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Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic

horizontal slider
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Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider

Tutorial 1 will walk through how to create a basic horizontal slider component
in Adobe Flex Builder 3.
Refer to the Xcelsius 2008 Component Developer SDK Guide in the Create
a visual component section for the initial necessary steps for:
• Creating a project.
• Adding the Xcelsius 2008 Component Developer SDK framework.
• Creating a component file.
When an empty Flex project and the component file are created, the next
step is to write the code for the component class file.

This tutorial assumes that you have at least some knowledge of Cascading
Style Sheet (CSS), ActionScript 3.0, and MXML, the XML-based markup
language introduced by Adobe Flex.

Task 1: Writing the component class

definition in ActionScript
1. When creating an ActionScript (AS) class using Flex wizard, there are
options to include a super class and to specify that the wizard should
automatically generate the constructor. I specifically chose those options
for the following sample. The file name is

package com.businessobjects.xcelsius.sdk.samples
import mx.controls.HSlider;

public class BasicHorizontalSlider extends HSlider

public function BasicHorizontalSlider()

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider 3

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider
Task 1: Writing the component class definition in ActionScript

2. The slider then can be more sophisticated by adding a Label to it as a

subclass with the property _titleText and a property _showTitle to
display or hide the title. Don't forget to save the source files often.
3. Add the following line before the component class definition in addition
to import mx.controls.HSlider:

import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;

import mx.controls.Label;
import mx.styles.CSSStyle Declaration;
import mx.styles.StyleManager;

4. Also add these lines inside the class definition and above the class

private var _title:Label;

private var _titlesChanged:Boolean = true;
private var _titleText:String = "Title";

private var _showTitle:Boolean = true;

It is a good programming practice to initialize the component's properties
with default values. In this example, the default value for _titleText
is the string "Title". Variable _titlesChanged is the flag indicating when
the Label's text changes.
5. Implement get and set functions for each property of the component

// titleText Property

public function get title():String
return _titleText;

public function set title(value:String):void

if (value == null) value ="";
if (_titleText != value)
_titlesChanged = true;
_titleText = value;

4 Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider
Task 1: Writing the component class definition in ActionScript


// showTitle Property

public function get showTitle():Boolean
return _showTitle;

public function set showTitle(val

if (_showTitle != value)
_showTitle = value;
_titlesChanged = true;

6. Next override two functions createChildren and commitProperties from

the super class since we are adding a new subclass Label and two

override protected function createChil


//Allow the user to make this component

very small
this.minWidth = 0;
this.minHeight = 0;

//set snapInterval
this.snapInterval = 0.01;

_title = new Label();
_title.setActualSize(152, 20);
_title.y = _title.y - 20;
_title.setStyle("textAlign", TextFormatAl

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider 5

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider
Task 1: Writing the component class definition in ActionScript

_title.minWidth = 0;
_title.minHeight = 0;
_title.selectable = false;
_title.truncateToFit = true;
_title.percentWidth = 100;

override protected function commitProper


// Check if we need to update the title.

if (this._titlesChanged)
_title.text = _titleText;
_title.includeInLayout = true;
_titlesChanged = false;

_title.visible = _showTitle;

override protected function updateDis

playList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Num
_title.setActualSize(unscaledWidth, 20);
In createChildren(), using the addChild function is to add the
subclass Label to the HSlider instance. It is also possible to change any
built-in properties of the Label component before adding it to the parent
Function commitProperties() is where modifications to the component
properties are coordinated. In this example, we change the text of the
title Label to the current text and change the visibility of the Label based
on the _showTitle property.
According to livedocs on Adobe site, making a call to invalidateDis
playList() marks the component so that its updateDisplayList
method gets called during a later screen update. Invalidation is a useful
mechanism for eliminating duplicate work by delaying processing of
changes to the component until a later screen update. In updateDis

6 Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider
Task 2: Calling the component in the MXML application file

playList, the title Label size needs to be updated with the current text
7. Lastly, add [CxInspectableList ("title", "showTitle")] to display only title
and showTitle properties. See Default Property Sheet for more details.
8. Save and build the project.

Task 2: Calling the component in the

MXML application file
1. Open BasicHorizontalSliderSource.mxml. This file should already
contain the Application declaration for the project.
2. Replace <mx:Application
xmlns:mx="" layout="ab
solute"> with <mx:Application
xmlns:mx="" layout="ab
solute" xmlns:ns="com.businessobjects.xcelsius.sdk.sam

Notice the addition of xmlns:ns="com.businessobjects.xcel

sius.sdk.samples.*" . It is to create a custom XML tag for the
3. Inside the <mx:Application> and </mx:Application> tags, add
the following code: <ns:BasicHorizontalSlider width="100%"
4. Save and build the project.

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider 7

Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider
Task 2: Calling the component in the MXML application file

8 Tutorial 1 - Creating a basic horizontal slider

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