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Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

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lottery [`l3t4ri] n. 樂透;摸彩、抽獎 splendor [`spl5nd0] n. 輝煌;壯麗
Some of the students complained about the The castle has now been returned to its original
lottery system used to assign rooms. splendor.

Q disturb [d6`st-b] v. 使心神不寧;使焦慮 awe [7] n. 敬畏;驚嘆

I was truly disturbed by the movie and will We were in awe of the view from the top of
probably have nightmares tonight! Mount Everest.

Q peer [p6r] v. 同儕;同輩;身分地位相同的人 Q distinct [d6`st6;kt] adj. 顯著的、明顯的

NO. 158 1 月 1 日

NO. 158 1 月 8 日
Zoey was well-liked among her peers at school. There’s a distinct flower smell in this room.

Q critic [`kr6t6k] n. 評論家;批評、反對者 Q cathedral [k4`qidr4l] n. 主教座堂、大教堂

Critics gave the album excellent reviews upon its The Notre-Dame de Paris is one of the most
release. famous cathedrals in the world.

Q protest [pr4`t5st] v., n. 抗議、反對 Q manufacturer [~m1nj4`f1kt]4r0] n. 製造業者

The crowd protested loudly when the band ended Ford is one of the biggest car manufacturers in the
their concert early. world.

Q contend [k4n`t5nd] v. 主張、爭辯;競爭 Q remarkable [r6`m3rk4b4l] adj. 驚人的

Matt still contends that his project should have Kim has the most remarkable blue eyes I’ve ever
gotten a higher grade. seen.

solemnly [`s3l4mli] adv. 嚴肅地;莊嚴地 NO. 158 1 月 9, 10 日 dressing [`dr5s6;] n. 醬料;調味料

NO. 158 1 月 2 日

Everyone gathered around the grave solemnly as I made a salad with lettuce, carrots, tomato, and
the son began his speech. Italian dressing.

Q desperately [`d5spr4tli] adv. 絕望地;急迫地 cashier [k1`]6r] n. 收銀員;出納員

The man struggled desperately, trying to escape. Once he finished trying on clothes, Mitch brought
the items he wanted to buy to the cashier.

Q psychology [~sa6`k3l4d.i] n. 心理學

Q isolated [`a6s4~let4d] adj. 偏僻、偏遠的
My brother applied to the psychology program at
My dad’s isolated cabin does not have Internet
the University of Toronto.
Q chronic [`kr3n6k] adj. 慢性的;長期的
Q mingle [`m6;g4l] v. 交際;應酬
People who suffer from chronic pain tend to have
Sara was too shy to mingle at the party and
a poor quality of life.
instead stayed near the food table.
NO. 158 1 月 3, 4 日

Q retire [r6`ta6r] v. 退休
NO. 158 1 月 11 日

Q poultry [`poltri] n. 家禽(肉)

I plan to spend all of my time traveling after I
I keep all the hardware in this metal box.

Q permanent [`p-m4n4nt] adj. 永久的 alligator [`1l4%get0] n. 短吻鱷

Before we left for Florida, we were warned to
The red wine left a permanent stain on my white
watch out for alligators.

Q hardship [`h3rd~]6p] n. 艱辛;困難 Q storage [`st7r6d.] n. 儲藏、儲存

The island faced considerable economic hardship I placed my furniture in storage before moving
following the typhoon. overseas.

Q widespread [`wa6d`spr5d] adj. 普遍的 Q warehouse [`w5r%ha8s] n. 倉庫

There was widespread excitement for the newest Our warehouse was flooded and everything in it
iPhone release. was destroyed.
NO. 158 1 月 12, 15 日

revive [r6`va6v] v. (使)復興、再次流行

NO. 158 1 月 4, 5 日

Q involved [6n`v3lvd] adj. 參與的;專心於……的 Q

Andy was involved in several school clubs, Oliver hoped to revive his acting career by
including soccer and band. participating in the play.

Q charity [`t]5r4ti] n. 慈善機構;慈善(事業) Q playwright [`ple~ra6t] n. 劇作家

Save the Children is a charity that supports Arthur Miller was a famous playwright whose
children’s rights around the world. popular works include All My Sons and Death of a
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q cuisine [kw6`zin] n. 菜餚;烹飪 Q isolation [~a6s4`le]4n] v. 孤立;隔離

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It’s difficult to find good Thai cuisine here. There was a feeling of isolation in the woods.

Q blond [bl3nd] adj. 金色的;淺棕色的 Q eliminate [6`l6m4~net] v. 排除、消除;(比賽

We bought a blond-colored coffee table for our 中)淘汰
new apartment. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry large
amounts of cash.
Q refreshing [r6`fr5]6;] adj. 清涼的;提神的;

NO. 158 1 月 1, 2 日
使人耳目一新的 Q anxiously [`1;]4sli] adv. 焦慮不安地;急切地

NO. 158 1 月 9 日
Lemonade is so refreshing on a hot summer The parents waited anxiously for the doctor to
afternoon! finish operating on their daughter.

Q imitate [`6m4~tet] v. 模仿、仿效 Q withdraw [w6\`dr7] v. 抽回;退出;提領(錢)

David likes to imitate famous actors’ voices. I withdraw my hand from the campfire to avoid
getting burned.

Q absolutely [ ~1bs4`lutli] adv. (用於對答)完全 obesity [o`bis4ti] n. 肥胖

沒問題;完全地;絕對地 Childhood obesity is a serious health concern in
Tanya was absolutely certain that she had seen several countries.
the man before.
Q alcohol [`1lk4~h7l] n. 酒;含酒精飲料
mayonnaise [`me4~nez] n. 美乃滋 Mandy doesn’t drink alcohol—she prefers tea.
The recipe called for half a cup of mayonnaise.
NO. 158 1 月 10, 11 日

Q consumption [k4n`s9m]4n] n. 飲用、食用;

Q equip [6`kw6p] v. 使配備、裝備 (能量或材料的)消耗

NO. 158 1 月 3 日
The airplane is equipped with all sorts of safety The consumption of eight glasses of water every
devices. day is recommended by many doctors.

booth [buq] n. (展場的)小帳棚、售貨攤 Q fundamental [~f9nd4`m5nty] adj. 基本的

Many types of food were available from booths on Access to health care should be a fundamental
the festival grounds. human right.

Q overlook [~ov0`l8k] v. 忽略、未注意到 solo [`solo] adj. 獨自(進行)的 n. 獨奏、獨唱

Mandy overlooked the instructions and thus did Miranda was chosen to sing the solo part in the
not complete the test properly. play.
Q decrease [d6`kris] v., n. 減少;降低 Q exceed [6k`sid] v. 超出;勝過
To decrease the amount of trash they throw The crowd at the protest exceeded five thousand
away, companies should encourage employees to people.
explore [6k`spl7r] v. 探討;探索
NO. 158 1 月 12 日

NO. 158 1 月 4 日
Q impact [`6m~p1kt] n. 衝擊;影響 v. 影響
Many scientists are currently exploring ways to
The impact from the explosion was felt for miles address climate change.
Q mourn [m7rn] v. 哀悼;哀痛
Q transportation [%tr1nsp0`te]4n] n. 運輸、運送
Mohammed’s first novel is a brilliant book that
You can easily reach most places in Taipei by mourns the loss of youth.
using the public transportation system.

Q enormous [6`n7rm4s] adj. 巨大的;龐大的 Q wig [w6g] n. 假髮

We collected an enormous amount of money for After she started treatment for cancer, my mom
charity. bought a wig to hide her hair loss.

Q contribute [k4n`tr6bjut] v. 貢獻 mere [m6r] adj. 僅僅的、只不過的

Maggie contributed hugely to her basketball The mere idea of quitting school is crazy.
team’s win.
idol [`a6dy] n. 偶像
NO. 158 1 月 5, 8 日

Q tragedy [`tr1d.4di] n. 悲劇
NO. 158 1 月 15 日

The movie idol was loved by millions of fans.

One of the earliest tragedies is a play called
Oedipus the King. Q destination [~d5st4`ne]4n] n. (旅行等的)目
Q contemplate [`k3nt4m~plet] v. 考慮、思量
Once I save enough money, my next travel
I contemplated going out tonight, but decided destination will be Vietnam!
that I should catch up on sleep instead.

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identify [a6`d5nt4~fa6] v. 認出、識別出 jersey [`d.-zi] n. 運動衫

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Brad was able to identify the thief from among Amy has a hockey jersey signed by her favorite
the men. player.

idiom [`6di4m] n. 慣用語;用語 Q insult [`6n~s9lt] n. 侮辱;辱罵

One of my favorite idioms is “when pigs fly.” The insult was hurtful, but I tried to pretend that
it didn’t bother me.

NO. 158 1 月 23, 24 日

Q disguise [d6s`ga6z] v. 喬裝、偽裝
Q check-in [`t]5k~6n] v. (機場)辦理登機手續
NO. 158 1 月 16 日

She was completely disguised in her costume—no

one knew it was her! We first stopped at the hotel’s check-in desk to
receive our room key.
well-known [`w5l`non] adj. 眾所皆知的、著
Q agent [`ed.4nt] n. 代理人
The border agent seized our bags when we tried
Harvard is a well-known and respected university.
to enter the United States.

Q aspect [`1s~p5kt] n. 方面、層面 Q apologize [4`p3l4~d.a6z] v. 道歉、認錯

Always looking on the bright side of things was a My sister immediately apologized for spilling tea
core aspect of her personality. on my laptop.

Q including [6n`klud6;] prep. 包括……(在內) Q declare [d6`kl5r] v. 向(海關、稅務局)申報(納

Kristy ordered a full-course meal, including a 稅物品等)
starter, main dish, and dessert. Please declare all of your international purchases.

tuition [tju`w6]4n] n. 學費 NO. 158 1 月 25, 26 日

NO. 158 1 月 17 日

Q fascinating [`f1s4~net6;] adj. 極有趣的

Leah’s university tuition left her with a lot of debt That was a fascinating discussion—I learned so
that took years to pay off. much!

allowance [4`la84ns] n. 零用錢 Q generation [~d.5n4`re]4n] n. 世代

Steven saved his allowance for three months to buy This place was just a small town one generation
tickets for the concert. ago.

Q funeral [`fjun4r4l] n. 葬禮 Q alter [`7lt0] v. 更改、改變

After my grandmother’s funeral, we went home After receiving feedback from her editor, Olivia
and shared our favorite memories of her. altered the second half of her novel.

Q container [k4n`ten0] n. 容器 Q whereas [w5r`1z] conj. 然而(用於對比)

My dad keeps an extra container of gas in the My favorite dessert is chocolate cake, whereas my
trunk of his car, just in case. best friend prefers apple pie.
NO. 158 1 月 18, 19 日

bloom [blum] v. 開花;綻放

NO. 158 1 月 29 日

Q workshop [`w-k~]3p] n. 工作坊、車間、工廠 Q

In order to get my boat fixed up quickly, I’ll be at Mary loves when the tulips begin to bloom in the
my workshop all weekend. spring.

Q transparent [tr1ns`p5r4nt] adj. 透明的 Q prompt [pr3mpt] v. 引起、導致、促使

Sophia checked on the progress of the cake War in the Middle East has prompted many citizens
through the transparent oven door. to leave their countries.

Q founder [`fa8nd0] n. 創立者;創辦人 flaw [fl7] n. 缺點;缺失

Steve Jobs was one of the founders of Apple. The proposed tax policy had several major flaws,
which prevented it from being passed.
Q universal [~jun4`v-s4l] adj. 全世界的;普遍的
Across most cultures, there is a universal belief that Q neighboring [`neb06;] adj. 毗鄰的、相鄰的
murder is wrong. A woman from the neighboring office invited
NO. 158 1 月 31, CNN 日

Shelly out to lunch.

Q prominent [`pr3m4n4nt] adj. 重要的
exposure [6k`spo.0] n. 暴露;曝曬
NO. 158 1 月 22 日

As the lead singer, Megan was a prominent Q

member of the band. Long-term exposure to secondhand smoke can
cause significant health issues.
Q activism [`1kt6~v6z4m] n. 行動主義;(為達社
會或政治目的而採取各種手段的)激進主義 Q intensity [6n`t5ns4ti] n. 強度;強烈
It is our hope that our activism will lead to big I cannot bear the intensity of the heat in this
changes in the community. sauna.

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Q unfortunately [~9n`f7rt]n4tli] adv. 可惜地 Q reflect [r6`fl5kt] v. 顯示、表現;反映

Alan had hoped to buy a coffee on his way home; Hans Zimmer’s music for The Lion King reflects his
unfortunately, the café was closed amazing talent.

Q terminal [`t-m4ny] n. 航廈;轉運站 Q reference [`r5fr4ns] n. 提到、論及

Melanie and her cousin met at the bus terminal Matt’s new book includes several references to
and left for their trip together. events that occurred in his childhood.

NO. 158 1 月 24, 25 日

NO. 158 1 月 16, 17 日

Q suitcase [`sut~kes] n. (旅行用的)手提箱、行李箱 Q glitter [`gl6t0] v. 閃閃發光、閃爍
For my three-week trip overseas, I packed both a Annie’s jewelry glittered in the sunlight.
large suitcase and a smaller carry-on bag.
Q resolution [~r5z4`lu]4n] n. 決心;決定
strap [str1p] n. 束帶;皮帶;帶子 I made a resolution last year to join a gym and
The strap on John’s backpack broke, so he had to get in shape.
carry the bag in his arms until he got home.

Q eventually [6`v5nt]u4li] adv. 最後、終於 Q reflection [r6`fl5k]4n] n. (鏡子的)映像、

My sister’s broken arm eventually healed, and she
was able to return to painting. The lake showed a bright reflection of the moon
because it was a clear night.
Q notably [`not4bli] adv. 值得注意地、顯然
The band’s new album sold very well, most
unassuming [~9n4`sum6;] adj. 低調的;謙遜的
notably in the United States and Japan. My family lives in a quiet, unassuming
NO. 158 1 月 26, 29 日

correspond [~k7r4`sp3nd] v. 相當於、相對應

NO. 158 1 月 18 日
These numbers correspond to notes that can be
Q civilization [~s6v4l4`ze]4n] n. 文明(社會)
found at the end of the document. The ancient Greek civilization existed for hundreds
of years.
Q contrast [`k3n~tr1st] n. 對比、對照
We spent $100 on supplies; by contrast, we made
Q carve [k3rv]v. 雕刻;刻鑿
over $500 in sales. David carved his name into the wood statue that
he made.

Q namely [`nemli] adv. 即、也就是 telescope [`t5l4~skop] n. 望遠鏡

Someone, namely me, is always left to cover the Tina saw the shooting star through her telescope.
bill at the end of the night.
microscope [`ma6kr4~skop] n. 顯微鏡
Q random [`r1nd4m] adj. 隨機的;任意的
Check out what a piece of hair looks like under a
I chose a random string of letters and numbers for microscope!
my Facebook password.
NO. 158 1 月 29, 31 日

NO. 158 1 月 19, 22 日

Q solar [`sol0] adj. 太陽(能)的
Q efficiency [6`f6]4nsi] n. 效率;效能
Greg switched to solar energy as a way to help
The new computers helped increase efficiency at protect the environment.
our office.
Q regardless [r6`g3rdl4s] adv. 不管怎樣
Q critical [`kr6t6k4l] adj. 嚴重的;極重要的 We are happy with how well we did this season,
Taiwan faced a critical shortage of water after a regardless of whether we win the final game.
long period with no rain.

Q radiation [~redi`e]4n] n. 輻射(能);輻射物 Q composition [~k3mp4`z6]4n] n. 成分;構成

I wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the The composition of the poem is somewhat
sun’s radiation. unusual, as it’s extremely long.

Q classify [`kl1s4~fa6] v. 將……分類、歸類 Q contemporary [k4n`t5mp4~r5ri] adj. 當代的

Surprisingly, tomatoes are classified as fruits. Contemporary societies around the world face
many political and social problems.
NO. 158 1 月 CNN 日

Q frequency [`frikw4nsi] n. 頻率
Q distinguish [d6`st6;gw6] ] v. 區分;辨別
NO. 158 1 月 23 日

This device can accurately measure the

wavelength and frequency of radio waves. The store employees were distinguished by their
red T-shirts and name tags.
Q access [`1k~s5s] n. 使用……的權利或機會
I don’t have access to the Internet now, so I can’t
Q hairstyle [`h5r~sta6l] n. 髮型
send the e-mail. My sister dressed up as Madonna for Halloween,
including her ’80s hairstyle!

{本月精選} 實用會話:觀光英語 e-mail 撰寫祕訣 中 中高級
生 活、進 階 聽 說 讀 寫 全 面 升 級 February 2018 No. 159

w 月號

選字範圍:3500–6000 字

Visiting New York & Taking Public Transportation

旅遊 搭乘渡輪參觀自由女神像
英語 購買地鐵乘車券暢遊紐約

Winter Activities
冬季活動 Alpacas Benedict Cumberbatch
Actor and Philanthropist
圖解冬季奧運 Your Useful, Furry Friends
毛茸茸的可愛羊駝 從演員到慈善家
Chinese New Year
Celebrations The History behind
around the World Venice England’s Obsession over Tea
A City of Dreams
世界各地歡慶 如夢似幻的水都威尼斯
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

everyday [`5vri~de] adj. 日常的;每天的 feast [fist] n.

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Q 盛宴;(宗教上的)節日
Getting coffee before going to work is my After the wedding, we all gathered at my mother’s
everyday routine. house to eat an amazing feast.

entertaining [~5nt0`ten6;] adj. 有趣的;具 Q ferry [`f5ri] n. 渡輪;渡船

娛樂性的 You can get to Green Island by taking a ferry from
He was an entertaining speaker and kept the Taitung City.
students interested for over an hour.

NO. 159 2 月 7, 8 日
battery [`b1t4ri] n. 排砲、砲陣;電池、電瓶
NO. 159 2 月 1 日

Q career [k4`r6r] n. 職業;事業 The general set up his team and a battery of
Abby’s goal was to have a career in writing. weaponry at the foot of the hill.

Q numerous [`num4r4s] adj. 許多的、大量的 Q site [sa6t] n. 地點、場所;遺址

My sister has numerous pets, including two cats The Louvre is a famous site that many tourists visit
and four dogs. while in Paris.

Q muddy [`m9di] adj. 泥濘的、多爛泥的 Q tap [t1p] v. 輕拍、輕敲

The roads turned muddy once the typhoon hit. I could tell that Ethan was nervous because he kept
tapping his pencil on the desk.
abruptly [4`br9ptli] adv. 突然地;唐突地
The weather changed abruptly, and suddenly we Q essential [6`s5n]4l] adj. 必不可少的;極其重要的
were caught in a snowstorm! Passing this test is essential for passing the course.

NO. 159 2 月 9, 12 日
Q dispose [d6`spoz] v. 丟棄、處理掉 Q initially [6`n6]4li] adv. 最初、開始
NO. 159 2 月 2 日

Can you show me where I should dispose of my She initially studied medicine, but later switched to
garbage? nursing.

Q misfortune [~m6s`f7rt]4n] n. 不幸;厄運 Q convince [k4n`v6ns] v. 說服、勸服;使信服

She had the misfortune of losing her passport while Rachel convinced Charles to join her on the
on vacation. camping trip.

Q overall [~ov0`7l] adv. 總的來說;大體上

Overall, Allison was pleased with her daughter’s
Q intensify [6n`t5ns4~fa6] v. 增強;加劇
progress in school. The typhoon intensified as it drew closer to land.

Q interact [~6nt0`1kt] v. 交流;交互作用、互動 Q luxury [`l9k.4ri] adj. 奢侈的 n. 奢華(不可

Tim enjoyed interacting with the other children at 數);奢侈品(可數)
the park. Tracy spent a fortune on the luxury handbag.
NO. 159 2 月 5, 6 日

recommend [~r5k4`m5nd] v. 建議、勸告 impose [6m`poz] v. 強制實行……;徵(稅);

NO. 159 2 月 13 日

My friend recommended that I read the book 把……強加於……
before seeing the movie. The government imposed strict immigration laws.

Q magnificent [m1g`n6f4s4nt] adj. 宏偉壯麗的 Q minister [`m6n4st0] n. 部長、大臣

The Niagara Falls in Canada is a magnificent sight The prime minister resigned over the scandal.
to see!

Q underneath [~9nd0`niq] prep. 在……底下

Q communication [k4~mjun4`ke]4n] n. 溝通、
Can you hand me the paper that’s underneath
that pile of books?
We need to improve our communication if we
Q eternal [6`t-ny] adj. 永恆的;不朽的 want this relationship to work.
This skin product says it ensures eternal youth, but
I’m not sure I believe that.
Q greeting [`grit6;] n. 問候、致意;賀詞、問候語
NO. 159 2 月 6, 7 日

The clerk gave Rebecca a warm greeting upon her

NO. 159 2 月 14 日

Q chef [ ]5f] n. 主廚;廚師

I love the café on the corner—the chef there
makes the best sandwiches!
worthwhile [`w-q`wa6l] adj. 值得(花時間、
Q olive [`3l6v] n. 橄欖;橄欖色 金錢去做)的;有價值的
Serena ordered a pizza with extra cheese, peppers, Would it be worthwhile to invest in this company’s
and black olives. stocks?

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

muse [mjuz] v. 若有所思地說著;沉思、默想

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Q facility [f4`s6l4ti] n. (有特定用途的)場所;設 “Icould join a gym,” Mark mused, “but I don’t
施、設備 really have the time.”
The daycare facility is only open Monday to
Friday. Q recall [r6`k7l] v. 記起、回想起
I was planning to send you an e-mail, but I
sightseeing [`sa6t~si6;] n. 觀光、遊覽 couldn’t recall your address.
After an afternoon of sightseeing, we were all

NO. 159 2 月 8, 9 日

NO. 159 2 月 1, 2 日
exhausted. patron [`petr4n] n. 顧客(尤指老顧客);資助人
The patrons hurried out of the restaurant when
Q continually [k4n`t6nju4li] adv. 屢屢地、一再 the smoke alarm went off.
You must continually renew your membership in Q potential [p4`t5n]4l] adj. 可能的、潛在的
order to keep going to the gym. Caitlin is a potential candidate, but I think we
should offer the job to Mia.

Q purchase [`p-t]4s] v. 購買 Q beneficial [~b5n4`f6]4l] adj. 有益的、有利的

I want to return this coffeemaker that I purchased Walking for just 30 minutes every day can have
yesterday. many beneficial health effects.
Q healthful [`h5lqf4l] adj. 有益健康的 Q disorder [d6s`7rd0] n. (身心)失調、紊亂
Jane committed herself to living a more healthful My dad suffers from a mental disorder that makes
lifestyle. it difficult for him to find work.
NO. 159 2 月 12, 13 日

Q beverage [`b5vr6d.] n. 飲料(不包括水的飲品) Q perceive [p0`siv] v. 看待;認為

NO. 159 2 月 5 日
What type of beverage would you like, sir? Nick complained a lot and was often perceived as
being too negative.
Q demand [d6`m1nd] n. 需求(量);要求
v. 需要、強烈要求 Q volunteer [~v3l4n`t6r] n. 志願者、義工
The demand for a product is closely related to its Derek works as a volunteer at the hospital on
supply. weekends.

Q massively [`m1s6vli] adv. 大量地;大規模地

The development of the Internet has massively canal [k4`n1l] n. 運河;水道
helped the spread of information. We took a relaxing boat trip down the canal while
on our vacation.
Q concept [`k3n%s5pt] n. 概念;觀念
This is a unique concept, but it is not practical.
Q characteristic [~k5r6kt4`r6st6k] n. 特性;特
NO. 159 2 月 13, 14 日

Q app [1p] n. 應用程式 The girl was very shy, a characteristic that made it
I downloaded an app to help me manage my difficult for her to make friends.

NO. 159 2 月 6 日
monthly finances.
Q extraordinary [6k`str7rd4~n5ri] adj. 非凡
Q correspondence [~k7r4`sp3nd4ns] n. 往來 的、出色的;令人驚奇的
書信;通信;(兩個事物間的)關聯 Many people admired the model’s extraordinary
Please use a more formal tone when writing beauty.
business correspondence.

Q professional [pr4`f5]4ny] adj. 專業的;職業的

Thank you for handling my complaint in a Q scenery [`sin4ri] n. 風景、景色
professional manner.
The mountain scenery that we saw while on our
road trip was truly impressive.
Q courteous [`k-ti4s] adj. 謙恭有禮的
Steve is courteous to friends and strangers alike. Q costume [`k3~stum] n. (某歷史時期、某國或
NO. 159 2 月 14, 15 日

Q complicated [`k3mpl4%ket4d] adj. 複雜的
Have you decided what costume you want to
NO. 159 2 月 7 日

Heather was the first student in the class to solve wear for Halloween?
the complicated problem.
Q host [host] v. 舉辦;主持
Q retain [r6`ten] v. 保持、保留 The restaurant hosts a fabulous Halloween party
You need to practice every day if you want to every year.
retain these skills.

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

appropriate [4`propri4t] adj. 合適的;恰當的

請 沿虛 線剪 下
Q unfold [9n`fold] v. (形勢或故事)披露、呈現、
This is not an appropriate phrase to have in a
children’s book.
News of the car chase unfolded live on television.
generational [~d.5n4`re]n4l] adj. 世代的
Larry conducts research on the generational
commander [k4`m1nd0] n. 指揮官
differences in the English language. After many years in the army, Valerie was

NO. 159 2 月 22, 26 日

promoted and became a commander.
vital [`va6ty] adj. 非常重要的、不可或缺的
NO. 159 2 月 15 日

Participation is vital if you want to get a good
rib [r6b] v. (善意地)取笑、開……的玩笑 n. 肋骨
grade in this class. Penelope was ribbed by her classmates because of
her bad haircut.
Q annoying [4`n766;] adj. 惱人的;討厭的
Tim’s habit of constantly cracking his knuckles is
Q expand [6k`sp1nd] v. (使)擴張、膨脹
annoying. The balloon expanded as air was blown into it.

Q calorie [`k1l4ri] n. 卡路里(熱量單位)

Q accomplishment [4`k3mpl6]m4nt] n. 成就

There are way too many calories in that dessert—I’m Molly’s greatest accomplishment was graduating
on a diet! at the top of her class.

Q fertilizer [`f-t4~la6z0] n. 肥料
Q establish [6`st1bl6] ] v. 創立、建立、設立

The farmer spread a chemical fertilizer before The company was established in 1990 but didn’t
planting his crops. enjoy global success until 2001.

imaginative [6`m1d.n4t6v] adj. 富有想像力的

NO. 159 2 月 19 日

NO. 159 2 月 27 日 Q
allergy [`1l0d.i] n. 過敏反應;過敏症
My sister has developed an allergy to wheat. Serena wrote an imaginative story about living in
breeding [`brid6;] n. (動物)飼養、繁殖;教養 Q academic [~1k4`d5m6k] adj. 學術的;學業的
My mother is a scientist who studies the breeding
of horses. His academic achievements helped Eric get a
well-paying job.

Q content [k4n`t5nt] adj. 滿足的、知足的 Q distress [d6`str5s] v. 使痛苦、憂慮

Ali was content with his new job and hoped he Brandon was distressed to receive a bad grade on
would be asked to stay. his final exam.

shriek [ ]rik] v. 尖叫 creak [krik] n. 嘎吱聲 v. (門、地板等)嘎吱作響

David shrieked and ran out of the room when he My sister tried to slip out of the house, but the
saw the cockroach. creak of the stairs gave her away.
NO. 159 2 月 28 日

hostile [`h3sty] adj. reassure [~ri4`]8r] v.

NO. 159 2 月 20 日

Q 不友善的;懷有敵意的 使安心;打消……的疑慮
Sara’s dog is hostile and often chases people as The parents reassured their daughter after she had
well as other animals. a nightmare.

Q occasionally [4`ke.n4li] adv. 偶爾地 Q consult [k4n`s9lt] v. 請教;諮詢

I occasionally make dinner at home, but usually I I consulted a doctor because my cough has lasted
go out to eat. for three months.

Q portray [p7r`tre] v. 飾演;描繪 Q motivate [`mot4~vet] v. 激勵、激發、使決意做

The actor portrayed a victim in the police crime I was motivated to study because I wanted to get
drama. an A in the class.

physicist [`f6z4s6st] n. 物理學家 Q institute [`6nst4~tut] n. (教育等)機構、研究院

Famous physicist Nikola Tesla helped develop Megan was hired to do research at the cancer
modern systems of electricity. institute.
NO. 159 2 月 CNN 日

discipline [`d6s4pl4n] n. 學習領域、學科

NO. 159 2 月 21 日

imitation [~6m4`te]4n] n. 模仿;仿造、仿製品 Q

Catherine does a great imitation of her friend’s Ted studied the related disciplines of computer
laughter. science and technology.

Q series [`s6riz] n. (電視或廣播的)系列節目 Q humanity [hju`m1n4ti] n. 人文學科

Some of my favorite books are those in the Harry As a humanities student, I took courses in art and
Potter series. film history.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q revise [r6`va6z] v. 修改;校訂

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Q cavity [`k1v4ti] n. (身體的)腔;(牙齒的)蛀洞

There is something stuck inside Kevin’s nasal Evelyn’s teacher suggested that she revise the
cavity, making it difficult to breathe. essay one more time.

Q gender [`d.5nd0] n. 性別 arena [4`rin4] n. (體育比賽或表演的)場地

The form required me to fill in my name, age, and The band’s concert at the 10,000-seat arena sold
out in minutes.

NO. 159 2 月 15, 16 日

discourage [d6s`k-6d.] v.

NO. 159 2 月 26 日
Q 使(某人)灰心喪氣
gorilla [g4`r6l4] n. 大猩猩
We saw many animals during our trip to the zoo, The basketball players were discouraged after
including zebras, lions, and gorillas. they lost the big game.

sneeze [sniz] v. 打噴嚏 n. 噴嚏(聲) Q bruise [bruz] n., v. 瘀青、瘀傷

The flowers made him sneeze. Jessica had several bruises from falling down the

Q convert [k4n`v-t] v. (使)改變、轉變、改造 empire [`5m~pa6r] n. 帝國

I converted my essay into a PDF file before The queen’s large empire covered most of the
handing it in. continent.

absurd [4b`s-d] adj. 荒謬的、荒唐的 Q slaughter [`sl7t0] n., v. 宰殺;屠殺

It’s absurd to think that climate change is not World War II is remembered for the mass slaughter
happening. of millions of innocent people.

NO. 159 2 月 19, 20 日

NO. 159 2 月 27, 28 日

Q preferable [`pr5fr4b4l] adj. 更好的;更適合的 Q tough [t9f ] adj. 強壯、強悍的;強硬的

I’m going to wait inside for the bus; that’s My brother likes to pretend he’s tough, but he’s
preferable to being stuck out in the rain. actually quite sensitive.

Q apology [4`p3l4d.i] n. 道歉;認錯 Q herd [h-d] n. (牛、象、馬、羊等)獸群

The company issued an apology for mixing up We passed a herd of cows during our road trip to
several customers’ orders. the countryside.

Q shelter [`]5lt0] n. 收容所、庇護所 Q genius [`d.inj4s] n. 天才人物(可數);天才、

Emma has adopted three cats from the shelter so 天賦(不可數)
The man was a math genius and won the Fields
Q trample [`tr1mp4l] v. 踩、踐踏;踩傷 Medal in 2006.
Several people were trampled as the crowd rushed Q production [pr4`d9k]4n] n. (戲劇等的)演出
NO. 159 2 月 28, CNN 日

to the stage.
inspiration [~6nsp4`re]4n] n. 靈感 可數)

NO. 159 2 月 21 日
Her childhood events were a source of inspiration Our class put on a stage production of the novel
for Julie’s novel. Looking for Alaska.

Q relatively [`r5l4t6vli] adv. 相對地;相當程度上 Q nominate [`n3m4~net] v. 提名;任命

Compared to other countries, Malaysia has a Rooney Mara was nominated for an Oscar for her
relatively low unemployment rate. role in Carol.

calligraphy [k4`l6gr4fi] n. 書法;書法藝術

Q excel [6k`s5l] v. 擅長、善於
The wedding invitation was written in beautiful
Felix excels at many sports, especially basketball.

Q precisely [pr6`sa6sli] adv. 準確地;恰好地

Q issue [`6]u] n. (重要、具有爭論性的)議題、問題
Violence against women is a serious issue in many
Class begins at precisely 8:30 a.m. Please don’t be
NO. 159 2 月 CNN 日

stump [st9mp] v. 把……難倒 refugee [~r5fju`d.i] n. 難民、尋求庇護者

NO. 159 2 月 22 日

My new classmate is a refugee from the Congo.

I was stumped on the last question and couldn’t
finish the test.
Q campaign [~k1m`pen] n. (為社會、商業或政
Q harmony [`h3rm4ni] n. 和諧、協調 治目的而進行的一系列有計畫的)活動、運動
After a tough week at work, David found peace The group organized a campaign to raise
and harmony by walking through nature. awareness about pollution.

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q folklore [`fok~l7r] n. 民間傳說;民俗 Q accompanying [4`k9mpni6;] adj. 伴隨的;

請 沿虛 線剪 下
Caitlin made a movie based on aboriginal folklore 陪伴的
for the film festival. The book has an accompanying CD that reads the
cement [s6`m5nt] v. 鞏固、加強;用水泥接合 story to you.
Their weekend camping trip cemented Ryan and Q bully [`b8li] v. 霸凌、欺負 n. 霸凌者
Nick’s friendship.
Calvin often bullied his younger brother and
Q literary [`l6t4~r5ri] adj. 文學(上)的 made him cry.

NO. 160 3 月 8, 9 日
Virginia Woolf was one of the greatest literary
NO. 160 3 月 1 日

figures of the early 20th century.

Q onward [`7nw0d] adv. 從(某時)起一直
My mother struggled with back pain from when
Q fantasy [`f1nt4si] n. 奇幻小說、故事 she was 50 onward.
I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy novels.
chord [k7rd] n. (音樂)和弦;和音
Q awkward [`7kw0d] adj. 笨拙的;令人尷尬的 That song is actually composed of only three
We made an awkward attempt to shake hands. chords: E, A, and B major.

Q unsympathetic [~9n~s6mp4`q5t6k] adj. 無同 Q vast [v1st] adj. 廣闊的;巨大的

情心的;冷漠無情的 The vast classroom had space for over 300 students.
The teacher was unsympathetic to the student’s Q circuit [`s-k4t] n. 環遊、環行;巡迴;電路
tears at his poor grade.
We traveled the entire circuit of the mall, but failed
Q verbally [`v-b4li] adv. 言詞上;口頭地 to find a suitable birthday present for my dad.
I verbally agreed to take the job but have not famed [femd] adj. 著名的;出名的
signed the contract yet. The singer is famed for his deep voice.
NO. 160 3 月 12 日
NO. 160 3 月 2 日

Q harsh [h3r] ] adj. 尖酸刻薄的;刺耳難聽的 stunning [`st9n6;] adj. 令人驚豔的;令人震驚的

The harsh words of her reviewer discouraged That is a stunning wedding dress! Please tell me
Penny from pursuing an acting career. where you got it!
curse [k-s] v., n. 詛咒;咒罵 fort [f7rt] n. 堡壘;要塞
I must be cursed—I seem to break something every To protect the city, several military forts lined the
day! beach.

biologist [ba6`3l4d.6st] n. 生物學家 curry [`k-i] n. 咖哩

Amy is a biologist studying plant and animal life Make sure you try the restaurant’s famous green
in the Amazon. curry while you’re there.
Q species [`spi]iz] n. (動植物的)物種 Q yogurt [`jog0t] n. 優格(作可數和不可數用)
To date, over 30,000 species of fish have been
Sara’s breakfast consisted of a yogurt, fruit, and
two eggs.
Q preserve [pr6`z-v] n. (動植物等的)保護區
fragrant [`fregr4nt] adj. 香的;芳香的
NO. 160 3 月 13 日
NO. 160 3 月 5 日

v. 維護;保存
The fragrant smell of flowers filled the apartment.
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve gives visitors viewing
access to many types of animals. glimpse [gl6mps] n., v. 一瞥;瞥見
trio [`trio] n. 三個人、事、物的組合;三重唱 I don’t know what he looks like because I only
The trio gave a great performance tonight; I caught a glimpse of him.
definitely want to see them again!

Q highly [`ha6li] adv. 非常、極其 Q loyalty [`l76lti] n. 忠誠、忠心

Ted is one of the most highly respected actors in Annie was torn between loyalty to her family and
the business. her desire to chase her dreams.

Q urge [-d.] v. 力勸;敦促 Q eternity [6`t-n4ti] n. 永恆、永遠

We urge you to call us if you experience any The couple promised to love each other for
technical difficulties. eternity.
NO. 160 3 月 7, 8 日

rack [r1k] n. (羊或豬的)肋排肉;掛物架 braided [`bred4d] adj. 編成辮的

NO. 160 3 月 15 日

Melanie ordered mashed potatoes and a rack of David wore cargo shorts and braided sandals to
lamb for dinner. the beach.

Q upload [9p`lod] v. 上傳 Q sturdy [`st-di] adj. 結實的;牢固的

Once he finished recording his new song, Dan We ensured that the bookcase would be sturdy by
uploaded it onto Spotify. attaching it to the wall.

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q renowned [r6`na8nd] adj. 有名的;有聲望的 Q colleague [`k3~lig] n. 同事、同僚

請 沿虛 線剪 下

The British Library is renowned for having the I join my colleague for lunch at the nearby café
largest collection of books in the world. every Friday.

Q sensation [s5n`se]4n] n. 引起轟動的人事物 Q nevertheless [%n5v0\4`l5s] adv. 然而;不過

Have you seen that movie? The lead actress is a Although she had already seen the movie, Ellen
sensation! nevertheless had a good time.

NO. 160 3 月 9, 12 日

NO. 160 3 月 1, 2 日
Q outstanding [a8t`st1nd6;] adj. 傑出的 Q transform [tr1ns`f7rm] v. 使改變、轉換
Brandon is an outstanding dancer; I hope he The makeover transformed Stephanie into a
pursues a career in that field. confident and friendly person.

Q coastline [`kost%la6n] n. 海岸線 Q reluctantly [r6`l9kt4ntli] adv. 不情願地;勉為

Qingshui Cliff in Hualien provides an amazing 其難地
view of Taiwan’s eastern coastline. My mom reluctantly agreed to let me go to the party.

Q fantastic [f1n`t1st6k] adj. 極好的;極多的 guilt [g6lt] n. 罪惡感;內疚

I would recommend the steak; it’s fantastic! Mohammed was immediately filled with guilt
Q landscape [`l1nd~skep] n. (陸地上的)風景 when he realized that he had hurt his friend.
We enjoyed the view of the Rocky Mountains
landscape as we drove to British Columbia.
Q circulate [`s-kj4%let] v. 流傳、散布;傳遞;循環
Rumors began to circulate that the boss was about
Q wildlife [`wa6ld%la6f ] n. 野生動物、野生物種 to shut down the factory.
NO. 160 3 月 12, 13 日

The mountains are full of dangerous wildlife—

NO. 160 3 月 2, 5 日
please be careful! Q haunt [h7nt] v. (鬼魂等)出沒;持續糾纏
plantation [pl1n`te]4n] n. 種植園、大農場 Be careful! A ghost is said to haunt that house!
We visited a banana plantation while traveling
around Ecuador. Q rhino [`ra6no] n. 犀牛
Q spicy [`spa6si] adj. 辛辣的;加了很多香料的 My favorite part of our trip to the zoo was the
rhino exhibition.
Going out for spicy hot pot is one of Jackson’s
favorite weekend activities.

lame [lem] adj. 很差、很糟的;站不住腳的 Q transfer [tr1ns`f-] v. 使轉移、搬遷

I’m not going to see that lame band—I’d rather Dan transferred the books on his desk to the nearby
stay at home! shelf.

Q confess [k4n`f5s] v. 坦白、承認 Q breed [brid] v. 繁殖;培育 n. 品種

Will confessed that he had made a mistake and Similar to most other animals, horses breed between
blamed the wrong person. May and August.

gorgeous [`g7rd.4s] adj. 極其漂亮的、美麗動 Q definitely [`d5f4n6tli] adv. 當然;肯定地

NO. 160 3 月 5, 6 日
NO. 160 3 月 14 日

人的 I can definitely help you with your homework tonight.

Wow, that new jacket is gorgeous! Where did you steer [st6r] v. 引導、帶領;駕駛(交通工具)
get it? He successfully steered the boat along the narrow
Q reservation [~r5z0`ve]4n] n. 預約;預定
It gets busy at lunchtime, so you’d better make a Q depart [d6`p3rt] v. 出發、啟程、動身
reservation if you want a table. Which gate does your flight depart from?

Q demonstrate [`d5m4n~stret] v. 顯示;展示;

Q commission [k4`m6]4n] v. 委託(某人)做
The artist was commissioned to paint a portrait of
證明 the president.
The crowded streets demonstrate a need for wider
sidewalks and roads. Q furious [`fj8ri4s] adj. 狂暴的、盛怒的;激烈的
Furious ocean waves hit the beach as the typhoon
Q symbolize [`s6mb4~la6z] v. 象徵、代表 approached.
A gold star sticker often symbolizes a job well Q tribute [`tr6bjut] n. 致敬、頌詞
NO. 160 3 月 15, 16 日

done. The music festival was organized as a tribute to

NO. 160 3 月 8 日

the musician who died last year.

Q myth [m6q] n. 迷思;沒有根據的看法、論點
It is a myth that you shouldn’t eat before swimming.
Q emotionally [6`mo]n4li] adv. 情感、情緒上
Being too emotionally involved in others’ problems
vein [ven] n. 靜脈 can be exhausting.
The doctor had difficulty finding a vein to draw hopeful [`hopf4l] adj. 給人希望的;抱有希望的
blood from. I am hopeful that the story has a happy ending.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q ceremony [`s5r4~moni] n. 儀式;典禮 Q convey [k4n`ve] v. 傳達、表達(思想、想法等)

請 沿虛 線剪 下
The New Year’s ceremony included live music and The song conveys a strong sense of hopelessness
a fireworks show. and sorrow.
Q recite [r6`sa6t] v. 朗誦;背誦 Q authority [4`q7r4ti] n. 權力;權威、威信
Our boss recited the same, tired speech he gives The leader’s authority was questioned after he
every month about the dress code. made several poor decisions.
Q conventional [k4n`v5n]4ny] adj. 傳統的

NO. 160 3 月 26, 27 日

Q reminder [r6`ma6nd0] n. 使人回憶或想起某事
Jay thinks the food taste better when it’s cooked
NO. 160 3 月 16 日

in a conventional oven than in a microwave.
I set the alarm on my phone as a reminder that I
needed to buy groceries after work. Q abandoned [4`b1nd4nd] adj. 被遺棄的
An abandoned scarf was found lying in the snow.
Q equality [6`kw3l4ti] n. 平等;均等
Gender equality could be improved by paying capitalism [`k1p4t4~l6z4m] n. 資本主義
men and women the same amount of money for Most of the world’s most powerful countries
their work. follow a system of capitalism.

Q popularity [~p3pj4`l1r4ti] n. 受歡迎、流行

Q brutal [`bruty] adj. 嚴酷的、苛刻的;殘暴的
The band’s increasing popularity is due to their
talent and hard work. Their brutal words deeply damaged the young
girl’s self-confidence.
Q immigrant [`6m4gr4nt] n. 移民;外僑
My new neighbors are immigrants from Brazil. migrant [`ma6gr4nt] n. 移民、移居者;遷徙動物
Many migrants need help settling into their new
Q recipe [`r5s4pi] n. 食譜
home if the culture is very different.
NO. 160 3 月 19, 20 日

NO. 160 3 月 27, 28 日

This cake is delicious! Could you send me the
recipe for it? Q economy [6`k3n4mi] n. 經濟;經濟制度
gigantic [d.a6`g1nt6k] adj. 巨大的、龐大的 The town’s economy was negatively impacted
Whoever left the gigantic mess in the kitchen when most of its crops were ruined.
needs to clean it up now!
rectangular [r5k`t1;gj4l0] adj. 長方形的
spur [sp-] v. 激勵、鞭策;促進

Our office is located in that rectangular building The unpleasant smell from the gutter spurred me
across the street. to clean it out.

thigh [qa6] n. 大腿 Q overwhelm [~ov0`w5lm] v. 使難以承受、不知所措

The dog attacked the man, biting him on the I was overwhelmed with guilt when I realized I
thigh and arm. forgot my mom’s birthday.

Q equipment [6`kw6pm4nt] n. 器材、設備 Q logical [`l3d.6k4l] adj. 符合邏輯的;合乎常理的

The team can’t practice today because their Since Ethan left before us, it’s logical to assume
equipment is missing. that he will arrive first.
NO. 160 3 月 29 日

workout [`w-k~a8t] n. (身體)鍛鍊、健身 invention [6n`v5n]4n] n.

NO. 160 3 月 22 日

Q Q 發明、創造;發明物
Do you know what workout routine Marcia has The battery was an invention made in 1800 by
started? She looks great! Alessandro Volta.

Q outcome [`a8t~k9m] n. 結果、後果 Q parallel [`p5r4~l5l] adj. 平行的、並列的

The report’s outcomes show what changes must The farmer planted 30 parallel rows of corn in his
be made to improve the company. field.

Q maintenance [`ment4n4ns] n. 維持、保持; Q modify [`m3d4~fa6] v. 稍作修改、變更;修飾

定期維修、保養 Mrs. Lewis went back and modified the final exam
The city has set aside more money this year for to include a short essay question.
road and sidewalk maintenance. staggering [`st1g06;] adj. 令人難以置信的
removal [r6`muv4l] n. 清除;去除 I had a staggering number of bills to pay off
NO. 160 3 月 30, CNN 日

following my car accident.

The removal of a red wine stain can sometimes be
impossible. Q investment [6n`v5stm4nt] n. 投資;投資物
NO. 160 3 月 23 日

arch [3rt] ] v. 拱起、使成拱形;揚起(眉毛) The government made a one-billion dollar

investment aimed at improving the economy.
Sam arched his eyebrows in surprise at the news.
Q physically [`f6z6kli] adv. 實體上、身體上;實
Q lean [lin] v. 傾斜、傾身;倚、靠
I leaned sideways in my chair to reach the book
Molly physically pushed the extra chairs under her
on the desk next to mine.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

status [`st1t4s] n. 情況、狀態;地位、身分

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Q souvenir [`suv4~n6r] n. 紀念品 Q

We bought a ton of souvenirs during our trip to His status as the best player on the team was
France. secured after he led them to the championship.

Q celebration [~s5l4`bre]4n] n. 慶祝活動、慶典 dough [do] n. (用於製作麵包和糕點的)生麵團

Wow, you got an A in every class? This calls for a As the directions state, carefully knead the dough
before rolling it out flat.

NO. 160 3 月 16, 19 日


NO. 160 3 月 27 日
Q highlight [`ha6~la6t] v. 強調、使突出 Q herb [-b] n. (用作調味品的)香草;藥草
The film highlights the positive long-term effects Maggie seasoned the pasta with olive oil and
of regular exercise. fresh herbs.

Q destruction [d6`str9k]4n] n. 破壞;毀滅 Q settler [`s5tl0] n. 殖民者;移居者

The destruction in the city was considerable at the Israeli settlers have recently moved into parts of
end of the civil war. the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Q documentary [~d3kj4`m5nt4ri] n. 紀錄片 Q imply [6m`pla6] v. 含有……的意思;暗示、暗指

Our class watched a documentary about healthy It was heavily implied that she knew our secret.
eating yesterday.
Q originate [4`r6d.4~net] v. 來自、起源
Q marine [m4`rin] adj. 海洋的、海生的 That ritual originates from early 1800s North
Ben has a love for marine animals, so he often America.
goes to the aquarium.
Q variation [~v5ri`e]4n] n. 變種、變化形式
Q habitat [`h1b4~t1t] n. (動植物的)棲息地

NO. 160 3 月 20, 22 日

NO. 160 3 月 28, 29 日

Several variations of that song have been produced

The forest fire damaged many animal habitats. for different movies.
Q crucial [`kru]4l] adj. 至關重要的;關鍵性的 Q enduring [6n`dj8r6;] adj. 持續的、耐久的
It’s crucial that you remember to turn off the stove Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales are some of
when you’re done with it. the most enduring children’s stories.
Q dread [dr5d] v. 非常害怕;極為擔心 squat [skw3t] n., v. 蹲;蹲坐;深蹲
The girl is afraid of the dark and dreads sleeping I began my training with a 30-minute run and 50
without a night-light. squats.

Q version [`v-.4n] n. 版本;變化形式

Carrie downloaded the latest version of Apple’s Q diabetes [~da64`bitiz] n. 糖尿病
software for her iPad. Despite learning that he has diabetes, Sean still
eats a lot of sweets.
Q operation [~3p4`re]4n] n. (數學)運算;運作
Knowing the four basic math operations is spine [spa6n] n. 脊椎、脊柱
necessary to learn advanced math.
Denise suffered spine damage last month and
Q elsewhere [`5ls~w5r] adv. 在別處;往別處 unfortunately cannot walk anymore.
NO. 160 3 月 29, 30 日

NO. 160 3 月 22, 23 日

Elsewhere in the book, the author discusses loss
and healing. Q extend [6k`st5nd] v. 伸展;延伸
Q prior [`pra60] adj. 先前的;較早的 Andrew extended both arms to reach the box on
A Tai Chi class is held in this room prior to our the top shelf.
dance class every week.
Q conversely [k4n`v-sli] adv. 相反地;反過來說
Q flourish [`fl-6] ] v. 繁榮、昌盛、興旺
I love playing sports; conversely, my friend prefers
The small town flourished after several new jobs
playing the guitar in her spare time.
were created.

Q infrastructure [`6nfr4~str9kt]0] n. (系統、組 Q inward [`6nw0d] adv. 向內地、向中心地

織等的)基本架構;基礎建設 My apartment door opens inward, so make sure
A lot of money will be required to fix the you don’t stand behind it!
machine’s infrastructure.
Q incorporate [6n`k7rp4~ret] v. 將……併入
Q portable [`p7rt4b4l] adj. 輕便的;可攜帶的 We should try to incorporate everyone in the
This small, portable speaker allows you to listen to project so that no one feels left out.
NO. 160 3 月 23, 26 日

music wherever you go.

NO. 160 3 月 CNN 日

offensive [4`f5ns6v] adj. 冒犯的、無禮的

wholesale [`hol~sel] adj. 批發的
You should offer an apology because your speech
Buying items at the wholesale clothing store is was very offensive.
often cheaper than buying them at the mall.
Q device [d6`va6s] n. 裝置、器具
Q nowhere [`no~w5r] adv. 任何地方都不;無處
I don’t know what happened to your keys, but
This device has significantly increased the speed of they are nowhere to be found.
my computer.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q literature [`l6t4r4~t]8r] n. 文學;文學作品

Q executive [6g`z5kj4t6v] n. 行政主管

請 沿虛 線剪 下
The executives at our company received a large
I took an extra French literature course at
holiday bonus.

Q unique [ j8`nik] adj. 獨特的、特有的

Q recognition [~r5k6g`n6]4n] n. 認出、識別
The actor enjoys worldwide fame and recognition
That is such a unique dress! I haven’t seen anyone thanks to his career.
wear something like that before.
Q attraction [4`tr1k]4n] n. 具吸引力的事物、地

NO. 161 4 月 6, 9 日
Q romance [`ro~m1ns] n. 愛情故事
NO. 161 4 月 2 日

The author is especially known for her novels that The newest roller coaster is my favorite attraction
feature romance and comedy. at Disney World.
Q furious [`fj8ri4s] adj. 盛怒的;猛烈的 Q leisurely [`li.0li] adj. 悠閒的;從容不迫的
Melody was furious when she realized her We took a leisurely bike ride along the Tamsui
daughter had snuck out of the house. River last Sunday.

stun [st9n] v. 使大吃一驚;使目瞪口呆 Q fierce [f6rs] adj. 凶猛的;激烈的

The singer was stunned to be announced the My parents had a painting of a fierce bear that
winner of the grand prize. gave me nightmares as a child.

Q deception [d6`s5p]4n] n. 欺騙 Q legend [`l5d.4nd] n. 傳奇;傳說

Her deception lost her the respect and trust of her The Fountain of Youth legend claims that there is a
peers and family. way to remain young forever.

funeral [`fjun4r4l] n. 葬禮 NO. 161 4 月 9, 10 日 Q destination [~d5st4`ne]4n] n. 目的地;終點

NO. 161 4 月 3 日

The funeral will be held next Saturday at two The Caribbean is a popular destination for many
o’clock, followed by a reception. American students on spring break.

Q ace [es] n. (紙牌)A、一點;王牌 Q ensure [6n`]8r] v. 確保、保證

Mark was pleased to be dealt a pair of aces for his Taking this medicine will help ensure that your
final hand. symptoms do not get worse.

Q anxiety [1;`za64ti] n. 焦慮症;焦慮、不安

The girl still suffers from anxiety, but the new
Q priceless [`pra6sl4s] adj. 無價的;寶貴的
medication has eased her symptoms. The gallery has several priceless paintings among
its collection of art.
inadequate [6n`1d4kw4t] adj. 不夠好的;
Q await [4`wet] v. 等待(為及物動詞)
Many people consume an inadequate amount of An excellent dining experience awaits you at my
cousin’s new restaurant!
NO. 161 4 月 10, 11 日

fruits and vegetables.

intelligence [6n`t5l4d.4ns] n. 智力、智慧
NO. 161 4 月 4 日

flawed [fl7d] adj. 有缺點的、不完美的

The girl took an IQ test and was found to have
The army’s flawed plan of attack cost them many superior intelligence.
lives and ultimately the war.
Q finding [`fa6nd6;] n. 研究發現 Q mammal [`m1m4l] n. 哺乳動物
The scientist’s findings confirmed that global Many animals are considered mammals, including
warming is a significant problem. foxes, bears, and rabbits.

Q eventually [6`v5nt]4li] adv. 最後、終於 Q construct [k4n`str9kt] v. 構成、組成;建造

I’m really tired this morning, but I will eventually The workers constructed a bridge that would
get up. connect the two islands.

Q embrace [6m`bres] v. 欣然接受;擁抱 Q exhibit [6g`z6b4t] v. 表現、展現;陳列

The band embraces many different sounds, so Katherine exhibited a strong sense of courage in
their songs are always interesting. the face of danger.
NO. 161 4 月 11, 12 日
NO. 161 4 月 5, 6 日

Q entertainment [~5nt0`tenm4nt] n. 娛樂 Q keen [kin] adj. 機靈的;敏銳的

She checks out the entertainment news on the David was a keen student, which helped him get
website to follow the latest celebrity gossip. in to the competitive medical program.

Q advocate [`1dv4k4t] n. 提倡者、擁護者 Q assume [4`sum] v. 假定;以為

My sister is an animal advocate who volunteers at I assume you have all read the book and are
the environmental organization WildAid. prepared to write an essay on it.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q pace [pes] n. 步調;步速 Q otherwise [`9\0~wa6z] adv. 與此不同地

請 沿虛 線剪 下

David’s walking pace is far too fast; I practically I thought I had done well on the test but my
have to run to keep up with him! grade suggests otherwise.

Q explore [6k`spl7r] v. 探索;探勘 Q involve [6n`v3lv] v. 涉及、牽涉;需要、包含

On her first night in Taipei, Caroline explored the Landing a job involves both sending in a great
nearby night market. résumé and giving a good interview.

triple [`tr6p4l] adj. 三部分的、三方的;三倍的 ward [w7rd] n. 被監護人

NO. 161 4 月 9 日

NO. 161 4 月 2 日
The town was hit with the triple threat of snow, Sullivan took responsibility for his ward when he
freezing rain, and high winds. was only 25 years old.

Q compose [k4m`poz] v. 組成;構成 Q residence [`r5z4d4ns] n. 住所;居住

Julie’s first book is composed of several short Her residence isn’t too far from here—just follow
stories about her teenage years. this road for a few blocks.

cliff [kl6f ] n. 懸崖;峭壁 Q delighted [d6`la6t4d] adj. 愉悅的;快樂的

From the edge of the cliff, the view of the valley Hayley was delighted to learn that her volleyball
and the lake is amazing. team had made it to the championships.

Q marvel [`m3rv4l] v. 驚訝、大為驚嘆 Q accidentally [~1ks4`d5nt4li] adv. 意外地

Upon arriving in the city, we marveled at the size I accidentally took the wrong subway line and
of the buildings. ended up in Xindian.

NO. 161 4 月 3, 4 日
surroundings [s4`ra8nd6;z] n. 環境
NO. 161 4 月 10 日

Q Q depression [d6`pr5]4n] n. 憂鬱症;憂鬱

My first day in Hawaii was spent simply admiring Mark has had depression on and off for almost 10
the surroundings around my hotel. years now.
prehistoric [~prih6`st7r6k] adj. 史前的
Q adolescent [~1d4`l5sxt] n. 青少年
The Carnac Stones in France are some of the When a child becomes an adolescent, his body
earliest known prehistoric objects in the world. changes in many ways.

Q distinguish [d6`st6;gw6] ] v. 辨認、區別 caution [`k7]4n] v. 提醒;告誡;警告

I was able to easily distinguish the musical notes We were cautioned to drive home slowly because
that the teacher played. the roads are slippery.

Q chimpanzee [t]6m~p1n`zi] n. 黑猩猩 Q sparkle [`sp3rk4l] v. (人)生氣勃勃、充滿活力

The children particularly enjoyed seeing the The boy’s eyes sparkled with laughter after he
chimpanzees at the zoo. played a joke on his brother.

NO. 161 4 月 4, 5 日
Q relative [`r5l4t6v] n. 親緣動物;同類動物
NO. 161 4 月 11 日

Q heritage [`h5r4t6d.] n. 血統、背景

This may be surprising, but seals and polar bears The chef’s interest in Thai food can be traced back
are close relatives.
to his Asian heritage.
Q identify [a6`d5nt4~fa6] v. 認出、識別;確認
tick [t6k] v. 打勾、勾選
The lost dog had a tag that identified him as
Hayley ticked off items on her list as she bought
belonging to the nearby shelter.

mimic [`m6m6k] v. 模仿、仿效

Q activism [`1kt6~v6z4m] n. 行動主義
There is increasing activism around the issue of
My cousin is able to mimic several famous
labor rights in Asia.
celebrities as well as various animals.
Q alter [`7lt0] v. 修改、更動
Q logic [`l3d.6k] n. 邏輯;思維方式
Sam altered his presentation the night before the
This puzzle requires a certain amount of logic to big meeting.
Q impact [`6m~p1kt] n. 影響;衝擊力
NO. 161 4 月 12, 16 日

Q remarkably [r6`m3rk4bli] adv. 顯著地 The teacher had a positive impact on her students.
NO. 161 4 月 6 日

Given that he has only practiced for a few months,

he is remarkably talented at dancing.
Q charity [`t]5r4ti] n. 慈善機構、組織(可數)
They run a small charity that provides money and
Q fascinating [`f1s4~net6;] adj. 非常有趣的; food for the homeless.
迷人的;吸引人的 Q inequality [~6n6`kw3l4ti] n. 不平等
The movie offers a fascinating look at the singer’s Social inequality has long been a problem for the
life as a child. country.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

curiosity [~kj8ri`3s4ti] n. 好奇心;求知慾 Q nonetheless [~n9n\4`l5s] adv. 儘管如此

請 沿虛 線剪 下
The boy’s curiosity led him to explore the attic in I trained really hard; nonetheless, I did not pass
his grandparents’house. the tryouts for the team.

Q exotic [6g`z3t6k] adj. 奇特的;異國風情的 Q relieve [r6`liv] v. 減輕、緩和(痛苦、焦慮)

Annie has a variety of exotic plants in her garden. Annie finds that exercise is a great way to relieve

NO. 161 4 月 23, 24 日

Q deceive [d6`siv] v. 欺騙、矇騙
rationally [`r1]4nyi] adv. 理智地;理性上來說
NO. 161 4 月 16 日

Don’t let her appearance deceive you—she is

Rationally,there’sno way we should have won—
stronger than she looks.
but I’m glad we did!
Q remarkable [r6`m3rk4b4l] adj. 引人注目的
The concert was remarkable and well worth the
Q vibrant [`va6br4nt] adj. (色彩)鮮豔的
price of the ticket. Unlike the rest of the hospital, the children’s zone
was painted a vibrant green.

Q pioneer [~pa64`n6r] n. 開拓者、拓荒者

Q stumble [`st9mb4l] v. 偶然發現、撞見
The pioneer of the smartphone was a Japanese
company, which released the first such phone in We stumbled across a fantastic restaurant while
1999. visiting my parents.

Q worldwide [`w-ld`wa6d] adv. 全世界地 Q agency [`ed.4nsi] n. 代辦處;代理機構

She is known worldwide as an amazing actress I think the news agency is hiring right now—
maybe you could apply there?

NO. 161 4 月 24, 25 日

and singer.
landmark [`l1nd~m3rk] n. 地標;里程碑
NO. 161 4 月 17 日

staple [`step4l] n. 經常食用的重要食物;主食
Mount Fuji is a famous landmark located on
The cookbook provides easy recipes using
Honshu Island in Japan.
everyday staples that people keep in their kitchen.

Q consume [k4n`sum] v. 吃、喝;消耗 Q trek [tr5k] v. 旅行;長途跋涉

During the party, we consumed several bags of The hiking group trekked up the mountain for
chips and a whole case of soda. several hours before taking a break.

invasion [6n`ve.4n] n. 侵犯、侵擾;侵略 astonishingly [4`st3n6]6;li] adv. 令人驚訝

The man was angry that the police had entered 地、驚人地
his home, which he felt was an invasion of his The film has done astonishingly well, earning more
privacy. money than any other movie this year!

Q privacy [`pra6v4si] n. 隱私;私密 Q resolve [r6`z3lv] v. 解決(問題、衝突等);決定

We enjoyed the privacy that came with going to a The conflict was not successfully resolved and led
private beach. to war a few years later.
NO. 161 4 月 18, 19 日

NO. 161 4 月 27 日

Q developer [d6`v5l4p0] n. 開發者、研製者 Q despite [d6`spa6t] prep. 儘管;不管

She is a software developer whose products are We decided to go to the show despite the bad
popular across the globe. reviews.

Q caution [`k7]4n] n. 謹慎、小心;慎重 Q confusion [k4n`fju.4n] n. 困惑;混亂

Please use caution if you decide to go outdoors There was confusion among the crowd, who didn’t
during the typhoon. know where to line up.

Q minimize [`m6n4~ma6z] v. 使減少到最低限度 Q approximately [4`pr3ks4m4tli] adv. 大約地

We hope to minimize the damage caused by the The author’s first novel was approximately 1,200
storm. pages long.

Q associate [4`so]i4t] n. 員工;同事、合夥人 Q peculiar [p4`kjulj0] adj. 奇怪的;獨特的

The line at the cash was very long because only John had a very peculiar laugh that never failed to
one associate was working. draw attention.
NO. 161 4 月 19, 20 日

floral [`fl7r4l] adj. 有花卉圖案的 treaty [`triti] n. (國家間的)條約、協定

NO. 161 4 月 30 日

That floral wallpaper in your bathroom is so The treaty allows for free trade between the two
old-fashioned! countries.

chestnut [`t]5s~n9t] adj. 栗色的、紅棕色的 Q ongoing [`3n~go6;] adj. 持續存在的

I love Olivia’s long chestnut hair; I wish mine was There is an ongoing discussion over the issue.
that beautiful.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q royalty [`r764lti] n. 王室;王室成員(不可數) Q thrive [qra6v] v. 茁壯成長;繁榮興盛

請 沿虛 線剪 下

The nation’s royalty held a dinner for their most The elephants thrived after they were released
important citizens. from the zoo into the wild.

Q dye [da6] n. 染料 v. 給……染色 Q nutrient [`nutri4nt] n. 營養;養分

I use blonde hair dye once a month to lighten my This soup is full of important nutrients that help
hair. keep you healthy.

NO. 161 3 月 16, 17 日

NO. 161 3 月 24 日
Q literally [`l6t4r4li] adv. 照字面意思地;確實地 Q cuisine [kw6`zin] n. 烹飪風格;菜餚
There are literally thousands of papers to sort I recommend this restaurant to people who enjoy
through—it’ll take all night! Italian cuisine.

chemist [`k5m6st] n. 化學家 ginger [`d.6nd.0] n. 薑(不可數)

Marie’s cousin is a chemist who works in a drug I make a tea with ginger, lemon, and honey as
testing lab. soon as I start feeling sick.

Q dispute [d6`spjut] v. 質疑、對……表示異議

Q incredible [6n`kr5d4b4l] adj. 非常棒的 The man’s statement about the event was disputed
I can’t believe we lost. What an incredible match, during the trial.
though! Q download [`da8n~lod] v. 下載
I downloaded the band’s new album as soon as it
Q cruise [kruz] n. 乘船遊覽;航遊
was released.
My friends and I went on a weeklong cruise to
access [`1k~s5s] v. 讀取、存取(手機等的資訊)
NO. 161 3 月 26, 27 日

NO. 161 3 月 17, 18 日

celebrate our graduation. Q
Will you be able to access the Internet during your trip?
Q hesitation [~h5z4`te]4n] n. 猶豫、遲疑 Q content [`k3n~t5nt] n. 內容、所含之物
At the invitation to join the band, Marie The content of this book is not suitable for young
responded “yes” without hesitation. children.
Q resident [`r5z4d4nt] n. 居民、住戶 Q criticism [`kr6t4~s6z4m] n. 批評、批判;指責
Alex and Katherine are the residents of this house. A lot of criticism was directed at the government
for the security failure.

Q coexist [~ko6g`z6st] v. 同時共存;和平共處 Q delete [d6`lit] v. 刪除、刪去

My cousins cannot coexist in the same house; I deleted my entire essay before submitting it;
they’re always fighting. now I have to start all over again!
Q compatible [k4m`p1t4b4l] adj. 和諧相處的 Q enforce [6n`f7rs] v. 強制實施(法律或規定)
My roommate and I were thankful that our two A no-talking rule is usually enforced during final
cats were compatible and got along very well. exams.
NO. 161 3 月 27, 30 日

Q reference [`r5f4r4ns] v. 指的是;提到 update [~9p`det] v.

NO. 161 3 月 19 日
Q 更新;向……提供最新資訊
During the interview, Kayla referenced her Margo updated her friends on the recent changes
experience working at a library. in her life.
Q notable [`not4b4l] adj. 著名的;顯著的 Q educated [`ed.4~ket4d] adj. 受過教育或訓練的
Our research produced some notable results that You can tell by the way he talks that he is highly
may help. educated.

Q revolution [~r5v4`lu]4n] n. 變革;革命 Q refund [`ri~f9nd] n. 退款;償還金額

The Beatles started a musical and cultural Please note that we only issue refunds within 10
revolution in the United States. days of purchase.
Q warehouse [`w5r~ha8s] n. 倉庫、貨倉 difference [`d6fr4ns] n. 差額;差異;分歧
Some items are stored in our off-site warehouse If you want to upgrade to a first-class seat, you’ll
and need to be ordered in. have to pay the difference for the new ticket.
NO. 161 3 月 20, 23 日
NO. 161 3 月 CNN 日

Q outskirts [`a8t~sk-ts] n. 市郊、郊區 Q cope [kop] v. 處理、應付(問題或困難的情況)

My house is located on the outskirts of town in a It has been difficult coping with the work in my
quiet neighborhood. office.

Q modest [`m3d4st] adj. 不起眼的;普通的 Q exception [6k`s5p]4n] n. 除外、例外(的人事物)

After a couple months of saving, Serena was able My family members are all good at driving; I am
to purchase a modest car. the only exception.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q lifelong [`la6f~l7;] adj. 終生的;一輩子的 climax [`kla6~m1ks] n. 高潮;頂點

請 沿虛 線剪 下
At the climax of the novel, the victim was saved
He had a lifelong passion for playing the piano.
from danger.
Q generation [~d.5n4`re]4n] n. 世代、一代
villain [`v6l4n] n. 反派角色;壞人、惡棍
The Smith family has lived on that farm for five This is the first time the actor has played a villain
generations. in a film.
acknowledge [1k`n3l6d.] v. 承認;認可 Q notably [`not4bli] adv. 特別、尤其;顯著地
Some people refuse to acknowledge the president The guests were notably impressed by the food
as the leader of their country. offered at the party.
NO. 162 5 月 1 日

NO. 162 5 月 8 日
Q convince [k4n`v6ns] v. 使相信、使信服;說服 plot [pl3t] n. (小說、戲劇等的)情節
My best friend convinced me to join the tennis As the plot developed, I quickly grew interest in
team with her. the story.
comrade [`k3m~r1d] n. 夥伴;戰友 shield [ ]ild] n. 盾(牌)
I met up with an old comrade at our high school The soldiers carried heavy shields to protect
reunion. themselves from bullets.
Q incident [`6ns4d4nt] n. 事件、事故
Q upcoming [`9p~k9m6;] adj. 即將發生、來臨的
His speech was an embarrassing incident that I
would just like to forget. I’ll be spending the upcoming holidays with my
family in Kaohsiung.
hatred [`hetr4d] n. 憎恨、仇恨、敵意
Sally looked at him with hatred and disgust telescope [`t5l4~skop] n. 望遠鏡
following his comments. With a powerful enough telescope, you can see
Q initially [6`n6]4li] adv. 最初;開始 the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

NO. 162 5 月 9, 10 日
He initially reacted with surprise but quickly
expressed happiness at the news. Q appreciation [4~pri]i`e]4n] n. 感謝;欣賞
NO. 162 5 月 2 日

Q delight [d6`la6t] n. 喜悅;令人愉快的事物 I hope you’ll accept this small gift as a sign of my
The children cried out in delight when they learned appreciation for all you have done.
that school was ending early that day.
motherhood [`m9\0~h8d] n. 母親的身分
terrify [`t5r4~fa6] v. 使害怕;使畏懼
Although motherhood is challenging, I’m glad I
The barking dog terrified my little sister and scared decided to have a baby.
her away.

Q explanation [~5kspl4`ne]4n] n. 解釋;說明 Q solely [`soli] adv. 僅僅、單獨地

Did he provide any sort of explanation for his You passed that class solely because you did well
strange behavior? on the final exam.
Q restore [r6`st7r] v. 恢復、重拾;復原
The government has worked to restore citizens’ Q differ [`d6f0] v. 不同、相異
trust following the president’s arrest. Make sure you know how the laws differ from those
at home before you travel to another country.
Q empire [`5m~pa6r] n. 大企業;企業集團;帝國
NO. 162 5 月 3, 4 日

Jim successfully grew his small record company Q gathering [`g1\4r6;] n. 聚會、集會
NO. 162 5 月 11 日

into a major empire in the industry. I can’t wait to see my distant cousins at our family
Q mysterious [m6s`t6ri4s] adj. 神祕的 gathering next month.
The children were frightened by the mysterious
Q contest [`k3n~t5st] n. 競賽;競爭
The writing contest is open to participants between
Q particle [`p3rt6k4l] n. 粒子;微粒 the ages of 14 and 18.
Particles of dust filled the air as I shook out the carpet.

Q retain [r6`ten] v. 保留、保存 Q massage [m4`s3.] n., v. 按摩

Be sure to retain your class notes in order to study I got a back massage yesterday to help ease my
for the final exam. sore muscles.

Q fascinate [`f1s4~net] v. 強烈吸引;使著迷 cozy [`kozi] adj. 溫暖、舒服的;溫馨舒適的

The children were fascinated by the planes taking The candles gave the room a warm and cozy feel.
Q anxious [`1;k]4s] adj. 焦慮的;緊張的
NO. 162 5 月 4, 7 日

Q superhero [`sup0~h6ro] n. 超級英雄 I felt anxious while waiting to hear whether I got
accepted into my first choice school.
NO. 162 5 月 15

Some superheroes can leap tall buildings, while

others have super speed abilities. Q affection [4`f5k]4n] n. 喜愛、鍾愛;愛慕
Q widow [`w6do] n. 寡婦、遺孀 Megan was shown great affection on her birthday.
Several years after her husband’s death, the widow Q scent [s5nt] n. 氣味;香味 v. 發出氣味
started dating again.
The wolf followed the scent left behind by his prey.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

gear [g6r] n. (從事某種活動的)裝備、用具 Q glare [gl5r] v. 怒視、瞪眼

請 沿虛 線剪 下

We fit all of our camping gear in the trunk of the car. My parents glared at me when I arrived home late
at night.
Q resentment [r6`z5ntm4nt] n. 憤慨、怨恨
Tom feels resentment toward his boss because he
Q respective [r6`sp5kt6v] adj. 各自的;分別的
didn’t get promoted. Tamara and Amy entered the theater and made
their way to their respective seats.
astronomy [4`str3n4mi] n. 天文學
For our next astronomy class, we’ll be locating
Q mock [m3k] v. 嘲笑;嘲弄
The other kids mocked him for being afraid of the

NO. 162 5 月 8, 9 日

NO. 162 5 月 1, 2 日
various planets in the sky.
Q app [1p] n. (手機的)應用程式 Q boast [bost] v. 自誇、誇耀
You’ve downloaded too many apps—that’s why Jack boasted about the expensive car his parents
your phone is running so slowly! had bought for him.
Q satellite [`s1t4~la6t] n. 衛星;人造衛星 foe [fo] n. 敵人
Scientists have identified almost 200 natural Neither friend nor foe could deny that she deserved
satellites in our solar system. her win.

Q numerous [`num4r4s] adj. 許多的、非常多的 Q battery [`b1t4ri] n. 電池

Following the incident, there were numerous calls This flashlight requires four AA batteries to work.
for the politician to step down.
Q resemble [r6`z5mb4l] v. 類似、和……相像
Q scandal [`sk1ndy] n. 醜聞
Our company has been hit by a scandal involving
My 10-year-old brother strongly resembles our
the CEO.
grandfather at that age.
Q conceive [k4n`siv] v. 構思、設想 Q consumer [k4n`sum0] n. 消費者、顧客
Sarah’s friends conceived a party to surprise her Many consumers use Amazon to purchase a
variety of goods.
NO. 162 5 月 10 日

with on her birthday.

NO. 162 5 月 3 日
Q sacrifice [`s1kr4~fa6s] n. 犧牲 Q apologize [4`p3l4~d.a6z] v. 道歉、認錯
We each made sacrifices to be together, but it was Nancy apologized for playing a trick on her
worth it. younger brother.
Q inspire [6n`spa6r] v. 賦予……靈感;激勵、啟發 Q monitor [`m3n4t0] v. 監控;監測
Mike was inspired by the band’s passion to make The teacher carefully monitored the students while
his own music. they took the test.

wherein [hw5r`6n] conj. 在此處;在其中 Q upward [`9pw0d] adv. 向上地、朝上地

This class, wherein you learn the basics of math, is The hiking trail gradually rose upward.
essential to understand advanced classes.
Q odor [`od0] n. 氣味;臭味
Q gratitude [`gr1t4~tud] n. 感謝、感激
An unpleasant odor spread from the kitchen.
My gratitude for your assistance on this project
cannot be overstated. Q innate [6`net] adj. 天生的;固有的
Q beloved [b6`l9vd] adj. 受到喜愛的;深愛的 Melody seems to have an innate sense of direction
NO. 162 5 月 11, 15 日

because she never gets lost!

The beloved actor has fans around the world.

NO. 162 5 月 4 日
Q companionship [k4m`p1nj4n~]6p] n. 陪伴 Q ancestor [`1n~s5st0] n. 祖先
Jen enjoyed the care and companionship she Our ancestors arrived in this country over 500
shared with her best friend. years ago.
Q behavior [b6`hevj0] n. 行為、舉止 Q associate [4`sosi~et] v. 把……聯想在一起
Students who are on their best behavior will be I always associate snow with the arrival of
rewarded at the end of the day. Christmas.

cardboard [`k3rd~b7rd] adj. 硬紙板製的 Q humanity [hju`m1n4ti] n. (總稱)人;人性

We packed up our clothes in two cardboard boxes Global warming will affect all of humanity if we
in preparation for moving. don’t do something about it.
spacious [`spe]4s] adj. 寬敞的;廣闊的 Q activate [`1kt4~vet] v. 啟動;觸發
This is a very spacious dining room—it can fit 20 You can flick the red switch at the bottom to
people. activate the device.
cram [kr1m] v. 把……塞進、擠進 Q alien [`eli4n] adj. 外星球的;異族的
Julie managed to cram herself inside the crowded
NO. 162 5 月 16 日

Scientists are always searching for alien life.

NO. 162 5 月 7 日

MRT just before the doors closed.

Q secure [s6`kj8r] adj. 安心的;(物品等)安全的 ally [`1~la6] n. 盟友、支持者
The president’s allies say they will continue to
I hope you feel secure enough to bring up any
support him despite his comments.
problems you have.
Q enclose [6n`kloz] v. 包圍;封閉 Q defeat [d6`fit] v. 擊敗、戰勝
Our yard is enclosed by a fence and locked gate. The army defeated their enemies during the war.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q predator [`pr5d4t0] n. 掠食動物;掠奪者 Q ferry [`f5ri] n. 渡輪、渡船

請 沿虛 線剪 下
Make sure to keep an eye out for predators while My family and I traveled by ferry to Green Island
you’re camping! for the weekend.
Q influential [~6nflu`5n]4l] adj. 有影響力的 sacred [`sekr4d] adj. 神聖的
The actor was influential in promoting the Mecca is an important sacred site for followers of
independent film industry. Islam.

inspiration [~6nsp4`re]4n] n. 鼓舞、激勵人心

Q mythological [~m6q4`l3d.6k4l] adj. 神話中的

NO. 162 5 月 24, 25 日

NO. 162 5 月 16, 17 日

The film tells the mythological tale of Zeus fighting
的人事物;靈感 the Titans.
The teacher was a great inspiration to her students,
always encouraging them to chase their dreams.
fuss [f9s] n. 大驚小怪;過分的激動
Please don’t make a big fuss for my birthday—a
Q extraordinary [6k`str7rd4~n5ri] adj. 非凡、 small party is all I want.
出色的;驚奇的 Q dismiss [d6s`m6s] v. 不予考慮、屏棄
Your dancing is simply extraordinary! Where did We protested when they dismissed our plan as
you train? unrealistic.

knowledgeable [`n3l6d.4b4l] adj. 知識淵 victorious [v6k`t7ri4s] adj. 勝利的;獲勝的

博的;有見識的 Kevin was victorious over the other candidates in
She is very knowledgeable about all kinds of the election.
abound [4`ba8nd] v. 大量存在
Q loyal [`l764l] adj. 忠實的、忠誠的 English teaching jobs abound in many Asian
Dogs are loyal to their owners; on the other hand, countries.

NO. 162 5 月 25, 28 日

cats are more independent.
Q unfortunately [~9n`f7rt]n4tli] adv. 可惜、遺
NO. 162 5 月 18 日

Q motivate [`mot4~vet] v. 激勵、驅使 憾地;不幸地

We were motivated to study with the promise that Unfortunately, we were late to the airport and
we would get a reward for good grades. missed our flight.
Q orphanage [`7rf4n6d.] n. 孤兒院 Q absorb [4b`s7rb] v. 吸收(養分、液體、氣體等)
John grew up in an orphanage after his parents Many people recommend placing a wet phone in
passed away. rice, which can absorb the water.

Q absolutely [`1bs4~lutli] adv. 極其、確實地、 Q misinterpret [~m6sx`t-pr4t] v. 曲解、誤解

I never said winning is impossible—don’t
misinterpret my words.
Please be absolutely sure that you can afford that
car before you buy it. Q mislead [~m6s`lid] v. 誤導;使人產生錯誤想法
The politician’s speech was purposely made to
Q coworker [`ko~w-k0] n. 同事 mislead the public.
I joined my coworkers for lunch at a nearby café. revenge [r6`v5nd.] n. 報復、報仇
NO. 162 5 月 29, 30 日
NO. 162 5 月 21, 22 日

Hilary got revenge on her bullies by spreading

flattered [`fl1t0d] adj. 感到榮幸、光榮的 rumors about them.
Patricia was flattered to receive an award for her Q portray [p7r`tre] v. 描述;描繪
high grades. The film portrays him as a selfish and uncaring
man, but this is not accurate.
Q conference [`k3nfr4ns] n. 會議;討論會
The research and development team held their Q fiction [`f6k]4n] n. 虛構;虛構的事;小說
meeting in the conference room. My brother’s description of his trip is very exciting,
but it’s all fiction.

Q establish [6`st1bl6] ] v. 建立;設立 Q prey [pre] n. 獵物、被捕食的動物

My company was established over 10 years ago. While in Africa, John watched lions chase and eat
their prey.
Q monument [`m3nj4m4nt] n. 紀念性的建築物 Q logically [`l3d.6kli] adv. 邏輯上地;符合邏輯地
People raised money to help build a monument to You might logically conclude that the subway will
those killed in the terrorist attack. be busy because it is raining.
Q architectural [~3rk4`t5kt]4r4l] adj. 建築(上)的 Q domesticate [d4`m5st6~ket] v. 馴養、馴化
NO. 162 5 月 30, 31 日

The Egyptian pyramids were an amazing Dogs have been domesticated both to provide
NO. 162 5 月 23 日

architectural achievement for their time. friendship and assist with work.
Q artistic [3r`t6st6k] adj. 藝術的;有藝術天賦的 Q suggestion [s4`d.5st]4n] n. 暗示;徵兆
Leonardo da Vinci produced many works of great We were angry at the suggestion that we had
artistic value. cheated.

Q overlook [%ov0`l8k] v. 俯瞰、眺望;忽略

Q stimulate [`st6mj4~let] v. 刺激;激勵
Doing crossword puzzles is a great way to stimulate
The hotel’s balcony overlooks a peaceful lake. your brain.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

mere [m6r] adj. 只不過、僅僅的 Q contribution [~k3ntr4`bju]4n] n. 貢獻;捐款

請 沿虛 線剪 下

The mere thought of that man makes her frightened. I made a large contribution to charity after winning
the lottery.
Q superstition [~sup0`st6]4n] n. 迷信
It’s a superstition that walking under a ladder will Q excel [6k`s5l] v. 勝過(他人);擅長
bring bad luck. He has excelled at playing the piano since he was
a child.
Q medicinal [m4`d6sn4l] adj. 藥用的;有療效的
This tea has great medicinal properties, so have Q host [host] v. 主持;主辦 n. 主持人;主辦人
some if you feel yourself starting to get sick. This year’s Grammy Awards was hosted by

NO. 162 5 月 25 日

NO. 162 5 月 17 日
comedian James Corden.
Q distinctive [d6`st6;t6v] adj. 獨特的、特別的
Tiffany has a very distinctive accent that everyone Q entertain [~5nt0`ten] v. 使娛樂、使歡樂
notices right away. The group was entertained by Isabel’s jokes.
Q infection [6n`f5k]4n] n. 感染;傳染病 Q depiction [d6`p6k]4n] n. 詮釋;描繪;描述
I think I’m coming down with an infection, so I The novel is a great depiction of modern-day
called in sick to work. society.

Q via [`va64] prep. 透過、憑藉;經由

Q generosity [~d.5n4`r3s4ti] n. 慷慨;大方
News of the earthquake was quickly spread via
Twitter and Facebook. They proved their generosity by giving most of
their earnings to the poor.
reap [rip] v. 獲得、得到;收割(農作物)
Edith worked hard the whole semester and reaped Q gender [`d.5nd0] n. 性別
the benefits of her effort during finals. Please indicate your name, age, and gender on
wholesome [`hols4m] adj. 有益健康的 the application form.
NO. 162 5 月 28, 29 日

NO. 162 5 月 18, 21 日

Here’s some easy recipes for wholesome meals
you can serve the entire family. Q prompt [pr3mpt] v. 促使;鼓勵、提示
Q vital [`va6ty] adj. 極其重要的;不可或缺的 Kathy’s sympathy for orphans prompted her to
donate money to the charity.
It is vital that you finish your homework if you
want to get a good grade. Q issue [`6]u] n. 重要問題、議題
Q intention [6n`t5n]4n] n. 意圖;打算 You shouldn’t have any issues finding the
It was not my intention to hurt anyone. I’m really restaurant if you follow these directions.

Q navigate [`n1v4~get] v. 辨識方位;導航 Q supervisor [`sup0~va6z0] n. 管理者、上司

Rick can’t navigate very well without his glasses— Chris was excited to be promoted to supervisor
he’s practically blind! after only a few months.
Q bounce [ba8ns] v. 反彈、反射 Q innovative [`6n4~vet6v] adj. 創新的、新穎的
The basketball bounced off the backboard and Trent’s innovative approach to sales is the main
into the rival team’s hands. reason he was hired.
crocodile [`kr3k4~da6l] n. 鱷魚 Q feedback [`fid~b1k] n. 回饋意見

NO. 162 5 月 22, 23 日

I’m glad that we didn’t run into any crocodiles The teacher provides detailed feedback on each
NO. 162 5 月 30 日

during our trip to Florida! assignment so that students can improve.

grief [grif] n. 悲傷、悲痛 Q ruin [`ru4n] n. 遺址、廢墟
The parents’ grief over the death of their child was We explored the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu
obvious at the funeral. while in Peru.
Q arise [4`ra6z] v. 出現、開始存在、產生 Q civilization [~s6v4l4`ze]4n] n. 文明;文明社會
Financial problems arose shortly after the The Persian civilization is one of the oldest to have
company was founded. ever existed.

Q mistake [m4`stek] v. 誤解、搞錯 Q inspiring [6n`spa6r6;] adj. 激勵人心的

Don’t mistake my silence for agreement, because I Melanie gave an inspiring speech at our high
actually think you are wrong. school graduation.
Q reputation [~r5pj4`te]4n] n. 名聲、名譽
Heather has a reputation for gossiping about her Q visibility [~v6z4`b6l4ti] n. 能見度
classmates. The snowstorm reduced visibility and resulted in
NO. 162 5 月 31 日 , CNN

Q discomfort [d6s`k9mf0t] n., v. (使)不舒服 several car accidents.

NO. 162 5 月 23, 24 日

Please call us if you experience any discomfort

that lasts longer than 24 hours.
Q gallery [`g1l4ri] n. 畫廊;展覽館
The opening of my cousin’s gallery was celebrated
Q household [`ha8s~hold] adj. 家庭的 n. 家庭
with a fancy party.
Kitchen and other household items can be found
in aisle three. Q recognizable [`r5k4g~na6z4b4l] adj. 可認出
Q virtual [`v-t]4w4l] adj. 虛擬的 的;可辨識的
Virtual learning enables students to take classes at You’re barely recognizable with that new haircut!
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q narrate [`n5r~et] v. 敘述;講(故事)

Q preference [`pr5f4r4ns] n. 偏愛

請 沿虛 線剪 下
When it comes to films, Leann has a preference
She narrated the details of her vacation with great
for period dramas.
Q guaranteed [~g5r4n`tid] adj. 保證的;肯定的
Q rescue [`r5skju] v. 拯救、援救 Skipping out on studying is a guaranteed way to
Firefighters rushed to rescue people from the do poorly in a class.
burning building. Q beverage [`b5vr6d.] n. 飲料(不包含水的飲品)

NO. 163 6 月 7, 8 日
Would you like to order a beverage with your meal?
bound [ba8nd] adj. 準備前往、開往(某地)的
NO. 163 6 月 1 日

This bus is bound for the downtown area of the Q purchase [`p-t]4s] v. 購買
city. I need to purchase a birthday cake at the bakery
Q desperate [`d5spr4t] adj. 鋌而走險的 Q ingredient [6n`gridi4nt] n. (烹調的)食材
Citizens faced a desperate struggle to survive Be sure to check the ingredients list if you’re
during the war. sensitive to certain food products.

Q fame [fem] n. 名聲;名氣;聲譽 Q compliment [`k3mpl4m4nt] n. 讚美、恭維的話

The actress gained significant fame following the The restaurant has received several compliments
release of the movie. about its food in online reviews.
acquaintance [4`kwentxs] n. 熟人、認識的人
Q annoying [4`n766;] adj. 惱人的、令人生氣的
I met several old acquaintances at my high school’s
These constant commercials are really annoying.
10-year reunion.

Q sympathetic [~s6mp4`q5t6k] adj. 感到同情的 pickpocket [`p6k~p3k4t] n. 扒手、小偷

NO. 163 6 月 11 日
NO. 163 6 月 4 日

Although sympathetic to her stressed-out student, To avoid attracting pickpockets, keep your wallet
the teacher would not change the assignment due in your front pocket while traveling.
Q expertise [~5ksp0`tiz] n. 專業知識;專門技術
plea [pli] n. 請求、懇求 I don’t think I’m very ill, but I’ll rely on the doctor’s
The politician issued a plea for tougher gun control expertise on this matter.

fume [fjum] n. (濃烈或有害的)煙、氣體 Q mythical [`m6q6k4l] adj. 神話的;虛構的

Thick, black fumes of smoke poured out the Robin Hood is a mythical hero who stole from the
windows of the burning building. rich and gave to the poor.

Q episode [`5p4~sod] n. (電視劇、影集等的)一集 Q colleague [`k3lig] n. 同事、同僚

Don’t tell me about the latest episode if you’ve My colleagues and I went for coffee during our
already seen it! afternoon break.
NO. 163 6 月 12, 13 日

Q series [`s6riz] n. (電視或廣播的)系列節目 Q application [~1pl4`ke]4n] n. 申請;申請書

NO. 163 6 月 5 日

I am planning to watch the new crime drama Please fill out the attached application form to
series that starts tonight. apply for a position with our company.

condemn [k4n`d5m] v. 譴責、責難 Q editorial [~5d4`t7ri4l] adj. 編輯的

We strongly condemn the use of chemical All questions and comments should be directed to
weapons in war. the editorial office at the email address below.

Q blend [bl5nd] v. 混和、混雜 Q magnificent [m1g`n6f4s4nt] adj. 壯麗的、宏

Her presentation blends visual elements with 偉的
written words. This magnificent house has eight rooms and a
huge swimming pool.
Q emerge [6`m-d.] v. 出現、浮現;露出
The earliest smartphones emerged in the 1990s. Q architecture [`3rk4~t5kt]0] n. 建築;建築學
The city’s architecture is mostly modern, but a few
Q manufacture [~m1nj4`f1kt]0] v. (大量)製 older buildings still remain.
NO. 163 6 月 14 日

NO. 163 6 月 6 日

stunning [`st9n6;] adj. 令人驚訝、震驚的

General Motors is one of the largest companies
The band gave a stunning performance for their
that manufacture cars in the world.
final concert.
Q breakthrough [`brek~qru] n. 重大進展 Q medieval [~m5`div4l] adj. 中世紀的
The band’s breakthrough album brought them Dozens of medieval texts can be accessed on the
global success and fame.
British Library’s website.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q calorie [`k1l4ri] n. 卡路里(熱量單位) Q possession [p4`z5]4n] n. 擁有;具有

請 沿虛 線剪 下

How many calories are in this pasta dish? I came into possession of the house when my
idiomatic [~6di4`m1t6k] adj. 包含慣用語的、 parents died.
entitle [6n`ta6ty] v. 使享有權利;使符合資格
Knowing idiomatic English is key to speaking the
According to your ticket, you are entitled to a
language like a native.
front-row seat at the concert!

NO. 163 6 月 8, 11 日
protest [`pro~t5st] n., v. 抗議、反對

NO. 163 6 月 1, 4 日
A large protest occurred when the politician
Q potential [p4`t5n]4l] adj. 潛在的;可能的
announced a tax increase. The potential benefits of this new treatment are
very promising.
Q subsequently [`s9bs6~kw5ntli] adv. 隨後、
接著 ragged [`r1g4d] adj. (衣服)破舊的
Dan failed to show up to work for three days and The children made fun of Paul for his ragged
was subsequently fired.

Q abstract [1b`str1kt] adj. 抽象的 commission [k4`m6]4n] n. 佣金、回扣

Ideas like “love” and “friendship” are abstract and On top of his regular salary, Dave gets a
do not have a physical form. commission for each sale he makes.

Q concept [`k3n~s5pt] n. 概念、觀念 framed [fremd] adj. 表框的、以框架框起來的

In this class, we will cover basic scientific concepts Several framed photographs decorated their living
and principles. room.

NO. 163 6 月 4, 5 日
immortal [6`m7rty] adj. 長生不死的;不朽的 Q exhaust [6g`z7st] v. 用完、耗盡
NO. 163 6 月 12 日

Many of the characters in Greek stories were said The customer exhausted the store clerk’s patience
to be immortal. with his endless complaints.

Q vulnerability [~v9ln4r4`b6l4ti] n. 弱點、脆弱 Q expose [6k`spoz] v. 使暴露;揭露

Jessica didn’t want to show vulnerability, so she Without a coat, Madison was exposed to the
pretended she was not hurt. freezing cold winter wind.

asset [`1~s5t] n. 有用的人或物、優勢 Q suspend [s4`sp5nd] v. (因犯錯而)使暫時停

Lauren’s greatest asset is her ability to immediately 職;暫令停學;暫時停止參加活動
make people feel comfortable around her. The player was suspended for two games after
arguing with the referee.
Q blog [bl3g] n. 部落格
Simon has written several articles for a very
Q tough [t9f] adj. 艱難的、棘手的
popular cooking blog. The final exam will be tough, but if you study
NO. 163 6 月 13, 14 日

hard, you should do well.

NO. 163 6 月 5, 6 日
Q enthusiasm [6n`quzi~1z4m] n. 熱忱;熱情
Q undoubtedly [9n`da8t4dli] adv. 毫無疑問地
The new teacher was greeted with enthusiasm
from her students. The recent tax increases will undoubtedly anger
some citizens.
Q landscape [`l1nd~skep] n. (陸上的)風景、景色 Q cherish [`t]5r6]] v. 珍愛;鍾愛
The Australian landscape ranges from deserts to
I cherish my whole family, but no one as much as
snow-covered mountains. my mom.

cathedral [k4`qidr4l] n. 大教堂、主教座堂 Q uncomplicated [~9n`k3mpl4~ket4d] adj.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous 不複雜的、簡單的
cathedrals in the world. The film offers an uncomplicated look at the
team’s rise to fame.
Q dome [dom] n. 圓頂、穹頂
The dome of the building is made of marble.
inauguration [6~n7gj4`re]4n] n. 就職典禮
The new president gave a long and boring speech
NO. 163 6 月 14, 15 日

stroll [str7l] n., v. 散步、閒逛 at his inauguration.

Do you want to go for a stroll through the park flavoring [`flev06;] n.
NO. 163 6 月 7 日

after dinner?
Can I get a glass of water with a shot of lemon
flavoring, please?
Q highlight [`ha6~la6t] n. 最精彩、有趣、刺激的
部分 Q caffeine [k1`fin] n. 咖啡因
The highlight of our trip to Japan was climbing I need a lot of caffeine in the morning to help me
Mount Fuji. wake up!
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q phenomenon [f6`n3m4~n3n] n. 現象 Q transform [tr1ns`f7rm] v. 轉換、改變

請 沿虛 線剪 下
Extreme weather phenomena, such as typhoons, That event transformed Kristy from an
can cause significant damage. open-minded person into a closed-off one.

latitude [`l1t4~tud] n. 緯度 Q illustrate [`6l4~stret] v. 說明、闡述

Many people who live at northern latitudes are Our report illustrates how we can address poverty
found to be lacking vitamin D during the winter. and homelessness.

NO. 163 6 月 21, 25 日

Q celebration [~s5l4`bre]4n] n. 歡慶、慶祝 eliminate [6`l6m4~net] v.
NO. 163 6 月 15 日

Q 消除、排除
A celebration was organized after our hockey Sadly, the new bill eliminates funding for many
team made it to the finals. mental health services.
Q delight [d6`la6t] v. 使欣喜、愉快 Q sculpture [`sk9lpt]0] n. 雕塑品;雕刻(藝術)
The jazz festival is sure to delight music fans of all The artist’s sculpture of a lion was displayed at the
ages! museum’s entrance.

Q perch [p-t]] v. 棲息、停留在…… Q companion [k4m`p1nj4n] n. 同伴、夥伴

Several crows were perched on the telephone wire Leah is my childhood friend and lifelong
outside my window. companion.
Q fabulous [`f1bj4l4s] adj. 極好的、令人印象深 Q appointment [4`p76ntm4nt] n. 預約、約定
刻的;極大的 I have an appointment to see the dentist
I had a fabulous time during my trip to South tomorrow morning.

NO. 163 6 月 25, 26 日

Q device [d6`va6s] n. 儀器;裝置;設備
NO. 163 6 月 18 日

Q inhabit [6n`h1b4t] v. 居住於、(動物)棲息在

If your mobile device is running slowly, it might
Several rare types of bird inhabit the remote need to be updated.
Q scan [sk1n] v. (儀器、雷達等)掃描
bound [ba8nd] n. 跳躍;蹦跳
Our bags were scanned as we passed through
Excited, Dylan leapt up the steps with a single airport security.
Q grip [gr6p] v. 緊握;控制、掌握
Q exposure [6k`spo.0] n. 接觸、暴露;揭露
Lisa gripped her luggage as she made her way
Exposure to the sun without proper protection can
through the airport. lead to sunburn.
Q sly [sla6] adj. 狡猾的、狡詐的
The sly thief was able to avoid capture by the police.
Q convenience [k4n`vinj4ns] n. 方便、便利
We stopped in at the convenience store to pick up
Q retrieve [r6`triv] v. 找回、取回;挽回(局勢)
some snacks.
NO. 163 6 月 27, 28 日
NO. 163 6 月 19, 20 日

We retrieved our bikes from the shed as soon as

the weather cleared up. Q tomb [tum] n. 墳墓;塚
intelligent [6n`t5l4d.4nt] adj. 聰明的 Scientists recently discovered 2,000-year-old
Apes are among the most intelligent animals on untouched tombs in Egypt.
utensil [j8`t5ns4l] n. (廚房或家用的)用具;器皿
Q genre [`.3nr4] n. (文學、藝術等的)類型、體裁 You can find spoons, forks, and other utensils in
I am a fan of many genres of music—I listen to that top drawer.
everything from classical to heavy metal!

Q entitle [6n`ta6ty] v. 給(書等)題名 Q contaminate [k4n`t1m4~net] v. 汙染

Dawn entitled her paper “How I Rose above My Bacteria in the air can contaminate food if it is not
Fear of Public Speaking.” stored properly.

Q critical [`kr6t6k4l] adj. 評論家的;批評的 Q marine [m4`rin] adj. 海洋的;海生的;海事的

The TV show was a critical success and went on to We saw many marine animals during our trip to
win multiple Emmy Awards. the aquarium, including dolphins and whales.
NO. 163 6 月 20, 21 日

ban [b1n] v. 禁止;取締

NO. 163 6 月 29 日

Q literary [`l6t4~r5ri] adj. 文學(上)的

The Pulitzer Prize is one of the most respected US schools ban many classic novels, such as The
literary awards in the world. Catcher in the Rye.

Q characteristic [~k5r6kt4`r6st6k] n. 特性、特色 Q incorporate [6n`k7rp4%ret] v. 使併入

The imagery of love is a distinguishing We incorporated a drum solo into the middle of
characteristic of her work. the song.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q popularity [~p3pj4`l5r4ti] n. 流行、普及 Q version [`v-.4n] n. 版本、(同一件事物的)變

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Twitter was created in 2006 but didn’t gain 化形式

widespread popularity until 2007. Pages is Apple’s version of a word processer.

Q patent [`p1txt] n. 專利、專利權 Q delicacy [`d5l6k4si] n. 佳餚、美食

Cassie got a patent for her invention to make sure Many traditional delicacies are available at my
that no one would steal her idea. parents’ restaurant.

NO. 163 6 月 15, 18 日

miniature [`m6ni4~t]8r] adj.

NO. 163 6 月 25 日
Q celebrity [s4`l5br4ti] n. 名人、明星 Q 小型的;微型的
Many celebrities attend the Academy Awards each Molly bought a miniature kitchen set for her
year. daughter for Christmas.

beak [bik] n. 鳥喙、鳥嘴 Q wildlife [`wa6ld~la6f] n. 野生動物、野生物種

The bird’slarge beak helps it catch fish and other The forest is filled with wildlife, including foxes
animals to eat. and deer.

Q reception [r6`s5p]4n] n. 接待處、服務台 Q regulate [`r5gj4%let] v. 調節;控制

The hotel’s reception desk is just through those A dam regulates the flow of water into Dahan River.
doors and to the left. Q defense [d6`f5ns] n. 防禦;保衛
The water around the castle served as a defense
Q surgery [`s-d.4ri] n. (外科)手術 against enemy attacks.
Mark had to have surgery after he tore a muscle in
his arm. vertically [`v-t6k4li] adv. 垂直地
NO. 163 6 月 26, 27 日

NO. 163 6 月 18, 19 日

Be careful if you want to pile the boxes vertically.
Q beneficial [~b5n4`f6]4l] adj. 有幫助的、有益的
As one of the healthiest drinks in the world, green Q namely [`nemli] adv. 也就是說;亦即
tea has many beneficial properties. The policy will improve benefits for students,
namely by providing more scholarship funding.
Q portable [`p7rt4b4l] adj. 輕便的;便於攜帶的 Q rotate [`ro%tet] v. 旋轉;轉動
Emma brought her portable speakers to the beach Owls can rotate their heads almost a full 360
party. degrees around.

Q adapt [4`d1pt] v. 改造、改動;改編;適應

Q academic [~1k4`d5m6k] n. 大學教師
The company’s network has been adapted for
This summit is open to academics, industry
wireless Internet access.
leaders, and government workers.
weird [w6rd] adj. 奇怪的;不尋常的
What is that weird smell coming from the kitchen? Q folklore [`fok~l7r] n. 民間傳說;民俗
The Brothers Grimm published several popular
sturdy [`st-di] adj. 堅固耐用的;強壯的
folklore stories during the 19th century.
NO. 163 6 月 28, 29 日

A sturdy fence prevents strangers from entering

the property.

NO. 163 6 月 20 日
Q submit [s4b`m6t] v. 提交、呈遞
discard [d6s`k3rd] v. 丟棄;拋棄 Please be sure to submit your final essay by 3:00
Several ideas were discussed and discarded before p.m. on Friday.
a solution was reached.
recycle [ri`sa6k4l] v. 回收利用
Q imaginative [6`m1d.n4t6v] adj. 富有想像力的
This movie is an imaginative tale about creatures
Paper and plastics can be recycled on Mondays
from space attacking Earth.
and Fridays.

Q enormous [6`n7rm4s] adj. 龐大的;巨大的 Q disturb [d6`st-b] v. 擾亂、打亂;使心神不寧

The concert was held in an enormous stadium Rowan’s arrival disturbed the peace and quiet of
that can seat 10,000 people. our house.

physical [`f6z6k4l] adj. 實體的、有形的 merge [m-d.] v. 融合;合併

Most musicians today do not release physical CDs This lane merges with the one next to it in a few
NO. 163 6 月 29 日 , CNN

but simply sell their songs on the Internet. meters.

essentially [6`s5n]4li] adv. 基本上;根本上 Q embody [6m`b3di] v. 體現;使具體化

NO. 163 6 月 21 日

The race was so close that it essentially ended in a The debate embodied the major differences
tie. between the people who are for and against the
Q artificial [~3rt4`f6]y] adj. 人造的、人工的
Q reflect [r6`fl5kt] v. 反映;反射
Artificial intelligence recently produced a novel
Her art reflects both the challenges and successes
that almost won a writing prize.
of her life.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q publish [`p9bl6]] v. 出版;(在報刊)發表、刊登

Q diagnose [`da66g~nos] v. 診斷

請 沿虛 線剪 下
The author published over 30 novels during his My brother was diagnosed with high blood
career. pressure last year.

Q prosperous [`pr3sp4r4s] adj. 成功的、富裕 physicist [`f6z4s6st] n. 物理學家

的;繁榮的 The physicist is known for her work in electric
Despite a rough opening, our company finally fields and forces.
had a prosperous year.
colonel [`k-ny] n. (陸軍、空軍或海軍陸戰隊) Q limitation [~l6m4`te]4n] n. 侷限、限制因素
NO. 164 7 月 2 日

NO. 164 7 月 9 日
上校 Our program has some limitations, but overall, it
Logan is an army officer who was recently makes buying products online much easier.
promoted to colonel.
Q impact [`6m~p1kt] n., v. 影響;衝擊
Q isolation [~a6s4`le]4n] n. 孤立狀態;孤獨
The discovery has had a considerable impact on
The isolation of our mountain cabin makes it the how we deal with climate change.
perfect place to get away.

Q consume [k4n`sum] v. 吃、喝;消耗

Q estimate [`5st4m4t] n. 評估、判斷
My friends and I consumed six bags of chips at the
A recent estimate suggests that Mark will get more
votes than Scott.
Q rejoice [r6`d.76s] v. 非常高興、感到欣喜 Q permanently [`p-m4n4ntli] adv. 永久地
The crowd rejoiced as their team scored and won Facebook announced that people will soon be able
last night. to permanently delete their private messages.
gorgeous [`g7rd.4s] adj. 極其漂亮的、美麗動 NO. 164 7 月 10 日 Q software [`s7ft~w5r] n. (電腦)軟體
NO. 164 7 月 3 日

人的 This software allows people to play music on their

That haircut really suits you! You look gorgeous! computer.

smash [sm1]] v. 摔破、打碎;猛力撞擊 Q status [`st1t4s] n. 地位;身分

The mirror fell and smashed into pieces. The athlete’s amazing performance gave him
sudden celebrity status.

mistress [`m6str4s] n. 情婦 Q thoroughly [`q-oli] adv. 完全地

Kathy and Landon separated when Kathy learned We thoroughly cleaned the apartment last week.
that her husband had a mistress.
Q ongoing [`7n~go6;] adj. 持續存在的
Q renowned [r6`na8nd] adj. 著名的
There is ongoing discussion about where we
The scientist is renowned for his theories about should go for the holidays.
Q encounter [6n`ka8nt0] v. 遭遇、經歷
diverse [da6`v-s] adj. 多樣的、多變化的
NO. 164 7 月 11 日

Q Benjamin encountered many animals while on his

NO. 164 7 月 4 日

This zoo has a diverse range of animals not seen camping trip.
anywhere else in the world.
Q popularize [`p3pj4l4~ra6z] v. 使受喜愛、歡
Q genius [`d.inj4s] n. 天賦、天資 迎;使普及
My brother is well-liked and respected for his Several classic fairy tales were first popularized by
musical genius. the Brothers Grimm.

Q approximately [4`pr3ks4m4tli] adv. 大約 Q aesthetic [5s`q5t6k] n. 審美觀;美學標準

Our meeting will last approximately three hours. The design of the statue reflects modern aesthetic.

Q mound [ma8nd] n. 堆;土堆 partially [`p3r]4li] adv. 部分地;在某種程度上

A small mound of stones marks where we buried The storm partially destroyed the roof of our
the money. house.

peril [`p5r4l] n. 危險;冒險 Q braid [bred] n. 髮辮、辮子

NO. 164 7 月 5, 6 日

NO. 164 7 月 12 日

The large and powerful typhoon put the entire I put my hair into a braid to keep it out of my face.
island in peril.
Q hairstyle [`h5r~sta6l] n. 髮型
Q decrease [d6`kris] v. 減少、降低 You look great! That hairstyle really suits you!
Buying a house will seriously decrease my savings.

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q comprehend [%k3mpr6`h5nd] v. 理解;領悟 Q shameful [`]emf4l] adj. 可恥的;丟臉的

請 沿虛 線剪 下

I didn’t comprehend the directions and had to ask Please stop your shameful behavior! It’s making
the teacher for extra help. everyone uncomfortable.

Q decline [d6`kla6n] v., n. 衰退、衰落;下降 astonishment [4`st3n6]m4nt] n. 驚訝;驚異

The soccer team’s spirits declined when they The audience watched in astonishment as the
found themselves behind by three goals. magician seemed to disappear.
Q urge [-d.] v. 力勸、敦促

NO. 164 7 月 9, 10 日

NO. 164 7 月 2, 3 日
Q depression [d6`pr5]4n] n. 消沉、沮喪、憂鬱
The students were urged to study for at least an
Some studies link teenage depression with the rise hour every day.
of social media.
acknowledge [6k`n3l6d.] v. 理會;承認
Q initial [6`n6]4l] adj. 最初的;開始的 Sarah didn’t acknowledge the ringing phone until
Your initial price was too expensive, but with the the call went to voice mail.
discount, I can afford the car.

Q pursuit [p0`sut] n. 娛樂、職業、興趣等的活動 doorstep [`d7r~st5p] n. (門前的)臺階

Our holiday pursuits included skiing and hiking I was excited to see that flowers had been left on
through the Alps. my doorstep.

Q investment [6n`v5stm4nt] n. 投資;投入 stoop [stup] v. 彎腰、俯身

John made an investment in a successful record Adina stooped to pick up her puppy and carry him
company and has received great returns. home.
NO. 164 7 月 10, 11 日

substantial [s4b`st1n]4l] adj. 重大的 Q vibrantly [`va6br4ntli] adv. (顏色)鮮豔地、鮮

NO. 164 7 月 3, 4 日
As the lead character, Cara has a substantial role 明地
in the play. The designer’s new summer line includes vibrantly
colored tops and shorts.
dressing [`dr5s6;] n. 調味料、醬汁
muse [mjuz] n. (創作方面的)靈感來源、繆思
The waiter added ground cheese and Caesar The musician lost his muse when his wife passed
dressing to my salad. away.

Q profile [`pro~fa6l] n. (人或事物)速寫、簡介 Q clumsy [`kl9mzi] adj. 笨拙的

Your Facebook profile contains personal Steven’s broken arm made him slow and clumsy at
information about you. typing.
Q exotic [6g`z3t6k] adj. 具異國情調的;外來的 Q remarkable [r6`m3rk4b4l] adj. 非凡的
Many exotic flavors of coffee are available at this You’re a remarkable cook—you should open your
restaurant. own restaurant!
NO. 164 7 月 11, 12 日

nude [nud] adj. 裸色的;白人膚色的

Q distinguish [d6`st6;gw6]] v. 使有所區別

NO. 164 7 月 5 日
Kimberley wore a fancy dress and high-heeled
Do you know that dogs can’t distinguish between
nude sandals to the party.
most colors?
Q outfit [`a8t~f6t] n. (特殊場合或活動穿的)全套服裝
Rachel bought several new outfits before the start Q species [`spi]iz] n. 物種;種類(單複數同形)
of the school year. There are four main species of penguin in the

Q elsewhere [`5ls~w5r] adv. 其他地方 Q atmosphere [`1tm4~sf6r] n. 大氣

I don’t like the store’s customer service, so I decide The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
to shop elsewhere. has reached record levels.
Q transportation [~tr1nsp0`te]4n] n. 運輸工
Q aspect [`1s~p5kt] n. 部分;層面
Dessert is my favorite aspect of any meal.
The city is changing its transportation system to
provide better service.
NO. 164 7 月 12, 13 日

Q incredible [6n`kr5d4b4l] adj. 非常棒的

intersection [`6nt0~s5k]4n] n. 十字路口 Sarah has incredible skill on the court. I hope she
NO. 164 7 月 6 日

The traffic lights at the next intersection are not tries out for the team!
delightfully [d6`la6tf4li] adv. 令人愉快地
arena [4`rin4] n. (體育比賽或表演用的)場地 This gift was a delightfully unexpected surprise.
Our hockey team practices at the arena near the Thank you!

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q transfer [`tr1ns~f-] v. 轉乘 Q delicate [`d5l6k4t] adj. 清淡可口的;細膩的

請 沿虛 線剪 下
You need to transfer from the bus to the subway The meal is paired with a wine that will bring out
at the next stop. the delicate flavors of the dish.

Q immerse [6`m-s] v. 使沉浸在…… Q envision [6n`v6.4n] v. 設想;想像

Boil the vegetables for five minutes and then I envision living in a house with a big yard in the
immerse them in cold water. future.
NO. 164 7 月 13, 16 日

Q logical [6`m-s] adj. 合理的;有邏輯的 Q intended [6n`t5nd4d] adj. 預期的、打算的

NO. 164 7 月 24 日
This fancy computer is a logical choice for people The film’s intended audience is children under the
who play a lot of video games. age of 12.

pastime [`p1s~ta6m] n. 消遣;娛樂 Q otherwise [`9\0~wa6z] adv. 否則、不然

His favorite pastime is watching funny YouTube Be sure to close the window before you leave;
videos. otherwise, the rain may come in.

Q scenery [`sin4ri] n. 風景、景色 Q flexible [`fl5ks4b4l] adj. 可變通的;有彈性的

The beautiful ocean views and scenery of Green My schedule is flexible next week, so let me know
Island are not to be missed! when is good for you.

Q harmony [`h3rm4ni] n. 和諧、協調 tentative [`t5nt4t6v] adj. 臨時的;試探性的

The dish is a perfect harmony of taste and texture. Alison presented a tentative outline of the project
to her client.
Q situate [`s6t]4~wet] v. 使位於、使處於
NO. 164 7 月 25 日 equipment [6`kw6pm4nt] n.
NO. 164 7 月 17 日

The new stationery shop is situated on the second Q 設備、器材

floor of this department store. Can you grab the gardening equipment from the
closet for me?
Q wilderness [`w6ld0n4s] n. (無人居住的)荒
地、荒野 partnership [`p3rtn0~]6p] n. 合作關係、夥伴
We went hiking through the wilderness of Mark and Steve decided to form a partnership to
Chitwan National Park in Nepal. launch their own business.

modesty [`m3d4sti] n. (衣著)端莊、樸素 Q ensure [6n`]8r] v. 保證、確保

We were asked to dress with modesty when we Our laws ensure that all citizens have access to
attended church. health care.

utmost [`9t~most] adj. 最大的;極度的 Q pollution [p4`lu]4n] n. 汙染(為不可數)

The safety of our children should be of utmost It is difficult to breathe with all the pollution in the
concern. air today.
NO. 164 7 月 26, 27 日

strand [str1nd] v. (海洋生物或船隻)擱淺

NO. 164 7 月 19 日

Q see-through [`si~qru] adj. (衣服)薄得透明的

The model wore a dress that was almost The boat was found stranded on the beach after
see-through to the award show. the typhoon passed.

Q soak [sok] v. 浸泡、浸濕 Q deteriorate [d6`t6ri4~ret] v. 惡化、退化

Hot springs are a great place to soak in after a My relationship with my sister deteriorated after
long day at work. our big fight.

Q respectively [r6`sp5kt6vli] adv. 各自地 Q destructive [d6`str9kt6v] adj. 具破壞力的

Dan and Bryan respectively scored one and three The destructive typhoon significantly damaged
points in our last game. the houses on the island.

Q endure [6n`d8r] v. 忍受、忍耐 Q diminish [d4`m6n6]] v. 減少、縮減

I endured the heat for as long as possible before Follow these easy tips to diminish the amount of
turning on the air conditioner. time you waste each day.
NO. 164 7 月 20, 23 日

Q consumption [k4n`s9mp]4n] n. 消耗量

NO. 164 7 月 30 日

Q originate [4`r6d.4~net] v. 發源、起源

That tradition is thought to have originated in Our family is taking steps to reduce our
Africa. consumption of energy.

Q preserve [pr6`z-v] v. 保存;維護 Q reusable [ri`juz4b4l] adj. 可重複使用的

My mother preserved the extra turkey for a future I bring a reusable water bottle to work instead of
meal by freezing it. buying bottled water every day.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q texture [`t5kst]0] n. 質感、結構、構造 Q gulf [g9lf] n. 海灣

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Stir the cake mixture until it has a smooth and The typhoon moved through the gulf and struck
creamy texture. the large city in the evening.

Q refine [r6`fa6n] v. 精進、改良 salmon [`s1m4n] n. 鮭魚

Doctors have refined their techniques to provide We’d both like to order the salmon with lemon
the best possible medical care. and a side salad, please.

negotiate [n6`go]i~et] v. pastry [`pestri] n. 糕點;酥皮點心

NO. 164 7 月 24 日

NO. 164 7 月 16 日
The two countries worked together to negotiate a Peter loves to bake and dreams of becoming a
trade deal. pastry chef.

agreeable [4`gri4b4l] adj. 欣然同意的 Q heritage [`h5r4t6d.] n. (文化、歷史)遺產

Our manager was agreeable to our requests for These works of art are of great importance to
vacation. Italy’s cultural heritage.

Q accordingly [4`k7rd6;li] adv. 照著、相應地

Q fascinating [`f1s4~net6;] adj. 迷人的
This concert will take place outdoors, so be sure to
My grandparents gave a fascinating description of
plan for the weather accordingly.
their trip to France.
inconvenience [~6nk4n`vinj4ns] v. 給……
造成不便 Q unique [j8`nik] adj. 獨特的、獨一無二的
I don’t want to inconvenience you, but can you You have such a unique accent! Where are you

NO. 164 7 月 17, 19 日

pick me up from the gym?
NO. 164 7 月 26 日

Q presentation [~pr5~zx`te]4n] n. 簡報、報告 swimsuit [`sw6m~sut] n. (尤指女性)泳衣

The students gave an oral presentation on their We changed into our swimsuits as soon as we
book report. arrived at the pool party.
Q apology [4`p3l4d.i] n. 道歉
nude [nud] adv. 赤身裸體地
The company issued an apology to the customers
Some public beaches allow people to swim nude.
who received damaged products.

Q mammal [`m1m4l] n. 哺乳動物 Q remainder [r6`mend0] n. 剩餘部分

We saw many animals during our hike, including We divided the remainder of the money between
mammals like foxes and deer. the three of us.

Q facility [f4`s6l4ti] n. (供特定用途的)場所 Q inappropriate [~6n4`propri4t] adj. 不得體的

The company uses these facilities to host holiday The contents of that book are inappropriate for
dinners for its employees. children.
NO. 164 7 月 27, 30 日

Q container [k4n`ten0] n. (箱子、盒子、罐子 Q conservative [k4n`s-v4t6v] adj. 保守的

NO. 164 7 月 20 日
My grandparents are very conservative and do not
Serena brought a container filled with fruit for her appreciate modern music.
afternoon snack.

Q enormously [6`n7rm4sli] adv. 極其、非常

Q notable [`not4b4l] adj. 顯著的
The company made a notable increase in profits
The band has become enormously popular over
in its second year.
the past year.

Q adjust [4`d.9st] v. 調整;改變……以適應 Q chef []5f] n. (飯店、餐廳)廚師(尤指主廚)

My mother adjusted the recipe to make a healthier After a lot of training, Karl took over the role of
meal. head chef at a top restaurant.
bulk [b9lk] n. 大部分;大量;巨大的東西 Q alternative [7l`t-n4t6v] n. 替代品
During the summer, the bulk of our weekends are If you don’t want to go out, we can watch a
spent at the cabin. movie at home as an alternative.
NO. 164 7 月 30, 31 日

Q distressed [d6`str5st] adj. 憂慮的、煩亂的

NO. 164 7 月 23 日

Q vinegar [`v6n6g0] n. 醋
Megan was distressed by the amount of Cecilia made her own cleaner by mixing white
homework she had to do that night. vinegar and warm water.
Q upload [`9p~lod] v. 上傳 stall [st7l] n. 攤位、貨攤
Hoping to be noticed, the singer uploaded his Stalls selling a variety of food were found all over
videos to YouTube. the festival grounds.
{本月精選} 如何用英語撰寫感謝函? 實用會話:工作交接 中 中高級

生 活、進 階 聽 說 讀 寫 全 面 升 級 August 2018 No. 165

i 月號

選字範圍:3500–6000 字
Love Is in the Air:
Idioms about
head over heels in love 和
the apple of one‛s eye

對話 Planning a Road Trip
Hiring a Replacement and
Handing Over the Job
Ellen DeGeneres: Scones: The History of a
Making the World a Tasty Teatime Treat
Happier Place 司康:英式傳統甜點
艾倫.狄珍妮: 的由來
Everything You Never
A Tour of Tuscany Knew about Puppies
悠遊義大利托斯卡尼 你所不知的狗狗二三事

Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q author [`7q0] n. 作者、作家 Q promote [pr4`mot] v. 晉升、升職

請 沿虛 線剪 下
The author has a new book that you can buy next Jennifer was promoted from assistant manager to
week. manager.

Q youthful [`juqf4l] adj. 富有青春活力的 Q employee [6m~pl7`i] n. 雇員、員工

Despite his age, Dennis has a youthful face. Our business has seven full-time employees.

Q convince [k4n`v6ns] v. 說服;使信服 Q valuable [`v1lj4b4l] adj. 有價值的;重要的

I convinced my sister to drive me to the airport.
NO. 165 8 月 1 日

NO. 165 8 月 9 日
Your contributions have been valuable to this
Q circus [`s-k4s] n. 馬戲團;馬戲表演
We saw many amazing acts at the circus last night. Q interact [~6nt0`1kt] v. 互動、交流;相互作用
Susie interacts with a lot of people every day
Q admire [4d`ma6r] v. 欣賞;稱讚 because she is a nurse.
Savannah admired the singer’s powerful voice.

Q fame [fem] n. 名望;聲譽

Q clinic [`kl6n6k] n. 診所
The man gained fame after appearing in a popular
Patrick went to the clinic because he had a slight
hoarse [h7rs] adj. 沙啞的
Your voice is a little hoarse today. Do you have a cold? Q collection [k4`l5kS4n] n. (一批)收藏品;收集
This book is a collection of short stories from
applaud [4`pl7d] v. 鼓掌;稱讚 famous writers.

NO. 165 8 月 10, 13 日

The crowd applauded loudly at the end of the
NO. 165 8 月 2, 3 日

concert. Q artistic [3r`t6st6k] adj. 藝術的;有藝術天賦的

Q survey [`s-~ve] n. 調查 My brother is very artistic and enjoys painting
portraits of people.
Would you be interested in filling out this survey?
Q salary [`s1l4ri] n. 薪水、薪資 Q statue [`st1t]u] n. 雕像、雕塑
Pam’s salary at her new job is higher than at her The statue Christ the Redeemer stands over Rio de
previous one. Janeiro in Brazil.

Q replace [r6`ples] v. 替換、取代 Q represent [%r5pr6`z5nt] v. 代表;象徵

I had to replace my pens when they ran out of ink. This pin represents our membership in the club.
Q original [4`r6d.4ny] adj. 最初的
ward [w7rd] n. 行政區、選區
The original title of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four
The politician speaks for the citizens living in these
was The Last Man in Europe.
two wards.
Q usage [`jus6d.] n. (字詞的)使用;用法
The usage of the word “OK” dates back to 1839. Q celebrate [`s5l4~bret] v. 慶祝
NO. 165 8 月 14 日
NO. 165 8 月 6 日

Rachel held a party to celebrate her daughter’s

Q relatively [`r5l4t6vli] adv. 相對而言 birthday.
It is relatively cold outside today. Make sure you
bring a coat. Q originally [4`r6d.4nyi] adv. 起初、原來
Q disease [d6`ziz] n. 疾病 Ryan originally wanted to be a doctor, but he
ended up as a lawyer.
Nina was found to have liver disease last year.

Q participant [p3r`t6s4p4nt] n. 參與者;參加者

Q confusion [k4n`fju.4n] n. 困惑;混淆
All race participants should arrive at the park by
Pardon my confusion, but I thought your name
10 a.m.
was Bret.
Q relaxed [r6`l1kst] adj. 放鬆的;輕鬆的
I felt very relaxed after going for a walk outside.
Q furthermore [`f-\0~m7r] adv. 此外、再者
Furthermore, the apartment is conveniently located
Q plastic [`pl1st6k] adj. 塑膠(製)的 near an MRT station.
Do you need a plastic bag for your groceries?
NO. 165 8 月 7, 8 日

NO. 165 8 月 16 日

Q precious [`pr5]4s] adj. 珍貴的、寶貴的

Q upset [9p`s5t] adj. 不高興的、生氣的
Health is the most precious thing we have.
I was upset when I missed the bus and was late for
school. Q eventually [6`v5nt]4li] adv. 最終、終於
canal [k4`n1l] n. 運河 After months of looking, Garret eventually found a
We went for a walk along the canal after eating job.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q enthusiasm [6n`quzi~1z4m] n. 熱忱、熱情 Q aspect [`1s~p5kt] n. 面向、層面;方面

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Alan’s enthusiasm for his job is his greatest The movie explores various aspects of growing up
strength. in a small town.

Q client [`kla64nt] n. 客戶 Q unique [j8`nik] adj. 獨特的;唯一的

The lawyer told the judge that his client was not My parents painted the living room a very unique
guilty of the crime. color.

NO. 165 8 月 9, 10 日

NO. 165 8 月 1, 2 日
Q secure [s6`kj8r] v. (經過努力而)獲得、取得 Q furniture [`f-n6t]0] n. 家具
It is important for our company’s future that we Nancy sold her furniture before moving across the
secure this contract. country.

Q solid [`s3l4d] adj. 相當不錯、可靠的;充分的 Q genius [`d.inj4s] n. 天才(人物)

Rebecca had a solid reason for not showing up to Terry Tao is a math genius who has won many
work today. awards.

Q fountain [`fa8ntx] n. 噴泉 Q transportation [~tr1nsp0`te]4n] n. 運輸、

There is a magic show taking place next to the 運送;運輸工具或系統
fountain in the park. Due to busy roads, transportation in and out of
the city can be difficult.
Q outdoor [`a8t~d7r] adj. 戶外的、露天的
Q factor [`f1kt0] n. 因素、要素
Last night, the band gave an outdoor concert at
Low pay was the main factor in Greg quitting his job.
the festival.
Q meanwhile [`min~hwa6l] adv. 在此期間
attraction [4`tr1k]4n] n. 有吸引力的地方或事物
NO. 165 8 月 13 日

Q You finish cleaning; meanwhile, I’ll start cooking.

NO. 165 8 月 3 日
The tall roller coaster is one of the best attractions
at this theme park. Q weaken [`wik4n] v. 削弱;使虛弱
I felt weakened by my cold.
Q unstable [9n`steb4l] adj. 不牢固的;不穩定的
Q conduct [k4n`d9kt] v. 進行;處理
As soon as we placed the food on the unstable
The detectives conducted an investigation into the
table, everything fell to the ground.
actor’s disappearance.

Q wealth [w5lq] n. 財富
Q explanation [~5kspl4`ne]4n] n. 解釋

Benjamin’s Rolex watch was evidence of his large The scientists were seeking an explanation of what
wealth. they had observed.

Q host [host] v. 舉辦;主辦

Q purely [`pj8rli] adv. 完全地;純粹地
Catherine bought an extra album purely to
The school is going to host a dance next month.
support the artist.
Q olive [`3l6v] n. 橄欖、橄欖樹;橄欖色
NO. 165 8 月 14, 16 日

Q breed [brid] n. (寵物、牲畜)種;品種

NO. 165 8 月 6, 7 日
Can you add black olives to my portion of the pizza?
Several breeds of cat can be found at this pet store.
idiom [`6di4m] n. 慣用語;成語
Q fur [f-] n. (動物的)毛、毛皮
To improve her English, Tracy bought a book of
idioms. Our rabbit’s fur is very soft.

Q heel [hil] n. 腳跟;鞋跟

Q pregnant [`pr5gn4nt] adj. 懷孕的
My cousin just found out that she’s two months
These uncomfortable shoes make my heels hurt!
Q fond [f3nd] adj. 喜歡的;愛好的
Jenny is fond of eating ice cream while watching
Q determined [d6`t-m4nd] adj. 下定決心的
old TV shows. Jim is determined to do better on the next test.
Q affection [4`f5k]4n] n. 鍾愛、喜愛 Q recycle [ri`sa6k4l] v. 回收利用
Paul showed affection to his wife by kissing her on Remember to recycle all your glass, metal, and
the forehead. paper products!
NO. 165 8 月 16, 17 日

Q feature [`fit]0] v. 以……為特色

environmentally [~6nva6r4n`m5ntyi] adv.
NO. 165 8 月 8, 9 日

This soccer game will feature two of the best
players in the world.
Those chemicals are not environmentally friendly.
Q extreme [6k`strim] adj. 極度的;極端的
Stacy drives with extreme care in the rain. Q replacement [r6`plesm4nt] n. 接替、代替者
Mark gave Sally’s replacement a tour of the office.
rhyme [ra6m] v. 押韻、和……同韻
Do you know any words that rhyme with orange?
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q charm [t]3rm] n. 魅力 ethic [`5q6k] n. 倫理;道德規範

請 沿虛 線剪 下
John used his charm to convince Sally to go on a We are looking for people who have a good
date with him. attitude and strong work ethic.

Q popularity [~p3pj4`l5r4ti] n. 受歡迎;流行 Q impress [6m`pr5s] v. 使……印象深刻、使欽佩

The popularity of this brand grew after it was seen The singer impressed the crowd with her singing
in a big movie. ability.
NO. 165 8 月 17, 20 日

NO. 165 8 月 28 日
Q consume [k4n`sum] v. 吃喝、食用 Q credit [`kr5d6t] n. 功勞、稱讚;信用貸款;學分
Otto consumed the cheeseburger in five seconds. Credit for the project’s success goes to everyone
on this team.
Q wealthy [`w5lqi] adj. 富裕的
The majority of the students at this school come Q essential [6`s5n]4l] adj. 必要的;不可或缺的
from wealthy families. It is essential that you read the instructions before
you turn on the machine.

Q raisin [`rezx] n. 葡萄乾 Q flourish [`fl-6] ] v. (人或事業)成長茁壯;繁榮

Sean likes to eat raisins as an afternoon snack. Business flourished for the company with the
Q colony [`k3l4ni] n. 殖民地 release of its new product.
The crew’s mission was to set up a colony on Mars. Q ungrateful [~9n`gretf4l] adj. 不知感恩的
Q fascinating [`f1s4~net6;] adj. 非常有趣的 Don’t be so ungrateful; thank your aunt for the
It’s a fascinating story, but I wonder how much of wonderful gift.
NO. 165 8 月 21, 22 日

it is true.
NO. 165 8 月 29 日 Q adequately [`1d6kw4tli] adv. 充分地;適當地
Q comedian [k4`midi4n] n. 喜劇演員 Will this amount adequately cover the cost of
The audience laughed at the comedian’s funny repairs to your bike?
Q overcome [~ov0`k9m] v. 克服;戰勝
Q gratitude [`gr1t4~tud] n. 感激之情
Marge expressed her gratitude to Kerry by giving
Our team overcame the loss and went on to win
the next game. her a hug.

Q entertainment [~5nt0`tenm4nt] n. 娛樂表 Q constantly [`k3nst4ntli] adv. 不斷地;總是

演、娛樂 I always need to constantly remind him to finish his
My sister works as an actress in the entertainment homework.
industry. Q estimate [`5st4~met] v. 估計、評估
vegetarian [~v5d.4`t5ri4n] n. (不吃肉的)素 How long do you estimate it will take to fix the car?
食者、素食主義者 Q trillion [`tr6lj4n] n. 兆
NO. 165 8 月 30, 31 日

I prefer not to eat meat because I’m a vegetarian. The United States government is over 20 trillion
NO. 165 8 月 23 日

Q various [`v5ri4s] adj. 各種不同的 dollars in debt.

Students from various countries attend the sweat [sw5t] n. 汗、汗水
university. Janet used a towel to wipe the sweat off her forehead.
Q promote [pr4`mot] v. 推廣;促銷 odor [`od0] n. 氣味;臭味
We promoted our play by putting up posters all We looked all around the house to find the source
over the campus. of the odor.

Q definitely [`d5f4n6tli] adv. 當然、肯定地 Q outgoing [`a8t~go6;] adj. (個性)外向的

It is definitely going to be cold tonight. Outgoing people usually enjoy talking to
Q colleague [`k3lig] n. 同事 reserved [r6`z-vd] adj. 內向的;拘謹的
A few of my colleagues called in sick today. Greg is too reserved to let you know what he’s
really feeling.
Q appreciation [4~pri]i`e]4n] n. 感激 Q predict [pr6`d6kt] v. 預測、預料
NO. 165 8 月 24, 27 日

Don’t be shy to express your appreciation to your No one predicted that this man would win the
NO. 165 8 月 CNN

parents. election.
Q embarrass [6m`b5r4s] v. 使難堪;使尷尬 Q personality [~p-s4`n1l4ti] n. 個性;性格
He embarrassed her by asking a lot of difficult Walter is popular because he has a great personality.
questions. Q accurately [`1kj4r4tli] adv. 準確地;正確地
Larry continues to wear that watch even though it
doesn’t tell time accurately.
Q 表示大考出現過的字彙

Q professional [pr4`f5]4n4l] adj. 專業的;職業的 Q fashionable [`f1]n4b4l] adj. 流行的;時髦的

請 沿虛 線剪 下

Heather’s colleagues praised her for always being Sarah is known for being fashionable and wearing
professional at the office. the latest clothes.
Q highly [`ha6li] adv. 非常、極度地 Q fulfilling [f8`f6l6;] adj. 令人滿足的
The chances that it will rain tonight are highly likely. It is a fulfilling experience to travel around the world.
Q recognize [`r5k6g~na6z] v. 認可、表彰 Q dispute [d6`spjut] n. 爭論;爭執

NO. 165 8 月 28, 29 日

NO. 165 8 月 20, 21 日

Tom recognized the woman as a reliable colleague. The plot of the novel centers around a dispute
between two famous families.
Q passion [`p1]4n] n. 酷愛或喜歡做的事
Tania has always had a strong passion for music. Q approval [4`pruv4l] n. 認可;贊成;批准
Laura needs her parents’ approval to go to the party.
Q acceptance [6k`s5pt4ns] n. 接納;接受
Acceptance of the truth is the first step in fixing Q variety [v4`ra64ti] n. 種類、品種;變化
your life. The store sells a variety of beauty products.

vessel [`v5s4l] n. 血管 Q divorce [d4`v7rs] v. (和…… )離婚

Mary went to see a doctor because a blood vessel Janet divorced her husband last year.
burst in her eye.
Q perform [p0`f7rm] v. 表演、演出
Q vital [`va6ty] adj. 非常重要的;不可或缺的 The pianist performed at his school’s annual
It is vital that we don’t fall behind schedule on this concert.
project. Q career [k4`r6r] n. 事業、職業;職業生涯

NO. 165 8 月 22, 23 日

Janelle had a successful career as a lawyer.
NO. 165 8 月 30 日

Q transport [tr1ns`p7rt] v. 運送、運輸

Pat rented a truck to transport his things to his Q reveal [r6`vil] v. 揭露;透露
new house. Stacy revealed her plans to study abroad.

Q average [`1v4r6d.] adj. 一般的、普通的 Q crash [kr1]] v. (市場價值、價格等)暴跌

The average citizen in this country can speak three On October 19, 1987, stock markets worldwide
languages. crashed.

Q bacteria [b1k`t6ri4] n. 細菌 Q grateful [`gretf4l] adj. 感激的

The human stomach contains bacteria which help I’m really grateful for you taking the time to help
digest food. me move.

Q roughly [`r9fli] adv. 大約、約略地

Q preparation [~pr5p4`re]4n] n. 準備工作
The teacher was busy making preparations for her
I think that we will arrive at our hotel in roughly
first day on the job.
two hours.
NO. 165 8 月 31, CNN

NO. 165 8 月 23, 24 日

Q spare [sp5r] adj. 備用的;多餘的;空閒的
Q cycle [`sa6k4l] n. 週期;循環
I have a spare umbrella that I could give you.
The death of Jake’s pet was a valuable lesson to
him about the cycle of life and death. Q cautious [`k7]4s] adj. 謹慎的、小心的
Please be cautious when driving in the rain.
Q intelligent [6n`t5l4d.4nt] adj. 聰明的
Do you think that dogs are more intelligent than
Q kit [k6t] n. 成套用品、工具
cats? Sally took her makeup kit out of her bag.

Q political [p4`l6t6k4l] adj. 政治的;與政治有關的 Q insult [6n`s9lt] v. 侮辱;辱罵

Which political party do you support? Mark insulted me this morning, but he apologized
a few minutes afterward.
Q candidate [`k1nd4~d4t] n. 候選人;求職者
Of all the candidates, Rose was the most qualified Q compliment [`k3mpl4~m5nt] v. 讚美
for the position. Ivan complimented Erica on her new haircut.
Q campaign [k1m`pen] n. 活動、運動
The president’s campaign to reduce the use of
respectful [r6`sp5ktf4l] adj. 表示尊敬的
NO. 165 8 月 CNN

NO. 165 8 月 27 日

drugs by teenagers was a success. My mother taught me to be respectful to

Q digital [`d6d.4ty] adj. 數位的
Isaac bought a digital television to replace his old Q reasonable [`rizn4b4l] adj. 合情理的
one. Be reasonable—you can’t expect her to do all the
work in such a short time.


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