Newagent's. Butcher's.: Shoe Boots Post Office Department Store

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1.TRACK 8 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Lucy i Matta.

Zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5) są zgodne z

treścią nagrania (True – T), a które nie (False – F).
1.Matt’s holiday started well – F
2.Matt’s brother listened to his advice – T
3.They had enough money to buy some clothes. - T
4. Matt’s plans included shopping and sightseeing. - F
5.They got their bags eventually. - F

2.Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując nazwy miejsc. Pierwsze litery tych nazw zostały podane.
1.1 You can buy a magazine at a newagent’s.
2.You can buy some meat, like chicken, at a butcher’s.
3.You can buy new boots at a shoe boots.
4You can send a letter or buy a stamp at a post office
5You can buy lots of different things at a department store

3.Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. W ramce podano dwa dodatkowe słowa

1.My dad works a/an ESTATE agent’s-he sells houses.
2.If i buy this product today, what will be Its DELIVERY date.
3.A good leather jacket will last for AGES.
4.I’m very dissapointed with the QUALITY of their clothes-it used to be better.
5.You should always keep the RECEIPT after you buy something.

4.Zamień podane zdania na stronę bierną, uzupełniając luki maksymalnie pięcioma słowami. Nie
zmieniaj podanych fragmentów zdań.

1.Amy Galliano created this company in 1969.

This comapny was Created by Amy Galliano in 1969
2.My bank offers various online services.
Various online services are offered by my bank.
3.Where did they find my credit card?
Where was my credit Card found?
4.Someone opens the bakery every morning at seven o'clock.
The bakery is opened every morning at seven o'clock.
5.They haven't cleaned the bookstore yet.
The bookstore hasn't been Cleaned yet.

I can’t buy any more perfume this month. I’ve got very little / very few money left.

The new shop manager has to fix a lots of / lot of problems very soon.

How many / How much time do you spend shopping?

There are too much / too many people in the queue.

I know a few / few good shops in Hope Street. I’m sure you’ll find something nice there.

Is visited
1.Clothes from designer shops in the High Stree ARE VERY EXPENSIVE and are only for rich
people. (FORTUNE)

Clothes from designer shops in the High Street cost fortune and are only for rich people.
2.Too much
3.picked a bargain
4.make his living
5.are nobody

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