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-get along famously (expr) /ɡet əˈlɒŋ ˈfeɪməsli/ have a very good relationship

= on very good terms with eachother

-empathy (n) /ˈempəθi/ the ability to relate to or understand sb else’s feelings
-conscience (n) /ˈkɒnʃəns/ the sense that makes you feel guilty if you do sth wrong
advocate: support
-human chain (n) /ˈhjuːmən tʃeɪn/ a long line of people linked together either by
holding hands, or to complete a task jointly
-Callous: nhẫn tâm
-humane(adj) /hjuːˈmeɪn/ showing compassion and kindness to people and animals
-benevolent (adj) /bəˈnevələnt/ willing to help and be generous towards others
-crowdfunding (n) /ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ/ the act of raising money for a project by attracting
large numbers of small donations, usually through social media sites
-detractor: a person who disparages someone or something
-keep in touch with
-entourage (n) /ˈɒnturɑːʒ/ a group of people who travel with or follow an important
-clique:a small group of people who spend their time together and do
not welcome other people into that group:
Underprivileged: without the money, possessions, education, opportunities, etc. that
the average person has
Renovation: the process of improving sth, especially a building
Scrounge: to get things, especially money or food, by asking for
them instead of buying them or working for them
Offset: to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is
no great difference as a result
Scandalous: ausing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality
or law (tai tiếng)
-Distinctive: đặc thù
-Appaling: causing shock, very bad and awful
-Prosecutor: a legal official who accuses someone
of committing a crime, especially in a law court
-demolition: the act of demolishing or destroying sth
-apathetic: thờ ơ
-clickbait (n) /ˈklɪkbeɪt/ images and words, etc. on the internet which attract users to
open links to particular sites

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