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PODCAST 5 Good evening! Welcome to the Chinese Podcast of ACC wing. In this episode myself Cadet along with Cadet will discuss about the Chinese art and food. BEF! MOKISSLSSRAPES. ERX-KP; KR, LE RIE HATES HAZRHIER. Wanshang hao! Huanying lai dao junshi shiguan xuéyuan de zhongweén boke. Zai zhé yi jizhdng; w6, shiguan. gén shiguan yiqi jiang taolun zhongguo de yishu hé méishi. Chinese art is greatly influenced by the country's rich spiritual and mystical history. Many sculptures and paintings depict spiritual figures of Buddhism, according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. PHZNARRHRNS Be PAW DR 1. AMZN MIE, HERB TAHA. Zhongguo yishu shén shou gudjia de féngfu jingshén hé shénmi lishi de yingxiang. Ju dadt yisht bowuguan, xtidud didost hé huihua miaohuile fdjiao de jingshén rénwu. Many musical instruments are integral to Chinese culture, including the flute-like xun and the guqin, which is in the zither family. VERSE PRMKAIMRS HID, OIE REF -HNSMOSRAPH AS. Xtdud yueqi shi zhOngguo wénhua buké huo que de yibufen, baokud xiang dizi ylyang de xun hé gtiqin jiazu zhong de gugqin. Eastern-style martial arts were also developed in China, and it is the birthplace of kung fu. This fighting technique is based on animal movements and was created in the mid-1600s, according to Black Belt Magazine. PHRARSRHRK, SAHRA. fa RR GIME, RP HARET Nia a, Free pHAle. Zhongguo yé fazhanle dongfang wushu, shi wushu de fa yuan di. Ju hei dai zazhi baodao, zhé zhong gédou jishu jiyu dongwu de yundong, yu shilit shiji zhongqi chuangjian. Ancient Chinese were avid writers and philosophers — especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties — and that is reflected in the country's rich liturgical history. PHOCA GRR ERMESR-—AHe Ea -—XEPR NS StLMALPR BR Zhongguo guidai ren shi tan yu de zudjia he zhéxué jia——youdi shi zai ming qing shiqi ——zheé zai zhongguo de féngft liyi lishi zhong fanying. Recently, archaeologists discovered detailed paintings in a 1,400-year-old tomb in China. "The murals of this tomb had diversified motifs and rich connotations, many of which cannot be found in other tombs of the same period," mii, SO2REPH-BAB FNS ALSHhRPAMTFANLE, “ZRH MMSE, AMER, RE AGMA WR AM RAW. ” Zuijin, kaogti xué jia zai zhOnggud yizud yongydéu yigian litbai nian lishi de gu mu zhong faxianle xiangxi de huihua. “Gai mu bihua ticai dudyang, neihan féngfu, héndud shi tongqi qita muzang sud méiyou de.” Not talking about Chinese Food. Like other aspects of Chinese life, cuisine is heavily influenced by geography and ethnic diversity. Among the main styles of Chinese cooking are Cantonese, which features stir-fried dishes, and Szechuan, which relies heavily on use of peanuts, sesame paste and ginger and is known for its spiciness. ARPHER. SPRALEHRHAH— , RA RRIMBAMMRS NSC. op Tin EER RS IEW AAS BY SAD Led. SMES ALHURRS RHO MIF 0 Bu shud zhongguo cai. Yu zhongguod rén shénghué de qita fangmian yiyang, méishi shen shou dili hé zhongzu duoyang xing de yingxiang. Zhongshi péngren de zhttyao fénggé baokuod yi chaocai wei tesé de yuecai he yi huasheéng, zhimajiang he shéngjiang wei zht bing yi la weizhe chéng de sichuan cai. Rice is not only a major food source in China; it is also a major element that helped grow their society. The Chinese word for rice is fan, which also means "meal," and it is astaple of their diet, as are bean sprouts, cabbage and scallions. Because they do not consume a lot of meat — occasionally pork or chicken — tofu is a main source of protein for the Chinese. ARMMEPRNELSRMRIE, Khe Pits RI—-TEBAR. ARKH Mid#tR’, BRE’, BHNWER, S SORMAMH ee. AA HIIAIZ (RS A——A Rize ARS A—-—Shet Sl AWEBRARKE. Dami bujin shi zhonggud de zhityao shiwu laiyuan; zhé yéshi bangzhu tamen shehui fazhan de yigée zhuyao yinsu. Dami de zhongwen ci shi “fan”, yisi shi “fan”, shi tamen de zhushi, douya, juanxincai hé dacong yéshi ruci. Yinwei tamen bu chi hénduo rou——6u'ér chi zhurou hud jirou ——doufu shi zhongguo rén de zhuyao danbaizhi laiyuan.

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