Theory of Elasticity: Tutor: Dr. Owaisur Rahman Shah

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Theory of Elasticity

Tutor: Dr. Owaisur Rahman Shah

Course Outline

Basics of Elasticity Deformation of Structural Elements

1. Elasticity 1. Deformation of Rods
2. Stress 2. Deformation of Plates
3. Components of Stress 3. Deformation of Shells
4. Components of Strain Propagation of Waves in Solid Media
5. Hooke’s Law 1. Longitudinal Impact on Bars and Deformation
Plane Stress and Plane Strain 2. Plane Waves
1. Plane Stress 3. Surface Waves
2. Plane Strain 4. Practical Application for Dynamic Material Behavior
3. Stress at a Point using the Hopkinson Bar
4. Strain at a Point Introduction to non-linear Elasticity
5. Measurement of Surface Strains 1. Principles and Constitutive laws for multi-linear elasticity
6. Construction of Mohr Strain Circle for Strain Rosette 2. Constitutive laws for exponentially elastic materials
7. Boundary Conditions 3. Elasticity in elastomers and polymers
8. Compatibility Equations
9. Stress Functions
10. Solution of Stress functions
Virtual Work and Strain Energy
1. Strain Energy
2. Principle of Virtual Work
3. Principle of Least work
4. Applications of Least work
Behaviour Laws
1. Isotropic materials
2. Generally Anisotropic materials
3. Transversely Isotropic Materials
4. Orthotropic Materials
5. Laminates as a special case of Anisotropy

• Body with external forces

• Forces and Stresses

– Distributed as pressure
– Volume as gravity
Strain and Stress

• Component of Stress

• Components of Strain
Hooke’s Law

• Under normal stress

Hooke’s Law

• Pure Shear
Hooke’s Law

• In General for volumetric expansion.

Plane Stress & Strain

• Plane Stress
Plane Stress & Strain

• Plane Strain
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point and principal stresses

– The calculation of principal stresses is an
important part of any mechanical design
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point and principal stresses

Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point (Mohr’s Circle)

Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point (Mohr’s Circle)

Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress at a point (Mohr’s Circle)

Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point

– Displacements
Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point
Plane Stress & Strain

• Strain at a point

• Putting Shearing strain = 0

• From a strain equivalent Mohr Circle

Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

– Using Strain gauges
Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

– Half Bridge

– Full Bridge
Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

– Fiber Bragg Grating
A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is a type of
distributed Bragg reflector constructed in a
short segment of optical fiber that reflects
particular wavelengths of light and
transmits all others. This is achieved by
creating a periodic variation in the
refractive index of the fiber core, which
generates a wavelength-specific dielectric
mirror. A fiber Bragg grating can therefore
be used as an inline optical filter to block
certain wavelengths, or as a wavelength-
specific reflector.
Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface
– Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
• Digital image correlation and tracking is an optical method
that employs tracking and image registration techniques for
accurate 2D and 3D measurements of changes in images.
This method is often used to measure full-field
displacement and strains, and it is widely applied in many
areas of science and engineering, with new applications
being found all the time. Compared to strain gages and
extensometers, the amount of information gathered about
the fine details of deformation during mechanical tests is
increased manyfold.
Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

– Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
– The principle works on the tracking and comparison of deformed and
undeformed images
Plane Stress & Strain

– Automated edge detection
Plane Stress & Strain

• Measurement of surface strains

– Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
– The field to be measured is painted with a special speckle pattern which is used for
the image tracking.

– Here f(m, n) is the pixel intensity or the gray-scale value at a point (m, n) in the
original image, g(m, n) is the gray-scale value at a point (m, n) in the translated
image, f ¯ and g ¯ are mean values of the intensity matrices f and g respectively.
Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress Function
• A stress function is defined to cater for
the variation of stresses along the body at
which it is being applied

• Where
Plane Stress & Strain

• Differential Equations of Equilibrium

Plane Stress & Strain

• Boundary Conditions
– The stress components can be given as

• Taken parallel to x-axis

– X and Y are surface forces per unit area

Plane Stress & Strain

• Compatibilty Equations
• Solution of the equilibrium equations
• So as to satisfy the boundary conditions

• Determination of 3 stresses, with 2 equations

• Taking into account the elastic deformation
Plane Stress & Strain

• Compatibilty Equations
• Consideration of elastic deformation as

• Differentiating twice w.r.t. x and y and equating

the three.
Plane Stress & Strain

• Compatibilty Equations
• Replacing the condition of compatibity term with
the elasticity moduli

Substituting in
Plane Stress & Strain

• Compatibilty Equations
• Differentiating the first equilibrium equation
w.r.t. x and the second with y

And then adding the two

• Substituting in
Plane Stress & Strain

• Compatibilty Equations
• We get

• In case of general equilibrium

• And for plane strain

Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress Function
• The only body force is the weight of the object

• Take any function ϕ of x and y

• The equations of equilibrium will be satisfied

Plane Stress & Strain

• Stress Function
Plane Stress & Strain

• The Airy Stress Function

– Unlike stress, strain and deformation they have no
physical meaning.

– Biharmonic equation
Plane Stress & Strain

• The Airy Stress Function

– Unlike stress, strain and deformation they have no
physical meaning.

– Biharmonic equation
Plane Stress & Strain

• Some Simple Solutions

Plane Stress & Strain

• Some Simple Solutions

Plane Stress & Strain

• Pure Bending of a Beam

– Since the stress in the logitudinal direction varies

with the y axis
Plane Stress & Strain

• Pure Bending of a Beam

– From the bending moment applied

Plane Stress & Strain

• Cantilever Beam

– With a uniform shear stress applied to its free end

– Whose solution is very difficult if not impossible

Plane Stress & Strain

• Cantilever Beam

– We replace the beam with a shear force at the

end, the elementary beam theory predicts

– Therefore a good place to start is

Plane Stress & Strain

• Cantilever Beam

– Where α can be determined by

– However

– Thus to make it zero we can superpose a constant

shear stress of
Plane Stress & Strain

• Cantilever Beam

– Thus from α becomes

Plane Stress & Strain

• Problems
Two Dimensional Problems

• Solution of Stress Function

• Polynomial of second degree

Two Dimensional Problems

• Solution of Stress Function

• Polynomial of second degree

Two Dimensional Problems

• Solution of Stress Function

• Polynomial of third degree

Two Dimensional Problems

• Solution of Stress Function

• Polynomial of third degree

Plane Stress & Strain

• Solution of Stress Function

• Polynomial of third degree

• Putting all = 0 except "d" we get pure bending

• Putting all = 0 except "a" we get pure bending
• "b" and "c" non-zero we get shearing stresses
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy

– Vo is the strain energy per unit volume

– Work done per face when the stresses vary
accross a body
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» Computing the work done by the shear stresses on faces
1 and 2 and adding to the expression

» On all the 6 faces

» Including the body forces

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» Adding the two equtions
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» By Hooke’s Law

» Becomes

» Or in terms of strain
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» For plain Stress

» The total Strain Energy becomes

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» Special case where the stress is divided into a
distortion producing component and pure tension,
to justify how can isoptropic materials sustain high
hydrostatic pressures without yielding

» Subtracting from
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy
» And using the identity

» Strain energy in terms of distortion thus becomes

» The critical value of tensile stress in terms of shearing is

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy Release Rate

» Application for the failure of materials
» Griffith Energy Based Approach
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy Release Rate

» When the crack grows a certain energy is released, using
the Ignis approach Grffith was able to calculate this
release rate

» This is calculated by considering β = π as calculated by

Ignis in the stress triangle.
» The surface energy S associated with crack of length a is
then given by

» Where ϒ is the surface energy in Joules/m2

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy Release Rate

» The total energy associated to the cracking is the –ive
energy of the crack surfaces being unloaded and the +ive
energy delivered to create the cracks.

» Setting the derivative to zero we can find the critical crack


» For plasticly deforming materials a general strain energy

release rate coefficient is defined
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy Release Rate

» Compliance Calibration
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Strain Energy Release Rate

» Half Cantilever Beam
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

• In terms of strain
» Any action to deform the body will be countered by the
restoring energy which is the strain energy.
» Change in strain energy per unit volume is thus

𝛿𝑉𝑜 = 𝜎𝑥 𝛿𝜀𝑥 + 𝜎𝑦 𝛿𝜀𝑦 +𝜏𝑥𝑦 𝛿𝛾𝑥𝑦

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

» Work done for the virtual displacement would be

• Inclusion of body forces

• Finally we add the boundary forces as well

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

• The first term is for the potential energy of

deformation and the second and third are for
unstressed condition potential energy.
Therefore the expression represents the total
potential energy of the system.
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

• Example of a perfectly elastic string fixed at

both ends loaded by a uniformly distributed
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

– Initial tension is very large
– The strain energy is the initial
tension and the deflection

– Stretching of the string is

– And increase in strain energy is

Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

– Total strain energy is then

– Integrating by parts and putting δy = 0 at

the ends
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Virtual Work

– Putting in

– We get
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Castigliano’s Theorem.
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Castigliano’s Theorem.
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Principle of Least Work

• So strain energy due to variance in traction

forces become
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Application of the Principle of Least Work –

Rectangular Plates

• Boundary Conditions
Strain Energy and Virtual Work

• Application of the Principle of Least Work –

Rectangular Plates

• Boundary Conditions
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• The course will include

– Basic definitions of elaticity and representation in
tensor/matrix form
– Isotropic materials
– Generally Anisotropic materials
– Transversely Isotropic Materials
– Orthotropic Materials
– Laminates as a special case of Anisotropy
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Elasticity
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Elasticity
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Elasticity
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Elasticity
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Voigt Notation
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Voigt Notation
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Isotropic Materials
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Isotropic Materials
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Isotropic Materials
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Isotropic Materials

– Compressional and Shear Wave velocity

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Isotropic Materials

– Compressional and Shear Wave velocity

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Transversley Isotropic Materials

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Orthorhombic or Orthotropic Materials

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Orthorhombic or Orthotropic Materials

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Laminates as a special case of Anisotropy

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Laminates as a special case of Anisotropy

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Change in reference
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Relationships between Rigidity and


Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Relationships between Rigidity and

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Constitutive Laws for Laminates in 2D

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Constitutive Laws for Laminates in 2D

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Constitutive Laws for Laminates in 2D

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Constitutive Laws for Laminates in 2D

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Constitutive Laws for Laminates in 2D

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Problem
• A Unidirectional pli UD is subjected to one of its planes
(x,y) to the strains as following

• Considering plane stress state determine

– The Stresses in (x,y) reference system
– The Stresses in (l,t) reference system
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– The strain field in the (x,y) reference system is
given for the membrane strains as:

– Such that
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Same for the Ny and Txy
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Layup is balanced if
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– The average stresses are given by
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Under Applied Moments
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Under Applied Moments
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Under Applied Moments

Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Under Applied Moments
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Under Applied Moments
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Membrane / Bending Coupled Behaviour
Constitutive/Behaviour Laws

• Analysis of laminate layups/stacks

– Membrane / Bending Coupled Behaviour
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

• Elongation of bar

𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 = 𝐴𝐸

• The differences of forces acting on mn and m1n1 would be

Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

• Elongation of bar
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

• Elongation of bar
The general solution of the equation

Can be written as
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

The functions f and f1 should be determined using boundary


Assuming the initial velocity is zero then the displacement will be

given by

Thus the wave will be propagating in both directions
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

The functions f and f1 should be determined using boundary


By the conservation of momentum

Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

Now consider the bar travelling with a velocity v calculating the

energy in the shaded portion of the bar

Strain energy

Kinetic energy
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

Longitudinal Impact of two Bars

The wave reaches the free end

At t=l/c

The duration of impact would therefore be 2l/c

And the compressive stresses as calculated would be v(Eρ)1/2

Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

Longitudinal Impact of two Bars

Consider two unequal velocities

Then at t=l/c

The compression waves will then be reflected from the free ends
as tension waves and at the instant t = 2l/c, when these waves
arrive at the surface of contact of the two bars, the velocities of
bars 1 and 2 become
Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media

• Bars of different lengths

Non-Linear Elasticity

Multilinear Elasticity
Non-Linear Elasticity

Exponential Elasticity
In general 𝜀 = 𝜀0 + 𝐴𝜀 𝑛

Ludwik’s Law 𝜏 = 𝜏0 + 𝑘𝛾 𝑛

𝜎0 𝜎
Ramberg–Osgood 𝜀 = + 𝐾( 0 )𝑛

Or write K as α=𝐾 𝜎0 𝑁 n-1

𝜎0 𝜎 𝜎 𝑛−1
𝜀 = +𝛼 ( )
𝐸 𝐸 𝜎0
Non-Linear Elasticity

Exponential Elasticity

P𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑤 𝜎 = 𝐴𝑛 𝜀

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