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Understanding The Marketplace


(yg lainnya sudah ada di tutor tapi belum kasus starbucks sama EU banks)

pestle analysis : which is an important management framework now what is this management
framework used for what is PESTEL analysis used for and obviously pestle stands for something which
we are going to look at and it actually is a tool of framework used to to analyze the external factors
affecting various projects brands or businesses overall

now it's important to understand that various internal and external factors can affect the functioning of a
current project that you want to taken or a brand on the whole or you your entire business and a lot of
these internal and external factors change all the time and it's important to stay on top of understanding
these factors and understanding how they influence your business now SWOT analysis is another
management tool another framework used to to understand the strengths weaknesses opportunities and
threats corresponding to a project or a business

and in terms of PESTEL analysis it links in quite well with SWOT analysis because the opportunities and
the threats part of it links in quite well with pests of analysis because there are factors which
are external to the business
PESTEL analysis are out of control for the business they cannot be controlled by the business these are
external factors like regulations and law and businesses can't control the government's control them so
let's have a look at some of these factors and how these factors are categorized

now what does pestle stand for pestle

stands for
P =Politically
E =economic
S =social
L =illegal
E =environmental

these are like the categories in which these external issues facing the business or the project are
categorized under so because there are like six categories most of these external factors that affect
businesses or projects will fall under any at least one of these categories if not multiple categories and
over the course

most situations a lot of these factors are interconnected so a certain factor can be political and
technological or environmental at the same time because it's obvious to and it's it's obvious to understand
easy to understand that politicians set laws you know whether its economic economical laws or legal
regulations or environmental laws so

it's all linked to one another but it's

important to classify them and categorize them and understand how they impact your business so if we
look at political factors to begin with that stands for p4 pestle these would be government tax policies
regulations you know if there's an increase in in taxation in Indian City in the gum in

the country overall that would affect the business obviously business regulation policies policies that
affect governing businesses government laws on competition in the marketplace for instance if there is a
sort of a monopoly in the in the marketplace that you're operating in and the government provides
incentives newer organization and cuts down the incentives provided to regular organizations like
yourself that can have an effect on your business and that can be classified and their political influencing

and now we look at economics now for instance if the the exchange rate has gone down or basically your
currency your country's currency has devalued in the global financial markets that can be an economic
factor affecting your organization if you obviously import/export etc or book your goods yet from from
overseas the national GDP
obviously has an impact on absolutely everything to do with businesses and everyday life and what if
there is a reduction or an increase in public spending power that would definitely have an effect and these
are like the

economical factors that can affect your project or your business on the on the whole what about social

now social factors could be a basic change in styles or choices of the population something that's that's
that's very much in style in fashion at the moment can can this be phased out in no time whatsoever
because consumer tastes change all the time and that can impact your project or your organization on the
whole changing the population demographics now for instance if your target market if you're the segment
of the market in the in in your job geographical location of operation is a particular ethnic group for
instance and that ethnic group group has suddenly you know moved over to a different part of the world
etc you know these sort of changes are social changes and that can affect your business community
groups and pressure groups now there can be various pressure groups and community groups that can you
know influence that can voice their opinion against or for your organization causing a change and
becoming an influential factor in that way

Technological, factors a sudden rapid technological progress or in a sudden innovation in technology can
obviously have an impact because if everybody's moved on, everybody is adopted different technological
ways of doing certain things and you haven't then obviously you'd be left behind or if you're way ahead of
the block and wasting or spending too much money on on technology whereas you know nobody else's
and everybody else is looking for economical ways of doing things then obviously that's something that
you'd be looking under but that would be categorized under technology now improvement in

production technology something very commonly experienced by manufacturing and you know consumer
goods companies data storage and protection technology is something that affects mostbusinesses you
know once they are larger than you know a small small scale or in a way once they're once they cross that
small medium enterprise bracket I would

say legal factors what can be legal factors these are like factors relating to wages or employment these
could be taxation changes like company taxation, policy changes these could be just changes in
regulations relating to working practices in your industry in particular so various legal factors obviously
you could see that these these factors tie in very well with the political factors that we saw to begin with
and there is an evident link between all of these factors

environmental or ethical factors as they're called sometimes as well now these often relate to corporate
social responsibilities environment factors now obviously global warming and sustainability are like very
hot topic in the modern day for good reason obviously the environment needs to be protected so your
carbon emissions your comments footprint become very important factors and then if there are changes in
environment regulations some of these changes can affect you directly so it's important to understand
them want to study them important to understand how they're affecting your project or your
Tutorial =

Keywords :
The marketing environment
Micro-environment: The company, suppliers, intermediaries, customers, competitors, publics
Macro-environment: Demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, cultural

Company’s Marketing Environment

Actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing

management’s ability to build and maintain successful
relationship with target customers

Company’s Marketing Environment

Microenvironment : Actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers

Macroenvironment : Larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment

Actors in Microenvironment :
From left to right
1. The company : Marketers must work in harmony with other company departments to create
customer value and relationships.
2. Suppliers : In creating value for customers, marketers must work with other firms in the
company’s delivery network.
3. Marketing intermediaries
4. Competitors
5. Publics
6. Customers : are the most important actors in a company's microenvironment. The aim of the
entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create a strong relationship with

Actors in Microenvironment - 1

The Company
With marketing taking the lead, all departments share the responsibility for understanding customer needs
and creating customer value

Provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services
Most marketers today treat their suppliers as partners in creating and delivering customers value

Marketing Intermediaries
Firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers.

- Resellers (wholesalers and retailers)

- Physical distribution firms
- Marketing services agencies
- Financial intermediaries

Analyzing which companies are considered as competitors needs to be done carefully.

In general, to be successful, a company must:

• Provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors do

• Gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings strongly against

competitors’ offerings in the minds of consumers

Any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its

Financial publics
Media publics
Government publics
Citizen-action publics
Internal publics
General publics
Local publics


• Consumer markets
•Business markets
•Reseller markets
•Government markets
•International markets
Major forces in Macroenvironment
From left to right
1. Demographic : changing demographic means changing in markets and marketing strategy. For
example, netflix created “just for kids” portal and app targeting today’s fast growing tech-savvy
“gen z” segment.
2. Economics
3. Natural : has spawned a so-called green movement. For example, timberland is on a mission to
develop products that do less harm on this environment
4. Technological
5. Political
6. Cultural : Marketers also want to be socially responsible citizens. In their markets and
communities, For example : online eyewear seller Warty Parker was founded on a cause : For
every pair of glasses Warty Parker sells, it distributes a free pair to someone need

Forces in Macroenvironment - 1

• Demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people, and people make
up markets.
1. Demographic trends include:
• changing age structure
• geographic shifts in population
• better-educated, more professional population
• increasing diversity

2. Changing Age Structure

• Baby Boomers – born 1946 to 1964
• Generation X – born between 1965 and 1976
• Millennials – born between 1977 and 2000
• Generation Z – born after 2000

3. Geographic shifts in population

• Big cities still an option for many to live and work
• Increasing numbers of people to work from home

Economic Environment
Consists of economic factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns.
• Changes in income
• Cost of living
• Interest rates
• Savings and borrowing patterns

Value marketing : ways to offer today’s more financially frugal buyers

greater value – the right combination of product quality and good
service at a fair price

Natural Environments
The natural environment is the physical environment and the natural
resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by
marketing activities.

Trends in the Natural Environment

• Shortages of raw materials
• Increased pollution
• Increased government intervention
• Developing strategies that support environmental sustainability

Technological Environment

• Forces that create new technologies, new products and market

• Technology can make our life easier but also can be scary (talk
about privacy)
• Most dramatic force in changing the marketplace

Political and Social Environment

• The political environment includes laws, government agencies, and
pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and
individuals in a given society

• To exercise their social responsibility and build more positive images,

some companies doing the cause-related marketing

Cultural Environment

The cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a society’s basic values,
perceptions, and behaviors.

• Core beliefs and values are persistent and are passed on from parents to
children and are reinforced by schools, churches, businesses, and government
• Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change and include people’s
views of themselves, others, organizations, society, nature, and the universe
PESTLE Analysis

1. Political :
Government Policy
Political Stability
2. Environmental :
Weather climate
Climate changes
3. Economic :
Economic growth
Exchange rates
4. Social :
Growth rate
Age distribution
5. Legal :
Antitrust laws

6. Technology :
Technology incentives
Levels of innovation

Articles :
1. Subway : mau masuk RI
2. Kahf : personal care pria menggunakan hydrobalance sehingga lebih lembap, Sehingga,
produknya aman untuk semua jenis kulit. Kahf hadir dengan 5 kategori produk yaitu
serta .Kahf juga memiliki rangkaian yang
cocok untuk pria yang ingin menumbuhkan dan merawat kesehatan janggut dengan kandungan
a .
3. Citilink : perpanjang layanan gratis PCR dan atigen hingga 30 sept
4. Daihatsu Rocky : Rocky mobil dengan 1.200 cc harga mulai dari 170 jutaan “Hari ini kita ingin
menyampaikan bahwa, kini Daihatsu Rocky dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau, dengan
tampilan stylish, mobil baru, kemudian dengan fitur-fitur yang baru, sudah hadir di tengah-tengah
masyarakat, dan inden-nya hanya 1-2 bulan”
5. Milku : Wings food buat minuman susu UHT dari susu sapi belgia
6. Bobobox : Hotel kapsul
(Awalnya tuh Indra buat : marketplace buat fashion wanita, tapi gagal.

(yang dua video di gclass belum)

world. Rather than to sell sports and help the marketers identify and
products. recognize what the customers want.
2. Setting company objectives and MICROENVIRONMENT
goals 6 Actors :
- Business objectives 1. The company = marketers must
a. Build profitable work in harmony with other company
customer departments to create customer
relationships value and relationships.
b. Invest in research With marketing taking the lead, all
c. Improve profits departments share the responsibility
- Marketing objectives for understanding customer needs
a. Increase market and creating customer value.
share 2. Suppliers = in creating value for
b. Create local customers, marketers must partner
partnerships with other firms in the company’s
c. Increase promotion value delivery network.
Provide the resources needed by the
company to produce its goods and
services. Most marketers today treat
their suppliers as partners in
creating and delivering customers
3. Marketing intermediaries = firms that
help the company to promote, sell,
and distribute its goods to final
AUDI 31 AUG buyers.
Understanding The Marketplace - Resellers (wholesalers and
Micro-environment: the company, retailers)
suppliers, intermediaries, customers, - Physical distribution firms
competitors, publics - Marketing services agencies
Macro-environment: demographic, - Financial intermediaries
economic, natural, technological, 4. Competitors = Analyzing which
political, cultural companies are considered as
International brand : are the kind of competitors needs to be done
brands that their name already carefully
reaching the popularity of worldwide In general, to be successful, a
stage or used in more than one company must :
country. Example : nike, prada, - Provide greater customer
gucci, etc. value and satisfaction than
Why environments are important? its competitors do.
Because marketing needs the - Gain strategic advantage by
suitable environment for the positioning their offerings
business in order to run properly, strongly against competitors’
offerings in the minds of - Generation X - born between
consumers. 1965 and 1976
5. Publics = any group that has an - Millenials - born between
actual or potential interest in or 1977 and 2000
impact on an organization’s ability to - Generation Z - after 2000
achieve its objectives. 2. Economic
Ex : financial publics, media publics, 3. Natural = concern in the natural
government publics, citize-action environment has spawned a
publics, internal publics, general so-called green movement. For
publics, local publics example, Timberland is on a mission
6. Customers = the most important to develop products that do less
actors in the company’s harm to the environment.
microenvironment. The aim of the 4. Technological
entire value delivery system is to 5. Political
serve target customers and create 6. Cultural = marketers also want to be
strong relationships with them. socially responsible citizens in their
- Consumer markets markets and communities. For
- Business markets example, online eyeare seller Warby
- Reseller markets Parker was founded ona cause: For
- Government markets every pair of glasses Warby Parker
- International markets sells, it distributes a free pair to
MACROENVIRONMENT someone in need.
1. Demographic = changing
demographics mean changes in
markets and marketig strategies. For
example, Netflix created a “Just For
Kids” portal and app targeting
today’s fast-growing young,
tech-savvy “Gen Z” segment.
Demographic environment is of
major interest to marketers because
it involves people, and people make A tool/framework to analyze the external
up markets. factors
Demographic trends include : Political :
- Changing age structure 1. Government tax policies/regulations
- Geographic shifts in 2. Busness regulatioon policies
populations 3. Government laws on competition in
- Better-educated, more the marketplace
professional population Economic :
- Increasing diversity 1. Currency value/exchange rates
Chaging age structure : 2. National GDP
- Baby boomers - born 3. Public spending power
1946-1964 Social :
1. Changes in styles/choices
2. Population demographics
3. Community groups and pressure
Technology :
1. Rapid technological
2. Improvement in production
3. Data storage/protection technologies
1. Carbon emissions/footprint
2. Environmental protection regulations
3. CSR policies
Legal :
1. Laws relating to wages/employment
2. Employment taxation changes
3. Working practices regulations

Which macro or micro environment the

Bank industry fails to assess? MICRO

While banks are closing, Starbucks are

opening new branches total 28k worldwide.
Which macro or micro environment the
starbucks succeed in responding?
MACRO (cultural, demographic, economic)

Company’s marketing environment

Actors and forces outside marketing that
affect marketing management’s ability to
build and maintain successful relationship
with target customers.

Microenvironment = actors close to the

company that affect its ability to serve its
Macroenvironment = larger societal forces
that affect the microenvironment.

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