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Hung: On the 20th anniversary of 11th September, Britany Shammas and Michael S.

published an article named ‘They weren’t born yet when their dads died on 9/11. The loss shaped
their lives”. This article provides elaborate stories of the four teenagers who entered the world
after their fathers had already left due to that devastating attack.

Khanh: The first person who is introduced is Robin Ornedo. She was named Robin because it
sounded like Ruben – her father. Ruben Ornedo was on the flight from Washington to home and
was killed after the crash. Robin honestly claimed that she used to pretend her dad was alive to
get away from sadness. She created a model of a man with a purple shirt and blue tie to resemble
his dad. Furthermore, she decorated a tile with her handprints and the sentence “I love you” on
the paper planes and put it next to his picture. After few years, she considered her father as her
model so that she could feel connected to him. She has decided to study engineering to be like

Hung: The second person is Luke Taylor. Unlike Robin, the story of this young man focuses on
his adopted parents. His father, Kip Taylor, passed away in the Pentagon on 11th September, one
month before he was born. His mother - Nancy was soon diagnosed with breast cancer and died
when Luke was two years old. Luckily, Dean – Kip brothers and his wife accepted Nancy’s wish
to raise him and his brother. Luke paid a lot of respect for their new parents as he pointed out
that he felt that Dean devoted his life to him. He decided to follow his military tradition and
study in Reverse Officer Training Corps. A time capsule that contains letters and audio
recordings has been waiting for Luke until he becomes 21. In the author’s opinion, that plastic
container is regarded as a long-lasting connection between Luke and their biological parents.

Khanh: The third person who was unfortunately lost his dad on 11th September is Claudia. His
father was in the north tower of the world trade center when a hijacked plane slammed into the
building. She thinks about his father constantly every day, she even talks to his father before
sleep time. Claudia and her mother tried to close off at first. She has never once had a full
conversation will friends. In addition, her mom tried to get away from all news on the television.
They wanted to keep their loss for themselves. However, they felt better after learning from
people whose families’ member was lost. Her mom has remarried, had a third child, and moved
to a new place. Claudia will also be willing to share the story.

Hung: The final person who is mentioned in the article is Jack. As a kid, his mom freaked out
when she found out that Jack’s habits are just like the same thing as his father did. His father is
Jim Patrick, who was on the 105th floor in the Trading center on 11th September. He grew up
with stories and tapes about his father. Jack has been quite curious about his dad since he was a
toddler. As Jack began studying at school, he researched about that event and became more
resentful. He even had to experience the painful reality that his mother married another man.
However, thanks to the help of therapists, he stopped becoming pessimistic and accepted his new
family. After few years, Jack was fascinated by playing hockey and giving nicknames, just as the
same as his father. Jack and his family mourn Jim every day, including praying before dinner or
paying a visit to the memorial. Now, he is a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin, where
he’s studying business.

Khanh: -time capsule: a container that is filled with objects considered to be typical of the past
and then buried, so that it can be dug up and studied much later

-memorabilia: objects kept or collected because of their historical interest, especially those
associated with memorable people or events.

-close off:To avoid emotional connection with others; to isolate

-flesh-and-blood: used to talk someone in your family.

Ex: I was surprised at how much you cared for those homeless children who weren’t even your
flesh and blood

Replica: an exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale.

The September 11th event is associated with the Islamic extremist group Al Qaeda. Related to
Asia, on October 12, 2002, in Indonesia, when suicide bomb attacks on the popular tourist island
of Bali in Indonesia killed 202 people, 164 of them were foreign nationals. Subsequent
investigations led to the arrest of members of a secretive radical Islamist network.2 This network
is known as the JI, which stands for Jemaah Islamiah The JI also developed close links with Al
Qaeda, receiving funding and ideological training. The JI has been responsible for many recent
terrorist attacks, apart from Bali in 2002. They include the Christmas bombings in Manila and
Jakarta in 2000, the Marriott Hotel attack in Jakarta in 2003, the bomb attack on the Australian
High Commission in Jakarta in 2004, and the second Bali attack in October 2005. Those attacks
were unpredictable and destructive. Nevertheless, what is the lesson could countries learn from
America? By September 2003, two years after 9/11, the United States claimed to have killed or
captured 3,000 Al Qaeda members, or two-thirds of its membership and destroyed all its
sanctuaries in Afghanistan. A few years later, Barack Obama has officially announced the death
of Osama Bin Laden-the spiritual leader of Al-Qaeda Therefore, this event is a valuable lesson to
all countries that are suffering from terrorism. Disciplined security, well-organized government,
and military efforts are aspects that many countries would play an important role in the war of

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