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Who is Kim Jong-un ?

Kim jong-un was the Supreme Leader of North Korea since
2011 and the leader of the Worker’s Party of Korea (WPK) since
2012, most remembered because of his dictatorship rule to his

Kim Jong-un holds the titles of :

* General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea,
*Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea
*Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers'
Party of Korea
*Marshal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

What is the main goal of Kim jong-un?

* Power
* Political survival
*Defend the sovereignty of the country at all costs including
with the use of nuclear weapons.
What are the things he did?
* Nuclear weapons development - North Korea and US war


One change Kim Jong-un is making to the country is their

military department. He has ideas to expand the military forces
with enlarged numbers and better weapons such as nuclear
and missile weapons. The effect this has on the citizens is that
more jobs are available in the military but there is a lot of
pressure to join. Their country is also prone to serious
consequences and attacks because of the dangerous illegal
nuclear weapons they have been creating.
I think Kim jong-un can be considered to famous leaders in the
world because of his style of leadership. Because of his strict
strict dictatorship The quality and quantity of food in North
Korea are both lacking due to trade restrictions. Also because
the country is run by a dictator there are no equal rights
meaning that some people get a lot and others get very little.
Many people are on very small rations of food meaning they
lack vitamins and protein. This leads to a generation of North
Koreans being ‘physically stunted and mentally retarded’
because of malnutrition and Equal rights do not apply in the
country meaning food is rationed differently. Kim is a dictator
and therefore decides who gets the small amount of food
North Korea is able to produce which leaves many people
starving. Rare visitors given permission to visit the country have
reported seeing people drop dead on the streets clearly
because of lack of food. Their dictator skills mean that they are
able to be in complete power and want to be in complete
power. If anyone is to speak out against the Kim family they are
taken to a prisoner camp. Families are kept in prison camps for
generations and generations, meaning that they are becoming
overcrowded and strict consequence are being put in place for
any chaos. Abuse such as whipping and burning is used on
these people.

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