1 + ϑt (4)
the ability of the economy to succeed in foreign Where:
markets is measured as exports minus imports. ∆ is the first difference;
EXR: Foreign Exchange Rate, which is the γ5, δ5 are the speeds of adjustment that are
value of local currency units per dollar. The ex- linked with cointegration equations;
change rate is expected to influence economic εt-1, ut-1 are one-year period lag of error
growth through the effect of the exchange rate correction terms derived from randomness of
on the profitability of international trade and equations of OLS models (1), (2).
Data used for estimating these models is
α0, β0 are constants; αi, βi ( i = 1, 4 ) are pa- from various sources as below:
• The World Bank Development Indicators
εt, ut are error terms. Database;
The estimation of the two equations (1), (2) • The Global Economy Database (2017);
by the ordinary least square technique may
• KOF Index of Globalization (2017).
yield spurious regression if the variables are
not stationary. In order to overcome this prob- In this study, data on variables is taken for
lem, all variables are subjected to a unit root the period from 1995 to 2014. This restriction
test to determine the time series properties. The on the period of data is due to unavailability of
data on globalization1.
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test
is employed on all variables to check the or- 4. Results and discussion
der of integration. In case all selected variables Vietnam experienced an increase in its glo-

Journal of Economics and Development 38 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

Figure 1: Development of globalization in Vietnam


Economic Globalization

50 Social Globalization

Political Globalization

20 Overall Globalization



balization level during 1995 – 2014. In 2014, pect as compared to political and social aspects.
Vietnam sat at the 89th position with a glo- This study intends to scrutinize the impacts
balization index (KOF) of 56.69. In the three of globalization on economic growth in Viet-
globalization components, Vietnam is ranked nam from 1995 to 2014. First, the Augment-
84th in terms of economic globalization, 89th in ed-Dickey Fuller unit root test is employed for
political globalization, and 123rd in social glo- the level of all variables of interest followed by
balization in the world. It is apparent that the the first difference. The results in Table 1 show
country has given priority to the economic as- that log(GDP), economic globalization, overall

Table 1: ADF Unit root test results

Level 1st Difference
Variables Results
t-statistic Prob. t-statistic Prob.
Log(GDP) 0.6020 0.9857 -3.5243 0.0195 I(1)
KOF 0.5272 0.9830 -3.5605 0.0182 I(1)
EGI -0.4824 0.8746 -3.4681 0.0248 I(1)
FDI/GDP -1.8312 0.3551 -3.2877 0.0311 I(1)
BOT -1.1284 0.6819 -3.3782 0.0261 I(1)
EXR -0.1351 0.9303 -3.3936 0.0262 I(1)
ADF test type: Intercept without trend.

Journal of Economics and Development 39 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

Table 2: Johansen cointegration test
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test
Trace Maximum Eigenvalue
No. of CE(s) Trace 0.05 Max-Eigen 0.05
Prob.** Prob.**
Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value

None 0.986925 145.6834 69.81889 0.0000* 78.06631 33.87687 0.0000*

At most 1 0.817906 67.61709 47.85613 0.0003* 30.65821 27.58434 0.0195*
At most 2 0.704376 36.95888 29.79707 0.0063* 21.93598 21.13162 0.0385*
At most 3 0.544245 15.02290 15.49471 0.0588 14.14441 14.26460 0.0522
At most 4 0.047633 0.878493 3.841466 0.3486 0.878493 3.841466 0.3486
Max-eigenvalue test indicates 3
Trace test indicates 3 cointegrating equations at the 0.05 level
cointegrating equations at the 0.05 level
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test
Trace Maximum Eigenvalue
Hypothesized 0.05
Eigenvalue Trace 0.05 Max-Eigen
No. of CE(s) Prob.** Critical Prob.**
Statistic Critical Value Statistic
None 0.899631 105.8614 69.81889 0.0000* 41.38025 33.87687 0.0053*
At most 1 0.827245 64.48118 47.85613 0.0007* 31.60587 27.58434 0.0144*
At most 2 0.641677 32.87532 29.79707 0.0214* 18.47378 21.13162 0.1131
At most 3 0.382838 14.40153 15.49471 0.0726 8.687222 14.26460 0.3131
At most 4 0.272006 5.714313 3.841466 0.0168 5.714313 3.841466 0.0168
Max-eigenvalue test indicates 2
Trace test indicates 3 cointegrating equations at the 0.05 level
cointegrating equations at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

globalization, the ratio of foreign direct invest- non-stationary and are integrated of the same
ment to GDP, balance of trade, and the foreign order, the Johansen cointegration test is used to
exchange rate are non-stationary at levels. The determine the long run relationship among the
Table also indicates all variables are stationary variables in each model. Results in Table 2 con-
at the first difference and integrated at order 1. firm the existence of the long run relationship
This suggests a series of variables may reveal a between log(GDP) and included variables in
logical long run relationship among them. the models (1) and (2) as indicated by the Trace
Since the variables in the models are statistic and the Max-Eigen statistic values.

Journal of Economics and Development 40 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

Table 3: Results of error correction models (3) and (4)
Model 3 Model 4
Independent Variables
Coefficient Prob. Coefficient Prob.
C 0.120617 0.0001 0.091508 0.0034
D(KOF) 0.001953 0.7854
D(EGI) 0.017147 0.1194
D(FDI/GDP) 2.501313 0.0305 1.645760 0.1420
D(BOT) 0.002392 0.5174 0.000973 0.8001
D(EXR) -3.99E-06 0.8797 4.98E-06 0.8538
ECM1(-1) -0.307890 0.0861
ECM2(-1) -0.402440 0.0767
R-squared 0.467707 0.476917
Adjusted R-squared 0.262979 0.275731
Prob (F-statistic) 0.096865 0.097503
Durbin-Watson stat 1.903529 1.551754
Sum squared resid 0.029556 0.029045
Dependent Variable: D(Log(GDP)); Sample: 1995 2014.

The Trace-statistics results reveal that there and 0.40, respectively) as expected and they are
are three cointegrating equations at a 5% level, significant at a 10% level. The error correction
while Max-eigen statistic value also indicate term shows how fast the model returns to sta-
two and three cointegrating equations among bility at any disturbance or shock. The speeds
the variables in models (1) and (2) respectively of adjustment between short run dynamics and
at the 5% level. Thus, all the variables in model long run equilibrium values are 31% and 40%,
(1) as well as in model (2) are cointegrated and meaning about 31% and 40% respectively of
have a long run equilibrium relationship with the discrepancy between long term and short
each other. term log(GDP) corrected within a year (year-
In econometric analysis, a cointegrated set ly data). The significance of the coefficients of
of time series variables must have an error ECM1 and ECM2 connotes the existence of a
correction representation that reflects the short long run equilibrium relationship between eco-
run adjustment mechanism. The short run mod- nomic growth and the explanatory variables.
els (3) and (4) are estimated in first difference In the short run, the overall globalization in-
forms and the results are reported in Table 3. dex, the economic globalization index, foreign
The values of ECM1(-1) and ECM2(-1) repre- direct investment and balance of trade, all have
sent the error correction terms εt-1 and ut-1, re- positive effects on economic growth. Among
spectively. them, foreign direct investment is positively
The results in Table 3 clearly show that the related with economic growth and statistically
error correction variables (ECM1 and ECM2) significant at 5% (for model 3) whereas other
were significant, validating the error correction variables are not statistically different from
model specification. The coefficients of error zero at any levels. The results confirm the im-
correction terms have a negative sign (-0.31 portance of foreign direct investment in Viet-

Journal of Economics and Development 41 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

Table 4: The estimation results of the impact of globalization on economic growth in Vietnam
Model 1 Model 2
Independent Variables
Coefficient Prob. Coefficient Prob.
KOF 0.039615 0.0018
EGI 0.048248 0.0000
FDI/GDP 5.290381 0.0006 3.216118 0.0096
BOT -0.006689 0.2050 -0.007179 0.0838
EXR 0.000148 0.0000 0.000114 0.0001
C -0.235312 0.1570 -0.360797 0.0129
R-squared 0.984741 0.990774
Adjusted R-squared 0.980671 0.988314
Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000 0.000000
Durbin-Watson stat 1.891823 1.905875
Sum squared resid 0.148804 0.089968
Ramsey test (Prob.) 0.1252 0.4066
Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test (Prob.) 0.3516 0.5313
Breusch-Godfrey Serial correlation LM test (Prob.) 0.9969 0.4424
Jarque-Bera probability 0.5488 0.8691
Dependent Variable: Log(GDP); Sample: 1995 2014.

nam’s growth process. The implication is that heteroskedasticity problems, the Breusch-Pa-
policy measures targeted at improving foreign gan-Godfrey tests show the variance of unob-
direct investment can effectively enhance the served error is constant (p-values are 0.3098,
economic growth rate. The foreign exchange 0.1647, respectively). The normality tests in-
rate variable shows a mixed effect on economic dicate the scores of Jarque-Bera probability
growth but it is statistically insignificant. This (0.7942 for model (3) and 0.7574 for model
implies that the foreign exchange rate contrib- (4)) are larger from α = 5%.
utes no significant impact on economic growth The results of the estimated long run equa-
in the short run. tions (1), (2) which capture the effect of over-
Furthermore, the coefficients of determina- all globalization, economic globalization and
tion of these models, represented by an R2 val- macroeconomic variables on economic growth
ue of 0.47, imply that 47 percent of changes in in Vietnam are presented in Table 4.
the dependent variable are explained by the in- The overall globalization index significantly
cluded explanatory variables. The models pass and positively influenced the growth of GDP in
the Ramsey tests for functional form misspec- Vietnam at a real degree of 1%. The estimated
ification (p-value: 0.8961 (model 3); 0.3520 results of model (1) indicate that an increase of
(model 4)). The models are free of autocor- the globalization level index overall as big as 1
relation in the specification because p-values unit will enhance the growth of GDP by 3.96%,
of the Breusch-Godfrey Serial correlation LM ceteris paribus. This result is in line with the
tests are 0.6626 (model 3) and 0.5847 (model study by Suci (2015) that found a positive and
4). The models (3) and (4) are also free from significant impact of the overall globalization

Journal of Economics and Development 42 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

index on economic growth of ASEAN coun- deficit in Pakistan in the long run. He suggest-
tries during 2006 – 2012. ed that a trade deficit is better for economic
The economic globalization index was growth in the short run but long run dependen-
found to influence significantly and positively cy would be harmful for the economic growth
the growth of GDP at a real degree of 1% with of Pakistan.
a coefficient score of 0.048. This implies an in- The foreign exchange rate significantly and
crease in the index of economic globalization positively affected economic growth at a de-
level of 1 unit will lead to the growth of GDP gree of 1 percent with the coefficient of 0.0001.
by 4.8%, ceteris paribus. This result is consis- This means that an increase in the foreign ex-
tent with the studies conducted by Ying (2014) change rate of 1 unit will increase econom-
and Suci (2015) for ASEAN countries in 1970 ic growth as much as 0.01%, ceteris paribus.
– 2008, and 2006 – 2012 correspondingly. Thus, the exchange rate was found to exert a
The estimated results from models (1) and positive impact on economic growth in Viet-
(2) show the positive coefficient (5.2904 and nam. In the economic literature, there are con-
3.2161, respectively) between foreign direct troversies over the relationship between the ex-
investments and economic growth and it is sta- change rate and economic growth. The effect of
tistically significant at the 1% level. The pos- the exchange rate on economic growth depends
itive influence of FDI on economic growth is on whether the exchange rate is over or under-
in accordance with the theoretical expectation. valued. Munthali (2010) indicated that in the
The negative coefficient for the variable of case of undervaluation, the exchange rate was
balance of trade (-0.007) is due to trade defi- found to result in positive economic growth,
cit. For many years, Vietnam has had a trade while overvaluation of the exchange rate re-
deficit. For a developing country that is in the sulted in negative economic growth. Howev-
first stages of development such as Vietnam, er, based on panel data and a large sample of
a high demand for material, machinery, and 93 countries (both developed and developing),
modern techniques has made a trade deficit un- Razin and Collins (1997) found that only a very
avoidable. However, the trade deficit has had high overvaluation has a negative and statisti-
a negative effect on economic growth in Viet- cally significant impact on growth. They also
nam. This result is consistent with the finding stated that undervaluation seems to have no
of Gould and Ruffin (1996) that a negative cor- significant impact on growth. On the contrary,
relation exists between trade imbalances and based on a sample of 60 countries over the pe-
economic growth, but the relationship is weak riod 1965 – 2003, Aguirre and Calderon (2005)
and imbalanced trade values have little impact concluded that an important undervaluation has
on the economic growth rate, once the funda- a negative impact on the growth of developing
mental determinants of economic growth are countries, while an average overvaluation (up
taken into account. Najid Ahmad (2013) also to 12%) increases growth by 3 to 11% yearly.
found that there is a strong negative correlation They noticed that an important overvaluation
that exists between the GDP growth and trade has an adverse effect on growth. According to

Journal of Economics and Development 43 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

Bereau (2009), significant overvaluation seems nam. The ordinary least square and cointegra-
to have no important impact on the econom- tion techniques were used to examine the long
ic growth. In Vietnam, the VND has general- term relationship existing among variables
ly been considered to be overvalued due to its while error correction models were also applied
long term fixing to the USD, the low trading in order to determine the short run dynamics
band and the high inflation rate in Vietnam around the equilibrium relationship.
compared to that of the United States. The esti- The study showed that the Vietnamese econ-
mated results from Models (1) and (2) showed omy is gaining from globalization. The empir-
the positive and statistically significant impact ical results concluded that globalization has a
of the exchange rate on economic growth in positive effect on economic growth in the short
Vietnam. run as well as in the long run. The overall glo-
The R2 adjusted results reveal that more than balization index has a positive and significant
98% of the total variation of economic growth impact on the economic growth. Moreover,
can be explained by changes in the level of economic globalization was found to be posi-
globalization and other key macroeconomic tively influential toward economic growth. The
variables. Also, the F-statistic results show that findings of the results revealed that the pres-
ence of globalization could enhance economic
the simultaneous interaction of globalization
growth in Vietnam. These results are consistent
levels and other key macroeconomic variables
with the finding of Suci (2015) and Ying (2014)
had significant effects on economic growth in
to some extent on the beneficial aspects of glo-
Vietnam during the review period.
balization in ASEAN countries. Thus, the find-
Models (1) and (2) pass the Ramsey tests for ings of this paper support previous literature on
functional form misspecification. To identify the contribution of globalization to economic
the problem of heteroskedasticity, the Breus- growth. The study further showed that the ra-
ch-Pagan-Godfrey tests show that the variance tio of foreign direct investment to GDP and
of unobserved error was constant. Also, the foreign exchange rate affect economic growth
Breusch-Godfrey Serial correlation LM tests, positively whereas balance of trade affects eco-
used to find out whether the models are free nomic growth negatively.
from autocorrelation problems, show that the
Although Vietnam has integrated into the
models do not have the problem of autocor- world economically, politically and socially,
relation. The normality tests indicate the scores the increase in the globalization level, especial-
of Jarque-Bera probability were larger from α ly in the aspect of economic globalization can
= 5% and thus it can be concluded that these be suggested through the increase in trade vol-
models would distribute normally. ume, in FDI and portfolio investment as well
5. Conclusions and recommendations as the decrease in barriers and taxes in interna-
This study empirically examined the impact tional trade.
of globalization on economic growth in Viet- According to the results of the analysis, the

Journal of Economics and Development 44 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

following recommendations are made. First tinue proactive and sound policies aimed at en-
and foremost, there is a need for the Vietnam- couraging foreign direct investment, ensuring
ese government to support the development of foreign exchange rate stability and facilitating
the globalization level of the country to catch a international trade to maximize the benefits of
higher level of growth rate. Secondly, there is globalization and reduce its harmful effects on
a need for the Vietnamese government to con- economic development at large.

Table 5: Components of overall globalization index
Components Weights
Economic globalization 36%
Actual Flow 50%
Trade (percentage of GDP) 22%
Foreign direct investment, stocks (percentage of GDP) 27%
Portfolio investment (percentage of GDP) 24%
Income payments to foreign nationals (percentage of GDP) 27%
Obstacles 50%
Hidden import barriers 24%
Mean tariff rates 28%
Taxes on international trade 26%
Capital account restrictions 23%
Social globalization 38%
Data on personal contacts 33%
Telephone traffic 25%
Transfers 3%
International tourism 26%
The foreign population according to the total population 21%
International letters per capita 25%
Data on information flows 35%
Internet usage per 1000 people 36%
Television per 1000 people 38%
Trade in newspapers 26%
Data on cultural proximity 32%
Number of McDonald's restaurants per capita 44%
Number of IKEA per capita 44%
Trade in books 11%
Political globalization 26%
Number of embassies in country 25%
Membership in international organisations 27%
Participation in United Nation Security Council mission 22%
International treaties 26%
Source: Suci (2015).

Journal of Economics and Development 45 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

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Journal of Economics and Development 47 Vol. 20, No.1, April 2018

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