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1部分 Revision notes 溫習筆記

Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

第 101 章 Forms of energy and energy
10.1 Different forms of energy 10.1 能量的不同形式

Q1 What are the different forms of energy? 能量以哪些形式存在?


The different forms of energy are shown in the following table. 下表顯示各種形式的能量。

Form of energy 各種形式的能量 Source 來源

light energy Sun, lamps
光能 太陽、電燈
heat energy hot objects
熱能 熱的物體
sound energy vibrating objects
聲能 振動的物體
electrical energy power station
電能 發電廠
kinetic energy moving objects
動能 運動中的物體
chemical energy food, fuels
化學能 食物、燃料
potential energy stretched, compressed, bent or raised objects
勢能 被拉緊、擠壓、弄曲或升高的物體

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Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

10.2 Energy changes 10.2 能量轉換

Can energy change from one form 能量可以由一種形式轉換到另一
to another? 種形式嗎?

 Yes. Some examples of energy conversions in our  可以。以下顯示日常生活中的

daily life are shown below: 能量轉換的例子。

electrical light sound

energy   energy + energy
電能 光能 聲能

chemical kinetic
energy   energy
化學能 動能

 Some energy conversions involve  一些能量轉換過程涉及中間能量形式

intermediate forms of energy.
 A daily example is shown below:  以下顯示一日常生活中的例子:

A small electric fan 小型電風扇

Initial form of energy Intermediate form of energy Final form of energy

最初的能量形式 中間能量形式 最終的能量形式

chemical electrical kinetic

energy  energy  energy
化學能 電能 動能

(of the batteries) (of the blades)

(儲存在電池內) (扇葉的)

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Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

10.3 Making use of energy converters 10.3 能量轉換器

Q3 How can energy change from one 能量如何由一種形式轉換成另
form to another? 一種形式?

 We can use energy converters to change  我們能利用能量轉換器

energy from one form to another. 種形式轉換成另一種形式。
 Examples of energy converters are shown below:  以下顯示一些能量轉換器的例子:

Initial form of energy Final form of energy

最初的能量形式 最終的能量形式

electrical light heat

energy   energy + energy
電能 光能 熱能
A light bulb 電燈

kinetic sound
energy   energy
動能 聲能

A guitar 結他

electrical kinetic
energy   energy
電能 動能

A motor in an electric fan

電風扇內的電動機 (of the blades) (扇葉的)

kinetic electrical
energy   energy
動能 電能

A generator in a power station


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Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

10.4 The need to control 10.4 控制能量轉換的重要性

energy conversions

Q4 Are all energy conversions 是否所有能量轉換都對我們有用?

useful to us?


 Energy conversions that are under control  如果轉換過程是受到控制的,這種能量

can be useful to us. They are called 轉換對我們有用,並屬於受控制的能量
controlled energy conversions. 轉換。
 Energy conversions that go out of control  如果能量轉換失控,可能會帶來嚴重的破
are very dangerous. They are called 壞,這種能量轉換屬於失
uncontrolled energy conversions.
 Examples of uncontrolled energy  失控的能量轉換的例子:

Hill fires 山火 Household fires 家居火警

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第 11 章 Our energy sources
11.1 Fuels as our sources of energy 11.1 燃料

Q5 現時我們使用的能量來自哪裏?
Where does the energy we use
come from?

 The energy we use comes from burning of  我們使用的能量來自燃燒化石燃料

fossil fuels, which include crude oil 包括原油
天然氣 煤。
(petroleum), natural gas and coal.
 Crude oil is further processed to produce  石油通常被加工生產出多種有用的燃
several types of fuels, including petrol, 料,包括汽油
汽油 柴油、石油氣
柴油 石油氣和火水
石油氣 火水。
diesel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
and kerosene.
 The following table summarises the common  下表顯示一些燃料的主要用途:
uses of the fuels.

Fuel 燃料 Common uses 主要用途

Petrol fuel for private cars
汽油 用作私家車的燃料
Diesel oil fuel for buses and lorries
柴油 用作巴士和貨車的燃料
LPG cooking and heating, fuel for taxis and minibuses
石油氣 用來煮食和把水加熱,用作的士和小巴的燃料
Kerosene fuel for airplanes
火水 用作飛機的燃料
Town gas cooking and heating at homes
煤氣 用作家居燃料,可用來煮食和把水加熱
Natural gas fuel for power stations
天然氣 用作發電廠的燃料
Coal generate electricity
煤 用來發電

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What safety precautions should we take 在家居使用燃料時應採取甚
when using the fuels at home? 麼安全措施?

The following are the safety precautions for using 以下是使用燃料時應採取的安全措施:

fuels at home.

Open the windows when you are Ask your gas supplier to check the Switch off the gas cooker when it is
using a gas cooker to let fresh air in gas cooker and the hose regularly. not in use.
and avoid build-up of harmful gases. 煮食爐以及膠喉應由合格技工定 不使用時必須把爐火熄滅。
使用氣體爐具煮食時要打開窗 期檢查和維修。

DO NOT leave the gas cooker DO NOT place flammable DO NOT use aerosol cans when the
unattended when it is in use. substances such as newspaper or gas cooker is in use because many
爐具正在使用時,不要離開及不 cooking oil near the gas cooker. aerosols contain flammable gases.
加看管。 不要把易燃物品,例如報紙和煮 不要把噴霧劑容器放近使用中的
食油,放近煮食爐。 煮食爐,因為噴霧劑通常含有易

DO NOT store too much fuel at DO NOT allow children to play in the
home. kitchen.
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Integrated Science for the 21st 不應讓小童在廚房內玩耍。 6
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Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

11.2 Using fuels to generate 11.2 利用燃料來發電


How is electricity generated in a power station? 發電廠是如何發電的?


The following diagram shows how electricity is 下圖顯示發電廠內發電的過程:

generated in a power station.

2. The steam drives the turbine which in

turn drives the generator.
2. 蒸汽推動渦輪機,繼而帶動發電機。

hot steam 蒸汽 turbine 渦輪機 generator 發電機

steam cools down electricity

and changes to water 電力
water 水 蒸汽冷卻變成水

3. The kinetic energy of the

fuel 燃料 turbine is converted into
electrical energy by the
1. Heat energy from burning fuels generator.
is used to boil water to steam. 3. 發電機把渦輪機的動能轉
1. 燃料燃燒時產生的熱能把水煮沸 換成電能。
cooling cooling
water in water out
冷卻用水 冷卻用水
入口 出口

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11.3 Other ways to generate 11.3 其他發電的方法


What are the other ways to generate 除了燃燒化石燃料,還有甚麼
electricity besides burning fossil fuels? 發電的方法?

The following table summarises different ways to generate 下表顯示其他發電的方法。


Uses heat energy from the breaking down of nuclear fuels to

boil water to steam. The steam drives a turbine, which in turn
Nuclear power
drives a generator to produce electricity.
Uses heat energy of underground hot rocks to boil water to
steam. The steam drives a turbine, which in turn drives a
Geothermal power
generator to produce electricity.
Uses kinetic energy of wind to drive the generator inside a wind
Wind power
turbine to produce electricity.
Uses kinetic energy of water flowing down from a high position
Hydro-electric power to drive a turbine, which in turn drives a generator to produce
水力發電 electricity.
Uses solar panels to convert light energy from the Sun into
Solar power

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Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

第 12 章 Issues related to the use of
12.1 Limited supply of fossil 12.1 化石燃料的供應問題

Will the fossil fuels be used up in the future? 化石燃料在將來會否耗盡?


 Yes, fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources.  會,化石燃料是不可再生能源

They are limited and will soon be used up 們的供應有限,總有一天會耗盡。
 We should rely more on renewable energy sources  我們應多倚賴可再生能源
such as wind power, solar power, hydro-electric power, 力發電、太陽能、水力發電、潮汐
tidal power and geothermal power. They can be 能及地熱能等,這些能源都可以不
renewed continuously. 斷地得到補充。

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12.2 Environmental problems 12.2 使用化石燃料引起

caused by the use of 的環境問題
fossil fuels

What environmental problems are 燃燒化石燃料會引起甚麼環境
caused by burning of fossil fuels? 問題?

 Burning of fossil fuels gives out pollutants such  燃燒化石燃料會放出污染物,例如

as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, 二氧化碳、二氧化硫
二氧化碳 二氧化硫、氮氧化物
二氧化硫 氮氧化物、
nitrogen oxides, dust and particulates. 塵粒和懸浮粒子
塵粒 懸浮粒子。
 These pollutants cause air pollution, acid  這些污染物會引致空氣污染
空氣污染 酸雨
rain and global warming. 和全球暖化
 The following diagram summarises the  下圖總結了不同空氣污染物造成的
environmental problems caused by different 環境問題。

react with water in

air to form acid rain

traps heat from the

Sun and causes
global warming sulphur dioxide and
carbon dioxide nitrogen oxides
困住太陽的熱能, 二氧化碳 二氧化硫和氮氧化物
dust and particulates

kills trees and

organisms in water
factories and power stations
cause air
damages stone statues
cars 汽車 侵蝕石製雕像

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12.3 Solving problems 12.3 解決使用化石燃料引起

caused by the use of 的問題
fossil fuels

Q11 How can we reduce environmental problems 我們如何紓緩因使用化石

caused by burning of fossil fuels? 燃料所帶來的環境問題?

 We can help reduce the use of fossil fuels by  我們透過在日常生活中節約能源

saving energy in our daily lives. 來減少使用化石燃料。
 The following diagrams show some actions we  下圖顯示節約能源的方法:
can take to save energy.

Switch off the light whenever you Turn off the television when you are Hang-dry washed clothes instead
leave a room. not watching it. of using a dryer.
離開房間時要關燈。 沒有人觀看電視時把電視機關掉。 把衣服晾乾而不使用乾衣機。

Set the air-conditioner to a higher Walk instead of using the lift if you Take a short shower instead of a
temperature. go up or down only one or two floors. bath. This reduces the use of hot
把冷氣機調節至合適的溫度,因 上落一層樓時,使用樓梯,而非乘 water and thus the energy needed
為溫度過低會浪費電力。 搭升降機。 to heat the water.

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 Besides, the scientists develop new technologies to  另外,科學家研發一些新科技來

reduce the use of fossil fuel. 減少化石燃料的消耗。

New technologies

include 包括

Technologies for Alternative ways to Alternative fuels,

reducing energy use generate electricity e.g. biofuels
節能的科技 其他發電的方法 化石燃料以外的燃料

e.g. 例如: e.g. 例如:

Compact fluorescent lamps Nuclear power 核能 e.g. 例如:
change electrical energy to A bus that uses biofuel
Geothermal power 地熱能
light energy efficiently. They 一輛使用生物燃料的巴士
give out the same amount of Wind power 風力發電
light as ordinary light bulbs, Hydro-electric power 水力發電
but use only a quarter of the Solar powder 太陽能
慳電膽  與傳統燈泡比

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Part Revision Helper 溫習錦囊 (Bilingual version) 雙語版本

第 2 部分 Revision exercise 單元練習

A. True or false questions
Write ‘T’ for a true statement or ‘F’ for a false statement in each box provided.
1. When a rubber band is stretched, it contains potential energy. □
2. Pianos can change kinetic energy to sound energy. □
3. Household fire is an example of uncontrolled energy conversions. □
4. In power stations, the generators change electrical energy to kinetic energy. □
5. Kerosene is mainly used as a fuel for buses in Hong Kong. □
6. In a wind turbine, wind is used to drive the turbine blades, which in turn drives a □
7. Wind power is clean but the source is unreliable. □
8. Geothermal power is renewable energy sources. □
9. The carbon dioxide given out from the burning of fossil fuels intensify greenhouse □
10. Carbon dioxide traps heat from the Sun and keeps the Earth warm. This is called □
global warming.

B. Multiple-choice questions
Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1. A burning candle can give out
(I) light energy.
(II) heat energy.
(III) electrical energy.
A. (I) and (II) only
B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only
D. (I), (II) and (III) □

2. Release a table tennis ball from a certain height.

What energy change takes place when the ball is falling?
A. kinetic energy  potential energy
B. kinetic energy  heat energy
C. potential energy  kinetic energy
D. potential energy  heat energy □

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3. Which of the following shows the energy change taking place in a hydro-electric power station?
A. kinetic energy  potential energy  electrical energy
B. potential energy  kinetic energy  electrical energy
C. kinetic energy  heat energy  electrical energy
D. potential energy  heat energy  electrical energy □

4. Which kind of energy is stored in a compressed spring?

A. Chemical energy
B. Potential energy
C. Heat energy
D. Electrical energy □

5. Which of the following is/are produced from crude oil?

(I) Town gas
(II) Petrol
(III) Coal
A. (I) only
B. (II) only
C. (I) and (II) only
D. (II) and (III) only □

6. Which of the following fuels cause little air pollution?

(II) Town gas
(III) Natural gas
A. (I) and (II) only
B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only
D. (I), (II) and (III) □

7. Which of the following is not a renewable energy source?

A. Nuclear power
B. Solar power
C. Wind power
D. Hydro-electric power □

8. Which of the following gases cause acid rain?

(I) Sulphur dioxide
(II) Nitrogen oxides
(III) Carbon dioxide
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A. (I) and (II) only

B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only
D. (I), (II) and (III) □

9. Which of the following ways can save energy?

(I) Go to work by using public transports instead of driving a car.
(II) Set the air-conditioner to a higher temperature.
(III) Use natural light for office lighting.
A. (I) and (II) only
B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only
D. (I), (II) and (III) □

10. Which of the following power stations use(s) steam to drive a turbine?
(I) Geothermal power stations
(II) Wind power stations
(III) Hydro-electric power stations
A. (I) only
B. (II) only
C. (I) and (II) only
D. (II) and (III) only □

C. Short questions
1. The following diagram shows a steam engine unit. When the fuel is burned, the bulb lights up.


fuel trough light bulb


(a) Suggest a fuel for this steam engine unit.


(b) Explain why the bulb lights up.

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2. Solar power is one of the alternative energy sources.

(a) Describe how solar power stations produce electricity.

(b) State two advantage of using solar power.


(c) State one disadvantage of using solar power.


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Part Answers 答案
A. True or false questions 是非題
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F

B. Multiple-choice questions 多項選擇題

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. A

C. Short questions 短問題

1. (a) Alcohol
(b) When the fuel is burned, it gives out heat energy. The heat energy boils water to steam.
The steam then turns the wheel, which in turn drives the generator to produce electricity.
As a result, the bulb lights up.

2. (a) The solar power stations use solar panels to change light energy from the Sun directly
into electricity.
(b) It is clean and the energy source is unlimited.
(c) The cost of solar panels is high. / A lot of space is required. / The energy source is

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